As a part of an application that i am building in, i am trying to import multiple txt files and be able to count how many lines of that file start with a specific number (for example 1) and show it in a message box.
Here is my code so far:
OpenFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "txt"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each File In OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
For Each fileName In OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
Dim Linecount = line.count
If line.StartsWith("1") Then
End If
The above code does not work as it gives me wrong number of lines. In my txt file i have only one line that starts with "1".
You are just showing the number of characters in each line here:
For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
Dim Linecount = line.Count ' Number of characters
You could use LINQ to get the number of lines that start with one:
Dim lineWithOne = File.ReadLines(fileName).Count(Function(l) l.StartsWith("1"))
If you don't want or can't use LINQ, this is the classic way:
Dim lineWithOne = 0
For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
If line.StartsWith("1") Then lineWithOne += 1
I'm getting illegal characters in path, but the directory (the path) will be different for everyone, so I'm not setting a value for the "path", it's what the user chooses in the file explorer.
I haven't seen a solution for yet so here's the code I have now:
myFileDlog.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
myFileDlog.Filter = "Txt Files (*.txt)|*.txt"
myFileDlog.FilterIndex = 2
myFileDlog.RestoreDirectory = True
If myFileDlog.ShowDialog() =
DialogResult.OK Then
If Dir(myFileDlog.FileName) <> "" Then
MsgBox("File Not Found",
End If
End If
'Adds the file directory to the text box
TextBox1.Text = myFileDlog.FileName
Dim fileReader As String
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(myFileDlog.FileName)
Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileReader)
At Dim lines() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileReader)
It breaks with the Illegal Characters in Path exception, and I'm not sure how to test where the illegal character is, because it's grabbing from your own file directory. Any help with this?
The problem originated from this line:
Dim fileReader As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(myFileDlog.FileName)
fileReader takes all string contents from the corresponding file name and pass it into File.ReadAllLines method at next line, throwing ArgumentException with illegal file path message if illegal characters found inline.
Correct way to read file contents using ReadAllLines is using predefined file path or directly using FileDialog.FileName property as argument given below:
Using myFileDlog As OpenFileDialog = New OpenFileDialog()
' set dialog filters here
If (myFileDlog.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
If Dir(myFileDlog.FileName) <> "" Then
Dim lines() As String = File.ReadAllLines(myFileDlog.FileName)
For Each line As String In lines
' do something with file contents
' show "file not found" message box
End If
End If
End Using
Since ReadAllLines already being used to fetch all file contents, usage of ReadAllText may be unnecessary there.
I have this code
Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
fileReader =
Dim stringReader As String
'read csv file from first to last line
While fileReader.ReadLine <> ""
'get data of line
stringReader = fileReader.ReadLine()
'check the number of commas in the line
Dim meh As String() = stringReader.Split(",")
If meh.Length > 14 Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("Filepath", "asd", True)
ElseIf meh.Length < 14 Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("Filepath", "asd", True)
ElseIf meh.Length = 14 Then
MsgBox("This line of the file has " & stringReader & meh.Length & "commas")
End If
End While
End Sub
To explain, the above code would check EACH line of a CSV file to check weather the contents has 14 commas('). Then if that line has more commas, the code will reduce it to 14, and if not, it would write commas so that it would be equal to 14. The above conditions are not created yet, so the code is just for testing. I read something about WriteAllText and this code gives me the error :
The process cannot access the file 'filepath' because it is being used by another process.
Which, I think, means that I cant edit the CSV file because I'm currently using its data.
My question is, how could I edit the contents of the CSV file even when I am checking its contents?
Please do disregard this code
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("Filepath", "asd", True)
as I use this code just for testing, if ever I could manage to write it to the CSV file.
I Thank you for all your help.
If your CSV is not too big, you can read it in memory and work with it. When you have finish you can write it again on disk.
'Declare 2 List (or you can work directly with one)
Dim ListLines As New List(Of String)
Dim ListLinesNEW As New List(Of String)
'Read the file
Using MyCSVread As New IO.FileStream("C:\MyCSV.csv", IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)
'Read all the lines and put it in a list of T (string)
Using sReader As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(MyCSVread)
Do While sReader.Peek >= 0
End Using
End Using
'Your code for work with the line. Here you can write the new lines in the NEW list of string or work directly in the first
For L As Integer = 0 To ListLines.Count - 1
Dim meh As String() = ListLines(L).Split(",")
If meh.Length > 14 Then
'your code ...
ElseIf meh.Length < 14 Then
'your code ...
ElseIf meh.Length = 14 Then
MessageBox.Show("The line " & (ListLines(L) + 1) & " of the file has " & meh.Length & "commas", "MyApp", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)
End If
'Open again the file for write
Using MyCSVwrite As New IO.FileStream("C:\MyCSV.csv", IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite)
'Write back the file with the new lines
Using sWriter As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(MyCSVwrite)
For Each sLine In ListLinesNEW.ToArray
End Using
End Using
The "Using" auto close the filestream or a streamreader/write or what you use. Then you will not have problem like "file already in use".
Hope this help.
I am looking for an easiest way to read multiple text files at one time and extract all the duplicate lines from each text file and copy those duplicate lines to a new text file with headings representing name of parent text file. I am dealing with more than 20 text files at a time and it is a mess to go through each one by one. Secondly, I am dealing with large / heavy file (more or less 30,000 lines in each file) .. I am currently using a program with "Stream Reader" and "Stream Writer" and I prefer to have the same approach for my understanding. OR any new and easy way is Welcome !!
