Application calls another Application. Does it create another process? - process

I was reading about Processes. I wan't to know what really happens. My situation :
"I opened an Application. That creates a process say process1. I have other applications interfaced with this one and all these open up when i click a button inside my running application. I want to know Does my process1 create new processes and IPC happens OR processes for all the linked applications are created at once and then IPC happens?"

Obviously,a running application is a bunch of processes,or maybe a single process which has internally multiple threads acting within these processes.
So,your activity decides the creation and deletion of processes.say,if you are running an application such as media player and you suddenly start searching related info about the album---so here,totally a new process is created which helps interaction through web and after returning the output,it may die,may not,but the process was created on your request.Also,mostly ipc happens within processes,exactly as per your thinking,but shared memory communication is also one of the option,which is complicated and is less common.
One more thing to point out is that there are several 'daemon processes' which are running in the background and don't die before shutdown instruction!So,these processes are also sometimes related to the running application and serves its request.But,mostly,newer processes are created when we switch our task or perform certain action in the application.


CoreData main application and background process, with the same data

I'am planning to have a main OSX application, which the user can launch and a background process, which starts on OSX startup and runs prior to the main application
I need a CoreData database, to keep track of some changes... this database should be the same for the background task and foreground app...
What are the options?
Is it possible, that both access the same sqlite (which will be
located in app bundle?)? By setup with the same .sqlite file?
Should they have two identical databases, which they synchronize?
can this synchronisation be automated?
Should there be one database for the background process and the
main application should communicate with the background process?
Using a background process to update the datastore is fighting the frameworks. Also, your background process (and your main process, for that matter) won't be able to update the .sqlite file that lives in your bundle.
Instead of using a background process, use a background queue (via Grand Central Dispatch, and NSManagedObjectContext -performBlock:. Keeping the logic within one application will make your life easier. Your communication happens within the application, instead of having to use XPC.
Don't forget to handle the case of a partial, interrupted, update. The sequence I suggest is:
Application launches.
Background queue launches, pulls updated info from server, creates updated datastore using a temporary name.
If background update succeeds, main queue of application closes the old version of the datastore, then replaces it with the updated datastore. There is API to do this atomically.
Main thread reopens datastore and refreshes UI as needed.
If background update fails, reschedule an update attempt based on failure reasons (bad credentials, server unreachable, partial download, corrupt .sqlite).
If you're absolutely dead set on using two different processes, then you should still assume that the update might fail. So don't write to the live copy until you know you have a complete, valid, replacement.
Apple achieve this in the Notes app using what they call a "cross process change coordinator". This allows the accountsd daemon and the Notes app to access the same CoreData sqlite database. Their class ICNotesCrossProcessChangeCoordinator in the NotesShared framework works by using NSDistributedNotificationCenter to post the notification of changes between the processes and merge them into each others' context. There are many more implementation details of the technique but this should point you in the right direction.

long running agents in f#

I use agents in different ways, one of which consists of 100 agents monitoring website changes, and reporting back to a supervisor which I can call to spawns new monitor off, or listen to the merged changes.
This is only part of my program, and I am happy with it.
I now would like to spin it off and that it runs truly independently of my main program.
(Yet I would like this independent spinoff to stay as much as possible inside the langage, and use the least amount of glue code possible)
What strategies do I have here / would you recommend ?
One option for executing long-running agents is to write a Windows Service that starts with the operating system (possibly even before login) and runs in the background. Your main application can then connect to the service and communicate with it.
Here is a basic example of F# Windows Service on MSDN.
Running the agent in a service is quite easy. The communication between service and main application is more tricky, because they are two separate processes. The sample uses .NET Remoting, which has now been replaced with WCF, so I think that would be a thing to look at (especially if you want asynchronous communication). Alternatively, there are some F# projects that implement simple socket-based communication, which might be easier to use.

VB.NET - Timer Every Second Monitoring Windows Application Titles

I have a VB.NET desktop application that I'm using to monitor events in another windows application running on my system. I need to respond to certain events in a matter of seconds. One of the events I'm monitoring instantly changes the window title of a child window within the main process (I'm not changing it, the application I'm monitoring causes the change in it's own child window title). I have a function that uses windows API's to iterate through the title text of all the process's child windows, and I'm checking for certain values in the titles.
Is it a bad idea to be running this timer/title check once every second? Are there performance issues associated with running a timer in windows every second 24/7? Is it also bad for performance to be calling the API's which retrieve the titles of all the application's child windows? Could I eventually cause that application to crash by sending requests to it so often?
You will have to benchmark it to see, but if I recall correctly, iterating through every window has significant overhead.
Can't you simply monitor a single window? If you do that, you should be fine.

Can one program have multiple processes?

after reading and searching about OS and process and threads, I checked on wiki and it said,
A computer program is a passive
collection of instructions, a process
is the actual execution of those
instructions. Several processes may be
associated with the same program; for
example, opening up several instances
of the same program often means more
than one process is being executed.
Now is it possible for a program to have more than one process and I am not including the possibility of running more than one instance of the same program. I mean one instance of one program is running, is it possible for a program to have more than one process?
If yes, how? If no, why not?
I am a newbie in this, but damn curious :)
Thanks for all your help..
Yes, fairly obviously - you can run two or more copies of most programs - I routinely have about 5 copies of vim running, and each of those is a separate process. As to how, the OS loads the executable file, creates a process and then tells that process to start executing the file contents.
It is most definitely possible but a desktop application might not be a good example and I think this is the source of your confusion.
Consider a webserver instead (NginX or Apache). There is one master process and multiple worker processes at work. The master process "accpets" the work , so to speak, and delegates it to the workers. Both NginX and Apache could be configured to any number of worker processes.
At our company we are in the business of delivering a SaaS that helps businesses have an online chat with their visitors via their websites. The back-end part of our system has multiple "service"es communicating with each other to accomplish the task. Each service has multiple instances running.

Difference between in-process and out-process service

What are applications that run "in-process" vs those that run "out-process"?
Why would you select one over the other?
"In-process" means the component runs in the same process space as the one using it.
"Out-process" means the component runs in a different process space compared to the one using it. The two processes may be running on the same machine also. What matters is that they are not sharing the same process space.
The difference is the way in which you need to communicate with the component based on how it is running:
In case of in-process, you communicate using local method calls.
In case of out-process, you need to have some remote-procedure-call mechanism used on both the sides. E.g. Java's RMI is one such protocol. Microsoft's COM is one such protocol.
In process is one where it runs on the local machine i.e within the Application
Out process is one where it runs on a server i.e outside the application