Enumerate all current sheet names in Excel VBA - vba

I currently have code that takes user input and uses that to determine which worksheet is the "target" worksheet to be copied, but this takes a long time to run the code over and over for the 30+ sheets in the workbook.
I'm not sure where to begin coding something that would automatically take the data from one worksheet at a time, copy it to a new sheet, run some more code, and then repeat the process until done. Below is the current code.
'Prompt User: Which sheet on Dataworkbook should be copied
Dim mySheet As String
mySheet = Application.InputBox("Enter a sheet name")
'User provides input
'Data copied from source workbook page from "Dataworkbook" specified by user
'Copy of data appears on new sheet created when running macro
Essentially I want this process to be automated, and to execute the same set of commands for every sheet currently in Dataworkbook, but I want it to stop when it reaches the end (no duplicates).
I'm very new at VBA (just started messing around with it yesterday) and would really appreciate any and all help.

You just need a simple iteration which can be acheived with the For Each ... Next structured loop.
Iterate over the Worksheets collection in the x Workbook:
'Prompt User: Which sheet on Dataworkbook should be copied
' Dim mySheet As String
' mySheet = Application.InputBox("Enter a sheet name")
'User provides input
Dim ws as Worksheet
For each ws in x.Worksheets
'Data copied from source workbook page from "Dataworkbook" specified by user
'### Put the rest of your code here to manipulate the data on ws
MsgBox ws.Range("A1").value 'etc.
Documentation on the For Each... Next:
A full list of VBA statements documentation which is also very useful:


Copy and paste data from different worksheet to another worksheet in a same excel spreadsheet

Sub Save7()
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("AC" & Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count)
NextRow.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Set NextRow = Nothing
End Sub
My purpose of this code is to copy data ( Five columns of 'NO' in AC14 to AG14) from sheet 3 and paste to sheet 1 where the last active cell is at.
The code above is working well, however I made some modification to the sheet tab name for sheet 1. Sheet 1 is now called "Equipment stuffs", while sheet 3 name is remaining unchanged.
After those changes, the macro stopped working. The cause is probably because I don't know how to declare "Equipment stuffs" in the code .
There's no need to do copy/paste to move data from one place on the spreadsheet to another. You should simply assign the Value of the respective Range objects, for example:
Sheet1.Range("NamedRange2").Value = Sheet1.Range("NamedRange2").Value
Also, use code names for the sheets, instead of Sheets("SheetName"), and defined named for the ranges, instead of Range("AC14:AG14", otherwise your code will stop working if the user renames the sheet or inserts or deletes any rows above your reference.
If you want to automate this a little you could collect the active workbook and loop through each sheet using wb.Worksheets. Then collect the name with targetSheet.Name.
Option Explicit
Public Sub getSheet()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each targetSheet In wb.Worksheets
Debug.Print targetSheet.Name
Next targetSheet
End Sub
I’m brazilian hehe, I understood your question , I’ve a code for alter the data in same worksheet (I’ll attach it here), for you to change the data in another worksheet, you need put on:
Worksheets("NameWorkSheet) Activate
for the VBA that’s refers to this tab.

Comparing columns in different excel 2013 files and deleting the duplicates from one of the workbooks (need macro)

