Objective C: which is faster alloc or copy - objective-c

I want to ask which is faster:
Making a new class object using alloc+init or making a Copy of the existing class object?
I was reading the prototype pattern and I got this query. In prototype pattern, we make a clone or copy of the existing object.
So in which case copy is faster than alloc?

The answer, of course, is it depends on what kind of object you're dealing with. For immutable objects such as NSString, calling -copy really only retains the original object. On the other hand, one can guess that copying an instance of NSMutableString involves both creating a new object and copying the data from the original object, and in such cases copying would obviously take longer than simply creating a new, empty object.


Cocoa Deep Copy Containers

I am tying to understand the example in the apple docs for deep copying an array of dictionaries Here.
In Listing 3 A true deep copy
The example shows
NSArray* trueDeepCopyArray = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:oldArray]];
Notice there is no copy, mutable copy , or autorelease operators, so I am struggling to understand how this is a copy and how it gets released. In fact, if I release my implementation, it will crash. It does however work as expected, and there does not appear to be any abandoned memory using it as the example shows.
I looked the the NSUnarchiver class reference and it mentions that the unarchiveObjectWithData method creates a temporary copy of the object(s)?
Does this mean the proper implementation then is to allocate and init the new array rather than just assigning the pointer so it can be released?
Thanks in advance.
They are doing a deep copy by doing a full archival pass on the object graph. Using NSArchiver enables things like automatic cyclic reference management and the objects can choose not to encode things like their delegate or they can hook stuff back up on unarchival.
For all intents and purposes, it is archival by saving something to disk and then reading it back in as a new document. Only, instead of the disk, it is just stored in memory all the time.
It is slow, very expensive, and totally inappropriate for anything but when you very occasionally need to duplicate a complex object graph completely.
unarchiveObjectWithData: returns an auto-released object. If you using MRC, you need to retain it if you want to keep it. But, a better solution would be to move to ARC.
You are crashing on retain (or shortly after) because you did not respect Apple's stated memory management rules, which can be found here: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/MemoryMgmt/Articles/mmRules.html
Did you get the object from a method that contains alloc, new, copy or deepCopy in its name? No, then it is not your responsibility to release it.
Do you want to hold on to this object? If so, it is your responsibility to retain it.
As to why this code snippet results in a deep copy, you should read again what the archiver classes do. They don't deal with your objects, they deal with "descriptions of the contents of your objects". You might just as easily have done a "json import of the result of a json export" or an "xml import of an xml export".

When to use setter attribute 'copy' in objective-c?

I understand that normally you use copy for NSStrings, so that your property stays as the same value as when you assigned it, even when there's an attempt to re-set it somewhere else.
But I am having hard time completely understanding this concept. Doesn't this apply to basically any kind of object (not just NSStrings)?
So my question is, "What kind of properties should I set as 'copy', and why?"
Objects that are simple bits of data, like strings, that won't have references to a ton of other objects in your application are great for copying.
Now you can, of course, retain things like strings instead. This will work fine. But what if you had a mutable string instead, and you modified it. Now every other object that had a reference to that string will see that modification. This may not be what you want. This is one reason copying is "simpler", because any changes to that data is localized to just that bit of code.
On the other hand, lets say you have a instance of a class you wrote for your app. It has references to other objects in your app, it has a ton of it's own strings or other values in it, and it's a complex beast. Now copying this object may not be a good idea. Chances are that if you modify this object then you want the changes to propogate to every object that holds a reference. And even if you did copy it, do you need a shallow copy (a new instance but it's ivars references the same objects) or a deep copy (a new instance containing containing new copies of every ivar)? And the object in question may not even support <NSCopying>, meaning it can't technically be copied at all.
So to sum up:
copy: Objects that are small, atomic bits of data without any internal references to other objects.
retain: Nearly every other kind of object.
Client code can assign an NSMutableString object to an NSString property. If the property was defined as strong or some other non-copy attribute, then if the client later changes the mutable string, the property's value would now be different. By setting the property to be 'copy', a copy of the string value is made and this ensures the value can't change behind your back.
So basically you should use copy whenever the property is for a type that has a mutable counterpart and you want to ensure the value doesn't change on you.

Is using copy better than retain in all the Mutable Classes of iPhone SDK?

I came to know that, it is better to use copy on #property of NSString than retain due to the problems you can get if you are provided with a NSMutableString. Is the same condition holds true for NSArray , NSDictionary, NSMutableData ?
By problems when retaining I'm assuming you mean that the data may unexpectedly change.
I would consider using copy if the above is unexpected for the circumstances that you are using the string or collection. So you can maintain a known copy of the string, collection or other object that is not going to change without you knowing about it.
However, there may be other reasons to use retain rather than copy on a non-mutable collection or string. You may accept that the contents may change, however use NSArray in the property to show that the object using the container will not modify it itself.
I would think the NSString properties probably want to use copy more so than not. Collections may be different, look at your requirements and see what fits best in your situation.

NSArray property: copy or retain?

