Should I have both text and value in my model for a property that is selected from dropdownlist -

In ASP.NET MVC application I have a model named CarSearchCriteria:
public class CarSearchCriteria{
public int CarMake {get;set;} // This is selected from a dropdownlist
public int YearOfFirstReg {get;set;}
public string ModelVariant {get;set}
I have two views - one for editing and the other one for viewing. In the editing view for the CarMake property I can do the following. I know I could have used DropDownListFor but didn't want to mess with SelectList for the time being:
<select name="CarMake">
<option value="1">BMW</option>
<option value="2">Mercedes</option>
<option value="3">Toyota</option>
So the model binding mechanism will easily bind the selected value to the appropriate model property. But what about the reading mode. I can't show 1s or 2s. I need to show BMW, Mercedes and so on. My question is what is the preferred way, do I have to have a property name that holds the actual textual information, something like CarMakeText?

You could have both the identifier (which you currently have) as well as the Make object itself. The latter would never need to be accessed when building the model, but can be accessed when reading the model. A lazy-loaded read-only property often works well for that. Something like this:
public int CarMakeID { get; set; }
public Make CarMake
if (CarMakeID == default(int))
return null;
// fetch the Make from data and return it
Naturally, this depends a lot on what a Make actually is and where you get it. If there's just some in-memory list somewhere then that should work fine. If fetching an instance of a Make is a little more of an operation (say, fetching from a database) then maybe some in-object caching would be in order in case you need to access it more than once:
public int CarMakeID { get; set; }
private Make _carMake;
public Make CarMake
if (CarMakeID == default(int))
return null;
if (_carMake == null)
// fetch the Make from data and save it to _carMake
return _carMake;

David's solution is just fine but for some reason I find my own solution to better fit my needs and besides that I find it more elegant. So basically what I do is I create a class that holds the textual descriptions of all the properties that keep just ID. For example, I have the following model:
public class EmployeeModel{
public int EmployeeID {get;set;}
public string FullName {get;set}
*public int DepartmentID {get;set}
*public int SpecialityID {get;set;}
public int Age {get;set;}
The properties marked with asterisk are the properties that keep ids of possible many predefined options and when showing we're supposed to show the actual descriptions, not the number representations. So for this purpose, we create a separate class:
public class EmployeeTextValues{
public string DepartmentName {get;set;}
public string SpecialityName {get;set;}
And then I just add this class as a property to my model:
public EmployeeTextValues TextValues {get;set;}
After that, it's quite easy to access it from anywhere, including Razor.
P.S. I'm sure that a lot of people will tend to do the following before initializing this property:
Employee emp=new Employee;
emp.TextValues.DepartmentName="Engineering";// Don't do this
If you try to access or set Textvalues.Someproperty you'll get Object reference not set to an instance of an object. So do not forget to set TextValues first to some initialized object. Just a kind reminder, that's all.


