weird issue with Hive 0.12 in BigInsights 3.0 - hive

I have this simple query which is fine in hive 0.8 in IBM BigInsights2.0:
SELECT * FROM patient WHERE hr > 50 LIMIT 5
However when I run this query using hive 0.12 in BigInsights3.0 it runs forever and returns no results.
Actually the scenario is the same for following query and many others:
patient1 p WHERE p.readingdate='2014-07-17'
If I exclude the WHERE part then it would be all fine in both versions.
Any idea what might be wrong with hive 0.12 or BigInsights3.0 when including WHERE clause in the query?

When you use a WHERE clause in the Hive query, Hive will run a map-reduce job to return the results. That's why it usually takes longer to run the query because without the WHERE clause, Hive can simply return the content of the file that represents the table in HDFS.
You should check the status of the map-reduce job that is triggered by your query to find out if an error happened. You can do that by going to the Application Status tab in the BigInsights web console and clicking on Jobs, or by going to the job tracker web interface. If you see any failed tasks for that job, check the logs of the particular task to find out what error occurred. After fixing the problem, run the query again.


BigQuery scheduled query failing

I have a BigQuery scheduled query that is failing with the following error:
Not found: Dataset bunny25256:dataset1 was not found in location US at [5:15]; JobID: 431285762868:scheduled_query_635d3a29-0000-22f2-888e-14223bc47b46
I scheduled the query via the SQL Workspace. When I run the query in the workspace, it works fine. The dataset and everything else that I have created is in the same region: us-central1.
Any ideas on what the problem could be, and how I could fix it or work around it?
There's nothing special about the query, it computes some statistics on a table in dataset1 and puts it in dataset2.
When you submit a query, you submit it to BQ at a given location. The dataset you created lives in us-central1 but your query was submitted to us. The location us and us-central1 are not the same. Change your scheduled query to run in us-central1. See docs on location for more info.
Dataset is not provided correctly- it should be in formate project.dataset.table
try running below in big query
select * from bunny25256:dataset1
you should provide bunny25256:dataset1.table

Bigquery internal error during copy job to move tables between datasets

I'm currently migrating around 200 tables in Bigquery (BQ) from one dataset (FROM_DATASET) to another one (TO_DATASET). Each one of these tables has a _TABLE_SUFFIX corresponding to a date (I have three years of data for each table). Each suffix contains typically between 5 GB and 80 GB of data.
I'm doing this using a Python script that asks BQ, for each table, for each suffix, to run the following query:
-- example table=T_SOME_TABLE, suffix=20190915
COPY `my-project.FROM_DATASET.T_SOME_TABLE_20190915`
Everything works except for three tables (and all their suffixes) where the copy job fails at each _TABLE_SUFFIX with this error:
An internal error occurred and the request could not be completed. This is usually caused by a transient issue. Retrying the job with back-off as described in the BigQuery SLA should solve the problem: If the error continues to occur please contact support at Error: 4893854
Retrying the job after some time actually works but of course is slowing the process. Is there anyone who has an idea on what the problem might be?
It turned out that those three problematic tables were some legacy ones with lots of columns. In particular, the BQ GUI shows this warning for two of them:
"Schema and preview are not displayed because the table has too many
columns and may cause the BigQuery console to become unresponsive"
This was probably the issue.
In the end, I managed to migrate everything by implementing a backoff mechanism to retry failed jobs.

Error In Query Operation: Cannot start a job without a project id

I keep getting an error using the bqcommand line tool. For example, I can easily run this query and it returns the table that I want:
head -n 10 xxxx-bq:name_name.Report2
Note that xxxx-bq is the projectid, and name_name is the dataset id. When I try to run a query against this table, say the follwing:
query "SELECT count(*) FROM xxxx-bq:name_name.Report2
I get an error that says that I cannot start a job without a project id. What am I doing wrong here? How can I specify in the query the project ID? I know people have asked some similar questions. That said, I have been following along and my approach is not working.
Do you have a project id? If not, this page can help you set one up:
All BigQuery jobs (which include queries) require a project id, which is the project that gets billed for any damage done by the job. (by damage, I mean work)
You should either set your default project id (you can do this by running bq init)
or set the project id that you're running the job under via --project_id=
So if you're running bq shell, you would use bq shell --project_id=myprojectid instead.
strange... I just started working with bq & got the same error but it didn't like me passing --project_id=[myprojectid]. Although I was already authed with gcloud auth login, I had to run bq init (and it seemingly didn't do anything) -- after that, my queries worked just fine.

Hive query in oozie coordinator

I running 10 hive scripts using oozie coordinator, it is getting stuck in one of the script in reduce stage at same percentage without any error, the scripts are simple insert statements and I tested them on command line they just work fine, how do I debug this?
It was data skew issue, 80% of the data was mapped to single key. Once we updated to Hive 10, skew optimization join resolved the issue.

Pig step execution details

I am newbee to pig .
I have written a small script in pig , where in i first load the data from two different tables and further right outer join the two tables ,later also i have next join of tables for two different st of data .It works fine .But i want to see
the steps of execution , like in which step my data is loaded that way i can note the time
needed for loading later details of step for data joining like how much time it is
taking for these much records to be joined .
Basically i want to know which part of my pig script is taking longer time to run so
that way i can further optimize my pig script .
Anyway we could println within the script and find which steps got executed which has started to execute .
Through jobtracker details link i could not get much info , just could see mapper is running & reducer is running , but idealy mapper for which part of script is running could not find that.
For example for a hive job run we can see in the jobtracker details link which step is currently getting executed.
Any information will be really helpfull.
Thanks in advance .
I'd suggest you to have a look at the followings:
Pig's Progress Notification Listener
Penny : this is a monitoring tool but I'm afraid that it hasn't been updated in the recent past (e.g: it won't compile for Pig 0.12.0 unless you do some code changes)
Twitter's Ambrose project.
On the other, after executing the script you can see a detailed statistics about the execution time of each alias (see: Job Stats (time in seconds)).
Have a look at the EXPLAIN operator. This doesn't give you real-time stats as your code is executing, but it should give you enough information about the MapReduce plan your script generates that you'll be able to match up the MR jobs with the steps in your script.
Also, while your script is running you can inspect the configuration of the Hadoop job. Look at the variables "pig.alias" and "pig.job.feature". These tell you, respectively, which of your aliases (tables/relations) is involved in that job and what Pig operations are being used (e.g., HASH_JOIN for a JOIN step, SAMPLER or ORDER BY for an ORDER BY step, and so on). This information is also available in the job stats that are output to the console upon completion.