Assign Event by Event Handler -

In my application i am using Krypton Component Factory.
My application i have Ribbon Menu and Some krypton buttons. In krypton buttons i want to assign click event of Ribbon Menu Group Button at run time. The events of Ribbon Menu Group Button Changed Based some condition so i tried like this
Dim eventsField = GetType(Component).GetField("events", BindingFlags.NonPublic Or
Dim eventHandlerList = eventsField.GetValue(KryptonRibbonGroupButton1)
eventsField.SetValue(KryptonButton1, eventHandlerList)
Its not work. The Get Field always return nothing.
Problem: I want add handler of Krypton Button Click event by old ribbon menu button throw coding using the controls name only. Its Possible or not? Its possible how to do it?
am using Vb.Net

Perhaps you're looking for AddHandler?


Add user control to panel on button click

I'm new to VB.NET and struggling with below.
In my button click event I'm trying to add a user control every time a button is clicked. I only ever see one control, I presume I'm just overwriting each time. How do I get it to display each version in the list?
Dim ucMyCtrl As New MyControl
pnlAddMyControl.Controls.Add(ucMyCtrl )

Suppress default right click menu in datagridview

I have my own right click menu for a datagridview, however when a user in in edit mode and right clicks on the cell that he is editing both the default and my own menu come up and they overlap. I have moved mine to a side but its unsightly. Is there a way that I can supress the default right click menu and only have mine show ? Im using Thanks
In a short eg here is the code that creates my menu
Dim menu As ContextMenuStrip = New ContextMenuStrip
menu.Items.Add(ShowMenuItem1, Nothing, AddressOf MenuG5_ShowMenuItem1)
menu.Items.Add(ShowMenuItem1, Nothing, AddressOf MenuG5_ShowMenuItem2)
I guess you can just set contextmenu strip visibility property to false....

Right Click event not firing in VSTO code for PowerPoint 2010

I'm attempting to add a Context Menu option to PowerPoint 2010 that only appears when text is selected. Unfortunately the WindowBeforeRightClick event does not seem to fire if the mouse is inside of a TextBox.
Is there a different event I need to be listening to or a better way to add that context menu?

Visual Basic 2010 Event Listeners on a List

I have a list of buttons in VB2010.
What is the best way to assign a function to their click event.
So every button has the same function, e.g.:
On Button Click
End On Button Click
Without having to add a click event for every button.
The goal is to produce something similar to what is done with the Control Array idea in Visual Basic 2006.
Define a click function as in:
and react based on Sender. There may be a cleaner way to setup delegates in VB.NET, but I use it not. (desktop) context menu assigned to multiple controls owner problem

I have two different grid controls on the same form. They share the same context menu. I am having trouble determining which control is the owner when I select the context menu item.
SourceControl property on the ContextMenuStrip class will show the last control that caused that menu strip to be shown.
The event handler for the MenuItem's Click event will have a Sender parameter. This object should be the control that had the focus when the context menu was displayed.