Is it possible to use together pyggel and GLUT libraries - glut

I'm new to PyopenGL and i'm currently working on a code originally based on the pyggel library, but now I'd like to add some features from GLUT (menu & text) and I'm not really sure how I should join both (if possible).
In GLUT, running glutMainLoop() is required, but on the other hand I have this run() routine:
def run(self):
while 1:
self.mouse_over_object = self.scene.render(
Putting the GLUT routine inside my run() doesn't work (it crashes when it gets to the glutMainLoop).
So, how can I join both loops? Can I? I'm guessing that's what I need to make both things work.
Thanks in advance!

You likely are not going to find this easy to do. Pyggel is based on the Pygame GUI framework, while GLUT is its own GUI framework. You may be able to get text-rendering working, as under the covers GLUT is just doing regular OpenGL for that, but the menus are not going to easily work under Pyggel.
Pyggel has both text-rendering and a GUI framework that includes menus, frames, buttons, labels, etc. You likely want to use that if you're using Pyggel in your project there is an example of GUI usage here:


How to fake keyboard event to widget in Qt5

I have made a custom virtual keyboard widget for my kiosk application, and now comes the time when I want it to produce fake keyboard events and feed them to an QLineEdit of choice.
I do the following:
// target is the QWidget to receive the events
// k is the Qt::Key (keycode) I want to send (Testing with an 'A')
Qt::Key k=Qt::Key_A;
//According to docs this will be freed once posted
QKeyEvent * press=new QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent::KeyPress, (int )k,0);
QKeyEvent * release=new QKeyEvent(QKeyEvent::KeyRelease, (int )k,0);
//Give the target focus just to be sure it is available for input
//Post the events (queue up and let the target consume them when the eventloop gets around to the target)
QCoreApplication::postEvent ( target, press) ;
QCoreApplication::postEvent ( target, release) ;
I see the target widget receive focus, but there are no letters typed into the input field like I would expect. What am I doing wrong? Which assumptions are wrong?
PS: I know that this could be solved by using existing virtual keyboards or at least using the platform interface as is done in this post. In our approach we have decided to build the kayboard into the application to obtain full control over the UX and keyboard design.
Since no-one stepped up, I will try to provide some closure.
It turns out that Qt5 comes with a library of testing facilities called testlib. It has all sorts of goodies to facilitate easy creation, management and running of unit tests for Qt application. Among these facilities there is a set of functions for sending fake events such as fake typing of text, mouse clicks etc. It is quite comprehensive and covers many use-cases. Since this is used internally by Qt developers to test Qt itself it is also production proven code.
I simply copied what I needed from there.

overriding matplotlib's panning tool (wx)

I'm using matplotlib housed in a wxPython panel to do some heavy duty plotting. My issues comes when using native panning tool - it's appears as though matplotlib tries to constantly redraw the canvas as you drag the pan handle around. With the amount of data I'm plotting this is getting really choppy (already optimized with Collections for data etc)
In terms of performance I think it would be much preferable for the canvas to just draw once when the mouse is released at the end of a pan. I realise this will mean I have to extend the WxAgg NavigationToolbar2 class with my own, but I'm wondering if anyone has attempted something similar to this and can advise me on which functions to override?
many thanks
I've spent a lot of time making modification on the matplotlib backends, I've never done this specific change, but I can show you one line of code to comment out that will stop the dynamic updating:
I presume you are using the WxAgg backend, if this is the case, open this file: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\backends\
And comment out the line indicated here:
def dynamic_update(self):
d = self._idle
self._idle = False
if d:
#self.canvas.draw() #<--- Comment out to stop the redrawing during the Pan/Zoom
self._idle = True
I tested this and it seems to nicely solve your issue. I did some quick digging and I didn't see any other functions calling this procedure so you might even be able to just change it to:
def dynamic_update(self):
...Which is the same code you'll find in the base NavigationToolbar2 class
(And of course, if you're happy with this change you can do a little more work to make your own custom backend with this kind of modification. Just to make sure you don't lose the change when upgrading matplotlib)

PyGtk: change image after window's main() method?