According to this: NSString property: copy or retain?
For NSString/NSMutableString, copy is recommended.
How about NSArray/NSMutableArray?
Since you're asking about NSArray (rather than NSMutableArray), you should use copy. NSArray is immutable, so you don't expect a property of that type to change. But NSMutableArray is a subclass of NSArray, so it's perfectly valid for someone to pass in a NSMutableArray. If you just retain that object, then it may change right under your nose. If you copy rather than retain, then the object won't change.
However, you should be aware that when you copy a container like NSArray, you're copying the container only and not its contents. If the array contains mutable objects, the contents of those objects may change even though the array itself is immutable.
choose copy, unless you have a very specific reason not to, as well as all the supporting code/interface to back that up.
i detailed the rationale and several implications here:
NSMutableString as retain/copy
that example is based on NSStrings, but the same applies for NSArrays.
If it is a problem when the underlying data changes, use copy. In fact, this is what you want most of the time, as changing data behind someone's back is a good source for bugs.
Note that copy will essentially just be a retain for an NSArray. Only when you throw an NSMutableArray in, there is more work involved.
From the link you included, it pretty much comes down to this: NSString property: copy or retain?
If you want to make sure the value of the object won't change during execution, you use the copy attribute, otherwise retain will be fine. Generally, retain will be ok for NSMutableArrays and NSArrays (as well as many other objects) as you are (usually) more interested in the object then in the value it contains. In case of an NSString you are always interested in the value, so you copy it to make sure it won't change.
It depends if the developer is interested in the actual value or not. Whenever interested in the actual value, use copy (since you don't want the value to change during execution), otherwise retain is fine. From Apple's docs:
It is common practice in Objective-C code to copy value objects—objects that represent attributes. C-type variables can usually be substituted for value objects, but value objects have the advantage of encapsulating convenient utilities for common manipulations. For example, NSString objects are used instead of character pointers because they encapsulate encoding and storage.
Also from Apple's docs, on the topic of value objects:
A value object is in essence an object-oriented wrapper for a simple data element such as a string, number, or date. The common value classes in Cocoa are NSString, NSDate, and NSNumber. Value objects are often attributes of other custom objects you create.

Objective-c: Objects by value / Structs with methods / How can I get something like that?

I'm starting to code in objective-c and I've just realized that objects can only be passed by reference.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
I know I can use a c struct, but I also need the object Color to have methods that gets/sets lightness, hue, saturation, etc. I want my code to be object oriented.
Is there any solution to this?
EDIT: If for example I'm building a 3d game engine, where I'll have classes like Vector2, Vector3, Matrix, Ray, Color, etc: 1) I need them to be mutable. 2) The size of the objects is roughly the same size of a pointer, so why would I be copying pointers when I can copy the object? It would be simpler, more efficient, and I wouldnt need to manage memory, specially on methods that returns colors. And In the case of a game engine, efficiency is critical.
So, if there is no solution to this... Should I use c-structs and use c-function to work on them? Isn't there a better choice?
You can't do this. This isn't how Objective-C works (at least the Apple/GNU version*). It simply isn't designed for that sort of extreme low-level efficiency. Objects are allocated in dynamic memory and their lifetimes are controlled by methods you call on them, and that's just how it works. If you want more low-level efficiency, you can either use plain C structs or C++. But keep in mind that worrying about this is pointless in 99% of circumstances — the epitome of premature optimization. Objective-C programs are generally very competitive with C++ equivalents both in execution speed and memory use despite this minor inefficiency. I wouldn't go for a more difficult solution until profiling had proved it to be necessary.
Also, when you're new to Objective-C, it's easy to psych yourself out over memory management. In a normal Cocoa (Touch) program, you shouldn't need to bother about it too much. Return autoreleased objects from methods, use setters to assign objects you want to keep around.
*Note: There was an old implementation of Objective-C called the Portable Object Compiler that did have this ability, but it's unrelated to and incompatible with the Objective-C used on Macs and iOS devices. Also, the Apple Objective-C runtime includes special support for Blocks to be allocated on the stack, which is why you must copy them (copy reproduces the block in dynamic memory like a normal object) if you want to store them.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
You don't.
Seriously. You never need an object to use static memory or be allocated on the stack. C++ allows you to do it, but no other object oriented language I know does.
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
Why do you not want the objects to be in static memory? What advantage do you think that gives you?
On the other hand it's easy to make Objective-C objects immutable. Just make the instance variables private and don't provide any methods that can change them once the object is initialised. This is exactly how the built in immutable classes work e.g. NSArray, NSString.
One solution that people use sometimes is to use a singleton object (assuming you only need one of the objects for your entire app's lifetime). In that case, you define a class method on the class and have it return an object that it creates once when it is first requested. So you can do something like:
#implementation MyObject
+ (MyObject *)sharedObjectInstance
static MyObject *theObject=nil;
if (theObject==nil)
theObject = [[MyObject alloc] init];
return theObject;
Of course the object itself isn't what's being statically allocated, it's the pointer to the object that's statically allocated, but in any case the object will stick around until the application terminates.
There are times when you want to do this because you really only want one globally shared instance of a particular object. However, if that's not your objective, I'm not sure why you'd want to do what you're describing. You can always use the -copy method to create a copy of an object (assuming the object conforms to the NSCopying protocol) to manipulate without touching the original.
EDIT: Based on your comments above it seems you just want to have immutable objects that you can copy and modify the copies. So using -copy is probably the way to go.