How to get the ember-data 1.0 beta version with bower? - ember-data

I want to manage all the frontend components with bower.
When downloading ember with bower, i get the 1.5.1 version.
Afterwards when downloading the ember-data i get:
$ bower install ember-data bower cached
git:// bower validate
0.0.14 against git://* bower cached git:// bower
validate 1.0.1 against
Unable to find a suitable version for ember, please choose one:
1) ember#~1.0.0 which resolved to 1.0.1 and is required by ember-data#0.0.14
2) ember#~1.5.1 which resolved to 1.5.1 and is required by davidga
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
[?] Answer:
I want to use ember 1.0 beta as i know it from the getting started guide and it works fine with the 1.5.1 version of ember.
How do i tell bower to download the ember-data beta version?
I tried to fix it like the following post How to download ember canary version using bower
but it did not work.
bower install ember-data:"1.0.0-beta.5"
wer ENOTFOUND Package ember-data:1.0.0-beta.5 not found

I found the answer according to this link
If i want a specific version i have to write # and then the version
bower install ember-data#1.0.0-beta.8

bower install ember-data-shim
this command will install ember-data 1.0.0-beta.8
in bower.json:
"ember-data-shim": "1.0.0-beta.8",


Node module versioning

I have a node module for example demo-npm-module. The module has different versions published to npm. For example
I want to make some bug fix in an older version for example 1.1.0 , then the version will be updated to 1.1.1. I made this change and published to npm. Now the problem is after publishing version 1.1.1 this becomes the latest version.
If I do npm install demo-npm-module now it will install version 1.1.1 instead of the actual latest version which is 3.0.0.
Is there any solution to publish changes to an older version and increment the patch/minor version number of node package without making it the latest version?
Have a look at the documentation for npm publish.
By default, npm assigns the tag latest to the release you publish.
An by default, npm install looks up for the version containing tag latest.
You can work around this by defining your own tag, in such case, you may use v1 for the whole set of versions 1.x.y.
npm publish --tag v1
Mike Bostock, a javascript developer, wrote an article detailing this a while ago, it's worth having a look at it: Prereleases and Npm.

How to check my create-nuxt-app version and upgrade it?

Previously, running yarn create nuxt-app myApp installs Nuxt v2.4.0 but today for example I noticed you downgraded to Nuxt v2.0.0. I did not change the development environment so I can not understand this behavior.
I did some search and complained elsewhere when I landed on this:
So the OP was asked to upgrade his create-nuxt-app version.
But how to do that ? How to check which create-nuxt-app I do have ?
I read why does Create-Nuxt-App installs nuxt version 1.4.5? and the answer says you: "Make sure you don't have a version of create-nuxt-app installed locally or globally." But how do you even install create-nuxt-app locally and globally ?
When I run npm list -g | grep 'nuxt-app' I do not get anything.
You are fine. You don't need to do anything.
If you create a project with create-nuxt-app you get "nuxt": "^2.0.0" in your package.json which means that your project automatically uses the latest 2.x.x version of nuxt. Also if there'll be an update to nuxt your project with update itself.
And to answer your two questions:
If you have create-nuxt-app installed in your project you can check its version using npm list create-nuxt-app (make sure you are in the project's directory). If it's installed globally you can check the version using npm list create-nuxt-app -g.
You can install create-nuxt-app locally using npm install create-nuxt-app and globally with npm install -g create-nuxt-app.
I finally found an answer here and there:
This execution screenshot from #manniL on Github is helpful also:
To check the existing NuxtJS Version of the project,
run yarn why nuxt on your terminal from the project root directory.
If you want to check for the VueJS version, install Vue Developer tool web extension, and check for Vue version.
If you have installed create-nuxt-app globally using npm, first uninstall that. Using the below command.
npm uninstall -g create-nuxt-app
Then reinstall it. And the latest version of the package will be installed.
npm install -g create-nuxt-app

Trying to install grunt-cli, but need help to upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0

I was working through the Thinkster Angular/Firebase tutorial and in the installation process I got to the part where I needed to install grunt-cli with this command in the terminal:
npm install -g bower grunt-cli
and got this error:
lodash#<3.0.0 is no longer maintained. Upgrade to lodash#^3.0.0.
How do I upgrade my lodash?
This is probably because of the dependency chain. I guess grunt is still stocking to the older version of lodash. I think you should be fine as long as grunt is supporting it.
You find more info on this at

Why npm has newer version of packages than bower

I am using ng-prettyjson in my project. For dependencies management I am using bower.
After setting dependency to the ng-prettyjson to the next one "ng-prettyjson": "~0.1.6", I am receiving information
> bower not-cached git://
> bower resolve git://
> bower ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy ~0.1.6
> Additional error details: Available versions: 0.1.3, 0.1.1
If you check on ng-prettyjson github page it is true - only 2 releases, but if you take a look into ng-prettyjson npm repository there is 0.1.6. as the latest version. What is more if you try to install this component with npm you will install 0.1.6 version.
Is there any way to instruct bower to use as well npm repository for searching dependencies? Does it make sense to do such a thing?
You cannot instruct bower to do this. This is because Bower will need additional information about the bower component (like dependencies, version, etc.). This information is needed to resolve the dependencies in your bower-components folder.
Most dependencies have build automation to update their bower and npm repositories, so I think you will not always get this problem. If you really need the most recent version of prettyjson, you could use npm for this specific dependency, or ask the developer to update it's bower repository.
I have just released a new version, thank you for warning me about it, you can download version here or with bower.
0.1.6 release

ember-cli packages installation

Why some npm packages for ember-cli (like ember-cli-simple-auth or ember-cli-simple-auth-token) needs to be installed with the following two statements
npm install --save-dev ember-cli-simple-auth-token
ember generate simple-auth-token
I don't actually understand the second one which apparently simply add a bower dependency:
me#imac1 ~/dev/wishhhh/ember $ ember generate simple-auth-token
version: 0.1.2
Installing browser packages via Bower...
cached git://
Installed browser packages via Bower.
Why do I need it?
You are correct in that all it does is install a bower package.
The reason this is requires is it prevents duplicate bower dependencies in your app. Early in addon development, people were installing bower components with an npm postInstall hook. While this worked, it added a lot of extra file size and possible conflicting bower dependencies.
This is the current pattern that addon developers are using to include bower dependencies in your project. This will likely be changed in the future but that is why for now.
(Answered referencing ember-cli 0.1.2)