Detect if SQL statement is correct - sql

Question: Is there any way to detect if an SQL statement is syntactically correct?
I have a very complex application, which, at some point, need very specific (and different) processing for different cases.
The solution was to have a table where there is a record for each condition, and an SQL command that is to be executed.
That table is not accessible to normal users, only to system admins who define those cases when a new special case occurs. So far, a new record was added directly to the table.
However, from time to time there was typos, and the SQL was malformed, causing issues.
What I want to accomplish is to create a UI for managing that module, where to let admins to type the SQL command, and validate it before save.
My idea was to simply run the statement in a throw block and then capture the result (exception, if any), but I'm wondering of there is a more unobtrusive approach.
Any suggestion on this validation?
PS. I'm aware of risk of SQL injection here, but it's not the case - the persons who have access to this are strictly controlled, and they are DBA or developers - so the risk of SQL injection here is the same as the risk to having access to Enterprise Manager

You can use SET PARSEONLY ON at the top of the query. Keep in mind that this will only check if the query is syntactically correct, and will not catch things like misspelled tables, insufficient permissions, etc.

Looking at the page here, you can modify the stored procedure to take a parameter:
SELECT 1 FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(#stmt, NULL, 0)
WHERE error_message IS NOT NULL
AND error_number IS NOT NULL
AND error_severity IS NOT NULL
AND error_state IS NOT NULL
AND error_type IS NOT NULL
AND error_type_desc IS NOT NULL )
SELECT error_message
FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(#stmt, NULL, 0)
WHERE column_ordinal = 0
This will return an error if one exists and nothing otherwise.


Why is a query under a IF statement that is false running?

I have a application that uses a lot of string interpolation for SQL queries. I know it is a SQL injection threat, this is something that the customer and us know about and is hopefully something we can focus on next big refactor. I say that to make sense of the {Root} things that come from a GUI.
I have this query
IF ({Root Container.UserSelectedProduct}=1)
DECLARE #TestNumbers {Root Container.SQLProductType};
INSERT INTO #TestNumbers SELECT * FROM {Root Container.DBTable};
FROM {Root Container.SQLProductFunction} (#TestNumbers)
WHERE [ID] = {Root Container.Level};
Select 0
Before a user selects a product it looks like this
IF (0=1)     
DECLARE #TestNumbers myDataType;
INSERT INTO #TestNumbers SELECT * FROM [MySchema].[TheWrongTable];     
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[myfunction] (#TestNumbers)
WHERE [ID] = 1;
Which is giving me the error:
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
I am aware why this error shows up, the table I am selecting from is not made for that data type.
However, why is it even attempting to run the first IF clause when I have IF (0=1) - how come this part is not just skipped and the SELECT 0 is only run? I would have thought that is how it was supposed to work, but I keep getting the error regarding column name/number not matching the table definition. When the user does select a Product and I get IF (1=1) and I have the appropriate table/function/datatype, it all works smoothly. I just don't know why it throws me an error prior when IF(1=0). Why does this happen/how can I get my intended behavior that everything inside my BEGIN\END under my first IF statement does not run unless the expression is true.
T-SQL is not interpreted. It must make sense regardless of what the runtime conditions are. It doesn't even do short-circuiting, in fact. Your code is invalid, and it doesn't matter that it's unreachable - T-SQL isn't going to ignore a piece of invalid code just because it could be eliminated, that's a thing that is a common source of bugs (e.g. in C++ where it's pretty common with templates).
Just make sure you still get valid SQL for the case where no product is selected; use the wrong table (or a helper table) if you have to.
The answer is simple: SQL code is fully compiled by the server before being executed, so this is basically a compile error. It's a bit like trying to compile the following in C#
intValue = "hello";
It's simply not valid.
The runtime code has not even been executed, it's still in the parsing and lexing stage. Nothing is being skipped, it just needs to be fully valid code, irrespective of runtime conditions.
This happens in every scope, i.e. on every call to a procedure or ad-hoc batch, that code must be compilable.

Avoid users supplying null value to a Stored procedure in SQL Server

I am curious why this will not work:
create procedure test
#id int not null,
#feature bit not null
It shows 'Incorrect syntax to be null' for the first line.
[I don't want to allow my users to supply a null value to the SP and hence trying to explicitly avoid the same.]
This feature was introduced in SQL Server 2014 by way of Natively Compiled Stored Procedures. If you're not using 2014 yet, you will have to resort to other methods of prevention:
Stop it from even getting to the database in code/the application logic (often times we don't have access to this though)
Make the first part of you SP a null check and break out or throw an error if it is null
Too many options to keep going...

How to demonstrate SQL injection in where clause?

