How to connect to SQL Server from WebLogic using Windows AD Kerberos Authentication? - sql-server-2012

I have WebLogic 11G (10.3.6) on Linux Server and SQL Server 2012 on Windows 2012. I would like to create the connection pool to SQL Server from WebLogic using Windows Active Directory Kerberos authentication.
I am looking for steps to accomplish the above. I found information in bits and pieces but looking for clear steps. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have access to WebLogic 10.3.3. So all version numbers are according to that. But the principals are the same.
Login through the console
Lock and Edit. If this isn't a production mode server, you won't need to do this.
Go to Services > JDBC > Data Sources and click "New".
Give it a name and JNDI name. I probably don't need to mention that the JNDI name is the important one. Also, choose the "Database Type" as "MS SQL Server".
Next you'll have to choose the driver. I didn't observe anything about distribute transactions in your question. Thus, I'm assuming you won't need an "XA" driver.
Again, I didn't see anything about Global Transactions in your quesiotn. So in the next step, disable it.
Next is the information about your Database; its name, Host's IP, and Port. If you have a named instance, add the name after the IP like this: \\instance_name. Since you want to use Kerberos, don't enter the Username and Password.
In the next step, you need to tell your datasource to use kerberos. Add ";AuthenticationMethod=kerberos" to end of the URL field. Connection properties are separated with a ";". For example, jdbc:sqlserver://;AuthenticationMethod=kerberos
Next, specify which Servers in your Domain will have access to this DataSource. Basically, specifying the DataSource's target servers.
Side notes and other important settings:
When you specify the "AuthenticationMethod" connection property with the value of "kerberos", any username or password will be ignored.
Your database server must be administered by the same Domain Controller that administers the Weblogic server.
Under $WL_HOME/server/lib find krb5.conf (Kerberos configuration file containing values for the Kerberos realm and the KDC name for that realm) and open it in a text editor. Specify the system properties and In Windows Active Directory, the Kerberos realm name is the Windows domain name and the KDC name is the Windows domain controller name.
The application and driver code bases must be granted security permissions in the security policy file of the Java 2 Platform. Something like this:
grant codeBase "file:/WL_HOME/server/lib/-" {
permission "doAs"
"krbtgt/your_realm#your_realm", "initiate";
"MSSQLSvc/db_hostname:SQLServer_port#your_realm", "initiate";
WL_HOME is the directory in which you installed WebLogic Server.
your_realm is the Kerberos realm (or Windows Domain) to which the database host machine belongs.
db_hostname is the host name of the machine running the database.
SQLServer_port is the TCP/IP port on which the Microsoft SQL Server instance is listening.
I must say though I don't think you searched hard enough. Because almost everything I wrote here came from the online documentation:


Unable to connect to Linked Server (Excel file) when using SQL account

The Plan
Have HR personnel dump an Excel file of payroll Job Titles to a network share, add that file as a Linked Server in SSMS, use those titles in my ASP.Net web forms. Using a Linked Server instead of importing data to allow HR to update the Job Titles file at their discretion.
The Problem
I can create the Linked Server and query it without issue, so long as I'm in SSMS with Windows Authentication. But, if I try to access the linked server using a SQL account, I first get the error:
Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists (Error 7416)
The SQL account being used is the same account my web forms use for everything else. The fact that this SQL account doesn't have file permissions isn't surprising though, so an adjustment to the Linked Server's security should do the trick.
The Problem (part 2)
To reduce the number of variables, I moved the Excel file so it's on the same machine as my SQL Server. I'm logged into the machine and logged into SSMS with my domain admin account.
I access the Linked Server's security tab and, to try and cast the widest net possible, I leave the local login (top part) blank and head straight to "Be made with this security context:" and proceed to provide my domain admin credentials. I hit OK, and I get the following:
Not a valid account name or password (Error 7399)
I know the account name and password are good, so what gives?
Other Things
Folks who've ran into similar things have been instructed to change the logon account being used for the SQL Server service, which I've done using my domain admin account (for troubleshooting, atm). This did not fix the problem.
This is what the Linked Server code looks like, although I created it via the GUI (included for sake of completeness):
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'ADP_TITLES', #srvproduct=N'', #provider=N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', #datasrc=N'C:\JOB_TITLE_EXPORT.xlsx', #provstr=N'Excel 12.0 Xml'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'ADP_TITLES',#useself=N'False',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=N'DOMAIN\username',#rmtpassword='########'
The solution appears to be entering "admin" for the remote login, and leave the password blank.
This only works, however, if the file is stored locally. If it's on the network, I still get a 7399 error, but instead of saying the issue is the account name/password, it now says the issue is unspecified.
I can make my project work with a local file though. Since I'll be moving forward with that, I have no need to solicit additional answers.

