Clustered index vs. Non-clustered index including ALL columns (SQL Server) - sql

A brief overview of the scenario:
My database uses GUID's as primary keys, and, for what I've been reading, it seems like it's somewhat bad to have clustered indexes on GUID's (increases fragmentation, slows down inserts etc.). My project uses hibernate so we usually deal with jpql and fetching of full entities (a lot of queries end up turning into select p.* from person p [...])
I would like to know if it would be a good approach to create non-clustered indexes covering all columns of a table (in order to avoid RID lookups, etc.).
Thanks for the help, already!

No, it is not a good approach. It sounds like you've already read that having the clustered index on a GUID is a bad idea. Instead, create an int (or bigint, if necessary) identity field and make that the clustered index, unless another field makes more sense. Then just create a nonclustered index on the GUID field, and let SQL do an RID lookup for each query that uses it. This way you can avoid fragmentation and slow inserts/updates/deletes.

Premature optimization is a bad idea. Is the data size cost and effort added to inserts, updates, and deletes worth adding the index? Unless you measure and test performance and the impact of your index, you won't know. Look at the queries that read the table and see which, if any, are unacceptably long. Then tune that specific query.


Can creating a primary key on a #temp table increase proc speed?

If you create a primary key on a large #temp table,
or perhaps a few other indexes, what are the potential speed benefits, and what are the potential slowdowns?
Is it normally a good idea to this with a large #temp table?
I've seen one article referenced in another stackoverflow question,,
but it doesn't give much of an explanation.
Indices (including an implicit index for a primary key) are useful in the same way for a temp table as with a normal table. That is, if they can be used in the query they will be. (In actuality, the query planner may choose to ignore indexes, and indexes over only small scans are largely wasted.)
However, due to caveats of when query plans are derived, etc, it isn't as simple as just using create index on the temp-table later. The article in the post discusses ways of specifying the indexes in the table schema through implicit indexes created due to the use of a primary key and UNIQUE -- in this manner it ensures that the query planner "sees" this extra information.
(Note that the article was written in 2004; SQL Server 2008 may not have this same issue. I do not know. In any case it is a [clever] trick to obtain the desired results.)
The negatives of indexes are the same as well -- over indexing leads to both more overhead in creation/maintenance of the indexes and may, in suboptimal cases, confuse the query planner. Thus, the indexes created should be based on the usage pattern and supported with benchmarks/query analysis.
Happy coding.
As a general rule, if you are going to query that table a lot, then create the index. If you are just going to insert or delete records from it, then don't.
Anyway, testing the table with and without indexes and comparing the results after its use would be all you need to answer the question :)

Should searchable date fields in a database table always be indexed?

If I have a field in a table of some date type and I know that I will always be searching it using comparisons like between, > or < and never = could there be a good reason not to add an index for it?
The only reason not to add an index on a field you are going to search on is that the cost of maintaining the index overweights its benefits.
This may happen if:
You have a really tough DML on your table
The existence of the index makes it intolerably slow, and
It's more important to have fast DML than the fast queries.
If it's not the case, then just create the index. The optimizer just won't use it if it thinks it's not needed.
There are far more bad reasons.
However, an index on the search column may not be enough if the index is nonclustered and non-covering. Queries like this are often good candidates for clustered indexes, however a covering index is just as good.
This is a great example of why this is as much art as science. Some considerations:
How often is data added to this table? If there is far more reading/searching than adding/changing (the whole point of some tables to dump data into for reporting), then you want to go crazy with indexes. You clustered index might be needed more for the ID field, but you can have plenty of multi-column indexes (where the date fields comes later, with columns listed earlier in the index do a good job of reducing the result set), and covered indexes (where all returned values are in the index, so it's very fast, like you're searching on the clustered index to begin with).
If the table is edited/added to often, or you have limited storage space and hence can't have tons of indexes, then you have to be more careful with your indexes. If your date criteria typically gives a wide range of data, and you don't search often on other fields, then you could give a clustered index over to this date field, but think several times before you do that. You clustered index being on a simple autonumber field is a bonus for all you indexes. Non-covered indexes use the clustered index to zip to the records for the result set. Don't move the clustered index to a date field unless the vast majority of your searching is on that date field. It's the nuclear option.
If you can't have a lot of covered indexes (data changes a lot on the table, there's limited space, your result sets are large and varied), and/or you really need the clustered index for another column, and the typical date criteria gives a wide range of records, and you have to search a lot, you've got problems. If you can dump data to a reporting table, do that. If you can't, then you'll have to balance all these competing factors carefully. Maybe for the top 2-3 searches you minimize the result-set columns as much as you can configure covered indexes, and you let the rest make due with a simple non -clustered index
You can see why good db people should be paid well. I know a lot of the factors, but I envy people to can balance all these things quickly and correctly without having to do a lot of profiling.
Don't index it IF you want to scan the entire table every time. I would want the database to try and do a range scan, so I'd add the index, but I use SQL Server and it will use the index in most cases. However different databases many not use the index.
Depending on the data, I'd go further than that, and suggest it could be a clustered index if you're going to be doing BETWEEN queries, to avoid the table scan.
While an index helps for querying the table, it will also slow down inserts, updates and deletes somewhat. If you have a lot more changes in the table than queries, an index can hurt the overall performance.
If the table is small it might never use the indexes therefore adding them may just be wasting resources.
There are datatypes (like image in SQL Server) and data distributions where indexes are unlikely to be used or can't be used. For instance in SQL Server, it is pointless to index a bit field as there is not enough variability in the data for an index to do any good.
If you usually query with a like clause and a wildcard as the first character, no index will be used, so creating one is another waste of reseources.

