Social Engine, Articles editing - socialengine

I'll put this in the best way I can.
As an admin, I can currently edit the articles of a user by one of the 2 ways:
Edit the article via the View articles page OR
Go to the view articles page, select the name, go to View Users and then login into that particular users profile and edit the article.
I prefer the first method but, its a bit tooo tedious when Im editing multiple articles from the same person.
I was wondering if there was a way in which, i could just get all the articles of the user inside the admin panel and edit them there itself.
Any help in this is much appreciated.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as bulk editing (several articles by some condition) in Social Engine. But you can ask developers for usability improve, new team (since January) doing great with updates :)


Create login for multiple users with customized content with TYPO3 11.5.21

First of all, I must confess that I'm very, very new in TYPO3, therefore, my questions might be a bit confusing or not properly understandable. So, please be patient with me.
As already stated in the title, I want to create a login page for multiple users and every user should see a customized content, for example some pdf files or slides.
I was able to create a login page and it's working but I have no clue what's happening afterwards. I'm searching for a solution since days but the TYPO3 documentation is super shitty, especially for beginners like me.
My idea was to work with a MySQL database (I don't even know if this is possible). After the login all data about the customer are read from the database and defined files (some pdf and slides) should be shown.
Is this possible like that? Or how is the usual way to do that?
I'm happy for every hint!
Thanks a lot in advance :-)
I tried to find a solution online but without success
you need a custom extension which will render the files based on the logged in user. By using the extension "extension builder" you can create a first version of your extension very quickly which can be used as base.
If you are german speaking, take a look at the videos of Stefan, e.g. which document how to create an extension as well
If you use the Login of TYPO3 you can also use the access-management from TYPO3 for FrontEnd content:
for each erecord (page, content, news, ...) you can decide which group(!) of users can see it.
Each record in TYPO3 normaly contains a field (in the access tab) to select which groups can see this record.
It's up to you to define the groups each user belongs to.
And each group can access some content. TYPO3 merges it and even can give access to one record to multiple groups.
Regarding files like PDFs: if you do not need absolute access restrictions it would be possible to only list links to the files for the apropriate groups. (other users, even not logged in users could access the files if they know the URL)
You have users in three groups like owner of product A, product B, product C.
Of course there are owners of multiple Products.
For each group you can provide content like manuals, updates or lists of service points.
First you can give access to the pages about each product only to member of the matching group. All the content of that pages are visible only after login and if the user belongs to that group.
But you also can have mixed pages:
Maybe news where all updates are shown. Although each news record has (at least) one group to be shown to.
There could be one page with the news plugin to show all news. After login only those records are shown which belong to the groups of the user, other records are hidden. (not logged in users can see only records not restricted to any group)
If you want a individuality of content by person you need a group for each user.
If you want the user to select by himself what his interests are you need a FE plugin where he can select his memberships of individual groups.

Querying an implicit re-orderable list

I was searching for a way to re-order my records, like blog posts, for instance.
One of the solutions I have found is to self-reference to refer to the previous (or next) value, like in a linked list ( However, this requires the client-side (a web service or perhaps a mobile app) to implement the linked-list travesal logic to derive the order.
Is there a way to do this at the database level?
The reason for this is that if you are deriving the order at the client-side, then if you want to display only the first 10 records, you would have to retrieve all the records anyway.
It seems the blog posts example was a very bad example, sorry. I was thinking of blog posts as they are displayed on an admin dashboard, and the user can re-order the position they are displayed by dragging and dropping. Hope this is more clear.
I guess, generally, what I'm really asking is, how can one implement and query a tree-like structure in SQL

