PUT Stream 0 Bytes - file-upload

I am using Windows Explorer to test the WebDAV implementation I am adapting to our system. The implementation is using IIS Express and is launched by Visual Studio 2013. I turned off Windows Explorer's requirement for SSL with WebDAV so I can test basic authentication (which works).
The problem I am having is with the Write method of the DavFile implementation. I connect to the web folder, navigate to a sub folder, then attempt to copy a JPG file from a folder on my computer's hard drive, into the WebDAV sub folder (using Windows Explorer).
The attempt to copy up a file (854kb) fails. When I set a break point, I notice that the "segment" stream (one of the input parameters on the "write" method, shows 0 (zero) bytes length.
Any tips on how to debug this problem? What is the most likely cause of 0 byte in the stream?

Here are some ideas about how to understand what is going wrong:
Examine the server log for exceptions. By default it is called WebDAVLog.txt and located in \App_Data\WebDAV\Logs\ folder. Are there any exceptions in it? Check your server log and make sure all requests were successful.
Examine WebDAV requests with a Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy. While all requests that reached the WebDAV server Engine are logged, if the request failed before hitting the Engine you will not see it in a log. Usually this happens if the request failed during authentication stage.
Note that to capture requests using Fiddler on 'localhost' you must use 'localhost.fiddler' instead of 'localhost' when connecting to server, for example: http://localhost.fiddler:1234.
Exclude any client side issues. Finally there could be issues with client software that you are using, including with Microsoft miniredirector. Try to access server from any other machine. To get the idea if the problem is on the client or server side try also to reproduce the issue on ajaxbrowser.com.
You can post a part of the WebDAVLog.txt or fiddler log here or send it to IT Hit, it may give the idea of what is wrong.


Persits ASPPDF ImportFromUrl ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out

We have a test website that uses Persits ASPPDF to build a PDF using the ImportFromUrl method. It works fine on our test domain, but when I use the same code on another domain (and crucially perhaps, a sub-domain) I get the "MSXML2::ServerXMLHTTP Error: The request has timed out." error.
This leads me to think its related to the problem outlined in
"the calling Active Server Page (ASP) should not send requests to an ASP in the same virtual directory or to another virtual directory in the same pool or process. This can result in poor performance due to thread starvation."
So perhaps the config of the two servers hosting the two sites (test and live) are different - and if so what would that be? - Or you can't run this method on a sub-domain? Any guidance out there please?
I've had the same issue for weeks and finally found out what the problem was. In my case, it was because I had set to True the options that allow the debug of classic ASP code, without which I could not debug using visual studio. Setting those options back to False fixed the issue.

"the rpc server is unavailable" when trying to do some process on local html file with autohotkey

I have written the script that accesses the local HTML file and does some job.
Send ^c
copied := Clipboard
sleep 30
local := "file:///C:/Users/emre/Desktop/Tools/Note%20Taking%20Tools/Asciidoc%20Tools/HtmlToAsciidoc-master/to-asciidoc.html"
sleep 100
(pwb5 := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")).Visible:=False
while pwb5.busy
sleep 15
WinActivate,ahk_class IEFrame
ControlFocus,ahk_class IEFrame
Send, !n
Send, {Enter}
Sleep 3000
When I run this script I get following error:
I have done some research and try following things but neither of these work.Any advice appreciated.
Check 1
I have checked DCOM Server Process Launcher, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and RPC Endpoint Mapper from services.msc.All their status is Running and their startup is set to Automatic.
Check 2
I have also checked "Remote Assistance" from Firewall
Check 3
I have also checked that "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" and "Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)" are enabled
Check 4
I have also checked "to switch the NIC from the default "NAT" to "Bridged Adapter" from Virtualbox settings.
MAYBE this will help. My issue sounds similar to yours. In my case, I have a vb.net program, part of which does something to the effect of the following:
Function LoadWebPage(i_IE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer, i_URL As String) As Boolean
i_IE.navigate (i_URL)
Debug.Print (i_IE.ReadyState)
End Function
The navigate method ran fine. But once it got to the point of returning the ReadyState property, I was getting the "RPC Server is unavailable" error. This was only happening on one of the three machines I was using. On the machine with the problem, I ran through the steps (which I saw listed in many other sites as well) you mentioned in your question, with no improvement. But then I came across a suggestion to adjust the "Internet Explorer Options-->Settings-->Security-->Enable Protected Mode". Actually the site that helped me said to make sure that they are checked for all of the zones (i.e., Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites, Restricted sites). Actually it was unchecking them all that resolved my issue. I went back to one of the other two machines (one of those where the script was running without error), and indeed, they were unchecked on that machine (not sure yet about the 3rd machine).
Fix for RPC Server Error when occuring with attempt at Internet Explorer Automation
In case that post doesn't outlast this response, their stated reason for this issue:
"The basic gist of it is when you cross a security domain (http to
https) the sandboxing system actually creates a new IE COM
object...The basic solution is to set all of the security modes in the
Security tab of Internet Settings to 'protected mode enabled'(sic) to
avoid losing COM objects."
Again, I think that may have been a typo on their part and that they meant that the boxes should be unchecked.

