MS Access SQL: Enumerate results from a many-to-one relationship - sql

Very simply, I have a many-to-one relationship table set in MS Access where I've managed to pull out the distinct values as separate rows. I now need to enumerate these rows.
The query looks like the following (generated by the MS Access Designer - apologies for the formatting):
SELECT DISTINCT ValidationRule.ValidationCode AS Rule, Table.Template AS Template
FROM ValidationRule RIGHT JOIN (([Table] INNER JOIN TableVersion ON Table.TableID = TableVersion.TableID) INNER JOIN ValidationScope ON TableVersion.TableVID = ValidationScope.TableVID) ON ValidationRule.ValidationId = ValidationScope.ValidationID
GROUP BY ValidationRule.ValidationCode, Table.Template
ORDER BY ValidationRule.ValidationCode;
So my data looks like:
Rule Template
v0007_m C 00.01
v0189_h C 01.00
v0189_h C 05.01
v3000_i C 08.00
I need to add sequential values to the results as follows:
Rule Template Sequence
v0007_m C 00.01 1
v0189_h C 01.00 1
v0189_h C 05.01 2
v3000_i C 08.00 1
What function should I be looking at in MS Access SQL to do this?

If you save the query you have as a separate query called qryValdationRule, this query which builds off that should give you what you need:
SELECT qryValidationRule.Rule, qryValidationRule.Template, DCount("*", 'qryValidationRule', "[Rule] = '" & qryValidationRule.Rule & "' AND [Template] <= '" & qryValidationRule.Template & "'") AS Sequence
FROM qryValidationRule
ORDER BY qryValidationRule.Rule, qryValidationRule.Template;
We are looking up and getting a count of all records with the same Rule value with an equal or less Template value within the dataset. This, essentially, gives us a Sequence grouped by Rule. This only works properly if Template values are distinct across Rule groups, which should be the case because you are pulling a DISTINCT across the CROSS JOIN of tables. It is not as convenient or flexible as window functions, but will get you what you need.
You may also want to try this method, which may be more efficient:
SELECT t1.Rule, t1.Template, COUNT(t2.Template) AS Sequence
FROM qryValidationRule AS t1 INNER JOIN qryValidationRule AS t2 ON t1.Rule = t2.Rule AND t1.Template >= t2.Template
GROUP BY t1.Rule, t1.Template
ORDER BY t1.Rule, t1.Template;
EDIT: Added an alternative way to find the same data; may be more performant because of JOINing vs. subqueries.

Use: Count(*) AS Sequence
SELECT DISTINCT ValidationRule.ValidationCode AS Rule, Table.Template AS Template, Count(*) AS Sequence
FROM ValidationRule RIGHT JOIN (([Table] INNER JOIN TableVersion ON Table.TableID = TableVersion.TableID) INNER JOIN ValidationScope ON TableVersion.TableVID = ValidationScope.TableVID) ON ValidationRule.ValidationId = ValidationScope.ValidationID
GROUP BY ValidationRule.ValidationCode, Table.Template
ORDER BY ValidationRule.ValidationCode;


Sub-query works but would a join or other alternative be better?

I am trying to select rows from one table where the id referenced in those rows matches the unique id from another table that relates to it like so:
FROM booklet_tickets
WHERE bookletId = (SELECT id
FROM booklets
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3)
With the bookletNum/seasonId/bookletTypeId being filled in by a user form and inserted into the query.
This works and returns what I want but seems messy. Is a join better to use in this type of scenario?
If there is even a possibility for your subquery to return multiple value you should use in instead:
FROM booklet_tickets
WHERE bookletId in (SELECT id
FROM booklets
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3)
But I would prefer exists over in :
FROM booklet_tickets bt
FROM booklets b
WHERE bookletNum = 2000
AND seasonId = 9
AND bookletTypeId = 3
AND = bt.bookletId)
It is not possible to give a "Yes it's better" or "no it's not" answer for this type of scenario.
My personal rule of thumb if number of rows in a table is less than 1 million, I do not care optimising "SELECT WHERE IN" types of queries as SQL Server Query Optimizer is smart enough to pick an appropriate plan for the query.
In reality however you often need more values from a joined table in the final resultset so a JOIN with a filter WHERE clause might make more sense, such as:
SELECT BT.*, B.SeasonId
FROM booklet_tickes BT
INNER JOIN booklets B ON BT.bookletId =
WHERE B.bookletNum = 2000
AND B.seasonId = 9
AND B.bookletTypeId = 3
To me it comes down to a question of style rather than anything else, write your code so that it'll be easier for you to understand it months later. So pick a certain style and then stick to it :)
The question however is old as the time itself :)
SQL JOIN vs IN performance?

