Performance gains vs Normalizing your tables? [closed] - sql

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Ok ok I know you probably all going to kill me for asking this, however I got into an friendly programmer argument with a co-worker about one of our database tables and he asked a question which I know the answer to but I couldn't explain it is the better way.
I will simplify the situation for the simplicity of the question, We have a fairly large table of people / users. Now amongst other data being stored the data in question is as follows: we have a simNumber, cellNumber and the ipAddress of that sim.
Now I am saying that we should make a table lets call it SimTable and put those 3 entries in the sim table, and then put a FK in the UsersTable linking the two. Why? Because that's what I have always been taught NORMALISE your tables!!! Ok so all is good in that regard.
But now my friend says to me yes, but now when you want to query a users phone number, SQL now has to go and:
search for the user
search for the sim fk
search for the correct sim row in the sim database
get the phone number
Now when I go and request 10000 users phone numbers, the number of operations done seriously grows in size.
Vs the other approach
search for the user
find the phone number
Now the argument is purely performance based. As much as I understand why we do normalize the data (to remove redundant data, maintainability, make changes to data in one table which propagate up etc.. ) It does appear to me that the approach with the data in one table will be faster or will at least less tasks/ operations to give me the data I want?
So what is the case in this situation? I do hope that I have not asked anything insanely silly , it is early in the morning so do forgive me if im not thinking clearly
The technology involved in MS SQL server 2012
This article below also touches on some pf the concepts I have mentioned above

The goal of normalization is not performance. The goal is to model your data correctly with minimum redundancy so you avoid data anomalies.
Say for example two users share the same phone. If you store the phones in the user table, you'd have sim number, IP address, and cell number stored one each user's row.
Then you change the IP address on one row but not the other. How can one sim number have two IP addresses? Is that even valid? Which one is correct? How would you fix such discrepancies? How would you even detect them?
There are times when denormalization is worthwhile, if you really need to optimize data access for one query that you run very frequently. But denormalization comes at a cost, so be prepared to commit yourself to a lot more manual work to take responsibility for data integrity. More code, more testing, more cleanup tasks. Do those count when considering "performance" of the project overall?
Re comments:
I agree with #JoelBrown, as soon as you implement your first case of denormalization, you compromise on data integrity.
I'll expand on what Joel mentions as "well-considered." Denormalization benefits specific queries. So you need to know which queries you have in your app, and which ones you need to optimize for. Do this conservatively, because while denormalization can help a specific query, it harms performance for all other uses of the same data. So you need to know whether you need to query the data in different ways.
Example: suppose you are designing a database for StackOverflow, and you want to support tags for questions. Each question can have a number of tags, and each tag can apply to many questions. The normalized way to design this is to create a third table, pairing questions with tags. That's the physical data model for a many-to-many relationship:
Questions ----<- QuestionsTagged ->---- Tags
But you figure you don't want to do the join to get tags for a given question, so you put tags into a comma-separated string in the questions table. This makes it quicker to query a given question and its associated tags.
But what if you also want to query for one specific tag and find its related questions? If you use the normalized design, it's simply a query against the many-to-many table, but on the tag column.
But if you denormalize by storing tags as a comma-separated list in the Questions table, you'd have to search for tags as substrings within that comma-separated list. Searching for substrings can't be indexed with a standard B-tree style index, and therefore searching for related questions becomes a costly table-scan. It's also more complex and inefficient to insert and delete a tag, or to apply constraints like uniqueness or foreign keys.
That's what I mean by denormalization making an improvement for one type of query at the expense of other uses of the data. That's why it's a good idea to start out with everything in normal form, and then refactor to denormalized designs later on a case by case basis as your bottlenecks reveal themselves.
This goes back to old wisdom:
"Premature optimization is the root of all evil" -- Donald Knuth
In other words, don't denormalize until you can demonstrate during load testing that (a) it makes a real improvement to performance that justifies the loss of data integrity, and (b) it does not degrade performance of other cases unacceptably.

It sounds like you already understand the benefits of normalisation, so I won't cover these.
There are a couple of considerations here:
1. Does a user always have one and only phone number?
If so, then it is still normalised to add these to the user table. However, if the user can have either no phone number or multiple phone numbers, then the phone details should be held in a seperate table.
Assuming you have these in seperate tables, but after conducting performance tests you found that joining on these 2 tables was having a significant effect on performance, then you may choose to deliberately denormalise the tables for performance gains.

Others have already provided some good points and you may also want to take a look at this.
I'd just like to mention one more aspect that is often overlooked: I/O tends to be the greatest component of the cost of most queries, and denormalization generally increases the storage size of data, therefore making the DBMS cache "smaller".
If your normalized database fits into cache and denormalized doesn't, you may actually observe a performance decrease for the latter.
And you won't be able to spot that in development, unless you actually have the amount of data that is similar to production. This is one of many reasons why you should never, ever denormalize without solid measurements (on representative amounts of data) to justify it.