Fiddler https error: "because they do not possess a common algorithm"

I am trying to monitor https traffic with Fiddler, using current newest version:
I've successfully set up https, certificates and I can see the full https encrypted traffic for example browsing my bank's web site.
When I trying to monitor an other server I got this error message in the response window:
"Failed to secure existing connection for A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception. InnerException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm"
For full Fiddler window see:
The client is not a in this case browser, but a custom client program, which communicates with its own server.
My question: Is this exception misleading and in reality some other error prevents the secure channel to set up?
We have still chance to monitor this https communication?
Thx in advance
What is the client program?
This error typically indicates that that client application is only offering certain HTTPS ciphers, and those ciphers are not supported by Fiddler.
However, in this case, the specific problem here is almost certainly this: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2009/12/08/aes-is-not-a-valid-cipher-for-sslv3.aspx
The client is trying to use AES with SSLv3, but that isn't one of the valid ciphers for SSL3. As a consequence, the connection fails.
You might be able to workaround this by clicking Rules > Customize Rules. Scroll down to the Main() function and add the following line within the function:
CONFIG.oAcceptedServerHTTPSProtocols =
Please let me know if this works.
NOTE Current versions of Fiddler offer a UI link for this: Look at the lis of enabled protocols on the HTTPS tab.
Unbelievably this issue is still present some 6 years later.
Just installed the latest version of Fiddle (v5.0.20194.41348), and sure enough on Win7 using Chrome or IE it keeps failing with the dreaded error:
"fiddler.network.https> HTTPS handshake to google.com (for #1) failed. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm"
After some hours of testing, I found a middle ground solution which seems to work with virtually all websites. The aim was to get the highest possible security with no errors in the log. Without needing to add any code, simply changing this line under Tools > Options > HTTPS > Protocols is what worked for me (just copy and paste it):
Basically removed the ssl2 and tls1.0 protocols which leaves us with some pretty decent security and no errors so far. Having spent hours of frustration with this error, hope someone out there might find this useful, and a big thanks to EricLaw who discovered the root of the problem.
Yes I too have seen this error when working outside of fiddler and it was connected with AuthenticateAsServer but only went wrong when using IE10 and not Chrome as the browser.
Odd thing is that it did not break all the time for IE10 using SslProtocols.Tls for the protocol so I will add a bit of code to switch the protocol if one fails
The protocol that can be used also seems to change on if you are using a proxy server like Fiddler or using an invisible server by hijacking the DNS via the hosts file to divert traffic to the server

Silverlight wcf connection error

I'm about a month away developing my silverlight application (this is my first). Everything went rather smoothly until today, when out of the blue I started getting this message:
An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI 'http://localhost:2682/Services/Authentication/LoginService.svc'. This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy that is unsuitable for SOAP services. You may need to contact the owner of the service to publish a cross-domain policy file and to ensure it allows SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent. This error may also be caused by using internal types in the web service proxy without using the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute. Please see the inner exception for more details.
I'm using WCF Services and this issue never appeared until now.
I've added a clientdomain.xml and clientaccesspolicy.xml file to my [projectname].web folder, and re-wrote them about a 1000 different ways.
I've also used Fiddler and it shows me that the error is on both those files, the error is
[Fiddler] The socket connection to localhost failed. ErrorCode: 10061. No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I've searched the error "10061" and it has to do with socket definition. But I couldn't find any solution to that.
Don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my "ASP.net Development Server" port is 6939.
Keep in mind that the app has NOT been deployed, so this is only happening locally. I'm using MS VS 2010 and MS SQL Server 2008.
Am I doing anything wrong or is this a silverlight issue??
On a last note, I haven't changed anything on Port, socket or service configuration. Last thing I was doing was editing a XAML file on client side and and the app started throwing me this error.
Need help, can't do anything until this is solved!!!!
i think you are using you app on localhost and a dynamic port is getting assigned and this port is not fixed and every run and that causes the refuse problem. if you want to fix this, create a solid url for example,
Well, last night, just before I went to bed, I noticed something odd. In my "ServiceReferences.ClientConfig" file, the endpoint ports for each one of my services where diferent from the ones the silverlight machine used, so going on a hunch (and because I was reaching my sanity breakpoint) I decided to eliminate all my Service References and re-add them again.
I worked... go figure. Still don't know why this happened and if anyone could shed some light on the subject, I would appreciate it. It's kinda of annoying having to re-add all my services references. Right now I have only 6 of them, but in the near future they may go over 20, and if this happens again... well, it's going to be a real pain...

