Where is the app.config - vb.net

I have created a new project in Visual Studio 2013 (class library). There is no app.config. When I select add new item, there is no app.config in the list. Were is the app.config?
I have a ClassLibrary, which contains a number of NUnit Test classes. The problem is that there is lot of code like this throughout the application:
_ConString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("GeniedbConnection").ConnectionString
Therefore when I run the tests I get a Null Pointer Exception. Is it possible to do this in the test classes:
ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("GeniedbConnection").ConnectionString = "Connection String"
I get a Null Pointer Exception when I put the code on the above line into the test class. I believe it is because I am trying to set the variable before declaring it. Is that correct?

A class library doesn't contain an app config, since it isn't an app on it's own, but it can be an addition to an app. You will see an app config if you would create a winform application for example.
Class libraries are dll files that are frequently exchanged between different applications, these are often frequently used classes, that can speed up development, since you don't have to write code that you wrote once before.
MSDN Class Library
You should use a UnitTest project and not a class library. Following question + answer will help you out, about using the .config file of your application: Use appliction config file from unittest project
UnitTest Project

If you add a reference to System.Configuration in your class library then you can use the following namespace to access the app.config of any applications which use it:
Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager
Dim x As String = AppSettings("MySettingName")


References to startup object fail when converting WinForms app to Class Library

I'm trying to convert WinForms app into a class library - long story short the production environment I'm working in will allow our users to make changes to DLLs but not EXEs, so I'm trying to shove an entire existing app into a DLL and then just create and show an instance of the startup object/form from a second WinForms app with the goal of creating some kind of auto-update system.
I've changed the output type of the project to Class Library, added the launcher app, etc, but attempting to build the old app as a class library throws hundreds of errors, almost all of which are Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.
Upon inspection, these errors are appearing everywhere in the code that the startup object/form or any of its properties or methods are referenced. Since a great many things in a WinForms application naturally reference the main form... this is problematic.
Stuff like:
If DbConn = n.DbConn_.Prod Then
miParent = mainform.MiProdReq
throws the aforementioned error upon the attempt to access mainform.MiProdReq
Am I missing some simple/obvious step here?
You are referring to the default instance of the mainform type in that code. Default instances are provided by something automagically generated when building Windows Forms Application projects. Class Library projects have no such thing as default instances, so any code that tries to use them will appear to be trying to access instance members as though they were Shared.
You need to put an instance somewhere and change your code to refer to that instead. If you use a global variable, which is not ideal itself but the simplest option for where you're at, then you can just do a Find & Replace In Files to find the references you need to change.
Note that default instances are something that most experienced developers would suggest avoiding anyway. They don't exist in C# and I've never heard complaints about that, so it's hardly onerous. They were added to VB as a convenience for beginners and migrating VB6 developers who weren't used to proper OOP.
I haven't tested it but you may be able to use Application.OpenForms(0) to get a reference to the startup form anywhere in your library. You could, perhaps, add a module like this:
Module Module1
Private _mainform As Form1
Public ReadOnly Property mainform As mainform
If _mainform Is Nothing Then
_mainform = DirectCast(Application.OpenForms(0), mainform)
End If
Return _mainform
End Get
End Property
End Module
and then your code may even just work as it is.

Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.OwinContextExtensions doesn't seem to work

I am creating a custom asp.net.identity provider in a separate assembly in order to use it from two different web api 2 projects.
I took the default vs2013 template for a web api project as a guide and so far I have implement the required classes.
In the separate assembly I am using a user manager class derived from Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager(Of T) class.
Public Class EzeUserManager
Inherits UserManager(Of EzeIdentityUser)
Now I want to implement the create shared function in order to use as a callback in the CreatePerOwinContext function. According to the template, I am declaring it like this:
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
Imports Microsoft.Owin
Public Class EzeUserManager
Inherits UserManager(Of EzeIdentityUser)
... Class Implementation ...
Public Shared Function Create(options As IdentityFactoryOptions(Of EzeUserManager), context As IOwinContext)
Dim Result As New EzeUserManager(New EzeIdentityUserStore(context.Get(Of EzeLDAPContext)()))
The problem is that
context.Get(Of EzeLDAPContext)()
fails because it requires a key.
From the template I can see that the get method which doesn't require a key is an extension defined in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.OwinContextExtensions which I have already installed and referenced through nuget and imported it in the class.
But it doesn't work.
I found that the key is actually the type name of the class so probably I can overcome this problem, however I didn't try it yet because I really want to make the extensions to work.
The question is: Am I missing something here?
Notes: The project in question is a Class Library targeting .NET 4.5.1 with the following references:
As I explained in the question, I was using the template generated by VS as a guide. During the implementation process of my project, I had update the nuget packages several times but only in my project not in the template project (same solution) since I was going to deleted it afterwards. This resulted the two projects to reference two different versions of the required assemblies.
I don't know how exactly and why this "multi" reference caused this problem but once I updated the template project's nuget packages the problem was resolved.
I hope this helps someone with a similar issue.