How to know when to use indexes and which type?

I've searched a bit and didn't see any similar question, so here goes.
How do you know when to put an index in a table? How do you decide which columns to include in the index? When should a clustered index be used?
Can an index ever slow down the performance of select statements? How many indexes is too many and how big of a table do you need for it to benefit from an index?
What about column data types? Is it ok to have an index on a varchar or datetime?
Well, the first question is easy:
When should a clustered index be used?
Always. Period. Except for a very few, rare, edge cases. A clustered index makes a table faster, for every operation. YES! It does. See Kim Tripp's excellent The Clustered Index Debate continues for background info. She also mentions her main criteria for a clustered index:
static (never changes)
if ever possible: ever increasing
INT IDENTITY fulfills this perfectly - GUID's do not. See GUID's as Primary Key for extensive background info.
Why narrow? Because the clustering key is added to each and every index page of each and every non-clustered index on the same table (in order to be able to actually look up the data row, if needed). You don't want to have VARCHAR(200) in your clustering key....
Why unique?? See above - the clustering key is the item and mechanism that SQL Server uses to uniquely find a data row. It has to be unique. If you pick a non-unique clustering key, SQL Server itself will add a 4-byte uniqueifier to your keys. Be careful of that!
Next: non-clustered indices. Basically there's one rule: any foreign key in a child table referencing another table should be indexed, it'll speed up JOINs and other operations.
Furthermore, any queries that have WHERE clauses are a good candidate - pick those first which are executed a lot. Put indices on columns that show up in WHERE clauses, in ORDER BY statements.
Next: measure your system, check the DMV's (dynamic management views) for hints about unused or missing indices, and tweak your system over and over again. It's an ongoing process, you'll never be done! See here for info on those two DMV's (missing and unused indices).
Another word of warning: with a truckload of indices, you can make any SELECT query go really really fast. But at the same time, INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs which have to update all the indices involved might suffer. If you only ever SELECT - go nuts! Otherwise, it's a fine and delicate balancing act. You can always tweak a single query beyond belief - but the rest of your system might suffer in doing so. Don't over-index your database! Put a few good indices in place, check and observe how the system behaves, and then maybe add another one or two, and again: observe how the total system performance is affected by that.
Rule of thumb is primary key (implied and defaults to clustered) and each foreign key column
There is more but you could do worse than using SQL Server's missing index DMVs
An index may slow down a SELECT if the optimiser makes a bad choice, and it is possible to have too many. Too many will slow writes but it's also possible to overlap indexes
Answering the ones I can I would say that every table, no matter how small, will always benefit from at least one index as there has to be at least one way in which you are interested in looking up the data; otherwise why store it?
A general rule for adding indexes would be if you need to find data in the table using a particular field, or set of fields. This leads on to how many indexes are too many, generally the more indexes you have the slower inserts and updates will be as they also have to modify the indexes but it all depends on how you use your data. If you need fast inserts then don't use too many. In reporting "read only" type data stores you can have a number of them to make all your lookups faster.
Unfortunately there is no one rule to guide you on the number or type of indexes to use, although the query optimiser of your chosen DB can give hints based on the queries you are executing.
As to clustered indexes they are the Ace card you only get to use once, so choose carefully. It's worth calculating the selectivity of the field you are thinking of putting it on as it can be wasted to put it on something like a boolean field (contrived example) as the selectivity of the data is very low.
This is really a very involved question, though a good starting place would be to index any column that you will filter results on. ie. If you often break products into groups by sale price, index the sale_price column of the products table to improve scan times for that query, etc.
If you are querying based on the value in a column, you probably want to index that column.
SELECT a,b,c FROM MyTable WHERE x = 1
You would want an index on X.
Generally, I add indexes for columns which are frequently queried, and I add compound indexes when I'm querying on more than one column.
Indexes won't hurt the performance of a SELECT, but they may slow down INSERTS (or UPDATES) if you have too many indexes columns per table.
As a rule of thumb - start off by adding indexes when you find yourself saying WHERE a = 123 (in this case, an index for "a").
You should use an index on columns that you use for selection and ordering - i.e. the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.
Indexes can slow down select statements if there are many of them and you are using WHERE and ORDER BY on columns that have not been indexed.
As for size of table - several thousands rows and upwards would start showing real benefits to index usage.
Having said that, there are automated tools to do this, and SQL server has an Database Tuning Advisor that will help with this.

