RavenDB fails with ConcurrencyException when using new transaction - ravendb

This code always fails with a ConcurrencyException:
public void EventOrderingCode_Fails_WithConcurrencyException()
Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
using (var scope1 = new TransactionScope())
using (var session = DataAccess.NewOpenSession)
session.Advanced.UseOptimisticConcurrency = true;
session.Advanced.AllowNonAuthoritativeInformation = false;
var ent1 = new CTEntity
Id = id,
Name = "George"
using (var scope2 = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
var ent2 = session.Load<CTEntity>(id);
ent2.Name = "Gina";
It fails at the last session.SaveChanges. Stating that it is using a NonCurrent etag. If I use Required instead of RequiresNew for scope2 - i.e. using the same Transaction. It works.
Now, since I load the entity (ent2) it should be using the newest Etag unless this is some cached value attached to scope1 that I am using (but I have disabled Caching). So I do not understand why this fails.
I really need this setup. In the production code the outer TransactionScope is created by NServiceBus, and the inner is for controlling an aspect of event ordering. It cannot be the same Transaction.
And I need the optimistic concurrency too - if other threads uses the entity at the same time.
BTW: This is using Raven

Since no one else have answered, I had better give it a go myself.
It turns out this was a human error. Due to a bad configuration of our IOC container the DataAccess.NewOpenSession gave me the same Session all the time (across other tests). In other words Raven works as expected :)
Before I found out about this I also experimented with using TransactionScopeOption.Suppress instead of RequiresNew. That also worked. Then I just had to make sure that whatever I did in the suppressed scope could not fail. Which was a valid option in my case.


Evicting and Updating object using NHibernate nulls all references

I am investigating some unexpected behavior with NHibernate that needs more clarity.
I create a new object 'Request' and save it. I create another object 'AuditLog' and add request as a reference to AuditLog. I save that too.
Now, if the Request object is evicted from the session (for some reason), and updated again, the references in AuditLog is NULLified in the database when the transaction is committed.
Any ideas on why this would happen?
If the Request object is not created in the session, but retrieved from the database, and the same process runs, the reference in AuditLog is maintained.
Sample code which has been edited for ease in understanding.
If I remove the session.Evict(request1) from the code, the test passes. With this code, when the session closes, an additional query is fired on the DB to null the reference of request in AuditLog.
//Session 1
var session = Resolve<IFullSession>().Session();
using (var tx = session.BeginTransaction())
var request1 = new Request { Id = "REQ01" };
request1.SetFieldValue("Type", "Stage1"); //Type is column in Request table
session.Save("Request", request1);
var auditLog1 = new AuditLog { Id = "LOG01" };
auditLog1.SetFieldValue("Request", request1); //Request is reference column to AuditLog
session.Save("AuditLog", auditLog1);
request1.SetFieldValue("Type", "Stage2");
session.SaveOrUpdate("Request", request1);
CreateInnerContainers(); // This closes earlier session.
//Session 2
var session2 = Resolve<IFullSession>().Session();
using (var tx = session2.BeginTransaction())
var theLogObject = session2.Get<AuditLog>("LOG01");
Assert.IsNotNull(theLogObject); // This is true
Assert.IsNotNull(theLogObject.GetFieldValue("Request")); // This fails
You can access session objects and use then whatever you like
but if I were you i would make sure that i'm evicting the right object and spend some time on debuging. Knowing what is going on is better than searching for workarounds
foreach (var e in session.GetSessionImplementation().PersistenceContext.EntityEntries.Values.OfType<EntityType>().Where(<condition>))
The Save call on the session doesn't mean that your entity is written to the underlying database. It will become persisted in the current persistence context (your session).
If you now remove this entity from the persistence context (what you do with "evict"), your session will not be able to save it on flush (transaction end).
Try to call session.Flush() just before session.Evict(request1) and see what happens.
I do not know NHibernate, I'm coming from hibernate, but eventually this helps to clarify.

RavenDb - How can I save changes to multiple document sessions in one transaction?

Within a single transaction scope, I am trying to save data to two separate Raven databases (on the same Raven server).
However, changes in the second session are not being saved to the server.
Here is the code I am using:
var documentStore = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8081/" };
using (var ts = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
using (var session1 = documentStore.OpenSession("database1"))
session1.Store(new Entity {Id = "1"});
using (var session2 = documentStore.OpenSession("database2"))
session2.Store(new Entity {Id = "2"});
I can see changes in session1 being saved to database1 but changes in session2 are not saved to database2. I've tried with RavenDb build 992 and build 2360
According to the Raven documentation, transactions across databases are supported.
How can I get changes from session2 to be committed?
The distributed transaction needs time to commit. You can either wait briefly with Thread.Sleep before checking your result, or you can set a special property in the session that is checking the result:
session.Advanced.AllowNonAuthoritativeInformation = false;
This seems like a bug, but it is actually by design. Read Working with System.Transactions in the RavenDB documentation.
(FYI - I didn't know this either until I checked.)

