How to get count values for multiple values in one column - sql

My data is like this
Name Values
A Val1
A Val1
A Val2
A Val2
A Val2
B Val1
B Val2
I want to ouput my data is this way
Name Val1Count Val2Count
A 2 3
B 1 1
I can get the Name and count(*) for Val1 with this query.
select [Name],count(*) FROM [table1]
where [values]='Val1'
group by [Name]
But I am not sure how to get the count(*) for val2 in the same row.
I tried doing this, but looks like this is not supported
select [name],#val1count= (above query for val1), #val2count = (above query for val2)
Please help. Thanks for looking.

This is called pivoting. Some databases provide a PIVOT function. However, you can also do this manually.
SELECT [Name],
SUM ( CASE WHEN [Values]='VAL1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Val1Count,
SUM ( CASE WHEN [Values]='VAL2' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS Val2Count
FROM [table1]
The CASE WHEN ... END gives each row a "boolean" value for whether or not the row matches your condition.
The SUM ( ... ) counts the number of rows which returned "true" (or 1).
The GROUP BY [Name] consolidates the rows down to one row per distinct name.
If you add conditions to a WHERE clause, the CASE WHEN will only see the rows matching your WHERE conditions.


Returning the maximum of non-null columns ​from a table

I have a table with 4 columns, one of which is a non-null column, all others can be given a null value.
I just want a SELECT that returns results that have as many non-null columns as possible.
For example:
If I have 5 records in my Table, 1 of those records will have 3 columns with data, 2 of them will have 2 columns with data and 2 of them will have only 1 column with data. In my select, I want as a result only the first option: to bring me 3 columns with data. But it can be just 2 columns with data, it will be dynamic according to the table to be updated.
I'm using Oracle SQL.
One option is a conditional sort based on the count of non-null values in each row, and then a row-limiting clause (available since Oracle 12c). Assuming that the 3 nullable columns are col1, col2 and col3, that would be:
select *
from mytable
order by
case when col1 is null then 0 else 1 end
+ case when col2 is null then 0 else 1 end
+ case when col3 is null then 0 else 1 end desc
fetch first row with ties
If you are running an older version of Oracle, you can get the same result with window function rank():
select *
from (
rank() over(order by
case when col1 is null then 0 else 1 end
+ case when col2 is null then 0 else 1 end
+ case when col3 is null then 0 else 1 end desc
) rn
from mytable t
) t
where rn = 1

Create a flag value based on the duplicate values on one column in SQL

I am quite new to SQL. Playing around with it and got stuck in the following scenario.
I have a table with the following data
My requirement is, in the FirstCol column, it has '11121' 3 times, and SecondCol has 1001 two times against FirstCol and it has 1002 against the same '11121' value which should not be. If it exists that way, I need to find all the data in such scenarios and need to display a column beside these two columns with a flag value indicating 1 if the value in the SecondCol is different than the other values. '0' should be displayed for the remaining.
I tried using group by, dense_rank() but couldn't get the desired results. Someone please help me out in getting the desired result for this.
I think you want:
select t.*,
(case when min(col1) over (partition by col2) =
max(col1) over (partition by col2)
then 0 else 1
end) as flag
from t;
This flags all rows where col2 has multiple values in col1.
You can use EXISTS and a correlated subquery, that checks, if there are row with the same firstcol but with a different secondcol. Put that in a CASE returning 1 if such a record exists, 0 otherwise.
SELECT t1.firstcol,
FROM elbat t2
WHERE t2.firstcol = t1.firstcol
AND t2.secondcol <> t1.secondcol) THEN
END flag
FROM elbat t1;

Rename category in the column in SQL Server

Here is the query
select col1
from table
col1 contains these category values:
How can I rename null category to D?
If you want to make the change permanent
UPDATE table
SET col1 = 'D'
From then on you can simply query with ...
FROM table
... to get the desired result.
If there is more than one row having a NULL in col1, you need to filter by a unique key, preferably by the primary key (which every table should have by the way). Let's say you have a table like
id (PK) col1
--- ----
1 'A'
2 'B'
3 'C'
then you can fix it with
UPDATE table SET col1 = 'D' WHERE id = 4;
UPDATE table SET col1 = 'E' WHERE id = 5;
unless you can calculate the new value from another column, e.g.:
UPDATE table
SET col1 = UPPER(LEFT(name, 1))
Try this : ISNULL( ) function is used to replace NULL value with another value
select isnull(col1,'D') as col1
from table
SQL Server uses ISNULL().
SELECT ISNULL(value_to_check, use_this_instead_if_valuetocheck_is_null)
For your code:
select ISNULL(col1, 'D') AS col_name
from table
However, this will happen across the board for this column. You can't use this to make a sequence, like D then E then F. Any NULL value you come across in this column will change to D.

Filter based on all columns

I have a table with several columns and each column can have a value of 0 OR 1 ..I just want to eliminate the rows where all the columns have 0 .. I just want to consider the rows if at least one column have a value of 1
WHERE col1 + col2 + ... + colN >= 1
Will not return all 0 and at least one of them will be 1.
IN SQL Server, you can make use of OR:
FROM table
WHERE [column1] = 1 OR [column2] = 1...

SQL statement - use avg and count together but in different conditions

Assume we have the table as follows,
id Col-1 Col-2
A 1 some text
B 0 some other text
C 3
Take the table above as example, I want to build one SQL statement which would output the result: 2, 2.
The first value is the avg of all col-1 values except for 0, that is (1+3)/2 = 2. (If 0 is counted, then the result would be (1+0+3)/3 = 1, which is not what I want.)
The second value is the total number of all col-2 that is not empty. So the value is 2.
P.S, I know how to create them separately. What I prefer is to create only 1 statement to get both results.
For the first you can use NULLIF as null values are ignored in aggregations such as AVG.
For the second I assume you want to only count values not NULL or empty string.
You want conditional aggregation:
select avg(case when col1 <> 0 then col1 end) as avg_not_zero,
count(col2) as num_not_empty
from table t;
As a note: 0 does not mean that the value is empty. Often NULL is used for this purpose in SQL, although strictly speaking, NULL means an unknown value.
Note: If "empty" could mean the empty string instead of NULL:
select avg(case when col1 <> 0 then col1 end) as avg_not_zero,
count(nullif(col2, '')) as num_not_empty
from table t;