Google custom search customization - google-custom-search

I need my custom search engine to search specific page of the websites.
Here is an example. I wanted to search "contact Us' Page of every indexed website in google search engine? Is this possibe?

Yes, It is possible. You can provide the URL to your search engine like:
If you want to know more about this URL patters, go through the link,and you can find some sample URL patterns.


Search Database via Google Custom Search? Attached Google CSE to (SQL/NoSQL) Database for website?

TOPIC - Google Search Engine / Custom Search - with Database
Search for "Google Search Engine" and "Google Custom Search"
(New to StackOverflow; just joined the other day.I'm limited to 2 links I can post right now).
I have not YET decided/committed to any specific coding language, framework, etc. Not until I figure out how to accomplish my question (below).
What I'm trying to do (for now) is add a "search-box/ search engine" to a simple website I'm building out. Before I get too far into it (planning ahead) I would like to use Google CSE if all possible (which can do A LOT of things and works well). However, I will have a database (not sure on type YET. Will depend on what my options and I can do with CSE) of "items" that I want to be able to quickly search (in the search-box) i.e. like
Is there any way at all, to use Google Custom Search and or Custom Search API to search/attach a database (SQL, NoSQL, or others)? I would HIGHLY prefer being able to do all of this in Google Cloud Platform, and use one of their storage/database products.
If I get what you try to do, Google CSE is enough.
From the google doc you linked :
#Defining a Custom Search Engine in Control Panel
In the Sites to search section, add the pages you want to include in
your search engine. You can include any sites you want, not just the
sites you own. You can include whole site URLs or individual pages
URLs. You can also use URL patterns.
#Enabling Autocomplete
[...]you can enable or disable autocomplete feature using
enableAutoComplete attribute.
For the Is there any way at all [..] to search a database, I'll said not directly, but it's not a big problem.
Google CSE work on "indexable web pages", so it'll not work again a raw DB, restricted internet, or custom network not under http(s)://.
But in your case, if you make a DB, I suppose you'll have to make web page to display the data you store inside to your users ? (like products pages on Amazon)
If yes, then you'll run Google CSE again these pages by adding your http://[server ip] or http://[domain name] in the white list.
As far as I know, custom search won't guarantee all your content will be indexed.
You probably want to try exporting a full sitemap.xml, a RSS feed and if the custom search results from either of these won't satisfy you, you will probably want to look at the google search appliance product.
There's also by the way.

How to get such header title and search input in Google search for website

How to get such header title and search input in Google search for website like below:
I am doing my website with core PHP (not any CMS like WordPress, Drupal etc.). So please help me to get such a result in Google.
This is called Sitelinks.
Check it out here:
It's an Google automated process and you can't do much to control it. Although a google search on "how to get sitelinks" gives you plenty of results on how to get them, for example, here, or here.
Or perhaps you can purchase them under your AdWords advertisement.
As far as I know, it is much related to PHP. It's more on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

custom google search autosuggestion

I have created a custom google search application for my website.
Below is the url
to create application.
Under the Auto complete section i have enabled autocomplete,but still it dont suggest me the options when i start typing on search box.
It suggest me only the keywords that We define under custom autocompletions.
SO my question is : Do we need to provide all the custom keywords that we want to autocomplete in search box or google just creates its own autosuggestion from the website ?
It creates autosuggestions from the website, but it may take few days to collect all data. It also takes into account user's queries on your website.
As previous answer suggests, autocomplete can take a few days to begin working. In addition you must specify one or more specific sites / pages to which to restrict the custom search engine. On occasion, you may also have to specify that the CSE only search those site(s) / page(s) instead of simply emphasizing them in the results.

Is it possible to search twitter users by url?

I am developing an application and I am wondering whether there is any way to search a particular user by the give URL?
basically what I want to do is to find out the relationship between a website and twitter account, say by given domain, the code will find out the possible twitter account for this website, say #iamowneroffoobar whose url value has been set as '' in twitter.
By checking the twitter API, I couldn't find any way to do this, but I have already seen this feature been implemented by few other sites, anyone knows how to do this?
I don't have a direct or easy answer but you can try looking for the URL within Twitter pages using Google or Bing's Search API.
This article notes that you can Search for Twitter users based on the words used in their bio profile - intitle:”on twitter” “bio * sport”*
This will provide you with a long list of people who have used the word sport in their Twitter bio. Again, just alter the search term to suit your own needs.
See if you can adapt this search query to find URL specified in the bio of a Twitter user programmatically.
You could make your own web crawler that searches for the link within the HTML source page. For example, search the web for top sites that index under "foobar" in the domain name, then crawl those pages for the code for their twitter button, which contains the username. I have some ideas of how to do this in Python. Mainly just what I've learned for the CS101 course on

What should i add to my site to make google index the subpages as well

I am a beginner web developer and i have a site, it is built on php. It is a city local listing search engine. Basically i've written search pages which take in a parameter, fetch the records from the database and display it. So it is dynamically generating the content. However if you look at the bottom of the site, i have added many static links where i have hard coded the parameters in the link like searchresult.php?tablename='schools'. So my question is
Since google crawls the page and also the links listed in the page, will it be crawling the results page data as well? How can i identify if it has. So far i tried but it results the homepage and the blog alone.
What more can i add to make the static links be indexed by it as well.
The best way to do this is to create a sitemap document (you can even get the template from Google's webmaster portion of their sites, I believe).