Storing data values in multiple tables vs accessing the same value via query

I have designed my database tables where multiple tables store a value, all of which could be achieved via a query to one table.
My question is would it be considered better practice to never store duplicate data and always query, or to store small values multiple times to reduce the number of queries required?
For context, I am building a Python app that quizzes Korean language questions using SQLAlchemy and SQLite.
I have User , Quiz and Question classes.
The values in question are num_correct, num_wrong with regard to quiz questions.
Basically I have a question table that stores all questions related to quiz by quiz_id. Each question has a column "correct" that stores a boolean telling whether or not that question was answered correctly.
In my "quiz" table, I have columns for num_correct / num_wrong regarding questions answered for that quiz.
In my "user" table, I also have columns for num_correct / num_wrong regarding their total answers correct and wrong for all time.
I realize that to get the values in "quiz" I could query the "questions" table and to get the values in "user" I could do that same.
In this case (and in general) which would be the preferred strategy considering best practices?
I've tried googling quite a bit, but wording the question is a bit tricky.
The issue of duplicated data is a complicated one in relational databases. If your application is doing data modifications, then duplicated data incurs synchronization issues -- the data needs to be updated in multiple places.
That is bad for a variety of reasons:
Updating a single item of information requires multiple changes.
The multiple changes can get out-of-sync, meaning that queries will not see consistent data.
Changes to the database structure (such as adding new tables) can be rather cumbersome.
Databases do support this capability, via ACID properties, transactions, and triggers. However, they add overhead. In general, such duplication is added out of necessity (i.e. performance) rather than up-front. Hence, there is a strong preference for normalized data models where information is stored only once when updates frequently occur.
On the other hand, some databases are used primarily for querying purposes. These databases are often denormalized -- and quite so. For instance, a customer table might contain summaries along many different dimensions, gathering information from dozens of underlying tables.
This not only simplifies queries but it encodes business logic. One major issue with using data is that different people have slightly different definitions of things -- is a one-year customer someone who started 365 days ago? Someone who started on the same day of the year last year? Someone who has been around for 12 months? Standardized analysis tables provide the answer.
Your case seems to fall more into the first situation. You are doing updates and thinking about storing summaries up front. I would discourage you from doing this. Just write the queries you need to summarize the data. In all likelihood, indexes and partitioning will provide all the performance you need.
If you know up front that you will have millions of users taking hundreds of quizzes with dozens of questions, then you might want to think about performance optimizations up front. But for thousands of users taking a handful of quizzes with a few dozen questions, start with a simple data model and make it more complicated after you have demonstrated that it works.
My question is would it be considered better practice to never store duplicate data and always query, or to store small values multiple times to reduce the number of queries required?
I don't see how this reduces the number of queries.
It may affect the complexity of a query, i.e. you'll need to join a few tables together instead of a simple query on one table, but these operations are very fast. I would not worry about speed.
If you duplicate your data it will eventually get out of sync, and then you're in big trouble.
In short, don't duplicate.
Also, this question doesn't really have anything to do with Python.

Primary Key Type Guid or Int? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am wondering what is the recommended type for PK in sql server? I remember reading a long time ago this article but now I am wondering if it is still a wise decision to use GUID still.
One reason that got me thinking about it is, these days many sites use the id in the url for instance Course/1 would get the information about that record.
You can't really do that with a guid, which would mean you would need some new column that would be unique and use that, what is more work as you got to make sure each record has a unique number.
There is never a "one solution fits all". You have to carefully design your architecture and select the best options for your scenario. Both INT and GUID types are valid options like they've always been.
You can absolutely use GUID in a URL. In fact, in most scenarios, it is better to use a GUID (or another random ID) in the URL than a sequential numeric ID for security reason. If you use sequential ID, your site visitors will be able to easily guess other users' IDs and potentially access their contents. For example, if my profile URL is /Profiles/111, I can try Profile/112 and see if I can access it. If my reservation URL is Reservation/444, I can try Reservation/441 and see what happens. I can easily guess other IDs in the system. Of course, you must have strong permissions, so I should not be able to see those other pages that don't belong to my account, but if there is any issues or holes in your permissions and security, a breach can happen. While with GUID and other random IDs, there is no way to guess other IDs in the system, so such a breach is much more difficult.
Another issue with sequential IDs is that your users can guess how many accounts or records you have and their order in your database. If my ID is 50269, I know that you must have almost this number of records. If my Id is 4, then I know that you had a very few accounts when I registered. For that reason, many developers start the first ID at some random high number like 1529 instead of 1. It doesn't solve the issue entirely, but it avoid the issues with small IDs. How important all that guessing is depends on the system, so you have to evaluate your scenario carefully.
That's on the top of the benefits mentioned in the article that you mentioned in your question. But still, an integer is better in some areas, so choose the best option for your scenario.
EDIT To answer the point that you raised in your comment about user-friendly URLs. In those scenarios, sequential numbers is the wrong answer. A better solution is a unique string in the URL which is linked to your numeric ID. For example, the Cars movie has this URL on IMDB:
Now, compare that to the URL of the same movie on Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, Plugged In, or Facebook:
We must agree that those URLs are much friendlier than the one from IMDB.
I've worked on small, medium, and large scale implementations(100k+ users) with SQL and Oracle. The major of the time PK type of INT is used when needed. The GUID was more popular 10-15 years ago, but even at its height was not as populate as the INT. Unless you see a need for it I would recommend INT.
My experience has been that the only time a GUID is needed is if your data is on the move or merged with other databases. For example, say you have three sites running the same application and you merge those three systems for reporting purposes.
If your data is stationary or running a single instance, int should be sufficient.
According to the article you mention:
GUIDs are unique across every table, every database, every server
Well... this is a great promise, but fails to deliver. GUID are supposed to be unique snowflakes. However, reality is much more complicated than that, and there are numerous reasons why they end up not being unique.
One of the main reasons is not related to the UUID/GUID specification, but by poor implementations of it. For example some Javascript implementations rank as the worst ones, using pseudo random numbers that are quite predictable. Other implementations are much more decent.
So, bottom line, study the specific implementation of UUID/GUID you are and will be using. Don't just read and trust the specification. Otherwise you may be up for a surprise, when you get called at 3 am on a Saturday night by angry customers.

