RankOver Partition by with minutes and seconds - sql

I am trying to sequence data and as it occurs there are instances where I have to order this sequence using hour/minutes and seconds. However when I use the rank/partition by function, it's almost as if it does not recognize this as chronological data at all. An example of the data I am trying to sequence is below:
Mod_Order Last_Activity ACTIVITY_DATE_DTTM hdm_modif_dttm
1 NULL 15/08/2007 00:00:00 59:47.3
2 NULL 27/09/2007 14:30:02 59:22.9
3 NULL 27/11/2007 15:30:02 59:10.5
3 NULL 27/11/2007 15:30:02 58:38.9
As you can see the last two ACTIVITY_DATE_DTTM date times are exactly the same so I need to go a step further - I removed the date from the hdm_modif_dttm field to see if it made any difference but it does not (I left it as time though as I figured it does not make any difference anyhow). So my code was as follows:
Update q
set q.Mod_Order = b.Mod_Order
from [#Temp_last_act_2]q
Left join
RANK () over
(partition by pathway_id
order by pathway_id, ACTIVITY_DATE_DTTM,hdm_modif_dttm) as Mod_Order,
from #temp_Last_act_2
) as b on b.PATHWAY_ID = q.PATHWAY_ID
Is anyone aware of any limitations using this function that I am unaware of or is there a function that may handle this better (or am I being really daft?)


Agregating a subquery

I try to find what I missed in the code to retrieve the value of "Last_Maintenance" in a table called "Interventions".
I try to understand the order rules of SQL and the particularities of subqueries without success.
Did I missed something, something basic or an important step?
---Interventions with PkState "Schedule_Visit" with the Last_Maintenance aggregation
SELECT Interventions.ID AS Nro_Inter,
--Interventions.PlacesList AS Nro_Place,
MaintenanceContracts.Num AS Nro_Contract,
Interventions.TentativeDate AS Schedule_Visit,
--MaintenanceContracts.NumberOfVisits AS Number_Visits_Contracts,
--Interventions.VisitNumber AS Visit_Number,
(SELECT MAX(Interventions.AssignmentDate)
FROM Interventions
WHERE PkState = 'AE4B42CF-0003-4796-89F2-2881527DFB26' AND PkMaintenanceContract IS NOT NULL) AS Last_Maintenance --PkState "Maintenance Executed"
FROM Interventions
INNER JOIN MaintenanceContracts ON MaintenanceContracts.Pk = Interventions.PkMaintenanceContract
WHERE PkState = 'AE4B42CF-0000-4796-89F2-2881527ABC26' AND PkMaintenanceContract IS NOT NULL --PkState "Schedule_Visit"
GROUP BY Interventions.AssignmentDate,
ORDER BY Nro_Contract
I try to use GROUP BY and HAVING clause in a sub query, I did not succeed. Clearly I am lacking some understanding.
The output of "Last_Maintenance" is the last date of entire contracts in the DB, which is not the desirable output. The desirable output is to know the last date the maintenance was executed for each row, meaning, for each "Nro-Contract". Somehow I need to aggregate like I did below.
In opposition of what mention I did succeed in another table.
In the table Contracts I did had success as you can see.
MaintenanceContracts.Num AS Nro_Contract,
MAX(Interventions.AssignmentDate) AS Last_Maintenance
--MaintenanceContracts.Name AS Place
FROM MaintenanceContracts
INNER JOIN Interventions ON Interventions.PkMaintenanceContract = MaintenanceContracts.Pk
WHERE MaintenanceContracts.ActiveContract = 2 OR MaintenanceContracts.ActiveContract = 1 --// 2 = Inactive; 1 = Active
GROUP BY MaintenanceContracts.Num, MaintenanceContracts.Name,
ORDER BY Nro_Contract
I am struggling to understanding how nested queries works and how I can leverage in a simple manner the queries.
I think you're mixed up in how aggregation works. The MAX function will get a single MAX value over the entire dataset. What you're trying to do is get a MAX for each unique ID. For that, you either use derived tables, subqueries or windowed functions. I'm a fan of using the ROW_NUMBER() function to assign a sequence number. If you do it correctly, you can use that row number to get just the most recent record from a dataset. From your description, it sounds like you always want to have the contract and then get some max values for that contract. If that is the case, then you're second query is closer to what you need. Using windowed functions in derived queries has the added benefit of not having to worry about using the GROUP BY clause. Try this:
MaintenanceContracts.Num AS Nro_Contract,
--MaintenanceContracts.Name AS Place
i.AssignmentDate as Last_Maintenance
FROM MaintenanceContracts
--This fuction will order the records for each maintenance contract.
--The most recent intervention will have a row_num = 1
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY PkMaintenanceContract ORDER BY AssignmentDate DESC) as row_num
FROM Interventions
) as i
ON i.PkMaintenanceContract = MaintenanceContracts.Pk
AND i.row_num = 1 --Used to get the most recent intervention.
WHERE MaintenanceContracts.ActiveContract = 2
OR MaintenanceContracts.ActiveContract = 1 --// 2 = Inactive; 1 = Active
ORDER BY Nro_Contract

