I am doing something pretty ugly but nevertheless there seems to be something what appears to be a bug ..
I have an enum called BasicTypeID which is written in C#:
public enum BasicTypeID
// ..
As I try to assign a value to an array element on position BasicTypeID::VOID like this:
typedef struct TypeInfo {
char * name;
unsigned char size;
unsigned char sign;
unsigned char real;
} TypeInfo;
static const TypeInfo TYPE_VOID = { "void", 0, 0, 0 };
static TypeInfo const **basic_type_info;
CDLLEXPORT void CLIParser_InitializeDebugInformation(char * source_folder_path, char * cdb_file_path)
// ..
int enum_size = Enum::GetNames(BasicTypeID::typeid)->Length;
*basic_type_info = new TypeInfo[enum_size];
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::VOID] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compile error
VOID *dummy1;
FLOAT dummy2;
// ..
I am receiving the errors:
error C2589: 'void' : illegal token on right side of '::'
error C2059: syntax error : '::'
whereas it is working if I use e.g. FUNCTION as index:
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::FUNCTION] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compiles without errors
it is also working for FLOAT:
basic_type_info[(int)BasicTypeID::FLOAT] = &TYPE_VOID; // Compiles without errors
Why is this happening?
The Windows headers have a #define VOID void, which messes up your C++/CLI code.
Why did they do this? Because back in the day when the Windows API was first defined, C compiler support for void wasn't uniform. Since the API has to work with these compilers, it supplied its own version in VOID, which is presumably expanded to void if your compiler supports it, or some other type if it doesn't. Then, they can't do anything about it because of backward compatibility.
Why not a typedef? Because apparently the Microsoft compilers at that time didn't consider typedef void VOID; to be legal C (they now do, I believe). And they had to retain the macro for backward compatibility, because while
#define VOID void
int c(VOID){ return 0; }
is legal,
typedef void VOID;
int c(VOID){ return 0; }
is not (in C89, anyway).
Pretty much all the other Windows API types are typedefs and not preprocessor macros, which is why FLOAT works for you but VOID doesn't.
have been strugling with this over 2 days, I am not very skilled in C. So, have an objc function mapped to C function with the following syntax
extern int32_t createWallet(void (*fn)(int32_t handle, int32_t errCode)
but dont know how to pass a block like function. Have been trying to pass
void (^ createWalletCallback)(int32_t t, int32_t e) = NULL;
createWalletCallback = ^void(int32_t t, int32_t e){
/// some code here
but no success. Could you pls at least point me what to change? Thanks
This seems to be a duplicate of Is there a way to wrap an ObjectiveC block into function pointer?, where the advice is "don't do it".
Instead, can you not use a plain C function pointer? Define a function
void createWalletCallback(int32_t t, int32_t e) {
// some code here, maybe referencing global variables
// (including a semaphore, if other code needs to wait on the response)
and then just call
I have the below code in c++/CLI and observing hang while converting the .net string to char * using StringToCoTaskMemAnsi
const char* CDICashInStringStore::CDIGetStringVal( void )
unsigned int identifier = (unsigned int)_id;
debug(" cashincdistores--routing call to .Net for CDI String %d", identifier);
NCR::APTRA::INDCDataAccess::IStringValue^ stringValueProvider = (NCR::APTRA::INDCDataAccess::IStringValue^)GetStringProvider()->GetProvider();
String^ strValue = stringValueProvider->GetStringValue(identifier);
debug(" cashincdistores-- going to call StringToCoTaskMemAnsi);
IntPtr iPtr = Marshal::StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(strValue);
debug(" cashincdistores-- StringToCoTaskMemAnsi called);
// use a local (retVal is not needed)
const char * ansiStr = strdup((const char *) iPtr.ToPointer());
debug(" cashincdistores--got results %d %s",identifier,ansiStr);
// The returned memory will be free() 'ed by the user
return ansiStr;
In our logging I can see "cashincdistores-- going to call StringToCoTaskMemAnsi" and suspecting there is a hang after calling the 'StringToCoTaskMemAnsi' method.