should this be two database tables or one?

I have a database table called interviews and the interviewer and the interviewee will both have to review how the interview went. The review will have similar fields (rating on a scale) but different questions.
Option 1 is to have them both in the same table and have it be 1..N back to the interview table (storing the ID of the writer and the one being reviewed as well). and only limiting which fields can be input at the application level.
Option 2 is to have two tables (one specifically for interviewer reviews and one specifically for interviewee reviews.
What is your opinion of the best way to model this?
Although this is dangerously close to being opinion-based, I have a comment that is too long for comments.
Handling surveys is rather complicated. Surveys change over time because questions are added, removed, and modified and answers are added, removed, and modified. And yet, people often want to use survey questions and track the results over time.
So, the data model for a survey is much more complicated than "one table" or "two tables". There are tables for surveys, questions, answers, and the relationships and values can change over time.
One big table is often a poor choice. If you index properly and write fine tuned queries, they are going to perform fine. Having multiple table can help you in multiple ways like
Access particular data ,
Easy queries etc
Two review tables. Those are TWO bona fide separate entities.
Here's the deal:
Designing a single table that "works" for two different purposes can be done but it's challenging: on the database level, and on your application.
But then... a few months later new requirements come in, that makes it more challenging. You'll need to implement weird logic to keep using one table. Code becomes convoluted, and testing becomes a nightmare.
And then, more changes come in. It becomes unmanageable. At some point you'll realise they were different things from the start that will EVOLVE differently.
Bottom line, it's better to keep them separate from the start to avoid huge cost in the future. Even if they have near-identical columns in the beginning.

How to deal with stupid designed databases? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So we just started doing web application for company X. Application have to calculate a lot of information like workers done job, how long he worked, how long device worked, device speed, device quality, parts quality, up-time, downtime, running time, waste and etc... etc... The problem is database is stupidly designed, no IDs(I joining it on multiple columns, but it's so slow), a lot of calculations inside view tables, (i am going to dream nightmares about this) database have a lot of and I mean a lot of tables with millions of records. So my question is how to approach this situation? Try to get the grip of database and try to do my job, even if it takes half a year to make everything work? Or maybe they should hire some database designer and change whole system...(but i guess they will not going to even if i ask to). Is there a software to fast get grip of database I could use? They using Microsoft Server SQL 2012.
P.S. Don't judge my English writing skills, i don't compile it very often.
1. There is no integrity between some tables, so i have to work my way around. And server always busy and crashes from time to time. Sometimes it takes 20min to get 1000 row from view table. 2. Some expensive query executed every time i query something.
There is a lot of data repeated in different tables.
Is there way to make database more efficient?
Let's walk through each point here:
no IDs(I joining it on multiple columns, but it's so slow)
Do you actually mean you have no referential integrity between tables and there are no columns that would form a primary key? If that is what you mean than yes I agree a non-normalized table is quite bad. However, if there is referential integrity (which I would presume there is, this is not an issue). You proceed to say it is slow, define slow. If it takes 10 seconds to query over 2 trillion records, I would hardly call that slow. If however, if takes 10 seconds to query over 5 rows, than yes that is slow.
a lot of calculations inside view tables
Now is this a materialized view? Meaning that the calculation is only executed once and the table is built off of that expensive query? Or do you mean some expensive query is executed every time that it is targeted? In the latter case that is bad, in the former that is correct.
database have a lot of and I mean a lot of tables with millions of
And your point is? Millions of records in 2013 are not that many. Further, if you are melting down over millions of records, it may be time to hang it up. There will only be more data, barring some insane magnetic storm that destroys all technology as we know it.
So my question is how to approach this situation?
Learn set theory and relational design.
You need to understand that changing the database is not trivial. What you need to do is understand this database structure well. Chances are you are not happy with it because you don't know it well. If you get to understand it, you can design views and canned queries for common every day tasks. Once you are comfortable with the database, you could then begin to make a list of what is wrong with the current design and what the business needs are. May be then you could draft a version 1.0 ERD and estimate the cost of building the new system based on business needs and your expertise in the current system.
Actually, contrary to popular belief, missing artificial keys do not automatically make a database "stupidly designed".
So yes, you should try to get the grip of database and try to do your job. Even if it takes you half a year to make everything work, it will probably still be cheaper than adapting the application that generates the data.
Whether your system can be improved by modifying the database can only be determined with an analysis by an expert. It is out of scope for this site.
Make sure that the BD structure is really as bad as you think. Perhaps there is some logic to the design you have missed? Better to check, it will save you time in the long run.
Also, is the database normalised? If there is a lot of data repeated in various tables, then it's not. If there is some attempt to normalise the database (minimising data duplication), then there is some intelligence in the design. Otherwise, you might be right.