WCF with SSL- not finding localhost

I'm trying to get WCF to use SSL with ANYTHING for FIVE DAYS now. I've gone through countless walkthroughs, generated more certificates than a mail order diploma company, even tried hot fixes. After working with MS dev tools since VB1, I am now considering flipping burgers as a career option. WCF, as far as I can see, is a complete lemon.
Anyway, to get to my actual question: If I run through this walkthrough:
I get to step 11 (adding the service reference) and get "There was an error downloading metadata from the address. Please verify that you have entered a valid address".
Details of the error gives: There was an error downloading 'https://localhost/SSL6/Service.svc'.
Unable to connect to the remote server
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I'm using VS2008 on Windows 7 with IIS7. I followed the walkthrough exactly (apart from step 5 which was different on IIS7- I went into "SSL Settings" for the VD), so it shows my config (yes I've used httpsGetEnabled and mexHttpsBinding).
Anyone care to save my sanity and job?
EDIT: If I go into IIS, select the VD in content view, right-click on the svc file and browse, I get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Chrome gives "Google Chrome could not connect to localhost".
IE troubleshooting gives "the remote device or resource won't accept the connection".
If I browse using the IP address rather than using localhost via http, it says that it's secured with https ok. If I browse using the IP and https, I get HTTP error 503. The service is unavailable.
So it looks to me like a DNS issue combined with... something.
When I try to just run the service site project, I get "Unable to start debugging on the web server. Unable to connect to the web server. Verify that the web server is running and that incoming HTTP requests are not blocked by a firewall". I've checked the firewall and it's ok.
Finally cracked it. There were at least three issues at play.
1) A DNS issue of some kind with localhost. It's still unresolved on my machine, but I can work around it by using the IP addy.
2) Another issue may have been that apparently, WCF doesn't work with IIS 7 OOTB. So you need to run command prompt as administrator, and run the following command -
"%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\ServiceModelReg.exe" -r -y
3) After I got through the certificate stuff I was still getting HTTP error 503, "Service unavailable". That ended up being leftovers from my previous attempts, still listening to ports:
So to get a hello world level service happening with WCF and SSL took me a whole week, and in my travels I discovered many pilgrims who had taken about the same amount of time. Microsoft: You have failed.
Are you using IIS or self hosting? If you're using IIS, it sounds like it's incorrectly configured, because it seems it's not accepting connections on port 443; I guess you're probably missing a protocol binding (https to port 443). There's a detailed discussion of setting up SSL on IIS7 here that might be useful.
Of course, you could easily verify this using the browser, you should be able to connect to the site using SSL from it.
When I have had this error occur, I have found it very useful to run the service from Visual Studio to get additional information. Right-click on the service, and then select Debug -> Start New Instance from the pop-up menu. VS will launch the service using the WcfTestClient.exe.
WcfTestClient will display all the services and endpoints in your service project. A healthy launch will list your services in the a panel on the left, and provide a Start Page tab in a panel on the right. What will happen in your case, however, is that you'll get a list of services in a panel on the top and an "Additional Information" box along the bottom. Your problem service(s) will have a Status of Error.
Click on a problem service in the upper panel, and the Additional Information box will fill with an error message and stack trace. The message will tell you exactly what that problem mex (metadata exchange) address is. That may be enough of a hint for you to solve the problem. If not, post the Additional Information here and I'll be happy to take a look at it.