JOIN other table only if condition is true for ALL joined rows

I have two tables I'm trying to conditionally JOIN.
dbo.Users looks like this:
dbo.TelemarketingCallAudits looks like this (date format dd/mm/yyyy):
UserID Date CampaignID
------ ---------- ----------
24525 21/01/2018 1
24525 26/08/2018 1
24525 17/02/2018 1
24525 12/01/2017 2
5425 22/01/2018 1
7676 16/11/2017 2
I'd like to return a table that contains ONLY users that I called at least 30 days ago (if CampaignID=1) and at least 70 days ago (if CampaignID=2).
The end result should look like this (today is 02/09/18):
UserID Date CampaignID
------ ---------- ----------
5425 22/01/2018 1
7676 16/11/2017 2
Note that because I called user 24524 with Campaign 1 only 7 days ago, I shall not see the user at all.
I tried this simple AND/OR condition and then I found out it will still return the users I shouldn't see because they do have rows indicating other calls and it simply ignoring the conditioned calls... which misses the goal obviously.
I have no idea on how to condition the overall appearance of the user if ANY of his associated rows in the second table did not meet the condition.
internal_TelemarketingCallAudits.CallAuditID IS NULL --No telemarketing calls is fine
internal_TelemarketingCallAudits.CampaignID = 1 --Campaign 1
DATEADD(dd, 75, MAX(internal_TelemarketingCallAudits.Date)) < GETDATE() --Last call occured at least 10 days ago
internal_TelemarketingCallAudits.CampaignID != 1 --Other campaigns
DATEADD(dd, 10, MAX(internal_TelemarketingCallAudits.Date)) < GETDATE() --Last call occured at least 10 days ago
I really appreciate your help.
Try this: SQL Fiddle
select *
from dbo.Users u
inner join ( --get the most recent call per user (taking into account different campaign timescales)
select tca.UserId
, tca.CampaignId
, tca.[Date]
, case when DateAdd(Day,c.DaysSinceLastCall, tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end LastCalledInWindow
, row_number() over (partition by tca.UserId order by case when DateAdd(Day,c.DaysSinceLastCall, tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end desc, tca.[Date] desc) r
from dbo.TelemarketingCallAudits tca
inner join (
values (1, 60)
, (2, 70)
) c (CampaignId, DaysSinceLastCall)
on tca.CampaignId = c.CampaignId
) mrc
on mrc.UserId = u.UserId
and mrc.r = 1 --only accept the most recent call
and mrc.LastCalledInWindow = 0 --only include if they haven't been contacted in the last x days
I'm not comparing all rows here; but rather saw that you're interested in when the most recent call is; then you only care if that's in the X day window. There's a bit of additional complexity given the X days varies by campaign; so it's not the most recent call you care about so much as the most likely to fall within that window. To get around that, I sort each users' calls by those which are in the window first followed by those which aren't; then sort by most recent first within those 2 groups. This gives me the field r.
By filtering on r = 1 for each user, we only get the most recent call (adjusted for campaign windows). By filtering on LastCalledInWindow = 0 we exclude those who have been called within the campaign's window.
NB: I've used an inner query (aliased c) to hold the campaign ids and their corresponding windows. In reality you'd probably want a campaigns table holding that same information instead of coding inside the query itself.
Hopefully everything else is self-explanatory; but give me a nudge in the comments if you need any further information.
Just realised you'd also said "no calls is fine"... Here's a tweaked version to allow for scenarios where the person has not been called.
SQL Fiddle Example.
select *
from dbo.Users u
left outer join ( --get the most recent call per user (taking into account different campaign timescales)
select tca.UserId
, tca.CampaignId
, tca.[Date]
, case when DateAdd(Day,c.DaysSinceLastCall, tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end LastCalledInWindow
, row_number() over (partition by tca.UserId order by case when DateAdd(Day,c.DaysSinceLastCall, tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end desc, tca.[Date] desc) r
from dbo.TelemarketingCallAudits tca
inner join (
values (1, 60)
, (2, 70)
) c (CampaignId, DaysSinceLastCall)
on tca.CampaignId = c.CampaignId
) mrc
on mrc.UserId = u.UserId
mrc.r = 1 --only accept the most recent call
and mrc.LastCalledInWindow = 0 --only include if they haven't been contacted in the last x days
or mrc.r is null --no calls at all
Update: Including a default campaign offset