I want to demonstrate the insecurity of some webservices that we have. These send unsanitized user input to an Oracle database Select statements.
SQL injection on SELECT statements is possible (through the WHERE clause), however I am having a hard time to demonstrate it as the same parameter gets placed in other queries as well during the same webservice call.
' or client_id = 999'--
will exploit the first query but as the same WS request calls runs other SQL SELECTs, it will return an oracle error on the next query because the client_id is referred to by an alias in the second table.
I am looking to find something more convincing rather than just having an ORA error returned such as managing to drop a table in the process. However I do not think this is possible from a Select statement.
Any ideas how I can cause some data to change, or maybe get sensitive data to be included as part of an ORA error?
It's not very easy to change data, but it's still possible. Function that created with pragma autonomous_transaction can contain dml and may be called in where. For instance,
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_funct return int
pragma autonomous_transaction;
DELETE FROM test_del;
return 0;
-- and then
SELECT null from dual where test_funct()=1;
Another option you try creating huge subquery in WHERE which in turn may cause huge performance issue on server.
You do not need a custom function, you can use a sub-query:
" or client_id = (SELECT 999 FROM secret_table WHERE username = 'Admin' AND password_hash = '0123456789ABCD')"
If the query succeeds then you know that:
There is a table called secret_table that can be seen by the user executing this query (even if there is not a user interface that would typically be used to directly interact with that table);
That it has the columns username and password_hash;
That there is a user called Admin; and
That the admin user has a password that hashes to 0123456789ABCD.
You can repeat this and map the structure of the entire database and check for any values in the database.

Select Fails With Nonexisitent Columns

Executing the following statement with SQL Server 2005 (My tests are through SSMS) results in success upon first execution and failure upon subsequent executions.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE #test ( GoodColumn INT )
IF 1 = 0
SELECT BadColumn
FROM #test
What this means is that something is comparing the columns I am accessing in my select statement against the columns that exist on a table when the script is "compiled". For my purposes this is undesirable functionality. My question is if there is anything that can be done so that this code would execute successfully on every run, or if that is not possible perhaps someone could explain why the demonstrated functionality is desirable. The only solutions I have currently is to wrap the select with EXEC or select *, but I don't like either of those solution.
If you put:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test') IS NOT NULL
At the start, then the problem will go away, as the batch will get parsed before the #test table exists.
What you're asking is for the system to recognise that "1=0" will always evaluate to false. If it were ever true (which could potentially be the case for most real-life conditions), then you'd probably want to know that you were about to run something that would cause failure.
If you drop the temporary table and then create a stored procedure that does the same:
CREATE PROC dbo.test
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#test') IS NULL
CREATE TABLE #test ( GoodColumn INT )
IF 1 = 0
SELECT BadColumn
FROM #test
Then this will happily be created, and you can run it as many times as you like.
Whether or not this behaviour is "desirable" from a programmer's point of view is debatable of course -- it basically comes down to the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages. From a performance point of view, it's desirable because SQL Server needs complete information in order to compile and optimize the execution plan (and also cache execution plans).
In a word, T-SQL is not an interpretted or dynamically typed language, and so you cannot write code like this. Your options are either to use EXEC, or to use another language and embed the SQL queries within it.
This problem is also visible in these situations:
IF 1 = 1
select dummy = GETDATE() into #tmp
select dummy = GETDATE() into #tmp
Although the second statement is never executed the same error occurs.
It seems the query engine first level validation ignores all conditional statements.
You say you have problems with subsequent request and that is because the object already exits. It it recommended that you drop your temporary tables as soon as possible when you are done with it.
Read more about temporary table performance at:
SQL Server

running conditional DDL statements on sql server

i have a situation where i want to check a certain column ( like version number) and then apply a bunch of ddl changes
trouble is i am not able to do it with in a IF BEGIN END block, since DDL statements require a GO separator between them, and TSQL wont allow that.
I am wondering if there is any way around to accomplish this
You don't need to use a full block. A conditional will execute the next statement in its entirety if you don't use a BEGIN/END -- including a single DDL statement. This is equivalent to the behavior of if in Pascal, C, etc. Of course, that means that you will have to re-check your condition over and over and over. It also means that using variables to control the script's behavior is pretty much out of the question.
[Edit: CREATE PROCEDURE doesn't work in the example below, so I changed it to something else and moved CREATE PROCEDURE for a more extended discussion below]
If ((SELECT Version FROM table WHERE... ) <= 15)
If ((SELECT Version FROM table WHERE... ) <= 15)
Or something like that, depending on what your condition is.
Unfortunately, CREATE/ALTER PROCEDURE and CREATE/ALTER VIEW have special requirements that make it much harder to work with. They are pretty much required to be the only thing in a statement, so you can't combine them with IF at all.
For many scenarios, when you want to "upgrade" your objects, you can work it as a conditional drop followed by a create:
IF(EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type='p' AND object_id = OBJECT_ID('')))
If you do really need conditional logic to decide what to do, then the only way I know of is to use EXECUTE to run the DDL statements as a string.
If ((SELECT Version FROM table WHERE... ) <= 15)
But this is very painful. You have to escape any quotes in the body of the procedure and it's really hard to read.
Depending on the changes that you need to apply, you can see all this can get very ugly fast. The above doesn't even include error checking, which is a royal pain all on its own. This is why hordes of toolmakers make a living by figuring out ways to automate the creation of deployment scripts.
Sorry; there is no easy "right" way that works for everything. This is just something that TSQL supports very poorly. Still, the above should be a good start.
GO is recognised by client tools, not by the server.
You can have CREATEs in your stored procedures or ad-hoc queries with no GO's.
Multiple "IF" statements? You can test then for the success of subsequent DDL statements
As mentioned, GO is a client only batch separator to break down a single SQL text block into batches that are submitted to the SQL Server.