NHibernate not persisting changes to my object

My ASP.NET MVC 4 project is using NHibernate (behind repositories) and Castle Windsor, using the AutoTx and NHibernate Facilities. I've followed the guide written by haf and my I can create and read objects.
My PersistenceInstaller looks like this
public class PersistenceInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(Castle.Windsor.IWindsorContainer container, Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Configuration.IConfigurationStore store)
f => f.DefaultLifeStyle = DefaultSessionLifeStyleOption.SessionPerWebRequest);
The NHibernateInstaller is straight from the NHib Facility Quickstart.
I am using ISessionManager in my base repository...
protected ISession Session
return _sessionManager.OpenSession();
public virtual T Commit(T entity)
return entity;
Finally, my application code which is causing the problem:
public ActionResult Maintain(PrescriberMaintainViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var prescriber = UserRepository.GetPrescriber(User.Identity.Name);
//var prescriber = new Prescriber { DateJoined = DateTime.Today, Username = "Test" };
prescriber.SecurityQuestion = viewModel.SecurityQuestion;
prescriber.SecurityAnswer = viewModel.SecurityAnswer;
prescriber.EmailAddress = viewModel.Email;
prescriber.FirstName = viewModel.FirstName;
prescriber.LastName = viewModel.LastName;
prescriber.Address = new Address
Address1 = viewModel.AddressLine1,
Address2 = viewModel.AddressLine2,
Address3 = viewModel.AddressLine3,
Suburb = viewModel.Suburb,
State = viewModel.State,
Postcode = viewModel.Postcode,
Country = string.Empty
prescriber.MobileNumber = viewModel.MobileNumber;
prescriber.PhoneNumber = viewModel.PhoneNumber;
prescriber.DateOfBirth = viewModel.DateOfBirth;
prescriber.AHPRANumber = viewModel.AhpraNumber;
prescriber.ClinicName = viewModel.ClinicName;
prescriber.ClinicWebUrl = viewModel.ClinicWebUrl;
prescriber.Qualifications = viewModel.Qualifications;
prescriber.JobTitle = viewModel.JobTitle;
return View(viewModel);
The above code will save a new prescriber (tested by uncommenting out the commented out line etc).
I am using NHProf and have confirmed that no sql is sent to the database for the Update. I can see the read being performed but that's it.
It seems to me that NHibernate doesn't recognise the entity as being changed and therefore does not generate the sql. Or possibly the transaction isn't being committed?
I've been scouring the webs for a few hours now trying to work this one out and as a last act of desperation have posted on SO. Any ideas? :)
Oh and in NHProf I see three Sessions (1 for the GetPrescriber call from the repo, one I assume for the update (with no sql) - and one for some action in my actionfilter on the base class). I also get an alert about the use of implicit transactions. This confuses me because I thought I was doing everything I needed to get an transaction - using AutoTx and the Transaction attribute. I also expected there to be only 1 session per webrequest, as per my Windsor config.
UPDATE: It seems, after spending the day reading through the source for NHibernateFacility and AutoTx Facility for automatic transactions, that AutoTx is not setting the Interceptors on my implementation of INHibernateInstaller. It seems this means whenever SessionManager calls OpenSession it is calling the default version with no parameter, rather than the one that accepts an Interceptor. Internally AutoTxFacility registers TransactionInterceptor with windsor, so that it can be added the Interceptor on my INHibernateInstaller concrete, by windsor making use of the AutoTx's TransactionalComponentInspector
AutoTxFacility source on github
To me it looks like creating sessions for every call to the repository. A session should span the whole business operation. It should be opened at the beginning and committed and disposed at the end.
There are other strange things in this code.
Commit is a completely different concept than SaveOrUpdate.
And you don't need to tell NH to store changes anyway. You don't need to call session.Save for objects that are already in the session. They are stored anyway. You only need to call session.Save when you add new objects.
Make sure that you use a transaction for the whole business operation.
There is one most likely "unintended" part in the code snippet above. And proven by observation made by NHProf
Oh and in NHProf I see three Sessions (1 for the GetPrescriber call
from the repo, one I assume for the update (with no sql) - and one for
some action in my actionfilter on the base class).
Calling the OpenSession() is triggering creation of a new session instances.
protected ISession Session
get { return _sessionManager.OpenSession(); }
So, whenever the code is accessing the Session property, behind is new session instance created (again and again). One session for get, one for udpate, one for filter...
As we can see here, the session returned by SessionManager.OpenSession() must be used for the whole scope (Unit of work, web request...)
The syntaxh which we need, si to create one session (when firstly accessed) and reuse it until enf of scope (then later correctly close it, commit or rollback transaction...). Anyhow, first thing right now is to change the Session property this way:
ISession _session;
protected ISession Session
if (_session == null)
_session = sessionFactory.OpenSession();
return _session;
After spending a full day yesterday searching through the AutoTx and NHibernate facilities on github and getting nowhere, I started a clean project in an attempt to replicate the problem. Unfortunately for the replication, everything worked! I ran Update-Package on my source and brought down new version of Castle.Transactions and I was running correctly. I did make a small adjustment to my own code. That was to remove the UserRepository.Commit line.
I did not need to modify how I opened sessions. That was taken care of by the SessionManager instance. With the update to Castle.Transactions, the Transaction attribute is being recognised and a transaction is being created (as evidenced by no more alert in NHProf).

