appropriate method for text match in one column to other column in oracle - sql

I have to write a query in Oracle. I have a table called 'Entity' with 2 columns 'Pref_mail_name' and 'spouse_name'.
Now i want list of all spouse_name where the last name of the spouse_name is not populated from pref_mail_name.
For example my table has following data
Pref_mail_name spouse_name
Kunio Tanaka | Lorraine
Mrs. Betty H. Williams | Chester Williams
Mr. John Baranger | Mrs. Cathy Baranger
William kane Gallio | Karen F. Gallio
Sangon Kim | Jungja
i need output as 1st and 5th row only. I did some analysis and came up with oracle built in function
similarity from entity
order by similarity;
But above query is not looking genuine.Even though spouse last name is not populated from pref_mail_name its giving a value above 80 for similarity.


Get name(s) from JSON format column, that not in 2 other columns with names

I need to create column with name(s) (Supervisors - can be multiple supervisors at the same time, but also there might not be supervisor at all) from JSON format column, that not in 2 other column with names (Employee and Client).
Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande
[{"ParticipantName":"Justin Bieber"},{"ParticipantName":"Ariana Grande"}]
Lionel Messi
Christiano Ronaldo
[{"ParticipantName":"Christiano Ronaldo"},{"ParticipantName":"Lionel Messi"}]
Nicolas Cage
Robert De Niro
[{"ParticipantName":"Robert De Niro"},{"ParticipantName":"Nicolas Cage"},{"ParticipantName":"Brad Pitt"}]
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
[{"ParticipantName":"Ron Weasley"},{"ParticipantName":"Albus Dumbldor"},{"ParticipantName":"Harry Potter"},{"ParticipantName":"Lord Voldemort"}]
Tom Holland
Henry Cavill
[{"ParticipantName":"Henry Cavill"},{"ParticipantName":"Tom Holland"}]
Spider Man
[{"ParticipantName":"Venom"},{"ParticipantName":"Iron Man"},{"ParticipantName":"Superman"},{"ParticipantName":"Spider Man"}]
Andrew Garfield
Leonardo DiCaprio
[{"ParticipantName":"Tom Cruise"},{"ParticipantName":"Andrew Garfield"},{"ParticipantName":"Leonardo DiCaprio"}]
Dwayne Johnson
Jennifer Lawrence
[{"ParticipantName":"Jennifer Lawrence"},{"ParticipantName":"Dwayne Johnson"}]
The output column I need:
Brad Pitt
Albus Dumbldor, Lord Voldemort
Iron Man, Superman
Tom Cruise
I've tried to create extra columns to use Case expression after that, but it seems too complex.
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[0].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName1,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[1].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName2,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[2].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName3,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[3].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName4
FROM Work AS w
I'm wondering if there is an easy way to compare values and extract only unique ones.

How to continue a sequence when inserting

I have tried to simplify my question with the following example:
I have a table with the following data:
Marker Name Location
1 Eric Benson Mixed
2 John Smith Rural
3 A David Rural
4 B John Mixed
And i want to insert into the table:
Name Location
Andy Jones Mixed
Ian Davies Rural
How can i continue the sequencein the Marker column to end up with:
Marker Name Location
1 Eric Benson Mixed
2 John Smith Rural
3 A David Rural
4 B John Mixed
5 Andy Jones Mixed
6 Ian Davies Rural
If you make this with a Stored Procedure you can ask the max of the Marker before to insert.
(That only works if the Marker Column is not identity)
Like This:
declare #max_marker int
set #max_marker=isnull((select max(marker) from table),0)
--Insert comes here
Insert into table (Marker,Name,Location) Values(#max_marker+1,'Andy Jones','Mixed')

SQL join tables with wildcard (MS Access)

how do i join following tables with wildcards? I would like to get all distinct rows from People table which contains SearchedName from SearchedPeople table.
John Smith
ID PersonName Attribute Age
1 John Smith 1 23
2 John Smith Jr 3 25
3 John Smith Jr II 4 73
4 Kevin 2 21
5 Andrew Smith 1 14
6 Marco 5 90
Desired Output:
PersonName Attribute Age
John Smith 1 23
John Smith Jr 3 25
John Smith Jr II 4 73
Andrew Smith 1 14
Code i got so far which doesnt wor. It returns three empty rows(why is that?).
SELECT b.PersonName, b.Attribute, b.Age
FROM SearchedPeople a
LEFT JOIN People b ON "%"&a.SearchedName&"%" like b.PersonName
It returns three empty rows because you don't have any columns from table a (SearchedPeople) and the LEFT JOIN didn't produce a match.
The reason is your criteria is in the wrong order you are searching for PersonName in the string %Searchedname% you need to switch that around. Also Access doesn't like the % as much as it likes the asteriks * for wilcard unless you make some changes to the query or configuration of MS-Access see below comment from Parafait.
I just tested this:
SELECT a.SearchedName
,b.PersonName, b.Attribute, b.Age
SearchedPeople a
LEFT JOIN People b
ON b.PersonName LIKE ("*" & a.SearchedName & "*")
Good Ms Access specific information from a comment from #Parafait pasting in answer in case comment every got deleted.:
Use ALIKE and percents work. And if OP connects to MS Access via OLEDB and not the GUI .exe program, the % operator is required for LIKE statements in coded SQL. OP can also change database settings to ANSI-92 mode to always use % wildcards.

powerpivot inner join

I have one table:
Person Name Country code
Andrew 1
Philip 2
John 1
Daniel 2
and a lookup table:
Country code Country name
2 UK
I added them to powerpivot, created a relationship between the country code fields, then I created a pivot table. I expect to get the following:
Person Name Country code
Andrew USA
Philip UK
John USA
Daniel UK
But what I actually get is:
Person Name Country code
Andrew USA
Andrew UK
Philip USA
Philip UK
John USA
John UK
Daniel USA
Daniel UK
Couple of options:
Add a column to your main table that uses a formula to pull in the Country Name from your LookUp Table e.g.
=RELATED(LookUpTable[Country Name])
If you drag in any measure that references the main table you will get your desired result e.g. =COUNTROWS('MainTable') You then hide the results column if you had to.

Want unique records - what is the SQL?

I have this table
User | File | SubmittedDate
Joe 1223.txt 2011-11-12
Joe 3321.txt 2011-11-13
Jack 4332.txt 2012-11-22
Jane 2344.txt 2012-11-10
I want to select so I only get one record of Joe's, one of Jack's, and one of Jane's.
Joe 1223.txt 2011-11-12
Jack 4332.txt 2012-11-22
Jane 2344.txt 2012-11-10
In other words, I want a result set of rows that has a unique user field. What's the SQL to get this?
A very quick Google search would show you there are several possible options:
One of which is to use the DISTINCT keyword: