Distinct error with image field - sql-server-2012

I have table which contains a Image column. Now I want to select distinct value of image column, but it gives error. Column name is also Image.
My query is: select Image from tbl1
Error is: The image data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.
So how to select distinct value from tb1 table

Image data types in a SELECT statement that contains the DISTINCT clause. Depending on the version of SQL Server being used, there are a few ways of overcoming this restriction.
For SQL Server 2000, a TEXT column can be converted to a VARCHAR data type, an NTEXT column can be converted to an NVARCHAR data type while an IMAGE data type can be converted to VARBINARY data type. The SELECT statements earlier which contain the DISTINCT clause can be rewritten as follows and avoid the error message:
SELECT DISTINCT [BookTitle], CAST([BookSummary] AS NVARCHAR(4000)) AS [BookSummary]
FROM [dbo].[Book]
SELECT DISTINCT [BookTitle], CAST([BookImage] AS VARBINARY(8000)) AS [BookImage]
FROM [dbo].[Book]
For SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 (and later), instead of limiting the NVARCHAR to 4000 characters or the VARCHAR or VARBINARY to 8000 characters, the MAX specifier can be used in its place, as can be seen in the following SELECT statements:
SELECT DISTINCT [BookTitle], CAST([BookSummary] AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) AS [BookSummary]
FROM [dbo].[Book]
FROM [dbo].[Book]
If using SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 (or later), another way of overcoming this restriction and this error message without using the CAST or CONVERT function to convert the text, ntext and image data types to varchar, nvarchar and varbinary, respectively, is to change the data types of the columns to VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX). TEXT, NTEXT and IMAGE data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server and use of these data types should be avoided.


Reading Unicode strings from SQL Server

I know strings need to be prefixed with N' in SQL Server (2012) INSERT statements to store them as UNICODE but do they have to be retrieved (SELECT statement) in a certain way as well so they are in UNICODE?
I am able to store international strings correctly with N notation but when I run SELECT query to fetch the records back, it comes as question marks. My query is very simple.
I am looking at other possible reasons that may have caused this issue but at least I want to eliminate the SQL statement above. Should it read COLUMN1 and COLUMN2 columns correctly when they both store UNICODE strings using N notation? Do I have to do anything to the statement to tell it they are UNICODE?
Within management studio you should not need to do anything special to display the correct values. Make sure that the columns in your table is defined as Unicode strings NVARCHAR instead of ANSI strings VARCHAR.
The following example demonstrates the concept:
CREATE TABLE UnicodeExample
MyUnicodeColumn NVARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO UnicodeExample
FROM UnicodeExample
DROP TABLE UnicodeExample
In the above example the column MyUnicodeColumn is defined as an NVARCHAR(100) and MYANSIColumn is defined as a VARCHAR(100). The query will correctly return the result for MyUnicodeColumn but will return ??? for MYANSIColum.

SQL Server DBLlink to oracle returns numbers as string

I have an Oracle database containing my data and an SQL Server database getting the data from Oracle through DBLink.
Problem is - all numbers from the Oracle tables are accepted at the SQL Server as nvarchar. As a result, when i try to filter the query in the SQL Server with some_number_field = 0 i get:
"Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '3.141' to data type int."
This also happens if i try to select "some_number_field * 1" or similar expressions.
Any idea ?
Today I ran into the same kind of problem. It seems that Oracle field with datatype NUMBER are shown as nvarchar where querying through a linked server. However, NUMBER(x,y) not.
E.g. colB is the NUMBER field from an Oracle View (or table)
Try this:
SELECT colA, CAST(colB AS DECIMAL(23,2)) colB
Note: the DECIMAL(xx,y) values depends of course on your data. Also, remember, if your NUMBER column is a repetitive fraction (eg. 33.33333333 etc), you need to place a round() on the oracle side otherwise the CAST will throw an error.

Change SQL Field Data Type varchar to float with data already stored

I have an imported database which contain lots of float field.
When I imported it, all the float field converted to string and I need to convert it back.
I try alter table to change the data type but I keep getting error (even if the row is empty or null).
EDIT : The server is curently down so I can't get the error message at the moment. My DBMS is SQL Server.
you can do so if all data are really numeric type.
There may be some data which hv null --no problem here.
There may be some data which are blank(('') but not null--problem is because of this.
First you make a select query to retrieve all data which are blank
Select * from table1 where col=''
now update these rows with null
update table1 set col=null where col=''
After this,I think you can easily convert it to float
References: error converting data type varchar column to float.
You can first add a new field in your table with datatype float and then update it using convert function:
num = convert(FLOAT, text)

Converting varchar to nvarchar in SQL Server failed

I have SQL Server table that contains columns of type varchar(50) as a result of a CSV import using the SQL Server Import wizard.
I was wanting to know how I can change this data type to nvarchar(9) without getting a SQL Server truncation error.
I tried doing a bulk update to set the data types and column sizes that I need but still had the truncation error message when I tried to load the csv into the empty database table I created (with my required data types that I need).
Grateful for any help.
Since you are willing to lose data and nvarchar will only be able to store 9 non-unicode charaters, then select only 9 characters from your source table, You do the truncation rather than Sql server doing it for you.
The Following Query will trim any White spaces from the strings, Then take only 9 characters from the string and convert them to NVARCHAR(9) for you.....
FROM Existing_Table
Bulk insert into temp table with varchar(50) and insert to actual table
insert into tableName
select cast(tempcolumn as nvarchar(9)) from temptable
And it is also important to check field types of destination table. Just spent 3 hours because of same error with random casting, trimming, substring and at the end noticed, that colleague created table with too short field lengths.
I hope it helps somebody...
If you encounter this error during Import/Export Tasks, you can use the select cast(xxx as nvarchar(yyy)) as someName in the "Write a query to specify the data to transfer" option
varchar and nvarchar only use the length needed for the data stored. If you need unicode support certainly convert to nvarchar, but modifying it from 50 to 9 - what is the point?
If your data is ALWAYS exactly 9, consider using char(9), and following one of the transformation suggestions above...

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '1,' to data type int

I have table categories (c) and an another table (x) with a column which can contain cat IDs separated with comma as varchar data type. I want to Select related categories but I'm having error "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '5,' to data type int." when trying to select:
The subquery returns data like "1,3,4"
You need to split the 1,3,4 string returned by the subquery into separate int values. SQL Server does not have a built-in function to do it, but you can use this user-defined function.
Create the function dbo.Split in your database and then re-write your query as follows:
FROM dbo.Split(',', '1,3,4')
I replaced the subquery with example results 1,3,4 to shorten the query and make it easier to understand.
If I get it right, you actually have values like "1,3,4" in your column catIDs. So you should extract a substring in the select of your subquery.
By the way, I'm not an MS SQL Server expert, but it's probably a bad database design to do so. I'm not sure the RDBMS engine will use indexes in such a case...