I'm using a gtk.Image widget to display a picture in a gtk window. I can set the image to be displayed before I call window.main(), but after I've done that the image won't change any more. Basically:
import pygtk
import gtk
window= Window()
window.canvas= gtk.Image()
pic1.gif will be displayed. Is there a proper way of changing the image (I don't care if I have to use a widget other than gtk.Image)? All I can think of is destroying the window and creating a new one.
I realized my mistake... I called window.main() for every window and any window's destroy event called gtk.main_quit(). Had to make slight adjustments, but it works now. Even after calling window.main() :)
As Rawing hasn't yet accepted his own answer, I'll post it to get this off the top of the unanswered questions page, and to help out anyone skimming this from a search engine clickthrough by providing a comprehensive answer. (Rawing, feel free to post your answer yourself, all the same.)
In your code, you're declaring window as Window(), as opposed to gtk.Window. If you're building in one window, you should not need to do this every time. Create the window once, add what you need to it. If you need additional windows, declare them separately in this module, and call them from code (instead of from main).
Furthermore, don't name your objects with a "window." at the beginning...that just gets overly confusing. Give it a simple name, add it where you need it. Python will do the rest.
A cleaned up version of your code above would probably look like this:
window = gtk.Window()
#You may need additional arguments above, such as to make it top level.
canvas = gtk.Image()
Now, just change the image in an event or another "def", like this:
def ChangePicture():
Canvas should update the picture automatically.

Test automation - Win32 app - White/UI automation - problem with recognizing objects

I’m looking for alternative for existing tests written in QTP for my Win32 application written in Borland C++.
My candidate is White which based on UI Automation because it’s native solution,
I can create my tests using .NET/C# and easily integrate it with nUnit and Hudson.
MS UI Automation
UI Verify
I use UI Verify as a spy to identify properties of objects I want to find in my tests.
More or less when I can see something in the spy, I can find it using UI Automation/White.
Generally I don't have much problems with recognizing objects
but when I try to search some content inside the tab contained in Tab Panel
or try to see MenuItems of Menu bar then the problem appears.
UI Automation/UI Verify works wired. When I run UI Verify (1.0 version) I see that objects can be registered properly only then
when I set 'Focus tracking' option and click on target objects or change the keyboard cursor on them. Otherwise it's impossible to find them.
UI Verifier can show me children of my 'tab' panel then. But I can’t find them using UI Automation/White. This is example code:
Tab tab = window.Get();
ITabPage tabPage = tab.SelectedTab;
AutomationElementCollection newCol = tabPage.AutomationElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, Condition.TrueCondition);
the collection is empty even though spy see the children.
Does any of you have some experience with White/UI Automation library that he/she would like to share with me?
I want to implement the tracking feature from the spy to my tests. Can you help me with that? I'm trying to study the code of UIA Verify spy. I think that there are two classes responsible for catching the objects: FocusChangeListener and FocusTracer - this is the code:
1. Windows SDK
2. .NET 3.5
3. White
4. UIA Verify code
Do you have any better alternative for White/UI Automation?
Could you, the R or YoYo, put your form compiled or in source codes (preferable without the internal logic) somewhere on a file share?
I've never seen a control that'd be not caught using UI Automation if UIAVerify sees it. I saw such windows, which could be only caught with the Focus Tracking feature of UIAVerify. This case, such a window is untouchable by UI Automation search.
Regarding a control, are you sure that the controls you struggling with have the Name property? Maybe, this is a value available only by means of ValuePattern, not the Name?

