Intellij switching themes - intellij-idea

I've been using the darcula theme for a while and wanted to move back to default.
When I switch only the editor goes back to default even after I restart.
Any ideas appreciated.

Step 1. You choose menu File \ Settings... or press Ctrl + Alt + S.
Step 2. In Settings windows, choose IDE Settings group, choose Appearance, in Theme dropdown menu, choose Alloy.IDEA Theme (It is the default theme). Press Apply then press OK.
Step 3. Restart IntelliJ IDEA 13
This is the default interface, it was back to normal:

You need to also change Appearance theme in Preferences.
(It's confusing that changing the theme in the quick theme change doesn't actually change the theme in the whole IDE.)


How to change color of active tab

As the title, I want to change color of active tab to make it to be more different from other. I went through but it's not enough!
Is there any way to do that?
I just found out in intellij, it's "file scope" that controls a file's background in project pane as well as in the tabs. Here is the steps to add/modify current scope/tab background.
The default Darcula theme sets the "Tests" scope to this dark green color which is very close to the tab control background. I always lost track of which tab is activated when it's one of the test files. Hope this helps.
The Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin provides a simple way of solving this problem.
Go to File -> Settings.
In Plugins type "Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter into the search box.
Click on the "Search in repositories" link.
Select the Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter and click on the green Install button.
Close the window and restart IntelliJ
The active tab should now be highlighted in purple. If required, a different color can be chosen via File -> Settings -> Tools -> Active Tab Highlighter Plugin -> Background (clicking on it brings up a color picker). I personally went with a less garish dark gray color (AAADAA).
An alternative way, Setting > File colors:
check Enable File Colors, Use in Editor Tab
uncheck Use in Project View
add new scope with your color (ex: Project Files with orange color)
For IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 (Community Edition)
You can change it in settings:
Settings | Editor | Color Scheme | General | Editor | Tabs | Selected Tab
There you can change Background and customize the view in other ways.
Although the question is quite old, when I googled the problem, this link was in the first three results, so I'll add my 5 cents as well.
Even though I could not find the way to brighten the color of an active tab alone, I was able to solve the problem by changing the color for a given scope altogether. In my case, it was the Tests scope, set to the default green, where the active tab was barely distinguishable from inactive ones, so I went to Settings > Appearance & Behavior > File Colors (exact location may depend on your Idea's version), selected the Tests scope and selected Custom color; the exact RGB value that worked for me was 1A7250. As a side-effect, the test directory's background color in the Project view also changed, which may or may not be a bad thing.
Regards, hope this helps.
I was losing the track of active tab using the darcula theme, in a test directory with a newly created file and staged with git. I ended up changing the File status color.
You will have to make a copy of your theme first:

How to change the active tab header's color in IntelliJ 14.1.4?

I'm using a dark theme in IntelliJ 14, the problem is that I have difficulties in distinguish the active tab, because its header's background is not different than the other tabs I have opened (or it is, but very little). I looked all over the place for a method to change the color of the active tab header's background, no luck so far.
Please help?
Please note that this setting has worked for IntelliJ 14 back then, but is no longer applicable for newer versions
Find the comments below for plugins as a great alternative (Material Theme UI, Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter)
Although, if you are still using IntelliJ 14:
Under File \ Settings \ Appearance & Behavior \ File Colors,
turn off "Use in Editor Tabs", as test tabs background are
dark-green by default, which is similar to the dark-grey non-selected
After that, optionally you can set the colors under:
File \ Settings \ Editor \ Colors & Fonts \ File Status
and change the Foreground color of "Modified" status.
Now it will highlight the modified files (in version control).
To me, the solution turned out to be a plugin implementation:
Feel free to fork it for alteration, or use as is. Now with color customization and with IntelliJ platform IDE's support, such as PhpStorm or RubyMine.
Now also in the plugins repository, for auto update whenever new version is made.
If you are using the latest intellij you can make this customisation through the menu, see the screenshot for the breadcrumb. This is from version: 2020.1.1 Ultimate Edition
The Material Theme UI allows additional settings
like color and thickness of the line below the active tab (pink in the screenshot)
Whilst this solution does not change the colour between tabs, it does change all tab colours so that you can distinguish it from the background tab bar, which in my case was enough. It may still help others.
I used File Colors. The image below shows what I did. Set scope to All and choose the Custom colour (white):
I am using Darcula theme with a background image (simple plain black image). I tried the excellent plugin suggested by Tomasz O., but it did not work. Later on, I realized that when I decreased the opacity of background image, I was actually able to distinguish the color change made by the plugin. I wonder why Android Studio does not provide a convenient setting for changing active tab header color. I'm on AS 3.4.2 already!
Intellij 2019.1 has options for customization.
Besides, it has new themes for different shades of color you can choose from.