To include a default, you could do something like the code below (SQL Fiddle Example). Here, I've put each campaign's offset value in the Campaigns table, but created a default campaign with ID = -1 to handle anything for which there is no offset defined. I use a left join between the audit table and the campaigns table so that we get all records from the audit table, regardless of whether there's a campaign defined, then a cross join to get the default campaign. Finally, I use a coalesce to say "if the campaign isn't defined, use the default campaign".
select *
from dbo.Users u
left outer join ( --get the most recent call per user (taking into account different campaign timescales)
select tca.UserId
, tca.CampaignId
, tca.[Date]
, case when DateAdd(Day,coalesce(c.DaysSinceLastCall,dflt.DaysSinceLastCall), tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end LastCalledInWindow
, row_number() over (partition by tca.UserId order by case when DateAdd(Day,coalesce(c.DaysSinceLastCall,dflt.DaysSinceLastCall), tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end desc, tca.[Date] desc) r
from dbo.TelemarketingCallAudits tca
left outer join Campaigns c
on tca.CampaignId = c.CampaignId
cross join Campaigns dflt
where dflt.CampaignId = -1
) mrc
on mrc.UserId = u.UserId
mrc.r = 1 --only accept the most recent call
and mrc.LastCalledInWindow = 0 --only include if they haven't been contacted in the last x days
or mrc.r is null --no calls at all
That said, I'd recommend not using a default, but rather ensuring that every campaign has an offset defined. i.e. Presumably you already have a campaigns table; and since this offset value is defined per campaign, you can include a field in that table for holding this offset. Rather than leaving this as null for some records, you could set it to your default value; thus simplifying the logic / avoiding potential issues elsewhere where that value may subsequently be used.
You'd also asked about the order by clause. There is no order by 1/0; so I assume that's a typo. Rather the full statement is row_number() over (partition by tca.UserId order by case when DateAdd(Day,coalesce(c.DaysSinceLastCall,dflt.DaysSinceLastCall), tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end desc, tca.[Date] desc) r.
The purpose of this piece is to find the "most important" call for each user. By "most important" I basically mean the most recent, since that's generally what we're after; though there's one caveat. If a user is part of 2 campaigns, one with an offset of 30 days and one with an offset of 60 days, they may have had 2 calls, one 32 days ago and one 38 days ago. Though the call from 32 days ago is more recent, if that's on the campaign with the 30 day offset it's outside the window, whilst the older call from 38 days ago may be on the campaign with an offset of 60 days, meaning that it's within the window, so is more of interest (i.e. this user has been called within a campaign window).
Given the above requirement, here's how this code meets it:
row_number() produces a number from 1, counting up, for each row in the (sub)query's results. The counter is reset to 1 for each partition
partition by tca.UserId says that we're partitioning by the user id; so for each user there will be 1 row for which row_number() returns 1, then for each additional row for that user there will be a consecutive number returned.
The order by part of this statement defines which of each users' rows gets #1, then how the numbers progress thereafter; i.e. the first row according to the order by gets number 1, the next number 2, etc.
case when DateAdd(Day,coalesce(c.DaysSinceLastCall,dflt.DaysSinceLastCall), tca.[Date]) > getutcdate() then 1 else 0 end returns 1 for calls within their campaign's window, and 0 for those outside of the window. Since we're ordering by this result in ascending order, that says that any records within their campaign's window should be returned before any outside of their campaign's window.
we then order by tca.[Date] desc; i.e. the more recent calls are returned before the later calls.
finally, we name the output of this row number as r and in the outer query filter on r = 1; meaning that for each user we only take one row, and that's the first row according to the order criteria above; i.e. if there's a row in its campaign's window we take that, after which it's whichever call was most recent (within those in the window if there were any; then outside that window if there weren't).
Take a look at the output of the subquery to get a better idea of exactly how this works: SQL Fiddle
I hope that explanation makes some sense / helps you to understand the code? Sadly I can't find a way to explain it more concisely than the code itself does; so if it doesn't make sense try playing with the code and seeing how that affects the output to see if that helps your understanding.