This is my first question on this site and I'm not a programmer, so please bear with me.
I am trying to create an Excel 2013 macro that will compare values in column A on one workbook ("active workbook") to column A's of other Excel files in a particular directory. Duplicate values (rows) would then be deleted from the active workbook.
I have been working piece by piece trying to figure this out as I am not a programmer. So far I have been able to use conditional formatting to highlight unique values when the two columns are side by side (same worksheet). I used =ISNA(MATCH($A2,$B$2:$B$12,0)).
Then I used a macro to print out the duplicate values to another column (instead of highlighting them.. I am still at this stage comparing two columns within the same worksheet). I did this by using the following macro:
Sub Find_Matches()
Dim CompareRange As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
' Set CompareRange equal to the range to which you will
' compare the selection.
Set CompareRange = Range("C1:C12")
' NOTE: If the compare range is located on another workbook
' or worksheet, use the following syntax.
' Set CompareRange = Workbooks("Book2"). _
' Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C1:C5")
' Loop through each cell in the selection and compare it to
' each cell in CompareRange.
For Each x In Selection
For Each y In CompareRange
If x = y Then x.Offset(0, 1) = x
Next y
Next x
End Sub
Then I tried removing duplicate values from two different worksheets but that didn't work:
Sub ProcessFiles()
Dim Filename, Pathname As String
Dim wb1 As Workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook
Dim Sheet As Worksheet
Dim PasteStart As Range
Dim Counter As Integer
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
Set PasteStart = [RRimport!A1]
Pathname = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\For Macro to run\"
Filename = Dir(Pathname & "*.xls")
Do While Filename <> ""
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(Pathname & Filename)
For Each Sheet In wb2.Sheets
With Sheet.UsedRange
.Copy PasteStart
Set PasteStart = PasteStart.Offset(.Rows.Count)
End With
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
I've been reading this site for couple of days and also searched through YouTube. I haven't had much success after the first two basic things I did.
Background of the project: Everyday we have a list called "Pending List" which essentially is all of the projects we need to get done. Everyday this list grows. Each project is given a unique identifier (numeric value) that is listed in column A of the active workbook. Every day I create my own files of the projects that are being completed. Instead of manually checking off each project one by one by comparing several files every day, I would like Excel to be able to delete the duplicates (meaning the projects that are both on my pending list and in the other files, and only leave the unique projects that still need to be done. Hope I didn't confuse anyone but if I did, please let me know.
The question here:
I am trying to create an Excel 2013 macro that will compare values in
column A on one workbook ("active workbook") to column A's of other
Excel files in a particular directory. Duplicate values (rows) would
then be deleted from the active workbook.
So, let's break this down:
There is a directory from which workbooks need to be opened.
When one of the workbooks is open, you want to check column A (I assume this is on the first worksheet for the sake of the example below) for values you have in column A in your active workbook (the one that will run the macro).
If there's a match, delete the row from the active workbook in which the value was stored.
When done, continue with the next workbook in the directory.
Point 1 and 4: Open some files from a specific directory:
We will need some function to open and close the files. This question has been asked many times on SO, for example here
Also, we're going to need the workbooks to be stored in some variable that we will pass to the comparison in the next step.
Public Sub LoopOverFiles()
'Our variables:
Dim wb1 As Workbook 'To hold the active workbook / the macro workbook
Dim wb2 As Workbook 'To hold the workbook we'll be comparing to later on
Dim scanFolder As String 'To set the folder in which the files will be located
Dim fileNameToOpen As String 'To get the filenames that we will open
Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
scanFolder = "C:\temp\"
fileNameToOpen = Dir(scanFolder & "*.xlsx")
'And loop over the files:
Do While Len(fileNameToOpen) > 0 'To exit the loop when there's no more xlsx files
Set wb2 = Workbooks.Open(scanFolder & fileNameToOpen)
'To do the actual comparison of the 2 workbooks, we call our compare routine.
DoTheComparison wb1, wb2 'Note we'll be passing the two workbooks as parameters to the compare function
wb2.Close SaveChanges:=False 'We don't want to leave it open after we're done with it.
fileNameToOpen = Dir 'To continue with the next file.
End Sub
Point 2 and 3: Do the comparison and delete some rows
As you can see, the actual comparison will be done by a routine that's called DoTheComparison and that takes 2 workbooks as parameters. Based on the first routine, we know that the workbooks that will be passed are the correct ones (wb1 being the active one, wb2 being the variable one that gets opened during the loop).
In this example we'll stick to the first worksheet in wb2.
Public Sub DoTheComparison(wb1 as Workbook, wb2 as Workbook)
'Dim compareFrom as Range - Not needed.
Dim compareTo as Range
Dim compareFromCell as Range
Dim compareToCell as Range
Dim i as Integer
'EDIT: Since we delete, we need a backwards loop. This can't be done with "for each" so we'll use "for" with step -1.
'That is why we also don't need the "CompareFrom" range variable anymore.
Set compareTo = wb2.Worksheets(1).Range("A2:A20")
For i = 20 to 2 step -1
Set compareFromCell = wb1.Worksheets("RemoveValsFromHere").Range("A" & i) 'We get the cells based on the index.
For Each compareToCell in compareTo
If compareFromCell.Value = compareToCell.Value Then 'Point 3:
compareFromCell.EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp
Exit For
'Note that we need to exit the inner loop:
'After a match was found, the "compareFromCell" is deleted after all.
'Therefore we have to continue with the next compareFromCell, otherwise we'll get an error.
End If
Next compareToCell
Next i
End Sub
Note that especially DoTheComparison is written for maximum clarity, not for optimal speed (far from it!). I see in your question you've been looking into comparing variants / arrays, which is indeed a lot faster.
EDIT: I altered the code above since you're facing the "skipping cells" issue due to cell deletion. In short: The index changes, so when moving to the next cell after deletion the index is wrong. The fix is an easy backwards for loop. Also see this question and answer

