Sybase select distinct on one column, do not care about others - sql

I have seen many similar questions but none that meet my needs exactly, and I cannot seem to deduce a solution on my own from inspecting the other questions.
I have the following (mock) table below. My actual table has many more columns.
ID | color | feel | size | alive | age
1 | blue | soft | large | true | 36
2 | red | soft | large | true | 36
2 | blue | hard | small | false | 37
2 | blue | soft | large | true | 36
2 | blue | soft | small | false | 39
15 | blue | soft | medium | true | 04
15 | blue | soft | large | true | 04
15 | green | soft | large | true | 15
40 | pink | sticky | large | true | 83
51 | brown | rough | tiny | false | 01
51 | gray | soft | tiny | true | 59
34 | blue | soft | large | true | 02
I want the result to look like:
Result of query on TableA:
ID | color | feel | size | alive | age
1 | blue | soft | large | true | 36
2 | red | soft | large | true | 36
15 | blue | soft | medium | true | 04
40 | pink | sticky | large | true | 83
51 | brown | rough | tiny | false | 01
34 | blue | soft | large | true | 02
I want one row for every unique ID column, but I do not want to check the other columns. I need the other columns returned in my result set, but I do not want to filter on them. I just need one row for every unique ID - I do not care which row.
In my example, I selected the first row of every unique ID.
I have tried variations of
select *
from TableA
group by ID having ID = max(ID)
Most examples I have seen with group by and max and/or min functions involve only 2 columns. I have many more columns, however.
I have also seen examples using CTE, but I am not using SQL Server (I am using Sybase).
How can I achieve the result set described?
We are using Sybase version 15.1.

Your solution with MIN has some drawbacks. It doesn't return you a specific row but MIN values from the group of rows. You can get as result rows which are not in database. Is it OK for you ?
Row_number is supported in sybase 15.2
It's sad if it is not supported in 15.1. You can use then identity column and temporary table to achieve what you want.

There are a variety of ways to do this. If you have a more recent version of Sybase, you can use row_number():
select t.*
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by id) as seqnum
from table t
) t
where seqnum = 1;

The solution I have come up with is below.
It "feels" like a poor solution - I am still open to new answers:
group by ID
I do not like how verbose I am with the application of the min function to every column, but this returns the desired result set.


Query'd top 15 faults, need the accumulated downtime from another column

I'm currently trying to query up a list of the top 15 occurring faults on a PLC in the warehouse. I've gotten that part down:
Select top 15 fault_number, fault_message, count(*) FaultCount
from Faults_Stator
where T_stamp> dateadd(hour, -18, getdate())
Group by Fault_number, Fault_Message
Order by Faultcount desc
HOOOWEVER I now need to find out the accumulated downtime of said faults in the top 15 list, information in another column "Fault_duration". How would I go about doing this? Thanks in advance, you've all helped me so much already.
| Fault Number | Fault Message | FaultCount |
| 122 | ST10: Part A&B Failed | 23 |
| 4 | ST16: Part on Table B | 18 |
| 5 | ST7: No Spring Present on Part A | 15 |
| 6 | ST7: No Spring Present on Part B | 12 |
| 8 | ST3: No Pin Present B | 8 |
| 1 | ST5: No A Housing | 5 |
| 71 | ST4: Shuttle Right Not Loaded | 4 |
| 144 | ST15: Vertical Cylinder did not Retract | 3 |
| 98 | ST8: Plate Loader Can not Retract | 3 |
| 72 | ST4: Shuttle Left Not Loaded | 2 |
| 94 | ST8: Spring Gripper Cylinder did not Extend | 2 |
| 60 | ST8: Plate Loader Can not Retract | 1 |
| 83 | ST6: No A Spring Present | 1 |
| 2 | ST5: No B Housing | 1 |
| 51 | ST4: Vertical Cylinder did not Extend | 1 |
I know I wouldn't be using the same query, but I'm at a loss at how to do this next step.
Fault duration is a column which dictates how long the fault lasted in ms. I'm trying to have those accumulated next to the corresponding fault. So the first offender would have those 23 individual fault occurrences summed next to it, in another column.
You should be able to use the SUM accumulator:
Select top 15 fault_number, fault_message, count(*) FaultCount, SUM (Fault_duration) as FaultDuration
from Faults_Stator
where T_stamp> dateadd(hour, -18, getdate())
Group by Fault_number, Fault_Message
Order by Faultcount desc

How do I make this calculated measure axis independent and portable?

