How to setup puppet master as a node - ssl

Currently I have a master and agent working on separate Centos 6.5 VMs. I would like to be able to configure my own master as I will be tearing down and making a new master every time.
How can I get puppet agent --test --noop to work on my master machine as well?
Currently I receive an error:
Error: Could not request certificate: 502 "Proxy Error ( The specified Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port is not allowed. ISA Server is not configured to allow SSL requests from this port. Most Web browsers use port 443 for SSL requests. )"
SSL requests seem to be setup for port 443. Any thoughts?
Thank you very much!

Credit to Felix Frank, mr_tron
Issue seemed to be solved by removing http_proxy declaration in .bashrc file and anywhere else
Puppet Master now able to act as an agent
Thank you,


Iredmail local server with pfsense, nginx and ssl problems

I have a problem that bothers me for few days. I have 2 local servers on same IP, at my office, on one we run an apache webapp that uses port 443 and port 80, and on the other one i tried to install ubuntu iredmail server, all good until i asked for a letsencrypt certificate, and tried to open the mail domain url. I changed the ssl port in 00-default-ssl.conf to 8443, i stopped the nftables, no firewall installed or active on the mail server, just the pfsense working on network level. if i try to open the mail domain with port 8443 i get the no page, if i try to run with 443 i cant connect to it. If i try to open the main domain, not the mail, the root domain, with default port for ssl i get the page from the other server that runs the apache app, that should be linked to another domain.
I tried to obtain a ssl and i got an error that says the cert cant be downloaded on the server due to a possible firewall misconfiguration. I readout somewhere that pfsense might be the culprit, because he cant read the redirects from request header.
Can you please help me fix it ? I start loosing my patience.
I am trying to install iredmail on a local server with static IP and pfsense.

Cant connect to my minecraft server, did port forward, set inbound outbound rules for TCP and UDP, forge 1.12.2

I've recently tried making a forge 1.12.2 Minecraft server and I can't connect to it via my public IP. Localhost works but not public IP. I have port forwarded my server and also set inbound and outbound TCP/UDP rules for 25565(my mc port) on my firewall. How I setup my mc server:
Ran forge installer to install my mc server into a folder on my desktop
Ran the forge jar
Changed the eula to true
Ran the forge jar again
added my local IP to the file
added mods and made run.bat file to run with more ram
Set inbound and outbound rules for firewall for 25565 UDP and TCP
Port forwarded 25565
Ran server again
After that I still could not use my public IP to join my Minecraft server.
If someone could help that would be appreciated.
I think the problem might be that you set your local IP in the file. Try removing that value altogether, it's recommended to leave it empty, as stated here:

ssl for aws EC2 Flask application

I have registered a free domain name from and added nameservers from AWS route53. Now my domain <blabla>.ga successfully redirects to EC2 python flask server. But I really can't figure out how to add ssl by using lets encrypt. I am following the link for SLLifying my ec2.after running letsencrypt-auto I add domain names and press enter, then I get
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-40-218 letsencrypt]$ cd /opt/letsencrypt/
[ec2-user#ip-172-31-40-218 letsencrypt]$ ./letsencrypt-auto
Requesting to rerun ./letsencrypt-auto with root privileges...
Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log
Plugins selected: Authenticator apache, Installer apache
No names were found in your configuration files. Please enter in your domain
name(s) (comma and/or space separated) (Enter 'c' to cancel):
Obtaining a new certificate
Performing the following challenges:
http-01 challenge for
http-01 challenge for
Cleaning up challenges
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
A similar question is asked here, but I've already done most part explained in both of the answers. Can anyone assist me on what I am missing here ?
try following tutorials:
Make sure that you able to access said web app without https, then try to install SSL. As I can see you are getting following error
Unable to find a virtual host listening on port 80 which is currently needed for Certbot to prove to the CA that you control your domain. Please add a virtual host for port 80.
There must be some configuration issue. Please debug it and let me know.

Weblogic NodeManager Start Failure

I've setup a weblogic cluster with 2 managed servers.In order to configure node manager on both nodes i've followed the related article :
with the following configuration :
Machine-0 :
Machine-1 (the second managed server) has the same configuration with the exceptions of ports (5557) and name.
Although node manager is successfully started on both machines ( on machine-0 and machine-1) from admin console on Machine-0 the following error occurs and node manager doesnt start :
nodemanager.log of Machine-0 has no indications of errors or any helpful stuff.
Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance
These are the things that I usually check when I am setting up a new WebLogic domain:
It is possible that the Listen Address of Machine-1 is not correct. Check the Listen Address of the machine from the WebLogic Domain Configuration. It should match the host's machine name. Using localhost might not work because the Admin Server is trying to connect to the Machine-1, which can be on the other server.
Make sure to check if the port is reachable from the Admin Server's machine.
Check that the Node Manager configuration uses Plain instead of SSL connection, as stated in your file. Under Environments > Machines, click the machine and go to Configuration Tab, Node Manager. Check if the Type is Plain and not SSL. Changing this will require a restart of the Admin Server.
Please verify the items below before you start nodemanager.
Check if the has your domain name listed.
Try to see if the ports are listening using the commands below.
netstat -an|grep 5557
netstat -an|grep 5558
Also, check if the nodemanager is reachable in weblogic console.

Chef on AWS: How do you update the certificate on the server?

I am trying to use knife from my laptop to connect to a newly configured Chef server hosted on AWS. I know what is listed below is the right direction for me but I'm not sure how to go about this exactly.
If you are not able to connect to the server using the hostname ip-xx-x-x-xx.ec2.internal
you will have to update the certificate on the server to use the correct hostname.
I had this same problem. The problem is that EC2 instances place their private ip into their hostname file. Which causes chef to self assign certs to the internal ip. When you do knife ssl check you'll probably get an error message that looks like this:
ERROR: The SSL cert is signed by a trusted authority but is not valid for the given hostname
ERROR: You are attempting to connect to: ''
ERROR: The server's certificate belongs to ''
connecting to the public IP is correct however you'll continue to get this error if you don't configure your chef server to use your public dns when signing the cert.
EDIT: Chef's documentation used to have steps to correct this issue, but since the time I initially answered this question they have removed those steps from their tutorial. The following steps worked for me with Chef 12, Ubuntu 16 on an ec2 instance.
ssh onto your chef server
open your hostname file with the following command sudo vim /etc/hostname
remove the line containing you internal ip and replace it with your public ip and save the file.
reboot the server with sudo reboot
run sudo chef-server-ctl reconfigure (this signs a new certificate, among other things)
Go back to your workstation and use knife ssl fetch followed by knife ssl check and you should be good to go.
What you could ALSO do, is just complete steps 1 - 4 before you even install chef onto the server.
Update public IP on Chef Server
run chef-server-ctl reconfigure on Server (No reboot needed)
Update the knife.rb on Workstation with new IP address
run 'knife ssl fetch' on the Chef Workstation
This should resolve the issue, to confirm run 'knife client list'
You can't connect to an internal IP (or DNS that points to an internal IP) from outside AWS. Those are nonroutable IP addresses.
Instead, connect to the public IP of the instance, if you have one.