Copy and moving an entire sheet to another workbook. 1mil rows to 65536 rows

The following is part of my code that involves copying an entire named sheet from one master file to a new unsaved file that's being worked on:
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("VehicleList").Copy _
So this worked fine to place the sheet into workbook 2 but now the files we're dealing with are in old excel mode which is throwing up the following error due to old excel having less rows:
"Excel cannot insert the sheets into the destination workbook, because it contains fewer rows and columns"
How can I tweak the copy and pasting into Workbooks(2) without breaking the code? I thought defining a range of 1000 rows to copy and move would work, but this also gave an error. Thanks for your help.
Assuming you just want the values (i.e. I'm speeding it up by not doing a copy paste) you can do:
Workbooks(2).Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(1)
Workbooks(2).Sheets(2).Range("A1:F1000").Value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("VehicleList").Range("A1:F1000").Value
I'd go like follows
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim targetWs As Worksheet
With Workbooks("MyWorkbookname").Sheets("VehicleList") '<--| fully qualify reference wanted worksheet in the wanted workbook
Set targetWs = SetOrGetSheet(Workbooks(2), .name) '<--| get the (new) target worksheet on the target workbook named after referenced sheet
Intersect(.Range("A1:F1000"), .UsedRange).Copy targetWs.Cells(1, 1) '<--| copy range to target worksheet on the target workbook
If targetWs.name <> .name Then MsgBox "a new sheet has been created in " & targetWs.Parent.name & " with name " & targetWs.name
End With
End Sub
Function SetOrGetSheet(targetWb As Workbook, shtName As String) As Worksheet
targetWb.Worksheets.Add '<--| add a new sheet in the target workbook
On Error Resume Next
Set SetOrGetSheet = targetWb.Worksheets(shtName) '<--| try and get any possible target workbook sheet with the passed name
If SetOrGetSheet Is Nothing Then targetWb.ActiveSheet.name = shtName '<--| if target workbook has no worksheet with passed name then name the new one after it
Set SetOrGetSheet = targetWb.ActiveSheet 'return the new worksheet
End Function
should you be afraid your range-to-copy could exceed 65 rows and/or 256 columns than you should add its size check
edit for values pasting only
should you be interested in pasting values only then you can go like follows:
Sub main()
SetOrGetSheet(Workbooks(2), "VehicleList").Range("A1:F1000").value = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("VehicleList").Range("A1:F1000").value '<--| copy values form source to target worksheet
End Sub
while SetOrGetSheet() function stays the same as above
as you may have guessed that function is there for a more general approach where you may want (or just have) to handle the possibilty of target workbook having a worksheet named after "VehicleList" already

Copy a range from excel to another workbook in a new worksheet

I'm very new to VBA macros and have taught myself some code but I'm struggling with my current piece of work and can't find the answer I am looking for.
I want to copy a range of cells (B3:N21) from one workbook to another "master" workbook - which seems simple enough - but I would like it to copy into a blank/new worksheet in the Master copy every time the Macro is run.
The range contains formulas, I would only need the values copied to the Master workbook.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("D1:D5").PasteSpecial _
End With
I think you only need paste special, this is an example
try this
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim masterWb As Workbook
Dim mySht As Worksheet
Set mySht = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet '<~~ assuming you're copying values from active worksheet of the workbook the macro resides in
' beware: if you start the macro while the active sheet is not the one you want, this will lead to unespected results
Set masterWb = Workbooks("Master") '<~~ Change "Master" with whatever name your master workbook must have
' beware: we're assuming "Master" workbook is already open, otherwise this line will throw an error
With masterWb.Worksheets.Add
.Range("B3:N21").Value = mySht.Range("B3:N21").Value
End With
End Sub
mind the comments
the code above can be reduce to a much less verbose (and self explanatory, too) one like follows
Sub main2()
Workbooks("Master").Worksheets.Add.Range("B3:N21").Value = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("B3:N21").Value
End Sub
where apply the same comments of the lengthy code, which is:
assuming you're copying values from active worksheet of the workbook the macro resides in
beware: if you start the macro while the active sheet is not the one you want, this will lead to unespected results
change "Master" with whatever name your master workbook must have
beware: we're assuming "Master" workbook is already open, otherwise an error would be thrown

Sheets that have almost the same name

Im trying to open and copy the cells from a sheet from a different excel file. I have no problem in opening, copying and closing the excel file that I need.In this case, I have With x.Sheets("Documents").UsedRange. Most files that I needed to copy the cells from have "Documents" as a sheet name, but some have "Documents" + other different characters (example, "DocuemntsEX"). When I tried to copy, it shows 'Subscript Out-of-range' since the "DocumentEX" is different from "Document". Is there any way that I can retain the specific name of the sheet, since most of the files have that name? Is there any code that can help me to access those sheet with a different sheetname? Just hit me up if you need clarifications.
Use a wildcard character to get the sheet first:
Function GetDocumentSheet(ByRef wb As Workbook) As Worksheet
For Each ws In wb.Sheets
If LCase$(ws.Name) Like "documents*" Then
Set GetDocumentSheet = ws
GoTo SheetFound:
End If
Set GetDocumentSheet = Nothing
End Function
In your code:
Set mySheet = GetDocumentSheet(x) '// where 'x' is your workbook object
Then reference
As i said in comment, you can use sheets by number, or you can use something like this
Sub findSheet()
Dim sheetSubName As String
sheetSubName = "fluff"
Dim currentSheet As Worksheet
For Each currentSheet In Sheets
If currentSheet.Name Like sheetSubName & "*" Then
MsgBox "do some stuff"
End If
Next currentSheet
End Sub
When you comparing sheet name to string and regular character (in my example * so its anything). So this macro will work with sheet fluff, fluffy fluffiest etc.
And everything to looping via Sheets (all sheet in workbook) and comparing their names via Like (something like = ) but it can use some basic regular expression.