So I am a beginner at MDX and I have an MDX query that works the way I want it to so long as I put the set on either the columns or rows. If I put the same set on the filter axis it doesn't work. I'd like to make this calculated measure is independent on where this set lives. I'm guaranteed to always have some form of a set included, but I'm not guaranteed which axis the user will place it on (eg row, columns, filter).
Here is the query that works:
WITH MEMBER Measures.avgApplicants as
Avg([applicationDate].[yearMonth].[month].Members, [Measures].[applicants])
{[Measures].[applicants],[Measures].[avgApplicants]} ON 0,
{[applicationDate].[yearMonth].[year].[2015]:[applicationDate].[yearMonth].[year].[2016]} ON 1
FROM [applicants]
And results:
| | applicants | avgMonthlyApplicants |
| 2015 | 367 | 33 |
| 2016 | 160 | 33 |
However, if I shift this query around to move the set onto the filter axis I get nothing:
WITH MEMBER Measures.avgApplicants as
Avg([applicationDate].[yearMonth].[month].Members, [Measures].[applicants])
{[Measures].[applicants],[Measures].[avgApplicants]} ON 0,
{[Gender].Members} ON 1
FROM [applicants]
WHERE ([applicationDate].[yearMonth].[year].[2015]:[applicationDate].[yearMonth].[year].[2016])
I get this:
| | applicants | avgApplicants |
| All Genders | | 478 | |
| | Female | 172 | |
| | Male | 183 | |
| | Not Known | 61 | |
| | Unspecified | 62 | |
So how do a create this calculated measure work so that it isn't dependent on which axis the set is placed on?

Find a subset of numbers that equals to the target weighted average and target sum

There is a SQL server table containing 1 million of rows. A sample data is shown below.
Percentage column is computed as = ((Y/X)* 100)
| ID | Amount | Percentage | X | Y | Z |
| 1 | 10 | 9.5 | 100 | 9.5 | 95 |
| 2 | 20 | 9.5 | 100 | 9.5 | 190 |
| 3 | 40 | 5 | 100 | 5 | 200 |
| 4 | 50 | 5.555555556 | 90 | 5 | 277.7777778 |
| 5 | 70 | 8.571428571 | 70 | 6 | 600 |
| 6 | 100 | 9.230769231 | 65 | 6 | 923.0769231 |
| 7 | 120 | 7.058823529 | 85 | 6 | 847.0588235 |
| 8 | 60 | 10.52631579 | 95 | 10 | 631.5789474 |
| 9 | 80 | 10 | 100 | 10 | 800 |
| 10 | 95 | 10 | 100 | 10 | 950 |
Now I need to find the rows such that their amount value add up to a given Amount and weighted average matches to the given Percentage.
For example, if the target Amount =365 and target Percentage=9.84, then from the given dataset, we can say that rows with ID=1,2,6,8,9,10 form the subset which will match the given targets.
Amount = 10+20+100+60+80+95
= 365
Percentage = Sum of (product of Amount and Percentage)/Sum of (Amount)
(I am using Z column to store the products of Amount and Percentage to make the calculations easier)
= ((10*9.5)+(20*9.5)+(100*9.23077)+(60*10.5264)+(80*10)+(95*10))/ (10+20+100+60+80+95)
= 9.834673618
So the rows 1,2,6,8,9,10 matches the given target sum and target weighted average.
Proposed algorithm should work on the 1 million rows and main objective is to achieve the match on the weighted average (Percentage) with Amount as much close as possible to the target Amount.
I found few questions on the stackoverflow which are related to match the target sum. But my problem is to match two target attributes Sum and weighted average.
Which algorithm can be used to achieve this?
Since the target "Percentage" is only approximate (therefore not an actual constraint), let's try removing it and find a solution for Amount. This can only make the problem easier.
What's left is the Subset Sum Problem, which is NP-complete. There are simple exponential-time solutions, and sneaky pseudo-polynomial-time solutions, but I don't think any of them will be practical for a table with 106 rows.
If this is an academic exercise, I suggest you write up the cleverest pseudo-polynomial-time solution you can come up with. If it's a task in the real world, I suggest you go back to the person who gave it to you, explain that an exact solution is impractical, and negotiate for an approximate solution.