How to Write OS X Finder plugin

I'm looking for a guide or sample code for writing Mac OS X Finder plugins? It would like to know how to do some simple actions:
adding image overlayers to icons
adding context menu items
listen to file changes
I found the following two resources:
Writing Contextual Menu Plugins for OS X: An outdated document from 2002 that uses the COM API targeting Mac OS X 8/9.
SCPlugin: Open-source SVN Mac application that includes a Finder plug-in.
I am tempted to review the SCPlugin code, but was hoping to find an easier sample to digest.
The Finder Icon Overlay example project represents a small and very basic but actually working example of the answer below.
I know this is so old, but some may be still interested in topic (?)
Here is what I have it done under Leopard (10.6). At first proper Finder's headers are needed. Use class-dump tool to get it. Then write your code as a SIMBL plugin (refer to documentation how to do it), swizzling some methods. For instance to draw something over icon in ListView, drawIconWithFrame: method of TIconAndTextCell method must be overriden.
Here's the code for method swizzling:
+ (void) Plugin_load
Method old, new;
Class self_class = [self class];
Class finder_class = [objc_getClass("TIconAndTextCell") class];
class_addMethod(finder_class, #selector(FT_drawIconWithFrame:),
class_getMethodImplementation(self_class, #selector(FT_drawIconWithFrame:)),"v#:{CGRect={CGPoint=dd}{CGSize=dd}}");
old = class_getInstanceMethod(finder_class, #selector(drawIconWithFrame:));
new = class_getInstanceMethod(finder_class, #selector(FT_drawIconWithFrame:));
method_exchangeImplementations(old, new);
I am overriding "drawIconWithFrame:" method with my method "FT_drawIconWithFrame:". Below is sample implementation for this method.
- (void) FT_drawIconWithFrame:(struct CGRect)arg1
[self FT_drawIconWithFrame:arg1];
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(node)]) {
if ([[[[NSClassFromString(#"FINode") nodeWithFENode:[(TNodeIconAndNameCell *)self node]] fullPath] lastPathComponent] hasPrefix:#"A"])
[myPrettyIconOverlayImage drawInRect:NSMakeRect(arg1.origin.x, arg1.origin.y, arg1.size.height, arg1.size.height) fromRect:NSZeroRect operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
Essentially it draws "myPrettyIconOverlayImage" over every icon for file with filename starts with letter "A". This logic is up to you.
Pay attention to this line: [self FT_drawIconWithFrame:arg1]; this is how to call 'super' in order to get normal icon and name etc. I know, looks weird, like loop, but actually it isn't. Then wrap in into SIMBL plugin, install SIMBL and
Due to changes in Lion some work have to be done from scratch (make new "Finder.h" file with all declarations needed in it, find proper classess and methods to override), but this technique still works.
Happy hacking!
For Yosemite (MacOS 10.10 & newer), you can use Apple's FinderSync framework, which allows Finder extensions to:
Express interest in specific folder hierarchies
Provide "badges" to
indicate the status of items inside those hierarchies
Provide dynamic
menu items in Finder contextual menus, when the selected items (or
the window target) are in those hierarchies
Provide a Toolbar Item
that displays a menu with dynamic items (even if the selection is
Sadly, programming a Finder plugin actually does still require getting your hands dirty with COM. If you look at the SCFinderPlugin subproject of the SCPlugin project, you will find that it follows exactly the same techniques outlined in your first link, including setting up a vtable for COM, writing AddRef/ReleaseRef functions, and so on. Writing a plugin, where you're simultaneously managing old-school Carbon memory management, COM-style memory management, and Cocoa/new-style Carbon memory management, can be an incredible pain—and that totally ignores the fact that you'll be interacting in three or more radically different APIs, with different naming conventions and calling semantics. Calling the situation hysterically poor would be a vast understatement.
On the bright side, the Finder in Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard has been fully rewritten in Cocoa--and with that come vastly superior plugin interfaces. If you are lucky enough to be in a situation where you can actually only target Snow Leopard, you probably should grab an ADC Premier or higher membership, download the prerelease builds, and code against that. Besides, your plugin may not work on 10.6 anyway without a Cocoa rewrite, so it might make good sense to take a look at Snow Leopard before it gets released, regardless.
There is no official or supported plugin system for the Finder. Starting with OS X 10.6, you will need to inject code into the Finder process and override objective C methods in the Finder process.
I've done this for a proprietary project. I can tell you that the reason that there are no examples or tutorials for this is because it is a significantly difficult and time consuming development task. For this reason, there's plenty of incentive for individuals or organizations who have accomplished this to guard the specifics of their process closely.
If there's any way at all that you can accomplish your goal using the Services API, do it. Writing a Finder plugin will take you 1-2 solid months of painstaking development and reasonably deep knowledge of C and Objective-C internals.
If you're still convinced that you want do to this, grab mach_star. Good luck.
As far as I know, there's no official plugin architecture for the Finder. You may be able to add image overlays to icons through an external application without having to hook into the Finder, although it wouldn't be on the fly. I don't think there is a way to add contextual menu items aside from Folder Actions and Automator. You can also look into writing an external application to monitor File System changes using the FSEvents API.
Here's a completed solution for Finder icon badges and contextual menus in Lion and Mountain Lion using the techniques described by Les Nie.
Liferay Nativity provides a scripting bundle that will swizzle the relevant Finder methods and a Java client for setting the icons and context menus. It also includes equivalent projects for Windows and Linux.
The project is open source under LGPL, so feel free to contribute any bug fixes or improvements!
The pickings are slim; it's never been really clear to me whether Finder Plugins are actually supported. A few more leads, though:
SampleCMPlugIn - Carbon-based of course, since so is Finder. Note that almost any Finder plugin is probably going to stop working with 10.6.
Automator can save things as a "Finder plugin." It's a more supported version of what you're discussing, but of course less flexible.
To add Finder/File browser icon overlays and context menus, in a cross-platform manner, from Java, take a look at the Liferay Nativity library.
I also make mention of this in another SO post, which also contains links to Apple's 'Finder Sync' docs and API.