How do I install a custom build of vnext KRuntime? -

I built the KRuntime using AppVeyor. Its artifacts from artifacts\build\*.nupkg are in its nuget feed. How do I install this KRuntime build using the Version Manager?

Try downloading the package to your local machine, then:
kvm install KRE-svr50-x64.1.0.0-t140627040749.nupkg
Your milage may vary. I get this output:
C:\Users\chris\Downloads>kvm install KRE-svr50-x64.1.0.0-t140627040749.nupkg
Unpacking to C:\Users\chris\.kre\packages\temp
Installing to C:\Users\chris\.kre\packages\KRE-svr50-x64.1.0.0-t140627040749
Cannot find KRE-svr50-x86.1.0.0-t140627040749, do you need to run 'kvm install 1.0.0-t140627040749'?


Pip , npm on offline servers

If you are developing Python web services for local network (servers is totally offline from the web) and the only way to add files to the server is through Flash drivers so using pip for Python packages or npm for node packages is such a headache and gets in a lot of dependencies issues and build issues .. so what is the proper way of dealing with such environment so development and deployment would be easier?
there are 2 approaches which you can take:
download all your dependencies locally and ship them to the remote server. this includes all the pip and npm packages. pay attention to the python\nodejs\operating system versions and architecture.
use docker to create an image, which packs everything. then ship the image to the remote server and finally spin-up a container based on that image.
You can use Pypicache to run your own pip servers and let it to cache your dependencies wherever you have an internet connection (where you are developing the application).
Then you can copy the whole pypicache folder on your flash drive and run the server wherever you want and use the cached packages inside it. the good point is in some environments that you can get a network connection for a limited time, having a pypicache is useful because it can download whatever all of the dependencies that your python applications need, and each instance would download and install the dependencies from the offline pip server by providing a simple switch in the command line. Here is an example:
pip install -i http://localhost:8080/simple somepackage
More Information - pypicache

IBM installation manager 1.8.4 cannot find any packages to install

I’m installing the Websphere Fix pack in our Redhat Linux 6 environment using IBM Installation Manager 1.8.4.
I can start IM and add the repository using the typical steps but for some reason its not picking it up.
I add the repository as follows via the preferences,
I save the changes and the repository shows but when I go back to the main IM window and hit 1. to install I get,
IBM installation manager 1.8.4 cannot find any packages to install
This directory includes the repository.config file as part of extract of all 3 files
previously we installed the WAS85511 patch using the same method and installed successfully
Also the user owns both the installation manager folder and the repository folders.
Environment details:
IBM Installation Manager
Version: 1.8.4
Internal version: 1.8.4000.20151125_0201
Architecture: 64-bit
WAS FP downloads:
Redhat Linux 6
any help would be appreciated.
I was installing from the wrong installation manager instance /rational/imcl-1.8.4/tools/imcl
Had to run from the IM which installed the original Websphere instance and Fix packs.
using /app/IBM/IM/eclipse/tools/
./imcl -c
Also instead of using option 1. to install. Must use option 2. to UPDATE for this particular package.
for certain versions of Websphere you must use a silent install or command line install to install the package and bypass the interactive mode.
For we had to run
/app/IBM/IM/eclipse/tools/./imcl install -repositories
/rational/Was855_FP012 -installationDirectory /app/IBM/WAS85 -
acceptLicense -sP
which translates to
/app/IBM/YourIMInstall/./imcl install -repositories
/yourRepolocation -installationDirectory /yourWASInstallPath/
acceptLicense -sP
After the installation completes run the following command to confirm the update
[appadm#myServer bin]$ ./
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2012; All rights
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 4/7/17

Install Mono Offline

I'm looking for offline installation package for mono on centOS or Redhat.
I want to run *.exe file on Linux.
All I find is using online repositories but my server is not connected to the internet.
You did not say which version of Mono you are looking for, but you can manually download the most recent "stable" centOS rpm packages from:
i.e. The current mono-core 64bit .rpm is under m/mono-core:
Once you have all the rpms that you need downloaded and copied to your offline server, you can use yum to install them...

Update dotnet cli in Mac OSX

Im'm trying to upgrade my dotnet cli. I have installed in my Mac (OS El Capitan) from the official link.
But when I try to view the version with this code:
dotnet --version
My output:
How can I upgrade?
The version 1.0.0-preview2-003121 of the .Net CLI is currently the latest released version. So there is no newer released version to upgrade to.
You could upgrade to the latest build from the dotnet/cli repo, but you probably shouldn't, since that's not a released version.
To update from 2.0.3 to 2.1.4 I simply downloaded the installer from Microsoft's website and then ran the installer.
I had a Terminal window open, and when I did a dotnet --version before and after running the installer, the correct version was output to the console. I did not have to restart my terminal window even.
Microsoft has done a good job at packaging the SDK and CLI together. See either their main dotnetcore website or go to their git

Installing Apache Cordova

I'm new to this of Apache Cordova. I'm trying to follow the documentation but cannot understand it very well. It says that for prerequisite I need to install the correspondant SDK. I did install Android Studio. then downloaded the Node.js and then tried to run the installation but it doesn't start I don't understand why it doesn't start. There is another things that I need to do so it starts installing?
Any help will be great. Thanks!
I think the clue is in the message -- just run the command npm install -g cordova from the normal DOS command prompt.
first of all you have to install 1)node.js 2)apache ANT 3) Java JDK & JRE 4) Android SDk & Eclipse and then after all installation you have to set this all software path into environmental- variable. and then fire your npm install -g cordova. without this all software installation and there path setup your phoneGap application will not created. and still you have any confusion and any question related software installation and there path setup then again tell me i will help you.
First and foremost, you want to install Node.js in order to get the 'npm' commands to work.
You can download the latest version of Node.js from there... I was on a Mac, so I did the .pkg download. Install the appropriate one for your development machine.
After that, the 'npm' commands for Cordova will work. Hope this at least gets you started! :)