Using redis as an LRU cache for postgres - redis

I have postgres 9.3 db and I want to use redis to cache calls the the DB (basically like memcached). I followed these docs, which means I have basically configured redis to work as an LRU cache. But am unsure what to do next. How do I tell redis to track calls to the DB and cache their output? How can I tell it's working?

In pseudo code:
see if redis has the record by 'record_type:record_id'
if so return the result
if not then query postgres for the record_id in the record_type table
store the result in redis by 'record_type:record_id'
return the result
This might have to be a custom adapter for the query engine that you are using.


Redis - Cache entry evictions across multiple databases

When using multiple databases on a single redis instance and its memory is full, when I'm trying to insert new data it samples a number of keys and it applies an algorithm to them to determine which ones should be evicted.
But, if I'm using db0 and db1 and I'm trying to insert a new record into db1, will redis sample keys from the same database or does it sample them globally?
When it does eviction, Redis chooses eviction candidate from all databases.
In your case, it might evict keys from db0 or db1.

ERROR : FAILED: Error in acquiring locks: Error communicating with the metastore org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.LockException

Getting the Error in acquiring locks, when trying to run count(*) on partitioned tables.
The table has 365 partitions when filtered on <= 350 partitions, the queries are working fine.
when tried to include more partitions for the query, it's failing with the error.
working on Hive-managed ACID tables, with the following default values //cannot make it as false, it's throwing <table> is missing from the ValidWriteIdList config: null, should be true for ACID read and write.
Tried increasing/decreasing values for these following with a beeline session.
hive.metastore.batch.retrieve.max={default 300} //changed to 10000
hive.metastore.server.max.message.size={default 104857600} // changed to 10485760000
hive.metastore.limit.partition.request={default -1} //did not change as -1 is unlimited
hive.metastore.batch.retrieve.max={default 300} //changed to 10000.
hive.lock.query.string.max.length={default 10000} //changed to higher value
Using the HDI-4.0 interactive-query-llap cluster, the meta-store is backed by default sql-server provided along.
The problem is NOT due to service tier of the hive metastore database.
It is most probably due to too many partitions in one query based on the symptom.
I meet the same issue several times.
In the hivemetastore.log, you shall able to see such error:
metastore.RetryingHMSHandler: MetaException(message:Unable to update transaction database The incoming request has too many parameters. The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters. Reduce the number of parameters and resend the request.
This is due to in Hive metastore, each partition involved in the hive query requires at most 8 parameters to acquire a lock.
Some possible workarounds:
Decompose the the query into multiple sub-queries to read from fewer
Reduce the number of partitions by setting different partition keys.
Remove partitioning if partition keys don't have any filters.
Following are the parameters which manage the batch size for INSERT query generated by the direct SQL. Their default value is 1000. Set both of them to 100 (as a good starting point) in the Custom hive-site section of Hive configs via. Ambari and restart ALL Hive related components (including Hive metastore).
We also faced the same error in HDInsight and after doing many configuration changes similar to what you have done, the only thing that worked is scaling our Hive Metastore SQL DB server.
We had to scale it all the way to a P2 tier with 250 DTUs for our workloads to work without these Lock Exceptions. As you may know, with the tier and DTU count, the SQL server's IOPS and response time improves thus we suspected that the Metastore performance was the root cause for these Lock Exceptions with the increase in workloads.
Following link provides information about the DTU based performance variation in SQL servers in Azure.
Additionally as I know, the default Hive metastore that gets provisioned when you opt to not provide an external DB in cluster creation is just an S1 tier DB. This would not be suitable for any high capacity workloads. At the same time, as a best practice always provision your metastores external to the cluster and attach at cluster provisioning time, as this gives you the flexibility to connect the same Metastore to multiple clusters (so that your Hive layer schema can be shared across multiple clusters, e.g. Hadoop for ETLs and Spark for Processing / Machine Learning), and you have the full control to scale up or down your metastore as per your need anytime.
The only way to scale the default metastore is by engaging the Microsoft support.
We faced the same issue in HDINSIGHT. We solved it by upgrading the metastore.
The Default metastore had only 5 DTU which is not recommended for production environments. So we migrated to custom Metastore and spin the Azure SQL SERVER (P2 above 250 DTUs) and the setting the below properties:
Above values are set because SQL SERVER cannot process more than 2100 parameter. When you have partitions more than 348, you faced this issue as 1 partition creates 8 parameters for metastore 8 x 348

Redis: List all data structures

I'm absolutely a newbie using redis.
I need to:
list all databases
list all data structures
I've connected to redis 4.0.11 server using redis-cli.
Redis is a key value storage not a database, You can't query or structure the Redis like you do in a database. You can only receive the relevant value from the key that you are passing.
Usually instead of database a key value storage like redis is used to to high performance key value storage and retrieve, if performance of a database is not enough.

Is it possible to perform SQL Query with distributed join over a local cache and a partitioned cache?

I am currently using apache ignite 2.3.0 and the java api. I have a data grid with two nodes and two different caches. One is local and the other partitioned.
Lets say my local cache is on node #1.
I want to perform an SQL query (SqlFieldsQuery) with distributed join so that it returns data from local cache on node #1 and data from partitioned cache on node #2.
Is it possible? Do I need to specify the join in some particular order or activate a specific flag?
All my current tests are not returning any rows from partitioned cache that are not located on same node as local cache.
I tested the same query with distributed join over two different partitioned cache with no affinity and it was able to return data from different nodes properly. Is there a reason why this wouldn't work with local cache too?
It is not possible to perform joins (both distributed an co-located) between LOCAL and PARTITIONED caches. The workaround is to use two PARTITIONED caches.

Redis increment several fields in several hsets

I have data of several users in redis e.g.
hset - user111; field - dayssincelogin .....
I want to periodically update dayssincelogin for all users, one way to do it is
KEYS user*
HINCRBY ${key from above} dayssincelogin 1
Is it possible to do this in a single call? If not what's the most optimal way? I'm using using redis cluster and java client.
You can't do multiple increments in one command but you can bulk your commands together for performance gains.
Use Redis Pipe-lining or Scripting.
In Jedis I dont thing LUA is supported (If someone could answer that :) )
As #mp911de suggested; Use Exec for LUA Scripting
and you can also use pipelining to execute your bulk methods faster.
Have a Pipelining readup here for more information
And here is the sample code to use Jedis Pipelining.
Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();
Response<Long> r1 = p.hincrBy("a", "f1", -1);
Response<Long> r2 = p.hincrBy("a", "f1", -2);
Response<List<Object>> r3 = p.exec();
List<Object> result = p.syncAndReturnAll();
Edit: Redis allows multi key operations only when they are present in the same shard. You should arrange your keys in such a way to ensure data affinity. like key1.{foo} and key5678.{foo} will reside in the same server