set UISearchBar Focused programmatically - objective-c

i have 2 tabs on a UITabBarController, a navigation inside each tab, and on the first one a tableViewController with searchBar.
On the second tab, i have another searchBar, but, i want to set the onClick of this one, go to the first tab and focus the search bar.
i currently can redirect the tap on the searchbar to the other tab, but i dont know how to set the focus.
-(BOOL)searchBarShouldBeginEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar{
UINavigationController *tmp = [self.tabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:0];
[tmp popToRootViewControllerAnimated:NO];
UIViewController *vc = tmp.topViewController;//THIS ONE
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:0];
return NO;
The UIViewController that i've got on the code, has the UISearchBar object that i need, i mean, the superClass.h is:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface MasterTableViewController : UITableViewController <UISearchBarDelegate>
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *objects;//stuff
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *results;//stuff
#property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UISearchBar *searchBar;//THIS IS MY UISearchBar !
my problem is that i can't get that UISearchBar, how should i do it ?
and how can i say it to be focused from the searchBarShouldBeginEditing Method on the other tab ?

Modify your searchbar delegate method and check below:-
- (BOOL)searchBarShouldEndEditing:(UISearchBar *)searchBar;


NSWindow update content when show/hide

I have added NSWindow element in my.xib file and inserted some element to it, such as imageView. And then created class of type NSWindow named customNSWindow and assign these class to the xib element which I have created(NSWindow). Now from another WindowController I need to show/hide the customNSWindow. This is done by putting an outlet to the WindowController.
#property (strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *ImageEditWindow;//(custom window)
-(IBAction)ButtonClick:(id)sender {
if(! [_ImageEditWindow isVisible] ){
[_ImageEditWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:sender];
But I don't know I how to update image in ImageEditWindow, I cannot find way to call a method inside the custom class I created, using _ImageEditWindow outlet.
Here is the custom class for NSWindow
#interface CustomIKImageEditor : NSWindow
#property (weak) IBOutlet IKImageView *IKImg;
-(void) updateIKImage: (NSImage*)staticImageToEdit;
-(void) updateIKImage: (NSImage*)staticImageToEdit {
NSDictionary* _imageProperties;
CGImageRef source = [self CGImageCreateWithNSImage: staticImageToEdit];
_imageProperties = NULL;
[_IKImg setImage: source imageProperties: NULL];
This line:
#property (strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *ImageEditWindow;//(custom window)
Should be:
#property (strong) IBOutlet CustomIKImageEditor *ImageEditWindow;//(custom window)

Double click on row in NSTableView doesn't display the new view

I have an os x app that uses core data.
I have 3 .xib files in my app, those are:
1. MainMenu.xib
2. MasterTableViewController.xib
3. DetailViewController.xib
When started , app displays a view that has NSTableView with couple of records in it.
I name that view MasterTableViewController
I want when user double click on the row, to hide the "master" view and to display my "detail" view. I named that view DetailViewController.
When double clicked on the row in the NSTableView in the "master" view,nothing happen, "master" view remains visible. What I want is "master" view to dissapear, and "detail" view to appear.
Here is the code that I have right now, and more explanations follows:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#interface AppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
#property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator;
#property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel;
#property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext;
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSViewController *mainAppViewController;
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSView *mainAppView;
- (void)changeViewController:(NSInteger)tag;
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSTableView *websitesTableView;
- (void)tableViewDoubleClick:(id)nid;
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "MasterTableViewController.h"
#import "DetailViewController.h"
#interface AppDelegate ()
#property (weak) IBOutlet NSWindow *window;
- (IBAction)saveAction:(id)sender;
#implementation AppDelegate
NSString *const masterTable = #"MasterTableViewController";
NSString *const detail = #"DetailViewController";
-(void)awakeFromNib {
[_websitesTableView setTarget:self];
[_websitesTableView setDoubleAction:#selector(tableViewDoubleClick:)];
- (void)tableViewDoubleClick:(id)nid {
NSInteger rowNumber = [_websitesTableView clickedRow];
NSTableColumn *column = [_websitesTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:#"websiteUrl"];
NSCell *cell = [column dataCellForRow:rowNumber];
NSInteger tag = 2;
[self changeViewController:tag];
- (void)changeViewController:(NSInteger)tag {
[[_mainAppViewController view]removeFromSuperview];
switch (tag) {
case 1:
self.mainAppViewController = [[MasterTableViewController alloc]initWithNibName:masterTable bundle:nil];
case 2:
self.mainAppViewController = [[DetailViewController alloc]initWithNibName:detail bundle:nil];
[_mainAppView addSubview:[_mainAppViewController view]];
[[_mainAppViewController view] setFrame:[_mainAppView bounds]];
[[_mainAppViewController view] setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
// automatically run the master table view controller
NSInteger tag = 1;
[self changeViewController:tag];
Now, some of you may wondering, where is the rest of the code. I have ommited the boiler plate code for the core data below in the AppDelegage.m, since it is unchanged. I used binding to make my NSTableView to work and to display my records, so MasterTableViewController.h and .m files are empty, and same is true for the DetailViewController.h and .m file.
Important note - What i can't understand here: If I change the tag in 2 in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method, detail view is displayed normally, but if i switch it back on 1, and then double click on the row, "master" view (with the NSTableView) remains visible, and nothing happen (views are not swapped)
Anyone can help me to find out what is wrong with my code?
Regards, John
You apparently had a second instance of your AppDelegate class instantiated in the MasterTableViewController.xib file. There should be only one AppDelegate instance and that's the one in MainMenu.xib. So, it shouldn't be in MasterTableViewController.xib.
One of the instances was receiving the double-click action method from the table, but the other one was the one with the outlet to the main window.
You need(ed) to get rid of the second instance and find another way to access the app delegate from the MasterTableViewController.