T-SQL database design and tables

I'd like to hear some opinions or discussion on a matter of database design. Me and my colleagues are developing a complex application in finance industry that is being installed in several countries.
Our contractors wanted us to keep a single application for all the countries so we naturally face the difficulties with different workflows in every one of them and try to make the application adjustable to satisfy various needs.
The issue I've encountered today was a request from the head of the IT department from the contractors side that we keep the database model in terms of tables and columns they consist of.
For examlpe, we got a table with different risks and we needed to add a flag column IsSomething (BIT NOT NULL ...). It fully qualifies to exists within the risk table according to the third normal form, no transitive dependency to the key, a non key value ...
BUT, the guy said that he wants to keep the tables as they are so we had to make a new table "riskinfo" and link the data 1:1 to the new column.
What is your opinion ?
We add columns to our tables that are referenced by a variety of apps all the time.
So long as the applications specifically reference the columns they want to use and you make sure the new fields are either nullable or have a sensible default defined so it doesn't interfere with inserts I don't see any real problem.
That said, if an app does a select * then proceeds to reference the columns by index rather than name you could produce issues in existing code. Personally I have confidence that nothing referencing our database does this because of our coding conventions (That and I suspect the code review process would lynch someone who tried it :P), but if you're not certain then there is at least some small risk to such a change.
In your actual scenario I'd go back to the contractor and give your reasons you don't think the change will cause any problems and ask the rationale behind their choice. Maybe they have some application-specific wisdom behind their suggestion, maybe just paranoia from dealing with other companies that change the database structure in ways that aren't backwards-compatible, or maybe it's just a policy at their company that got rubber-stamped long ago and nobody's challenged. Till you ask you never know.
This question is indeed subjective like what Binary Worrier commented. I do not have an answer nor any suggestion. Just sharing my 2 cents.
Do you know the rationale for those decisions? Sometimes good designs are compromised for the sake of not breaking currently working applications or simply for the fact that too much has been done based on the previous one. It could also be many other non-technical reasons.
Very often, the programming community is unreasonably concerned about the ripple effect that results from redefining tables. Usually, this is a result of failure to understand data independence, and failure to guard the data independence of their operations on the data. Occasionally, the original database designer is at fault.
Most object oriented programmers understand encapsulation better than I do. But these same experts typically don't understand squat about data independence. And anyone who has learned how to operate on an SQL database, but never learned the concept of data independence is dangerously ignorant. The superficial aspects of data independence can be learned in about five minutes. But to really learn it takes time and effort.
Other responders have mentioned queries that use "select *". A select with a wildcard is more data dependent than the same select that lists the names of all the columns in the table. This is just one example among dozens.
The thing is, both data independence and encapsulation pursue the same goal: containing the unintended consequences of a change in the model.
Here's how to keep your IT chief happy. Define a new table with a new name that contains all the columns from the old table, and also all the additional columns that are now necessary. Create a view, with the same name as the old table, that contains precisely the same columns, and in the same order, that the old table had. Typically, this view will show all the rows in the old table, and the old PK will still guarantee uniqueness.
Once in a while, this will fail to meet all of the IT chief's needs. And if the IT chief is really saying "I don't understand databases; so don't change anything" then you are up the creek until the IT chief changes or gets changed.