How do I copy a file from mobile device to desktop? -

From a Windows mobile app (VB.Net), I want to be able to copy a file from the mobile device to a desktop (during a direct connection to the desktop). Is there a quick and simple way to do this?

You need to use RAPI. There's a managed wrapper for version 1 here and a managed wrapper for version 2 here.


Questions about Windows App (Metro) Tiles/Icons for desktop applications

I have an application written in VB.NET that I want to move to Win10. It will always be a desktop application, however I would like it to have a start icon / tile in Win 10. Looking around I found this exact question which suggests to create a Metro App (now I believe called Windows App) which launches the desktop app. This is also discussed in this thread. So the questions;
These threads are a little old is the best way in Win10 to give a desktop app a Windows App Tile by using a Windows App as the Launcher for the desktop app?
It appears that in Win10 Microsoft has now allowed non-store apps to be installed in Update Security > SideloadApps. This needs to be enabled to install the App, but does this need to be always enabled. For example what happens after install if the user turns it off, will the app then not start?
For example I see in this link that there are 2 Registry keys to change, basically AllowAllTrustedApps and AllowDevelopmentWithoutDevLicense. Is it possible for my desktop installer to change these keys, install the Windows App (and everything else) and then change the keys back again?
Uninstalling? If I created a Windows App which only launched my desktop app then there is a possibility that the user uninstalls or deletes the Windows App, meaning my desktop app would be orphaned and lost. Any suggestion on solving this?
According to your description, I think what you need is Desktop Bridge. There is no need to use a Windows App as the Launcher for the desktop app.
You can try with Desktop App Converter, with this you can bring your existing desktop apps written for .NET 4.6.1 or Win32 to the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
And after converting, you can replace the Assets generated by Desktop App Converter (DAC) automatically to provide custom Tiles/Icons. For more, you can refer to Manually convert your app to UWP using the Desktop Bridge.

Visual Studio Blend: using physical Windows Phone as a target device

Okay, okay - this should be simple, but I just can't figure it out, and Google isn't helping. I just bought a Lumia 635 for developing apps for the Windows store, and I'm using Blend to make my apps in HTML and JS. I've been getting along just fine so far, but it seems that I'm unable to select my WP as a target device.
I've already "unlocked" my windows phone device so that I can use it to develop. I don't believe it's to do with drivers since I would assume Win8 has the drivers inbuild. I'm wondering, is this even possible from within blend? There is a separate program named "Windows Phone App Deployment". Do I have to use this? There seems to be very little concise documentation on this, so I'm assuming it's not possible.
For universal apps, the available deploy targets are based on which project you choose as your startup project. By default the Windows App is the startup project, so it gives you deploy options like Local Machine and Simulator (Windows Tab). Change your startup project to Windows Phone App and you'll see the device option as well as different phone emulators.

How to upload a photo image using Sencha Touch without phonegap

Is it possible to upload an image created by the phone using Sencha Touch but without any dependency on PhoneGap? Basically my app will be accessible via the web, and not installed natively on the device. I want to be able to select an image from the phone storage and then be able to upload it to the service. I effectively want the same functionality as you would get with the file upload control on a normal desktop browser.
Is this possible, and if so how?
There is a current solution in its infancy, but it works. I tested it on my Nexus 7 using Chrome. Here is the list of compatibility:
Android (4.0 up) browser support as regular
Google Chrome for desktop and mobile
iOS Safari browser support from version 6.0 (not tested on mobile)
Desktop webbrowser and mobile browser are different in lot many cases. To access file upload option you need to access the OS API which is not possible using javascript only. Phonegap provides us option to connect js with device API. If you can find a way to do this, without using Phonegap, then may be you can fix, or else its not possible.

How to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app

I want to know how to run video present on a sever in windows 8 app.
I am using media element and binding source with the specific url.But video it not playing well if the video is on the local machine it able to play.
thanks in advance for any suggestion
I'd suggest the Player Framework, it works well from my usages with remote videos.

How to upload some media test content into Windows Phone emulator?

I have VS2012 windows phone emulator that works just fine. I can develop and debug.
The question is how to upload test content to the emulator? I need a few songs in the emulator media library to debug my application.
You can upload files to your emulator with windows phone power tools.Connect emulator and put file where you want.
Check this link:
Wp Power Tools
unfortunately you cannot do that in the emulator... you need an actual phone...
Can't you just sign into SkyDrive and grab from there?
Also this 7.0 approach to deploying files to the emulator might still work:
You may be able to get with your local developer evangelist to get a test device. You can use this app to find out who that is -