UISwitch, if/else statement to filter TableView

So I'm creating a Settings view (SettingsViewController) for my app, and the view contains 5 switches. I'm looking to accomplish the following:
if switch is on, filter TableView to only display items that contain 'Arthritis'. if switch is off, display all items.
Note: the TableView is located on another view (ViewController).
Now even though I've imported ViewController.h onto my SettingsViewController.m file, it's telling me that StrainTableView is unidentified. Any idea as to why? See code below (you can ignore the PickerView references).
#interface SettingsViewController : UIViewController {
IBOutlet UISwitch *ArthritisSwitch;
IBOutlet UIView *CancerSwitch;
IBOutlet UISwitch *HIVSwitch;
IBOutlet UISwitch *InsomSwitch;
IBOutlet UISwitch *MigSwitch;
IBOutlet UILabel *mylabel;
NSArray *arthritisResults;
NSArray *Strains;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *arthritisResults;
#import "SettingsViewController.h"
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface SettingsViewController ()
#implementation SettingsViewController
#synthesize arthritisResults;
-(IBAction)switchtheswitch:(id)sender; {
if (ArthritisSwitch.on) {
NSPredicate *ailmentPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"title ==[c] 'Arthritis'"];
arthritisResults = [Strains filteredArrayUsingPredicate:ailmentPredicate];
// Pass any objects to the view controller here, like...
[StrainTableView setSearchResults: [arthritisResults copy]];
NSLog(#"%#", arthritisResults);
else {
[Strains count];
#import "PickerViewController.h"
#interface ViewController : UIViewController <PickerViewControllerDelegate, UITableViewDataSource,UITableViewDelegate>
NSArray *searchResults;
// NSArray *Strains;
NSMutableData *data;
NSMutableArray *dataArray;
NSArray *Strains;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray * favoritesArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *searchResults;
#property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITableView *StrainTableView;
Just importing a class does not allow you to use a property from that class. You need to get an instance of the ViewController class (let's call it vc for example), and then use it like so:
[vc.StrainTableView setSearchResults: [arthritisResults copy]];
How you make that instance of ViewController depends on the structure of your app. You probably don't just want to alloc init one, but get a reference to one that you already have.
BTW, your code would be easier to read and understand if you conform to the naming convention of using lowercase letters to start properties and methods (and capitals for classes).

Correct way of setting up UINavigationController and its RootViewController in IB