Liferay LDAP Authentication does not work properly

I am using Liferay 6.2 and I am trying to do LDAP Authentication. The LDAP Server is provided by another organization and I do not have access to any configuration, I just have credentials for a system account to look up the directory. When I try to log in Liferay with user credentials from the LDAP Server the authentication fails with the following error code:
13:54:05,738 ERROR [http-bio-8080-exec-3][LDAPAuth:341] Problem accessing LDAP server
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: [LDAP: error code 32 - 0000208D: NameErr:
DSID-0315270B, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
'O=uni,C=de' remaining name 'ou=people,o=uni,c=de'
The same error that occurs when trying to log in with a user that does not exist in the LDAP directory. Nevertheless, the mapping still works. After trying to log in with valid user credentials there is an entry in the liferay database with the corresponding user data. Accessing Liferay is not possible though.
These are my settings in (Test LDAP connections returns success, connection settings are pseudonymised):
Check the FQDN on the LDAP side, including the prefixes (cn, ou, etc.), and ensure that it matches the directory configuration within Liferay.
You can try configuring it from the control panel it will be easier for you as it allows to check whether the connection is made or not. You can check the users are fetched or not and it doesnt even need a server restart.
It works now. There were two issues:
I changed ldap.base.dn=ou=people,o=uni,c=de to ldap.base.dn=o=uni,c=de and to*)

SQL Server authentication for a Database file

I use Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013. I created Database1.mdf in my App_Data folder. By default, it uses integrated Windows authentication. I have no problem connect to this database file, but when I update all file into web space and browse it in browser, it has an error. I think I need to change it to SQL Server authentication instead of integrated Windows authentication.
My questions are:
How can I change it to SQL Server authentication step by step? I want to connect this data file with user name & password.
How to assign user into it?
You need to attach the database file to your SQL Server:
Then you create the type of logins you want:
You can now detach the database. Your application can use now the new logins. If you change from Windows to User/password your connection will need to say so, something like:
Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;
I also found this helpful link that describes also the steps:
SQLExpress - How do I set username/password for a sql datafile
Hope this helps.

Windows Service Not Able to Access SQL?

I have create a windows service which access SQL db. The connection string is grabbed from the app.config file .
The Following is the format of the connection string
connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;server=xxxxx\SQLEXPRESS;database=Sample;uid=sa;password=xxxxx;Trusted_Connection=False"
The Windows Installer Account Type is LocalSystem.
This service is running of some system successfully, but on some system's its showing login failure for 'SA'.
Please suggest a solution.
It's quite straightforward: login failure for 'SA' refers to the fact that the login sa exists, but the password is not. Particularly, sa is a system default login that always exists, but you have probably set the password differently on different servers.
Another thing to check is whether or not there are multiple instances on the machine. It could be \SQLExpress on one, but the default instance on another that you are meant to connect to.

Windows Application ignores app.config and uses something to connect to local database

The application sits on a virtual environment and when I remote in and run the application, it connects to the remote database. However, when I remote in with a service account and double click the same .exe, it tries to connect to the local host database and ignores the app.config. The code is the same, only the login name I use is different. The login I use is part of the local admin group. Any ideas?
You haven't indicated whether or not this is the case in your question, but my first suspicion is that you are storing the connection strings in settings, but the connection string has been marked as a user-specific setting.
In the logic of the code it was doing a comparison of the SQL server setting in the config (Settings), which was entered in lower case, against the list of SQL servers (all in upper case). Since it couldn't find any match, the datasource was blank [datasource=;],hence causing the code to look local. My fix was to use String.Compare and ignore the case, which created the match and I was able to connect to the remote SQL server.