SQL Math Operation In Correlated Subquery

I am working with three tables, basically, one is a bill of materials, one contains part inventory, and the last one contains work orders or jobs. I am trying to find out if it is possible to have a correlated subquery that can perform a math operation using a value from the outer query. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
SELECT A.work_order,A.assembly,A.job_quantity,
(SELECT COUNT(X.part_number)
FROM bom X
WHERE X.assembly = A.assembly
AND (X.quantity_required * A.job_quantity) >= (SELECT Y.quantity_available FROM inventory Y WHERE
Y.part_number = X.part_number)) AS negatives
FROM work_orders A
ORDER BY A.assembly ASC
I am attempting to find out, for a given work order, if there are parts that we do not have enough of to build the assembly. I'm currently getting an "Error correlating fields" error. Is it possible to do this kind of operation in a single query?
Try moving the subquery to a join, something like this:
SELECT a.work_order, a.assembly, a.job_quantity, n.negatives
FROM work_orders a JOIN (SELECT x.part_number, COUNT(x.part_number) as negatives
FROM bom x JOIN work_orders b
ON x.assembly = b.assembly
WHERE (x.quantity_required * b.job_quantity) >= (SELECT y.quantity_available
FROM inventory y WHERE
y.part_number = x.part_number)
GROUP BY x.part_number) n
ON a.part_number = n.part_number
ORDER BY a.assembly ASC
Or create a temporary cursor with the subquery and then use it to join the main table.
Hope this helps.

Can nested query in JPQL access outer query

So I'm curious if a nested SELECT can reference it's outer SELECT in order to compare values. I haven't been able to test or see many examples on this topic.
As an example, I'm trying to write a query to select all Clothes rows that has a tag (some number) that is within a given list and has the highest time that is prior to given time (which is total number of seconds). The query in question is below:
SELECT c FROM Clothes c WHERE c.tag IN :tagList
AND (c.timeOfSale = (SELECT MAX(n.timeOfSale) FROM Clothes k
WHERE (c.tag = k.tag) AND (k.timeOfSale) < (:time))) GROUP BY c.tag
Is the comparison c.tag = k.tag valid? If not, is there an alternative?
#Query("SELECT b FROM Business b WHERE b <> :currentBusiness "
+ "and exists "
+ "(Select i from InterestMaster i, BusinessInterest bI where bI.interestMaster = i and = b"
+ "and i in (:userInterests))")
Page<Business> getCommunityBusiness(#Param("currentBusiness") Business currentBusiness, #Param("userInterests") List<InterestMaster> userInterests,Pageable pageable);
I am using the above JPQL and its working fine. So yes nested query can access outer query.
Yes. They're called correlated queries, where the subquery is evaluated for each row of outer query.

How can I do a SQL join to get a value 4 tables farther from the value provided?

My title is probably not very clear, so I made a little schema to explain what I'm trying to achieve. The xxxx_uid labels are foreign keys linking two tables.
Goal: Retrieve a column from the grids table by giving a proj_uid value.
I'm not very good with SQL joins and I don't know how to build a single query that will achieve that.
Actually, I'm doing 3 queries to perform the operation:
1) This gives me a res_uid to work with:
select res_uid from results where results.proj_uid = VALUE order by res_uid asc limit 1"
2) This gives me a rec_uid to work with:
select rec_uid from receptor_results
inner join results on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where receptor_results.res_uid = res_uid_VALUE order by rec_uid asc limit 1
3) Get the grid column I want from the grids table:
select grid_name from grids
inner join receptors on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
where receptors.rec_uid = rec_uid_VALUE;
Is it possible to perform a single SQL that will give me the same results the 3 I'm actually doing ?
You're not limited to one JOIN in a query:
select grids.grid_name
from grids
inner join receptors
on receptors.grid_uid = grids.grid_uid
inner join receptor_results
on receptor_results.rec_uid = receptors.rec_uid
inner join results
on results.res_uid = receptor_results.res_uid
where results.proj_uid = VALUE;
select g.grid_name
from results r
join resceptor_results rr on r.res_uid = rr.res_uid
join receptors rec on rec.rec_uid = rr.rec_uid
join grids g on g.grid_uid = rec.grid_uid
where r.proj_uid = VALUE
a small note about names, typically in sql the table is named for a single item not the group. thus "result" not "results" and "receptor" not "receptors" etc. As you work with sql this will make sense and names like you have will seem strange. Also, one less character to type!