I want to compare 2 text files and get the duplicate lines on to a new text file. I don't want to remove/delete/overwrite: Just to copy them across to a new text file.
Please use openfiledialog and savefiledialog for the files.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Best Regards
Dim Dim optxtfile As New OpenFileDialog
optxtfile.RestoreDirectory = True
optxtfile.Multiselect = False
optxtfile.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt"
optxtfile.FilterIndex = 1
If (Not optxtfile.FileName = Nothing) Then
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Using sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(optxtfile.FileName)
While sr.Peek <> -1
Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()
Dim isNew As Boolean = True
For Each dupl As String In lines
If (dupl = line) Then isNew = False
If (isNew) Then lines.Add(sr.ReadLine())
End While
End Using
Dim svDir As String
If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(optxtfile.FileName)) Then
svDir = optxtfile.filename
Dim svtxtfile As New SaveFileDialog
svtxtfile.RestoreDirectory = True
svtxtfile.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt"
svtxtfile.FilterIndex = 1
If (svtxtfile.FileName = Nothing) Then
svDir = optxtfile.FileName
svDir = svtxtfile.FileName
End If
End If
Using write2text As New System.IO.StreamWriter(svDir)
For Each line As String In lines
End Using
End If
End Sub
Helo there!
it seems that i am facing a problem with my code in Please be patient as i am a complete beginner in programming. I am trying to code a program that will load 2 or more txt files, find and exclude specific lines (starting with some characters or contain some characters) and then merge and save only one file that will contain all the information after the editing (from all the files).
I am using openfiledialog and i have set the multiselect to true. Below is the code for the OpenfileDialog:
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
For Each File In OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
If i am correct, it loads the filenames and reads all the text from the files. For the editing i am using the following code:
Dim outputLines As New List(Of String)()
For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadLines(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Uline1 = line.StartsWith("text1")
Uline2 = line.StartsWith("text2")
Uline3 = line.StartsWith("text3")
Uline4 = line.StartsWith("text4")
Uline5 = line.StartsWith("text5")
Uline6 = line.StartsWith("text7")
Uline7 = line.StartsWith("sometext")
Trash = line.Contains("^")
If Uline1 Or Uline2 Or Uline3 Or Uline4 Or Uline5 Or Uline6 Or Uline7 Or Trash Then
End If
For the output i am using a savefiledialog with the following code:
SaveFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "txt"
SaveFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
SaveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True
If (SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(SaveFileDialog1.FileName, outputLines)
Although the files are being loaded correctly, the edit seems to happen only in one file (the last selected) and again the program saves only one file.
Could you please point me to the right direction?
You need to nest your loops through the file names returned by the open file dialog, and the lines returned by the ReadLines calls. You also don't need to remove lines from the outputLines list, since they are never added. Something like:
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim outputLines As New List(Of String)()
For Each fileName In OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
For Each line As String In System.IO.File.ReadLines(fileName)
Uline1 = line.StartsWith("text1")
Uline2 = line.StartsWith("text2")
Uline3 = line.StartsWith("text3")
Uline4 = line.StartsWith("text4")
Uline5 = line.StartsWith("text5")
Uline6 = line.StartsWith("text7")
Uline7 = line.StartsWith("sometext")
Trash = line.Contains("^")
If Not (Uline1 Or Uline2 Or Uline3 Or Uline4 Or Uline5 Or Uline6 Or Uline7 Or Trash) Then
End If
End If
If the files are very large you will start to run into memory issues, and will need to write the data out as it is read instead of keeping it all in memory.
Based on the comments, if you want to check the following line to determine if the current line should be written, you could use something like this. Note the use of ReadAllLines and the For loop.
Dim outputLines As New List(Of String)()
For Each fileName In OpenFileDialog1.FileNames
Dim lines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(fileName)
For i As Integer = 0 To lines.Count - 1
Dim line As String = lines(i)
If line.StartsWith("19") AndAlso i < lines.Count - 2 AndAlso lines(i + 1).StartsWith("15") Then
outputLines.Add(lines(i + 1))
i += 1
End If
I'm using Below is my code on read a txt file and my txt file is quite large. I successfully read and display my Test.txt in txt2.Text, I want my output inside the Test.txt same line by line to be display inside the txt2.Text, I have set up my txt2.Text as multiple line. So when i enlarge my txt2.Text, my output will be the same as inside the Test.txt file. how do i used VbCrLf inside my code?
Dim filename As String = "C:\Users\user\Documents\Test.txt"
Dim Line As String = ""
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Using sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(filename)
Line = sr.ReadLine
If Line = "*" Then
Line = sr.ReadLine
Line = sr.ReadLine
Loop Until Line = "**"
End If
Line = sr.ReadLine
Loop Until Line = ""
End Using
txt2.Text = sb.ToString
End Sub
Your loop remove the CarriageReturn and LineFeed characters from the input line.
You could readd them changing this line
But you will find soon that you have a bigger problem.
Inside the loop you execute various ReadLine without checking if you have really another line available to read. I don't know the structure of your file, but some kind of error checking is advisable.
With a text file like this:
Assuming that there are no more * before the ** is reached, this code will add the appropriate lines to the textbox as is:
Using sr As New IO.StreamReader("textfile1.dat")
Dim line As String = ""
While Not sr.EndOfStream
line = sr.ReadLine
If line = "*" Then
TextBox1.AppendText(sr.ReadLine & vbNewLine)
Loop Until sr.Peek = Asc("*"c)
End If
End While
End Using