SQL: Selecting between date range

My query returns 1 value if I use the Max(SampleDateTime) or Min( ) on the Date/Time field I want, but it returns no values if I leave out the Max or Min. I want to return ALL the values, but I can't seem to figure this out.
I want all the Quality Samples between the Start and Stop times of a Production Run.
Select Max([SampleDateTime])
FROM [QualitySamples] AS [GoodSamples]
WHERE [GoodSamples].[SampleDateTime] >= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunStartDate]
AND [GoodSamples].[SampleDateTime] <= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunEndDate]
RunStartDate RunEndDate
1/1/2017 12 AM 1/5/17 12 AM
QualitySamples Tbl:
ID SampleDateTime
1 1/1/2017 2 am
2 1/1/2017 3 am
Here's the full SQL code:
SELECT ProductionRuns_tbl.RunName, ProductionRuns_tbl.RunStartDate,
(Select Max([SampleDateTime])
FROM [QualitySamples] AS [GoodSamples]
WHERE [GoodSamples].[SampleDateTime] >= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunStartDate]
AND [GoodSamples].[SampleDateTime] <= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunEndDate])
AS RunSamples
FROM ProductionRuns_tbl
WHERE (((ProductionRuns_tbl.RunName)=[Forms]![Home]![RunName]));
Try to use join instead:
SELECT ProductionRuns_tbl.RunName,
FROM QualitySamples GoodSamples INNER JOIN ProductionRuns_tbl ON
GoodSamples.SampleDateTime >= ProductionRuns_tbl.RunStartDate AND
GoodSamples.SampleDateTime <= ProductionRuns_tbl.RunEndDate
WHERE ProductionRuns_tbl.RunName=[Forms]![Home]![RunName]
I'm taking a risk posting right now, because I had to try to read your mind on what you're trying to do (plus, I don't know if this will work in Access, but it will work in SQL server)
Since you want all the data, is this what you're looking for?
[QualitySamples].[SampleDateTime] >= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunStartDate]
[QualitySamples].[SampleDateTime] <= [ProductionRuns_tbl].[RunEndDate]
This should list the RunName, Start and End dates repeated for each individual SampleDateTime. Based on your more specific requirements, you can then refine the results from there.
Dont have WHERE, MAX or MIN. Just have the SELECT query.
Select [SampleDateTime]
FROM [QualitySamples] AS [GoodSamples]

how to join multiple tables without showing repeated data?