Uniqueidentifier PK: Is a SQL Server heap the right choice?

OK. I've read things here and there about SQL Server heaps, but nothing too definitive to really guide me. I am going to try to measure performance, but was hoping for some guidance on what I should be looking into. This is SQL Server 2008 Enterprise. Here are the tables:
JobID (PK, GUID, externally generated)
StartDate (datetime2)
Several more accounting fields, mainly decimals and bigints
JobStepID (PK, GUID, externally generated)
Several more accounting fields, mainly decimals and bigints
Usage: Lots of inserts (hundreds/sec), usually 1 JobStep per Job. Estimate perhaps 100-200M rows per month. No updates at all, and the only deletes are from archiving data older than 3 months.
Do ~10 queries/sec against the data. Some join JobSteps to Jobs, some just look at Jobs. Almost all queries will range on StartDate, most of them include AccountId and some of the other accounting fields (we have indexes on them). Queries are pretty simple - the largest part of the execution plans is the join for JobSteps.
The priority is the insert performance. Some lag (5 minutes or so) is tolerable for data to appear in the queries, so replicating to other servers and running queries off them is certainly allowable.
Lookup based on the GUIDs is very rare, apart from joining JobSteps to Jobs.
Current Setup: No clustered index. The only one that seems like a candidate is StartDate. But, it doesn't increase perfectly. Jobs can be inserted anywhere in a 3 hour window after their StartDate. That could mean a million rows are inserted in an order that is not final.
Data size for a 1 Job + 1 JobStepId, with my current indexes, is about 500 bytes.
Is this a good use of a heap?
What's the effect of clustering on StartDate, when it's pretty much non-sequential for ~2 hours/1 million rows? My guess is the constant re-ordering would kill insert perf.
Should I just add bigint PKs just to have smaller, always increasing keys? (I'd still need the guids for lookups.)
I read GUIDs as PRIMARY KEYs and/or the clustering key, and it seemed to suggest that even inventing a key will save considerable space on other indexes. Also some resources suggest that heaps have some sort of perf issues in general, but I'm not sure if that still applies in SQL 2008.
And again, yes, I'm going to try to perf test and measure. I'm just trying to get some guidance or links to other articles so I can make a more informed decision on what paths to consider.
Yes, heaps have issues. Your data will logically fragment all over the show and can not be defragmented simply.
Imagine throwing all your telephone directory into a bucket and then trying to find "bob smith". Or using a conventional telephone directory with a clustered index on lastname, firstname.
The overhead of maintaining the index is trivial.
StartDate, unless unique, is not a good choice. A clustered index requires internal uniqueness for the non-clustered indexes. If not declared unique, SQL Server will add a 4 byte "uniquifier".
Yes, I'd use int or bigint to make it easier. As for GUIDs: see the questions at the right hand side of the screen.
Note, PK and clustered index are 2 separate issues even if SQL Server be default will make the PK clustered.
Heap fragmentation isn't necessarily the end of the world. It sounds like you'll rarely be scanning the data, so that's not the end of the world.
Your non-clustered indexes are the things that will impact your performance. Each one will need to store the address of the row in the underlynig table (either a heap or a clustered index). Ideally, your queries never have to use the underlying table itself, because it stores all the information needed in the ideal way (including all columns, so that it's a covering index).
And yes, Kimberly Tripp's stuff is the best around for indexes.
As your own research has shown, and as all the other answerers have mentioned, using a GUID as the clustered index on a table is a bad idea.
However, having a heap also isn't really a good choice, since heaps have other issues, mostly to do with fragmentation and other things that just don't work well with a heap.
My best practice advice would always be this:
do use a primary, clustered key on any data table (unless it's a temporary table, or a table used for bulk-loading)
try to make sure the clustered key is a INT IDENTITY or BIGINT IDENTITY
I would argue that the benefits you get by adding a INT/BIGINT - even just for the sake of having a good clustered index - far outweigh the drawbacks this has (as Kim Tripp also argues in her blog post you cited).
As a GUId is your primary and foreign key your database will still need to check the contraints on every insert you will probably need to index this. Indexing a GUId is not advisable due to it's randomness. Therefore I'd say absolutely you should go down the bigint (probably identity) route for your primary key and use it as a clustered index.