Does there is a chance of hang in 'StringToCoTaskMemAnsi' marshalling method. what could cause the hang ?
Why are you using COM in the first place? You don't need any COM in that code.
Disclaimer: You should probably not be returning a const char * someone else will have to free from your function. That's a very easy way to produce memory leaks or multiple free errors.
Ignoring the disclaimer above, you have a couple possibilities:
First way:
#include <msclr/marshal.h>
msclr::interop::marshal_context context;
const char* strValueAsCString = context.marshal_as<const char*>(strValue);
// Probably bad
const char* ansiStr = strdup(strValueAsCString);
The strValueAsCString pointer will remain valid as long as context is in scope.
Another way:
#include <string>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>
std::string strValueAsStdString = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(strValue);
// Probably bad
const char* ansiStr = strdup(strValueAsStdString.c_str());
Here, the std::string manages the lifetime of the string.
See Overview of Marshaling for reference.
I've been working on DirectX lately and I have a Array<byte>^ function to read the shaders in the program. The function works in a program I made like 3 days ago, but then I ported the whole project to work with XAML and everything works basically the same except that this function now shows errors. The function is:
Array<byte>^ LoadShader(std::string File){
Array<byte>^ FileData = nullptr;
std::ifstream VertexFile(File, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
int Length = (int)VertexFile.tellg();
FileData = ref new Array<byte>(Length);
VertexFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
VertexFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(FileData->Data), Length);
return FileData;
It's placed in a header file and the 3 errors presented are:
error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '<
error C2334: unexpected token(s) preceding '{'; skipping apparent function body
error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-in
And I just don't know what to do... I've checked correct spelling of the header file, the function is of Array<byte>^ type and I'm certain I didn't jump the only body function in the header file.
If I remove the function, the header file works and I'm just baffled and have no idea how to fix this. For reference I'll post the complete header file underneath (it's not that big).
#pragma once
#include "DirectXHelper.h"
#include <fstream>
ref class DirectXBase abstract{
virtual void Initialize(Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ m_window, Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainBackgroundPanel^ m_panel);
virtual void CreateDeviceResources();
void CreateDepthStencil();
void CreatePipeline();
virtual void Render();
protected private:
Array<byte>^ LoadShader(std::string File){
Array<byte>^ FileData = nullptr;
std::ifstream VertexFile(File, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
int Length = (int)VertexFile.tellg();
FileData = ref new Array<byte>(Length);
VertexFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
VertexFile.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(FileData->Data), Length);
return FileData;
protected private:
Platform::Agile<Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow> window;
Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::SwapChainBackgroundPanel^ panel;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Device1> DXDevice;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext1> DXContext;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> SwapChain;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11RenderTargetView> RTView; //Render Target View
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11DepthStencilView> DepthView; //3D Depth Stencil View
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Texture2D> DepthBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11InputLayout> InLayout;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11VertexShader> VShader; //Vertex Shader
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11PixelShader> PShader; //Pixel Shader
Umm. Is it possible that your previous use had a using namespace Platform; somewhere in the file above the use of Array<byte>?
If so that would explain why it's not working.
I have to provide a C-style callback for a specific C library in an iOS app. The callback has no void *userData or something similar. So I am not able to loop in a context. I'd like to avoid introducing a global context to solve this. An ideal solution would be an Objective-C block.
My question: Is there a way to 'cast' a block into a function pointer or to wrap/cloak it somehow?