Intellij 14; Color scheme change ; Not all panes are obeying the change?

I have tried to change to Dracula theme. But i find it too dark.
When i revert back to default. Only the editor pane reverts.
Every thing else remains dark.
Navigate to Preferences > Appearance and Behavior > Appearance and change the theme to "Default".
Then you simply need to restart Android Studio for this to take effect.
And learn how to add them here
Found answer in stackoverflow Reset Intellij UI to Default. Basically delete:

How do you change background color in the settings of JetBrain's IDE?

What are the settings to change the background color in JetBrains' IDE?
Project explorer pane
Console pane
Code editor
Other Panes
I'm running v12.1.6 Ultimate Version.
Are there major differences between different versions of the software?
Console pane:
Settings / Editor / Colors & Fonts / Console colors
Console, background
Project view:
Settings / File colors
Add (Alt+insert), choose 'project files' scope, select a color.
Uncheck the 'Use in editor tabs' checkbox, make sure to check 'Use in project view'
Main view (general):
Settings / Editor / Color & fonts / General
Text, Default text
For changing the background of the editor goto File->Settings->Editor->Colors & Fonts->General->Text. You'll see an item called "Default text". On the right you will see a checkbox for background. Click on it and choose whatever color you prefer.
To change the editor background color in newer versions (after 2017) of Intellij Idea go to Settings > Editor > Color Scheme > General and then on the right side list expand Text and click on "Default text" then click on the color hex code to get the color wheel.
Editor > Color Scheme > General > Text
Go to File option top left in the menu bar.
Select Settings
Select Appearance option in "Appearance & Behavior"
Select Intellij option as Theme in UI Options.
You should able to see everything in while background much like eclipse.
Beginning with the 2019.1 release, Jetbrain's IDE supports Custom UI Themes, which give full control of the appearance of built-in IntelliJ IDEA UI elements.
Detailed tutorial about how to create your own custom theme
Blog post about creating custom themes for IntelliJ Platform
If you download it from the, then you will need to install it as the plugin. Go in the settings, install plugin from the disk and select the JAR file from the disk as the screenshot below.
It's very easy: File > Settings > Color Scheme > Set "Classic Light" or other color

How to Make PHPStorm / Intellij IDEA Dark (Whole IDE, not just color scheme)

I've just downloaded the new PHPStorm EAP, and noticed this screenshot:
And I like it very much. Thing is, I can't find any option to make my install looks like this. I know about color scheme, but AFAIK it only change the text editor's color. How can I make my install to look like that? (The screenshot is taken from the EAP site).
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance | Theme = Darcula
Since IntelliJ IDEA v14 / WebStorm v9 / PhpStorm v8.0.2 (and any other IDEs on branch or newer) the settings path is a bit different:
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Appearance & Behaviour | Appearance | Theme = Darcula
View -> Quick Switch Theme -> Switch Look And Feel -> Darcula
and Restart the IDEA if changes do not become apparent.
Download and enable ColorIDE.
Preferences > Plugins > "Browse repositories..." button > search for "ColorIde"
Instead of being limited to the standard 4 themes that come with the IDE, ColorIDE plugin will give your IDE the same look and feel as your current color scheme.
Use Material UI
If Darcula isn't darker enough, you can use a plugin called Material UI.
They also have many other colors like deep blue, marine blue, etc.
Link to Material Theme UI
On Mac the title bar of every window (both main and popup dialoges) will remain the typical Mac grayish color, even using the Darcula theme. But you can actually make it dark as well.
Using any Jetbrain IDE (including DataGrip), press Shift + Ctrl + A (PC) or Shift + Cmd + A (Mac). This will open the command palette where you can find Registry:
Open the registry and find the key ide.mac.allowDarkDindowDecorations:
Enable this, close the registry and restart the IDE.
In Preferences > Editor > Colors & Fonts, pick a dark scheme and the IDE will ask you if you want to switch the whole IDE to a dark scheme: