IFRAME with HTA prompt with VB - vb.net

I have an HTA prompt with VB code. I would like a URL loaded within the HTA window when the "SUBMIT" button is clicked. However, I cannot find any information that is helpful for my situation. Can someone please help me include an iframe in my HTA prompt so that a website can be displayed? I can use https://www.google.com as an example. Let me know if you have any questions.
Here is the code I currently have for the submit button:
bodystring = bodystring & "<BR><BR><BUTTON CLASS='Bttn_Back' OnClick='PrevStage()'>BACK</BUTTON> <BUTTON CLASS='Bttn_Submit' OnClick='NextStage()'>SUBMIT SURVEY</BUTTON>"
Here is my section of code for the "NextStage()" function:
ElseIf STAGE = 62 Then
End If

Put this to the HTML of the HTA:
<iframe id="htmlhere" src="" style="display: none;"></iframe>
Then in nextStage():
document.getElementById("htmlhere").src = "http:/..."; // Loads a new document to iframe
document.getElementById("htmlhere").style.display = ""; // Setting style.display empty shows the iframe
Sorry for using JS, but my VB skills are more or less zero.


Click String That Runs Javascript

I am trying to click a string of text within a web browser control that runs some javascript, I am unsure how to click the text as the method I use for buttons does not work in this instance
Function Clk(WebBrowserID, ElementID)
Return "Clicked"
End Function
This is all that is visible to the client in regards to the clickable text
<div class="task-skip pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-1">
I am completely lost on how to either click the text so that the javascript script runs or to invoke the script through code so the button does not need to be pressed, any help would be greatly appreciated.
The solution that I found and worked is as below hope this will help anyone else with the issue.
For Each Element As HtmlElement In Browser.Document.All
If Element.InnerText = "TEXT HERE" Then
End If

Getting Visual Basic Program to Type into an HTML <p> and <input> tag with no id/name

So I have a program that takes a few inputs from textboxes and then adds them all up into two strings. Basically here is the problem, I am trying to get one of the strings to go into the forum post "title" and one into the forum "body". (This is not a spam program, it makes it easier for people to post ban reports for players on our server.) Here is the HTML codes for the website I am trying to type into;
<p class="ipsField_content">
<input id="topic_title" class="input_text" type="text" size="60" maxlength="150" name="TopicTitle" value="" tabindex="2">
The HTML code above is for the topic title area I want to type into. The problem with this is that it always says how it can not find this area.
'This is the HTML code for the forum body:
<body spellcheck="true" class="cke_show_borders">
<p>This is where I want to be able to type</p>
With the HTML code above, I can't seem to get this VB code below to select that text area and enter in my string.
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("p").InnerText = post
One reason is because VB doesn't allow me to use .innertext on a tag, and the other is that I do not know how to really specify which "p" tag. Like there is multiple "p" tags on this webpage, but it is the only "p" inside the "body" tag, if I could specify that somehow.
Here is the VB code I am using currently for the program.
Dim Report As String
Report = YourName & Suspect2 & Server & Time2 & Reason & RulesBroken & Proof
Dim topictitle As String
topictitle = ("" & Suspect & " - " & txtReason.Text & txtReasonCustom.Text & "")
txtTitle.Text = topictitle
txtPost.Text = Report`
making sure that the words "sign out" is on the page to insure the webbrowser is signed in.
`Dim theElementCollection As HtmlElementCollection
theElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In theElementCollection
Dim controlName As String = curElement.GetAttribute("name").ToString
If WebBrowser1.DocumentText.Contains("Sign Out") Then
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("topic_title").InnerText = txtTitle.Text
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementByTagName("body").firstchild.InnerText = txtPost.Text
End If`
this code below is used to click the submit button
also this is the html code for the "Post New Topic" button
<input type="submit" name="dosubmit" value="Post New Topic" tabindex="50" class="input_submit" accesskey="s">
Anyways that is it. I tried to include as much information and as much lines of code as I could to show that I really am trying.
Please help, I have tried the MSDN links, but I can't seem to apply it to this.
From your code I think you are using the WebBrowser control. There is a much less resource hogging alternative. Since you are really only interested in posting to a form, you don't need the overhead of a browser. You can use the HTTPWebRequest to POST the data/text from your textboxes directly to a URL. An example can be found here:
It's not the best tutorial in the world but it will get you on your way. You would of course still need to know what data you need to send to the web site.

I want a 'Text Field' in a folder that is within a document library - Sharepoint 2010

I am rather new to sharepoint and have been lucky enough to find the answer to all my questions with research. I have no found the answer to this question yet.... How do I add a text field WITHIN a folder that is WITHIN a document library. Example: I want to put instructions for upload within a specific folder. I tried to to the 'edit page' --> add text, but the text shows up at the top of ALL folders within that library and I just want it in one. Thank you for your assistance!
Kind regards,
You can manage visibility of your message using JavaScript as below.
Don't directly add your message in text field; instead click of the text field you have added, and click "Edit HTML Source" in ribbon bar as highlighted in below image.
Then paste below code in newly opened window:
(Don't forget to replace "Your Message" and "FolderNameInWhichMessageToBeShown" in below code)
<div id="MyCustomMessage">
Your Message
<script type="text/javascript">
if(decodeURIComponent(document.URL).indexOf('FolderNameInWhichMessageToBeShown') == -1)
document.getElementById('MyCustomMessage').style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById('MyCustomMessage').style.display = 'block'
Click "OK" and Save your page.

Colorbox: pop-up image with link to external site on click

I hope someone can help me. I have colorbox working on a new client site, but I'm having troubles figuring out how to add code that will allow for the image that pops up to be clicked and then linked to an external site in a new tab.
This is what I have so far:
$("a[rel='pop']").colorbox({transition:"fade", speed: 250});
<span class="h2">Baby Knits Kit</span> (2007)<br>Chronicle Books<br>
In the above, when Baby Knits Kit is clicked a pop-up opens fine with the image I created (about.babyknitskit.png). On top of the pop-up there's "Get it at Chronicle Books" and when I click it will take me to that site (in the same tab which I don't want). Instead, I would like the about.babyknitskit.png image to be clickable and opening up the link in a new window.
Any thoughts much appreciated. I hope I've given you guys enough information as I'm new to all of this and stackoverflow.
Simply use the html property of colorbox. Alternatively you could use the href property with 'inline' set to true. I have defined a custom attribute for the anchor for easier extraction, alternatively you could write a regex pattern to extract it from the title attribute.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a[rel='pop']").colorbox({transition:"fade", speed: 250, html: function(){
var html = $('<img src="' + $(this).attr('href') + '" />');
return html;
<span class="h2">Baby Knits Kit</span> (2007)<br>Chronicle Books<br>

IE automation send the HTTP Post directly to the form action using VBA

I am having some automation trouble.
I am using HTML Object Library to automate an download. At the end of the automation process, I have to click a submit button of a form and then the download starts.
When I try to handle the dialog with the winapi32 function like this:
hWndDialog = 0
'Wait until the dialog is open
While hWndDialog = 0
hWndDialog = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Dateidownload")
'get the handle of the button
hWndDialogSpeichern = FindWindowEx(hWndDialog, 0, "Button", "&Speichern")
Call SetForegroundWindow(hWndDialog)
'send message
lRetval = SendMessage(hWndDialogSpeichern, &H5, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
Nothing happens. I read something, that this isn't possible, because the dialog is modal?
So I try to send the POST data directly to the form's action. I think this is the best possibility even.
But I don't know what to send to the server.
Here the form in the html page:
<form action="/smarti/bismt/bismt/resexport" method="post">
<input class="active" type="button" onclick="submitform()" name="button_export" value="Export">
submitform() only check some values and then calls:
However, when I send a POST request to "/smarti/bismt/bismt/resexport" I only get the page. I don't know how to set up the request header. Tried to use firebug, to see what is sending to the form, but saw nothing I recognized.
Did you try adding a question mark ? and then the names of the text input boxes? Like http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/zcl_3_results.jsp?zip5=92101.