SQL Server 2000 Index - Clustered vs Non Clustered

I have inherited a database where there are clustered indexes and additional duplicate indexes for each of the clustered index.
IX_PrimaryKey is a clustered index on the column ID.
IX_ID is a non clustered index on the column ID.
I want to clean up these duplicate non clustered indexes and I wanted to check to see if anyone could think of a reason to do this.
Can anyone think of a performance benefit for doing this?
For exact same indexes, there's no performance gain. Actually, it incurs performance loss in insertion and updates. However, if there are multicolumn indexes with different column order, there might be a valid reason for them.
Maybe I'm not thinking hard enough, but I can't see any reason to do this; the nature of the clustered index is that the data is organized in the order of the index. It seems that the extra index is a complete waste.
Digging through BOL and watching this question, though ...
There seems no sensible reason for doing this, and there is a performance hit.
The only thing I could think of to do this is to create an index with an incredibly narrow row width so that the rows per page was very high, making it very quick to scan / seek. But since it contains no other fields (except the clustered key, which is the same value) I still cannot see a reason for it.
It's quite possible the original creator was not aware that the PK was defaulting to a clustered index and created an NC index without realising it was a duplicate.
I presume what would have happened is that SQL Server would have automatically created clustered index when a primary key constraint was specified (this would happen if another index (non-clustered/clustered) is not present already) and then some one might have created a non-clustered index for the primary key column.
Such a scenario would:
Have some adverse effect on performance as indexes are updated when inserts/deletes/updates happen.
Use additional disk space.
Might lead to deadlocks.
Would contribute to more time in backup/restore of database.
It will be a waste to create a clustered primary key. Unless you have query that search for records using WHERE ID = 10 ?
You may want to create a clustered index on the column which will be frequently queried on WHERE City = 'Sydney'. Clustered means that SQL will group the data in the table based on the clustered index. By grouping the City values in the table means SQL can search for data quicker.
Storing two indexes over the same data is a waste of disk space and the processing needed to maintain the data.
However, I can imagine a product which depends on the existence of an index named IX_PrimaryKey. E.G.
string queryPattern = "select * from {0} as t with (index(IX_PrimaryKey))";
You can make the argument that the clustered index itself occupies much less space than the others, since the leaf is the actual data. On the other hand, the clustered index can be more susceptible to page splitting, and some indexes are better non-clustered.
Putting this together, I can definitely think of scenarios where removing the duplicate indexes would be a Bad Thing:
Code like above which depends on a known index name.
Code which can alter the clustered index to any of the non-clustered indexes.
Code which uses the presence/absence of IX_PrimaryKey to treat the table in a certain way.
I don't consider any of these good design, but I can definitely imagine someone doing it. (Have you posted this to DailyWTF?)
There are cases where it makes sense to have overlapping indexes which are not identical:
create index IX_1 on table1 (ID)
create index IX_2 on table1 (ID, TYPE, ORDER_DATE, TOTAL_CHARGES)
If you are looking up strictly by ID, SQL can optimize and use IX_1. If you are running a query based on ID, TYPE, ORDER_DATE and summing up TOTAL_CHARGES, SQL can use IX_2 as a "covering index", satisfying all the query details from the index without ever touching the table. Generally this is something you add in the course of performance tuning, after extensive testing.
Looking at your given example of two indexes on exactly the same field, I don't see a great fit. Perhaps SQL can use IX_ID as a "covering index" when checking for the existence of a value and bypass some blocking on IX_PrimaryKey?