Merge same cells in iReport

is it possible to have a sum in detail band in iReport?
It is important to have cells merged vertically after export to excel like this:
| id | year | value | sum |
| | 2010 | 55 | |
| 1 | 2011 | 65 | 180 |
| | 2012 | 60 | |
| 2 | 2010 | 70 | 70 |
My idea is to have the main query with GROUP BY clause and for "year" and "value" use table component with another query. Problem is that my query is long running and i need to have only one in whole report.
First have a look at here. It's about grouping rows.
You will see that you should create a group in your report, not in the query depending on your id field.
For calculating the sum field, drag the value field to the column footer, and then you will see a pop-up menu. Click to the result of an aggregation function radio button, then choose sum function. This will create a variable to calculate the sum of the value field. Change this variable's reset type to group (to id_group). Use this field in your sum field.
For grouping rows depending on id, click on the sum field and set this field's print when group changes to id_group.
this should help :)
when you group your fields your table will look like this. The grouped fields are at the top.
| id | year | value | sum |
| 1 | 2010 | 55 | 180 |
| | 2011 | 65 | |
| | 2012 | 60 | |
| 2 | 2010 | 70 | 70 |

How to get the cartesian product in MySQL for a single table

Disclaimers first: I'm dealing with a legacy database with a pretty bizarre schema. Plus, I'm a complete SQL noob, so that's not helping either.
Basically, I have a table that has product variations. A good example might be t-shirts. The "generic" t-shirt has a product id. Each type of variation (size, color) has an id. Each value of the variation (red, small) has an id.
So table looks like:
| id | tshirt | option_id | option_name | value_id | value_name |
| 1 | Zombies! | 2 | color | 13 | red |
| 1 | Zombies! | 2 | color | 24 | black |
| 1 | Zombies! | 3 | size | 35 | small |
| 1 | Zombies! | 3 | size | 36 | medium |
| 1 | Zombies! | 3 | size | 56 | large |
| 2 | Ninja! | 2 | color | 24 | black |
| 2 | Ninja! | 3 | size | 35 | small |
I want to write a query that retrieves the different combinations for a given product.
In this example, the Zombie shirt comes in Red/Small, Red/Medium, Red/Large, Black/Small, Black/Medium, and Black/Large (six variations). The Ninja shirt just has the one variation: Black/Small.
I believe this is the cartesian product of size and color.
Those ids are really foreign keys to other tables, so those names/values aren't but wanted to include for clarity.
The number of options can vary (not limited to two) and the number of values per option can vary as well. Ultimately, the numbers are likely to small-ish for a given product so I'm not worried about millions of rows here.
Any ideas on how I might do this?
try this:
color.option_id as color_option_id,
color.option_name as color_option_name,
color.value_id as color_value_id,
color.value_name as color_value_name,
size.option_id as size_option_id,
size.option_name as size_option_name,
size.value_id as size_value_id,
size.value_name as size_value_name
foo f
inner join foo color on = and f.value_id = color.value_id and color.option_id = 2
inner join foo size on = and size.option_id = 3
order by,
color.option_id, color.value_id,
size.value_id, size.value_id;
Looks like distinct can do the trick:
select distinct tshirt
, option_name
, value_name
from YourTable