Technically, you could get access to a function pointer for the block. But it's totally unsafe to do so, so I certainly don't recommend it. To see how, consider the following example:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
struct Block_layout {
void *isa;
int flags;
int reserved;
void (*invoke)(void *, ...);
struct Block_descriptor *descriptor;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
#autoreleasepool {
// Block that doesn't take or return anything
void(^block)() = ^{
NSLog(#"Howdy %i", argc);
// Cast to a struct with the same memory layout
struct Block_layout *blockStr = (struct Block_layout *)(__bridge void *)block;
// Now do same as `block()':
// Block that takes an int and returns an int
int(^returnBlock)(int) = ^int(int a){
return a;
// Cast to a struct with the same memory layout
struct Block_layout *blockStr2 = (struct Block_layout *)(__bridge void *)returnBlock;
// Now do same as `returnBlock(argc)':
int ret = ((int(*)(void*, int a, ...))(blockStr2->invoke))(blockStr2, argc);
NSLog(#"ret = %i", ret);
Running that yields:
Howdy 1
ret = 1
Which is what we'd expect from purely executing those blocks directly with block(). So, you could use invoke as your function pointer.
But as I say, this is totally unsafe. Don't actually use this!
If you want to see a write-up of a way to do what you're asking, then check this out:
It's just a great write-up of what you would need to do to get this to work. Sadly, it's never going to work on iOS though (since you need to mark a page as executable which you're not allowed to do within your app's sandbox). But nevertheless, a great article.
If your block needs context information, and the callback does not offer any context, I'm afraid the answer is a clear no. Blocks have to store context information somewhere, so you will never be able to cast such a block into a no-arguments function pointer.
A carefully designed global variable approach is probably the best solution in this case.
MABlockClosure can do exactly this. But it may be overkill for whatever you need.
I know this has been solved but, for interested parties, I have another solution.
Remap the entire function to a new address space. The new resulting address can be used as a key to the required data.
#import <mach/mach_init.h>
#import <mach/vm_map.h>
void *remap_address(void* address, int page_count)
vm_address_t source_address = (vm_address_t) address;
vm_address_t source_page = source_address & ~PAGE_MASK;
vm_address_t destination_page = 0;
vm_prot_t cur_prot;
vm_prot_t max_prot;
kern_return_t status = vm_remap(mach_task_self(),
PAGE_SIZE*(page_count ? page_count : 4),
if (status != KERN_SUCCESS)
return NULL;
vm_address_t destination_address = destination_page | (source_address & PAGE_MASK);
return (void*) destination_address;
Remember to handle pages that aren't required anymore and note that it takes a lot more memory per invocation than MABlockClosure.
(Tested on iOS)
I currently try to extend an libssh2 Wrapper in Objective-C.
I'm trying to implement the libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive method. My problem is the response callback.
I found this implementation on the net that bypasses the "real" interactivity and uses the actual password to make the authentication possible:
int error = libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive(session, [username UTF8String], &kbdCallback);
static void kbdCallback (const char *name, int name_len, const char *instruction, int instruction_len, int num_prompts, const LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT *prompts, LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE *responses, void **abstract)
responses[0].text = (char *)[password UTF8String]; // resp. (char *)[#"test" UTF8String]
responses[0].length = strlen([password UTF8String]); // resp. (char *)[#"test" UTF8String]
One of my problems is to access the instance variable password within the static void call and my other problem is that I get SIGABRT when I try to call the method (I used a fixed string to test if that works).
Is there any possibility to get that working ?!
kbdCallback is not actually a method, it's a function - you can tell a couple of ways - there's no - or + in front of it, no parentheses around the return type, and also methods cannot be static. So, due to it being a function and not a method, there is no object associated with it, and no self pointer; thus you cannot get to any instance variables directly. There's a couple of ways to solve this I suppose; you could have a static instance of your object that the function could get the password from, or if there's some way to pass a context pointer to be used in the callback you might be able to pass an object in that way.
Regarding your SIGABRT, can you say which line exactly that happens on, and what the values of the arguments that you're using are? It's not clear from your question.
Cause: malloc-in-EXE-free-in-DLL under Win32.
Fix: Use custom free/malloc/realloc functions. Add below
static void *my_alloc(size_t count, void **abstract) { return malloc(count);}
static void my_free(void *ptr, void **abstract) { free(ptr);}
static void *my_realloc(void *ptr, size_t count, void **abstract){ return realloc(ptr, count);}
And replace
libssh2_session_init_ex(my_alloc, my_free, my_realloc, NULL);