XAML cannot find reference in local namespace

I created a new Metro Split App in C++ using VS2012 on Win8 (both RC). Everything compiled and worked out of the box. I then changed went through and changed the generated namespaces to my own. After some trials and tribulations, I got everything to compile with no warnings, errors, nor messages. The app (as it comes in the project template) runs fine.
However, if I try to edit either of the generated xaml files (ItemsPage.xaml or SplitPage.xaml) I get a "Markup error" on the first line:
The name "LayoutAwarePage" does not exist in the namespace "using:A.B.Product.Client.Common".
The definition of the class is:
namespace A{ namespace B { namespace Product { namespace Client { namespace Common
The code compiles fine, and runs fine. This only happens in design mode.
UPDATE: I added a new xaml file and (after fixing up the namespaces again) everything worked.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
The name of the WinMD file produced by your project must be some prefix of the namespaces in which the public WinRT types are defined. Given that your type is in the A.B.Product.Client.Common namespace , the WinMD file must have one of the following names:
The public types must also be defined in the WinMD file with the longest prefix that matches the namespace. So, if you have both A.winmd and A.B.winmd, the type A.B.MyClass must be defined in A.B.winmd.
So, why does your code work at runtime but not in the designer? The naming rules for public types only apply to types defined in Windows Runtime components (for C++, DLL files), not for applications (EXEs).
However, to be able to instantiate your user-defined types (including LayoutAwarePage), the designer will load your project's EXE as a DLL, so the naming rules must be followed.
I had a similar bug, but then I closed VS, deleted the .suo, and reloaded the project and everything worked just fine.

Sudden FileNotFoundException message

I am modifying an existing application in VB .NET.
In one routine, I have added a reference to a class in a newly-referenced class library project that is part of my solution, and now I get run-time FileNotFoundException messages when the program attempts to access this routine while debugging. The error tells me that the class can't be found, what's up with that?
To be clear: if I remove the lines of code relating to the new class, I no longer receive the exception messages. If I add them back in, here they come again!
I have referenced the class library in the project containing this routine.
The class library is building properly (other projects reference same library, and use it more extensively), and the project is referencing the class library's .dll file in my "debug" folder.
I get no errors from other routines that use this new class (thus far).
I get no errors in the Error List of the IDE.
What in the world could be happening here?
This is a project reference, not a reference to an assembly (DLL), right?
Are the .NET frameworks the same?
Does the project you are referencing depend on some external assemblies not included in the other project, that might be called, producing the file not found?

vb.net creating and using namespace

I've googled for creation of namespaces and found some very useful examples, what these examples didn't have is how do I compile and implement my created namespace on my system so I can include it from my various applications.
So for example, if I create a namespace to load a config file from my application path and insert it to an array, Do i need to include the namespace on any project I use or is there a way to make it part of my environment?
You're thinking of Class Library (DLL) projects.
When you start up a new Visual Studio project, select Class Library rather than Windows Form project. This will compile your namespaces as a DLL (exposing your public classes), which can be referenced in other projects.
If you want to include a namespace that you created you have to add a reference to your project first. If you have compiled your code into a .dll file, then simply add the reference to the .dll file to your project and then at the top of your classes put the "Imports [Namespace]". If you haven't compiled your namespace, add the project (with the namespace that you created) to your solution, add the reference to it (under the Projects tab), and then use the Imports statement.
You are confusing the concept of a namespace with the concept of a project, especially of a class library project.
A class exists within a namespace. If no namespace is defined, then the class still exists within the global namespace (the one with no name).
In any case, it's classes that do the work. Namespaces are only so that you can have a class named Book, and I can have a class named Book, and so that TriDat.Book can exist at the same time as JohnSaunders.Book.