How to run equivalent of Mule studio "Export" in a script? - mule

I have the need to create a deployable ZIP archive from a script, much as the "Export" function does in Mule Studio. I'm expecting the ZIP to contain everything needed to deploy the app: JAR files, message flows, etc etc etc - again, just as Mule Studio Export does.
Is there a simple way to do this, or an example I can follow?

Maven is your best bet. Using the mule plugin for maven runnning mvn package will produce the deployable archive. More info on Mule and Maven here:
There is also an ant plugin but don't use it myself. Some info here:
Alternatively, you can read about the application deployment structure here: , so in theory you can build this structure yourself. But I wouldn't advise it and would stick to Maven.

Use Maven for building the app in jar/zip and deploy to the Mule standalone server automatically ... Make Sure your MULE_HOME is set to your standalone server in Environment variable ... and insert the following in your Maven Script to build it in Jar/Zip and deploy to app folder of Mule Standalone directly :-
<configuration> <!-- This tag sets true/false to copy jar/zip file to Mule server app folder -->
<!-- by default download all sources when generating project files -->
make sure that MULE_HOME is set when building (required below when copying the
artifact to Mule's apps directory
<message>You must set MULE_HOME before installing the example.</message>
<!-- This tag automatically deploy jar/zip file to server -->
<copy file="${}/${}.zip"
todir="${env.MULE_HOME}/apps" overwrite="true"/>


Not able to generate client code with wsdl2java and maven using CXF

I'm using maven cxf-codegen-plugin to generate client files from wsdl but not able to do so.
I want that all the wsdl files in the folder src/main/wsdl should be scanned and corresponding clients should be generated in separate folders. Please help.
My pom.xml is :
here's how I'm doing it with version 2.7.4, and having the generated code created in different packages :
Here's where you can find out more about the extra-args :
For an automatic scan of the wsdl folder, this works good too :
Hope it helps!
I realize this is an old question, but I just ran into this, so I wanted to reply for the benefit of others. You are right on commenting out the <pluginManagement> tag see here. However for the error in Eclipse that says:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration
You will need to install the m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin (click on the error, and Eclipse should guide you to install it)
I put plugins tag inside pluginManagement tag and error disappeared:

Maven 2 export jar to seperate directory

I need to export all the compiled class files as a jar to a directory of a local testserver. I would like to let maven do this automatically.
<!-- Build instructions -->
<defaultGoal>compile package</defaultGoal>
<outputDirectory>/home/...</outputDirectory> <!--only class files go here, not the jar-->
To build I first clean and then package via IntelliJ's Maven plugin. When I package I would like it to package the jarfile to my testserver so I don't have to move it over manually after every build.
Use Maven Ant plugin to custom code what you want to after a particular goal:
Using Ant with Maven
Ant Copt Task
You need to configure maven-jar-plugin and configure its outputDirectory as per your requirements, you can see the details on this link.

yuicompressor-maven-plugin not bounded to process-resources

I have been trying to figure out why yuicompressor-maven-plugin is not executed during "mvn package". I can execute it in an independent task as described in the link below but somehow the plugin does not get called from maven life cycle.
and here is the sample pom.xml I use,
<!-- yuicompressor-maven-plugin -->
I have read similar posts but could not figure out why it's not bounded to "process-resources". Phase and Goal are explicitly set so not sure why it's not called. Is there a way to debug why yuicompressor-maven-plugin is not called during "mvn package"? I use maven 2.2.1. Perhaps the version of my Maven won't work with the plugin?
thanks for your help,
You simply need to put the running out of the pluginManagement area into the usual plugins area like:
In pluginManagement you define only the default for plugin in particular the verison but you really don't bound to real execution. For other plugins etc. this works cause the are alreay defined in the build area of the supoer pom so this give you the opportunity to redefine them via pluginManagement but not with a plugin which never has been part of any build area.

How do I build only one JAR file with classifier?

I'm using Maven 2 and maven-jar-plugin to build my jar.
I'd like to generate only a jar with a classifier. Is it possible?
In my example I'd like to generate only the myjar-another-1.0.jar but not myjar-1.0.jar.
After take a look at this question I tried to skip the default-jar. But this seems to work only with version 3 of Maven (haven't tried thou.
The parent is to do the
Thanks all!
Here is the relevant piece of my pom.xml:
Also tried in the global configuration segment.
<!-- Definition of the Parent (only an aggregator) -->
<!-- <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> -->
<!-- surefire -->
<!-- <artifactId>maven-source-plugin</artifactId> -->
Just use it for the plugin element:

Maven - extract /test/resources/ in /target during the Test Phase

I've some test resources (that are specific for a particular task) zipped in /test/resources/
I want to extract the zip content to /target during the maven Test Phase.
Do you know what should I specify in the pom.xml to achieve this?
One solution is to use the maven-antrun-plugin to run the unzip Ant task. The following configuration in the build section of your POM should be pretty much what you need (but I haven't tested it):
<!-- ... -->
<unzip src="test/resources/" dest="target/" overwrite="true"/>
<!-- ... -->