I pop into a problem recently, and Im sure its because of how I Join them.
this is my code:
select LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes
on LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
For every service order I have 5 part code maximum.
If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin.
for example: this service order"4182134076" has only 2 part code, first'GH81-13601A' and second 'GH96-09938A' so it should show the data 2 time but it repeat it for 8 time. what seems to be the problem?
If your records were exactly the same the distinct keyword would have solved it.
However in rows 2 and 3 which have the same Service_Order and Part_Code if you check the SO_NO you see it is different - that is why distinct won't work here - the rows are not identical.
I say you have some problem in one of the conditions in your joins. The different data is in the SO_NO column so check the raw data in the LP_Confirmation_Codes table for that Service_Order:
select * from LP_Confirmation_Codes where Service_Order = 4182134076
I assume you are missing an and with the value from the LP_Part_Codes or LP_PS_Codes (but can't be sure without seeing those tables and data myself).
By this sentence If the service order have only one value it show the result correctly but when it have more than one Part code the problem begin. - probably you are missing and and with the LP_Part_Codes table
Based on your output result, here are the following data that caused multiple output.
Service Order: 4182134076 has :
2 PartCode which are GH81-13601A and GH96-09938A
2 PS which are U and P
2 SO_NO which are 1.00024e+09 and 1.00022e+09
Therefore 2^3 returns 8 rows. I believe that you need to check where you should join your tables.
select distinct LP_Pending_Info.Service_Order,LP_Pending_Info.Pending_Days,
LP_Pending_Info.IN_OUT_WTY, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode,LP_PS_Codes.PS,
from LP_Pending_Info
join LP_Part_Codes on LP_Pending_Info.Service_order = LP_Part_Codes.Service_order
join LP_PS_Codes on LP_Part_Codes.Service_Order = LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order
join LP_Confirmation_Codes on LP_PS_Codes.Service_Order = LP_Confirmation_Codes.Service_Order
order by LP_Pending_Info.Service_order, LP_Part_Codes.PartCode;
distinct will not return duplicates based on your select. So if a row is same, it will only return once.

SQL Query - combine 2 rows into 1 row

I have the following query below (view) in SQL Server. The query produces a result set that is needed to populate a grid. However, a new requirement has come up where the users would like to see data on one row in our app. The tblTasks table can produce 1 or 2 rows. The issue becomes when they're is two rows that have the same job_number but different fldProjectContextId (1 or 31). I need to get the MechApprovalOut and ElecApprovalOut columns on one row instead of two.
I've tried restructuring the query using CTE and over partition and haven't been able to get the necessary results I need.
CAST(dbo.Job_Control.job_number AS int) AS Job_Number,
dbo.tblTasks.fldSalesOrder, dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName,
dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done,
dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 1
END AS MechApprovalOut,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 31
END AS ElecApprovalOut,
dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextId, dbo.Job_Control.Drawing_Info,
FROM dbo.tblTaskCategories
INNER JOIN dbo.tblTasks
ON dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryId = dbo.tblTasks.fldTaskCategoryId
INNER JOIN dbo.Job_Control
ON dbo.tblTasks.fldSalesOrder = dbo.Job_Control.job_number
INNER JOIN dbo.tblProjectContext
ON dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldProjectContextId = dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextId
WHERE (dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Approval'
OR dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Re-Approval')
AND (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.Dwg_Sent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.Approval_done IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 1
END = 1)
OR (dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Approval'
OR dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldTaskCategoryName = N'Re-Approval')
AND (CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, dbo.Job_Control.fldElecDwgSent, GETDATE()) > 14
AND dbo.Job_Control.fldElecApprovalDone IS NULL
AND dbo.tblProjectContext.fldProjectContextID = 31
END = 1)
ORDER BY dbo.Job_Control.job_number, dbo.tblTaskCategories.fldProjectContextId
The above query gives me the following result set:
I've created a work around via code (which I don't like but it works for now) where i've used code to populate a "temp" table the way i need it to display the data, that is, one record if duplicate job numbers to get the MechApprovalOut and ElecApprovalOut columns on one row (see first record in following screen shot).
With the desired result set and one row per job_number, this is how the form looks with the data and how I am using the result set.
Any help restructuring my query to combine duplicate rows with the same job number where MechApprovalOut and ElecApproval out columns are on one row is greatly appreciated! I'd much prefer to use a view on SQL then code in the app to populate a temp table.
What I would do is LEFT JOIN the main table to itself at the beginning of the query, matching on Job Number and Sales Order, such that the left side of the join is only looking at Approval task categories and the right side of the join is only looking at Re-Approval task categories. Then I would make extensive use of the COALESCE() function to select data from the correct side of the join for use later on and in the select clause. This may also be the piece you were missing to make a CTE work.
There is probably also a solution that uses a ranking/windowing function (maybe not RANK itself, but something that category) along with the PARTITION BY clause. However, as those are fairly new to Sql Server I haven't used them enough personally to be comfortable writing an example solution for you without direct access to the data to play with, and it would still take me a little more time to get right than I can devote to this right now. Maybe this paragraph will motivate someone else to do that work.