Include missing years in Group By query

I am fairly new in Access and SQL programming. I am trying to do the following:
Sum(SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.Amount) AS [Sum Of PaymentPerYear]
and group by year even when there is no amount in some of the years. I would like to have these years listed as well for a report with charts. I'm not certain if this is possible, but every bit of help is appreciated.
My code so far is as follows:
Sum(SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.Amount) AS [Sum Of PaymentPerYear]
ON SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.SalesOrderId = SO_SalesOrderT.SalesOrderId
) ON Base_CustomerT.CustomerId = SO_SalesOrderT.CustomerId
AND ((Base_CustomerT.IsActive)=Yes))
You need another table with all years listed -- you can create this on the fly or have one in the db... join from that. So if you had a table called alltheyears with a column called y that just listed the years then you could use code like this:
WITH minmax as
select min(year(SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.DatePaid) as minyear,
max(year(SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.DatePaid) as maxyear)
from SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT
), yearsused as
select y
from alltheyears, minmax
where alltheyears.y >= minyear and alltheyears.y <= maxyear
select *
from yearsused
join ( -- your query above goes here! -- ) T
ON year(T.SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.DatePaid) = yearsused.y
You need a data source that will provide the year numbers. You cannot manufacture them out of thin air. Supposing you had a table Interesting_year with a single column year, populated, say, with every distinct integer between 2000 and 2050, you could do something like this:
Sum(NZ(data.Amount)) AS [Sum Of PaymentPerYear]
(SELECT * FROM Base_CustomerT INNER JOIN Year) AS base
INNER JOIN SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT
ON (SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT.SalesOrderId = SO_SalesOrderT.SalesOrderId)
) AS data
ON ((base.CustomerId = data.CustomerId)
AND (base.year = Year(data.DatePaid))),
(data.PaymentType = 1)
AND (base.IsActive = Yes)
AND (base.year BETWEEN
(SELECT Min(year(DatePaid) FROM SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT)
AND (SELECT Max(year(DatePaid) FROM SO_SalesOrderPaymentHistoryLineT))
Note the following:
The revised query first forms the Cartesian product of BaseCustomerT with Interesting_year in order to have base customer data associated with each year (this is sometimes called a CROSS JOIN, but it's the same thing as an INNER JOIN with no join predicate, which is what Access requires)
In order to have result rows for years with no payments, you must perform an outer join (in this case a LEFT JOIN). Where a (base customer, year) combination has no associated orders, the rest of the columns of the join result will be NULL.
I'm selecting the CustomerId from Base_CustomerT because you would sometimes get a NULL if you selected from SO_SalesOrderT as in the starting query
I'm using the Access Nz() function to convert NULL payment amounts to 0 (from rows corresponding to years with no payments)
I converted your HAVING clause to a WHERE clause. That's semantically equivalent in this particular case, and it will be more efficient because the WHERE filter is applied before groups are formed, and because it allows some columns to be omitted from the GROUP BY clause.
Following Hogan's example, I filter out data for years outside the overall range covered by your data. Alternatively, you could achieve the same effect without that filter condition and its subqueries by ensuring that table Intersting_year contains only the year numbers for which you want results.
Update: modified the query to a different, but logically equivalent "something like this" that I hope Access will like better. Aside from adding a bunch of parentheses, the main difference is making both the left and the right operand of the LEFT JOIN into a subquery. That's consistent with the consensus recommendation for resolving Access "ambiguous outer join" errors.
Thank you John for your help. I found a solution which works for me. It looks quiet different but I learned a lot out of it. If you are interested here is how it looks now.
CustomerPaymentPerYearQ.[Sum Of PaymentPerYear]
LEFT JOIN CustomerPaymentPerYearQ
ON (Base_Customer_RevenueYearQ.RevenueYear = CustomerPaymentPerYearQ.[RevenueYear])
AND (Base_Customer_RevenueYearQ.CustomerId = CustomerPaymentPerYearQ.CustomerId)
CustomerPaymentPerYearQ.[Sum Of PaymentPerYear]