Instantiating ModelExpression directly

Let's say I have the following input tag which utilizes the built-in tag helper:
#model ProductViewModel
<label asp-for="Product.Id"></label>
In my case, this expands into the following:
<label for="Product_Id">Id</label>
I see that asp-for is expecting a ModelExpression:
In tag helper implementations, I often see a property like the following:
public ModelExpression For { get; set; }
It appears that this is automatically populated when the tag helper is used.
Is there a way to instantiate a ModelExpression directly in C#?
I.e. something like this:
var exp = new ModelExpression("Product.Id",...)
I'd like to be able to generate "Product_Id" and "Id" from Product.Id as the input tag helper did.
As far as I know, you can specify that your property is to be set to the name of some property on the View's Model object by declaring your property with the ModelExpression type. This will enable any developer using your property to get IntelliSense support for entering a property name from the Model object. More importantly, your code will be passed the value of that property through the ModelExpression's Model property.
Sample code as below:
public class EmployeeDetailTagHelper : TagHelper
public ModelExpression EmployeeName { get; set; }
public ModelExpression Designation { get; set; }
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)
output.TagName = "EmployeeDetails";
output.TagMode = TagMode.StartTagAndEndTag;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("<span>Name: {0}</span> <br/>", this.EmployeeName.Model);
sb.AppendFormat("<span>Designation: {0}</span>", this.Designation.Model);
Code in the View page:
#model WebApplication7.Models.EmployeeViewModel
<div class="row">
<employee-details for-name="Name" for-designation="Designation"></employee-details>
Code in the Model
public class EmployeeViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Designation { get; set; }
From above code, you can see that we could custom the attribute name. More detail information about using the ModelExpression, check the following links:
Creating Custom Tag Helpers With ASP.NET Core MVC
Expression names
I'd like to be able to generate "Product_Id" and "Id" from Product.Id
as the input tag helper did.
Besides, do you mean you want to change the Product. Id to Product_Id, in my opinion, I'm not suggesting you change it, because generally we can use "_" as a separator in the property name. So, if we are using Product.Id, it means the Product's Id property, and the Product_Id means there have a Product_Id property.
To answer the question:
Is there a way to instantiate a ModelExpression directly in C#"
Yes you can, through IModelExpressionProvider and its CreateModelExpression method. You can get an instance of this interface through DI.
Now, if you're already in your view and working with tag helpers, Zhi Lv's answer is all you need, as the functionality is built-in and much easier to use. You only need IModelExpressionProvider for when you're in your Razor Page, Controller, or perhaps some custom middleware. Personally, I find this functionality useful for my Ajax handlers that need to return one of my ViewComponents that has a ModelExpression argument (so that I can easily call it from my Pages/Views too.)
To call CreateModelExpression, you'll need a strongly-typed instance of ViewData. In Razor Pages, this is as easy as casting the ViewData property to the strongly-typed instance of your PageModel's type (presuming you don't have a page model hierarchy):
var viewData = (ViewDataDictionary<IndexModel>)ViewData;
If you're using MVC and you're in the controller, that won't exist yet. Best you can do is make your own instance.
var viewData = new ViewDataDictionary<ErrorViewModel>(new EmptyModelMetadataProvider(),
new ModelStateDictionary());
Once you get your strongly-typed ViewData instance, you can obtain your desired ModelExpression like this, just like using a lambda expression in your views:
var myPropertyEx = _modelExpressionProvider.CreateModelExpression(viewData,
m => m.MyProperty);

What is the recommended way to do partial updates with PATCH in ServiceStack?

I am building a RESTful API using the ServiceStack framework. A lot of the resources that I need to update are quite big, with up to 40 attributes per class, so I would like to do partial updates instead of replacing the entire resource. Often the client will only need to update one or two attributes out of the 40, so I would like to just send a JSON body consisting of the few attributes.
Since all combinations of attributes are possible, it is not feasible to make an "Update" class per class as suggested here:
In the Microsoft ASP.NET WebAPI OData package there is a Delta class that takes a subset of a class and updates the resource based on this subset ( This is the functionality I would like to have, as I will be having quite a few classes so a generic method would be best.
Basically, if I have a class
public class MyClass {
public int a { get; set; }
public int b { get; set; }
public int z { get; set; }
I would like to update a resource of MyClass with a PATCH request with body
Is there a standard or recommended way to accomplish this with ServiceStack?
Declare any scalar values in your DTO as nullable. This will allow you to determine which fields were actually sent in the request:
public class MyClass {
public int? a { get; set; }
public int? b { get; set; }
public int? c { get; set; }
// etc.
// object-type properties are already nullable of course
public string MyString { get; set; }
Now if a client sends a partial request, like so:
{ "a": 1, "b": 0 }
You'll be able to determine which properties were actually sent when inspecting your DTO:
myClass.a == 1
myClass.b == 0
myClass.c == null
myClass.MyString == null
Set up a PATCH route for your DTO and implement a Patch method in your service:
public object Patch(MyClass request)
var existing = GetMyClassObjectFromDatabase();
PopulateWithNonDefaultValues is key here. It will copy values from your request object onto the database entity, but will only copy properties that are not the default values. Thus, if a value is null, it won't copy it, because the client didn't send a value for it. Notice that it will copy an integer value of zero though, because we made it a nullable int, and the default value for a nullable int is considered by this method to be null, not zero. Declaring your DTO properties as nullable shouldn't cause much of a hassle in the rest of your code.
Note that this approach works easily with JSON. If you need to support XML requests/responses, you may need need to do some additional work with DataContract/DataMember attributes to insure that nulls are handled correctly.
While esker's response is fine I would like to add that it might not be enough for nullable fields - since you don't know if the deserializer or the user have created that null field.
One approach would be to peek at the raw request.
A different approach is to ask the user to provide additional request (querystring) parameter to clearly specify which fields to patch.
Something like: patch_fields=name,description,field3
The bonus of that approach is that the end user has more control over the patching and is not overriding a value by mistake (because he used the original entity and forgot to clear some fields)