I have the following structure in my iPad App:
UINavigationController (Providing the top bar with UIBarButtons etc.)
Initial Login screen
Second login screen
I am not sure how I should now set this up in Interfacebuilder correctly. My guess would be that I create two ViewControllers:
LoginVC1: (This one should also include the NavigationController since it is the first of the two screens)
LoginVC2: Based on some delegate callback from LoginVC1 my application would push to this ViewController.
This is my LoginVC1 in IB:
And when I present it modally it looks like this which is not what I want:
The result:
Nor the title of the ViewController nor the Cancel button is shown
The view seems to be empty despite my view in IB
I have set the Presentation mode of the UINavigationController to FormSheet which is ignored too since it is displayed in fullscreen.
What am I doing wrong?
Kjuly I simply do presentModalViewController to show the dialog, but
since my UINavigationControler contains a UIViewController (See
nib-screen), I would assume that this ViewController is displayed when
the modal is shown.
Not always Besi. Adding it to the UINavigationController Hierarchy doesn't add is as the rootViewController. That must be done in code like this:
UIViewController *rootViewController = [[[ExamplesViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
UINavigationController * navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootViewController];
Also, check that you are presenting the NavigationController, and not the ViewController modally.
To solve the NavigationBar title issue, try setting the self.title property in the
-(void)viewDidload method and see if that works. If not, try self.//instance of UINavigationController//.navigationBar.title = #"string".
As for the other buttons not showing up, my guess is that if setting the root controller in code doesn't help, then you only made reference to them in the .h, instead of instantiating them. So either call something like this in the .h:
#implementation ExampleViewController: UIViewController <UITextFieldDelegate> {
IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem * CancelButton;
IBOutlet UITextField * usernameField;
IBOutlet UITextField * passwordField;
IBOutlet UIButton * loginButton;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIBarButtonItem * CancelButton;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField * usernameField;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITextField * passwordField;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIButton * loginButton;
Then connect the outlets in the XIB, or instantiate the buttons in the .m with:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
//do stuff
CancelButton = [[[UIBarButtonItem alloc]initWithTitle:#"Cancel" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleDone target:self action:#selector(dismissSelf)]autorelease];
//do more stuff

SplitViewController UI layout

I'm trying to create a UI whereby I have a SplitView with the Details area containing a TabBarController. The TabBarController will show 3 different types of detail for the item selected in the RootViewController of the SplitView.
So far, I've got the TabBar showing the SPlitView by doing the following;
1) Created a new SplitView based app.
2) Created a new TabBar based app
3) Copy the .xib, .h and .m files for the FirstView and SecondView controllers from the TabBar app into the SplitView app.
4) Added the following to my application delegate header file;
#class RootViewController;
#class DetailViewController;
#class FirstViewController;
#class SecondViewController;
#interface SplitViewTemplateAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
UIWindow *window;
UISplitViewController *splitViewController;
UITabBarController *tabBarController;
RootViewController *rootViewController;
DetailViewController *detailViewController;
FirstViewController *firstViewController;
SecondViewController *secondViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UISplitViewController *splitViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet RootViewController *rootViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet DetailViewController *detailViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITabBarController *tabBarController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet FirstViewController *firstViewController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet SecondViewController *secondViewController;
5) Opened up MainWindow.xib in IB and changed the class on the DetailsView to UITabController
6) Added the following code to my application delegate module file;
#import "FirstViewController.h"
#synthesize window, splitViewController, rootViewController, detailViewController, tabBarController, firstViewController, secondViewController;
-(void) makeTabBarController {
NSMutableArray *controllers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:splitViewController.viewControllers];
int index = 0;
for (UIViewController *controller in splitViewController.viewControllers) {
if (index == 1) {
//NSLog(#"Index is: %#", index);
//NSLog(#"Controller name is: %#", controller.title);
UINavigationController *localNavController;
tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *localViewControllersArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
firstViewController = [[FirstViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"FirstView" bundle:nil];
localNavController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:firstViewController];
localNavController.tabBarItem.title = #"First Tab";
[firstViewController release];
[localViewControllersArray addObject:localNavController];
[localNavController release]; // Retained by above array
secondViewController = [[SecondViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SecondView" bundle:nil];
localNavController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:secondViewController];
localNavController.tabBarItem.title = #"Second Tab";
[secondViewController release];
[localViewControllersArray addObject:localNavController];
[localNavController release]; // Retained by above array
tabBarController.viewControllers = localViewControllersArray;
[localViewControllersArray release]; // Retained thru above setter
//tabBarController.delegate = splitViewController;
[controllers replaceObjectAtIndex:index withObject:tabBarController];
splitViewController.viewControllers = controllers;
7) Added the following to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method;
[self makeTabBarController];
So now I get an out of the box SplitView with a tab bar controller on the right with two tabs in it. The tabs work for switching between the views.
A couple of things that I am now struggling with are;
The button to fire the Popover is missing, do I need to add this to each tab view?
How do I hook the RootViewController with the TabBarController so that details for the selected item is shown?
not sure if you're still looking for an answer for this. I ran into a very similar issue with the question about multiple detail views. In the end, I found and used this solution from the apple developer site:
Their solution is very straightforward to implement and very understandable.
With regards to the second part of your question, you could have the TabBarController Delegate inform the view on the left hand side of the split view who the current detail view is. It could then use that information to provide updates to the proper view.