RavenDB returns stale results after delete

We seem to have verified that RavenDB is getting stale results even when we use various flavors of "WaitForNonStaleResults". Following is the fully-functional sample code (written as a standalone test so that you can copy/paste it and run it as is).
public class Cart
public virtual string Email { get; set; }
public void StandaloneTestForPostingOnStackOverflow()
var testDocument = new Cart { Email = "test#abc.com" };
var documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { RunInMemory = true };
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
var documentToDelete = session
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfLastWrite())
.First(c => c.Email == testDocument.Email);
RavenQueryStatistics statistics;
var actualCount = session
.Statistics(out statistics)
.Customize(x => x.WaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfLastWrite())
.Count(c => c.Email == testDocument.Email);
Assert.AreEqual(0, actualCount);
We have tried every flavor of WaitForNonStaleResults and there is no change. Waiting for non-stale results seems to work fine for the update, but not for the delete.
Some things which I have tried:
Using separate sessions for each action. Outcome: no difference. Same successes and fails.
Putting Thread.Current.Sleep(500) before the final query. Outcome: success. If I sleep the thread for a half second, the count comes back zero like it should.
Re: my comment above on stale results, AllowNonAuthoritiveInformation wasn't working. Needing to put WaitForNonStaleResults in each query, which is the usual "answer" to this issue, feels like a massive "code smell" (as much as I normally hate the term, it seems completely appropriate here).
The only real solution I've found so far is:
var store = new DocumentStore(); // do whatever
Performance suffers accordingly, but I think slower performance is far less of a sin than unreliable if not outright inaccurate results.
This is an old question, but I recently ran across this problem as well. I was able to work around it by changing the convention on the DocumentStore used by the session to make it wait for non stale as of last write:
session.DocumentStore.DefaultQueryingConsistency = ConsistencyOptions.AlwaysWaitForNonStaleResultsAsOfLastWrite;
This made it so that I didn't have to customize every query run after. That said, I believe this only works for queries. It definitely doesn't work on patches as I have found out through testing.
I would also be careful about this and only use it around the code that's needed as it can cause performance issues. You can set the store back to its default with the following:
session.DocumentStore.DefaultQueryingConsistency = ConsistencyOptions.None;
The problem isn't related to deletes, it is related to using TransactionScope. The problem here is that DTC transaction complete in an asynchronous manner.
To fix this issue, what you need to do is call:
session.Advanced.AllowNonAuthoritiveInformation = false;
Which will force RavenDB to wait for the transaction to complete.

Why am I getting this nhibernate NonUniqueObjectException?

The following method queries my database, using a new session. If the query succeeds, it attaches (via "Lock") the result to a "MainSession" that is used to support lazy loading from a databound WinForms grid control.
If the result is already in the MainSession, I get the exception:
NHibernate.NonUniqueObjectException : a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session: 1, of entity: BI_OverlordDlsAppCore.OfeDlsMeasurement
when I attempt to re-attach, using the Lock method.
This happens even though I evict the result from the MainSession before I attempt to re-attach it.
I've used the same approach when I update a result, and it works fine.
Can anyone explain why this is happening?
How should I go about debugging this problem?
public static OfeMeasurementBase GetExistingMeasurement(OverlordAppType appType, DateTime startDateTime, short runNumber, short revision)
OfeMeasurementBase measurement;
var mainSession = GetMainSession();
using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
// Get measurement that matches params
measurement =
.Add(Expression.Eq("AppType", appType))
.Add(Expression.Eq("StartDateTime", startDateTime))
.Add(Expression.Eq("RunNumber", runNumber))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Revision", revision))
.UniqueResult() as OfeMeasurementBase;
// Need to evict from main session, to prevent potential
// NonUniqueObjectException if it's already in the main session
// Can't be attached to two sessions at once
// Re-attach to main session
// Still throws NonUniqueObjectException!!!
mainSession.Lock(measurement, LockMode.None);
return measurement;
I resolved the problem after finding this Ayende post on Cross Session Operations.
The solution was to use ISession.Merge to get the detached measurement updated in the main session:
public static OfeMeasurementBase GetExistingMeasurement(OverlordAppType appType, DateTime startDateTime, short runNumber, short revision)
OfeMeasurementBase measurement;
var mainSession = GetMainSession();
using (var session = _sessionFactory.OpenSession())
using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
// Get measurement that matches params
measurement =
.Add(Expression.Eq("AppType", appType))
.Add(Expression.Eq("StartDateTime", startDateTime))
.Add(Expression.Eq("RunNumber", runNumber))
.Add(Expression.Eq("Revision", revision))
.UniqueResult() as OfeMeasurementBase;
if (measurement == null) return null;
// Merge back into main session, in case it has changed since main session was
// originally loaded
var mergedMeasurement = (OfeMeasurementBase)mainSession.Merge(measurement);
return mergedMeasurement;