remove from collection without load all collection data. confused which collection mapping to use

I have a many-to-many relationship between Assignment and User
When trying to delete an user from an assignment, I see all users are loaded in the collection.
How to I avoid that?
public class User
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual IList<Assignment> Assignments { get; set; }
public class Assignment
public virtual int Id { get; private set; }
public virtual ICollection<User> Users { get; set; }
HasManyToMany(user => user.Assignments).Table("UserToAssignment").ParentKeyColumn("UserId").ChildKeyColumn("AssignmentId").Inverse().ExtraLazyLoad();
HasManyToMany(productAssignment => productAssignment.Users).AsSet().Table("UserToAssignment").ParentKeyColumn("AssignmentId").ChildKeyColumn("UserId").LazyLoad();
Calling code:
Initially I used Bag instead of Set for Assignment mapping, but when updating it, it was deleting and then reinserting alot of rows in the AssignmentsToUsers table. So I changed to using Set.
But now I see a problem with using Set: it brings all data in memory.
What is the recommended way of doing this?
You can't avoid this and I would ignore it if performance is acceptable. If performance is a problem, there are three ways I can think of to tackle it:
If the other side of the collection (User.Assignments) is lighter weight then remove the assignment from the user instead.
Model the many-to-many table and delete the object directly. You would have to be certain that the Users collection is not going to be loaded prior to this because the in-memory representation will still contain the deleted record.
Direct delete using SQL -- this has the same caveat as #2.
You should use extra lazy mode also for Assignment.Users.

How to create a NHibernate proxy object with some initiliazed fields (other than Id)?

I want to create an object proxy, similar to what ISession.Load is returning, but with some fields initialized. For other properties, when accessed, the proxy will fetch the entire object from database.
Consider the following example:
public class User
protected User() {
public User(int id, string username, string email) {
// ...
// initialize the following fields from other datasources
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string UserName { get; set; }
public virtual string Email { get; set; }
// the rest of fields when accessed will trigger a select by id in the database
public virtual string Field1 { get; set; }
public virtual string Field2 { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime Field3 { get; set; }
public virtual ISet<Comment> Comments { get; set; }
The Id, UserName, Email are well-known in my case, so I could create an object proxy containing these fields, and for the others leave the default proxy behavior. In addition to throwing an exception if this id is not found in the database, i could throw an exception if preinitialized fields do not match or overwrite them silently. I am using NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle for proxy factories.
The purpose for this is to be able to have some projection properties from an entity which can be queried elsewhere (say. a lucene index) and to avoid database calls. Then instead of wrapping these fields in a custom component class containing only these subset of properties, I want to use the proxy object directly so that I am able to load the rest of fields if needed. In the best case scenario I wouldn't hit the database at all, but in some corner cases I'd like to access other fields, too. The SELECT N+1 problem's impact can be greatly reduced by using batching.
An hypothetical version of code I want to use would be:
// create User object proxy with some fields initialized
var user = Session.Load<User>(5, new { UserName = "admin", Email = "" });
Console.WriteLine(user.Id); // doesn't hit the database
Console.WriteLine(user.UserName); // doesn't hit the database
Console.WriteLine(user.FullName); // doesn't hit the database
if (somecondition) {
Console.WriteLine(user.Field1); // fetches all other fields
You can specify an eager fetch inside the query to actually retrieve the needed associations. This could be done in different ways depending on what query style ( Criteria,Hql or LINQto NH ) you are using. But the key is changing the fetch mode.
for non-collection properties, I wouldn't do that;
the cost of prefetching them from the DB when you load your entity is (usually) so small that I wouldn't even bother.
for collection properties, just mark the collection fetch strategy as 'lazy=true'.
The only case where I would think about doing something like that is when I have a very large number of properties which I don't need (in your example- say Field1..Field20).
In that case I would either:
1. Define those properties together as a component, or
2. create a DTO for fetching only a subset of your entity's properties.
specifying lazy = "true" (or Not.LazyLoad() for Fluent NHib) on properties Field1, Field2, Field3, Comments mappings may help, though not sure about Select N+1 issue.
another way to go is specifying lazy = "false" for UserName, Email

Is there something analogous on NHibernate regarding Entity Framework's navigation property?

Is there something analogous on NHibernate regarding Entity Framework's navigation property? For example, instead of:
s.Save(new Product { Category = s.Get<Category>("FD"), Name = "Pizza" });
I wish I could write:
s.Save(new Product { CategoryId = "FD", Name = "Pizza" });
Can I inform NHibernate not to use the Product's Category property as a mechanism to save the Product's category? I want to use CategoryId instead(Read: I don't want to use DTO). Entity Framework seems able to facilitate avoiding DTO patterns altogether, while at the same time offering the full benefit of ORM(can avoid joins using navigation properties). I want the EF's offering the best of both worlds(lean mechanism for saving objects, i.e. no need to retrieve the property's object) and navigation mechanism for querying stuff
Sample from EF:
public class Category
public virtual string CategoryId { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Product> Products { get; set; }
public class Product
public virtual int ProductId { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string CategoryId { get; set; }
public virtual Category Category { get; set; }
Regarding James answer, I tried seeing the NHibernate's actions in SQL Server Profiler.
// this act didn't hit the Category table from the database
var c = s.Load<Category>("FD");
// neither this hit the Category table from the database
var px = new Product { Category = c, Name = "Pizza" };
// this too, neither hit the Category table from the database
Only when you actually access the Category object that NHibernate will hit the database
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", c.CategoryId, c.Name);
If I understand your question, you want to save a Product with a Category without hitting the database to load the Category object. NHibernate absolutely supports this and you almost have the right code. Here is how you do it in NHibernate:
s.Save(new Product { Category = s.Load<Category>("FD"), Name = "Pizza" });
This will not hit the database to fetch the actual Category, but it will simply save a Product with the correct Category.Id. Note that you don't need (and I would recommend getting rid of Product.CategoryId).
Now why does this work with session.Load(), but not session.Get()... With session.Get(), NHibernate has to return the object or null. In .NET, there is no way for an object to replace itself with null after the fact. So NHibernate is forced to go to the database (or L1 cache) to verify that the "FD" Category actually exists. If it exists, it returns an object. If not, it must return null.
Let's look at session.Load(). If the object is not present in the database, it throws an exception. So NHibernate can return a proxy object from session.Load() and delay actually hitting the database. When you actually access the object, NHibernate will check the database and can throw an exception at that point if the object doesn't exist. In this case, we're saving a Product to the database. All NHibernate needs is the Category's PK, which it has in the proxy. So it doesn't have to query the database for the Category object. NHibernate never actually needs to hydrate an actual Category object to satisfy the save request.