VSTS Restrict access to sensitive work items

Foreword: I've searched around on this question a fair bit and found answers which are close to a solution, but not what I'm looking for. So here I am, and I hope someone can help me. I'm relatively new to VSTS, so be gentle (or at least constructive) ;P
The Question: I'm looking for a way to restrict access to specific tickets (NOT by ticket type) that contain NDA protected data, whilst keeping them in the same backlog and iterations as the rest of the tickets related to a project.
We have many different NDA protected customers, so whilst creating a new ticket type per NDA, and restricting access to this, could work, it's not the solution I'm looking for.
Alternatively, I'm barking up the wrong tree, and there is an entirely different and "better way" to support this use-case?
Edit 1 - More info: Let's say I have 1 backlog for a product. It contains only 2 work items. It's important there is only 1 backlog for planning and overview by a product owner.
One of the two work items contains sensitive information only half the development team should have visibility to. How do I keep both tickets in the same backlog and iterations, but hide the sensitive one from some team members?
Thanks in advance for your time!
Regarding permission of work items in a team project, you can set the permission in area and iteration scope, but can’t for specific work items.
So, you need to put these work items in different area and manage permission for this area. Simple steps:
Go to team project admin page
Click New/New child, to create a new area.
Click …=>Security, set the permission for the group(s) or user(s)
Click the default team’s settings => Areas
Click + Select areas to add that area in order to show related work items (in that area)

How to delete all companies or contacts?

I'm using the free HubSpot CRM for now. I wrote some scraping code and through the API added over 17k companies and 4k contacts.
There were some errors due to an incomplete understanding of some of the API calls and now I'd like to wipe everything out and start over.
I realize I could run the "Get Recently Created Companies" and for each of the 20 it returns run the delete company API call, then loop it until no companies exist, however this seems like something I shouldn't have to write code to accomplish.
I checked the Academy but the examples showed an interface that didn't match what I see, so it's either outdated or meant for a different version of HubSpot than I have. Didn't find much on Google either.
Anyone else know of an easy solution for this?
HubSpot developer here. I just checked with the folks who run the Contacts and Companies APIs – the best option you have right now is to contact support.
I know that's not the answer you're looking for. We're working on improving things, but it's not there yet.
Ran into this issue myself, needing to delete 8k test the marketing team had generated when we were still playing around with features. Had to reach out to customer support a few times to get the answer as it's not at all intuitive.
On this help page they say that you can mass delete contacts by adding them to a list, using Select All, and then Delete. This doesn't work in cases such as mine though as the pagination only allows you to see up to 100 contacts at a time.
The secret step for now is that you have to go down to the bottom right corner and click on "View the old list manager" (black square button with two arrows that's just to the side of the Help button). In this view Select All really does select every contact in the list so that you can perform a batch delete (or other action) on them all at once.
Create new list with rules to add the Contacts you want to delete
Switch to the old list manager view (button on bottom right)
Select All
Tell the confirmation box that yes, you really know what you're doing
Hopefully HubSpot will update their help docs soon and re-add the ability to really select all list items in the new view before they completely remove the option to switch back the old view.

Archive subsites from sites in SharePoint 2010

I have a requirement to find a way to archive subsites from a site.
When I say 'Archiving' I mean moving a subsite from one site to another so the end users can still access the subsites and check the history etc.
The main site is a Training site and the subsites are training courses, when these courses have ran there is no need for them to be sat under the training department site and I can envision it becoming confusing with too many of these subsites.
I know I can move them using structure and content in site admin but don't really want end users to be doing that after each course has ran ( we have had over 500 this year!)
Has anyone else faced a similar issue or have any advice to how they would go about it?
Many thanks
Is there a need to retain the subsites? If so, instead of moving the site, perhaps changing the way your users access the sites would be an easier way. You could set up a list with the current classes (assuming you don't have one already) and include a field in that list that links to the course's subsite. Create a view that shows only the current courses so the end users never see the other subsites.
If you don't need to keep the subsites, you should look into some kind of workflow that can kick off when a class expires that deltes the subsite. I'm pretty sure you can't create a workflow with Nintex or SharePoint Designer to move a site to another location, so you may need to code something with C#.