Durandal 2.0 Dialog Repositioning - durandal

At the bottom of the durandal docs for dialogs / modals (http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Showing-Message-Boxes-And-Modals.html) there's some syntax for repositioning a dialog. The dialog I have gets gradually bigger as the user selects stuff, so every time a selection is made, I'd like to call reposition(). I tried following along with this:
vm.compositionComplete = function (child, parent, context) {
var addEditDialog = dialog.getDialog(context.model); // resolves
// whenever something is selected:
addEditDialog.context.reposition(vm); // no method 'reposition'
But I get an error - there is no function reposition. What am I doing wrong?

You can set up a custom dialog context that responds to a reposition message (using Durandal's app.trigger()). You would trigger the message upon some event in your dialog (such as, as you say, the user's selecting stuff).
Also in that custom dialog context, create a method call reposition. In the activate or attached handler of that custom dialog context, subscribe to the message you use to trigger a reposition.
I'm advocating a messaging approach because you may wish to isolate your "selection viewModel" in its own viewModel, and then compose it into your custom dialog context. With this approach, your selection viewModel and your custom dialog context would be loosely bound. That way, you could use your selection viewModel elsewhere in your code (and even have some other viewModel, instead of the custom dialog context, respond to the reposition message).


wxNotebook - inner wxPanel - call method when page is changed

I have wxNotebook with several wxNotebookPage. Each page has a different content that inherits from wxPanel. What method from wxPanel is called when active page is changed? If I change panel, I would like to update panel content.
I have the similar functionality binded to resize event which is working.
void MyPanel::Init() {
this->Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &MyPanel::OnResize, this);
void MyPanel::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& ev){
//do something to update panel
Note: This is C++ code, but the programming language is not important (it can be Python). I will update the solution, I just need the logic or wxWidget API calls that are same.
What method from wxPanel is called when active page is changed?
There is no method called on the panel. Instead a page changed event is sent to the notebook control. You can set up a handler for this event similar to how you set up a handler for the size events on your panels above. Usually this is done in the constructor for your frame like so:
<notebookobject>->Bind(wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, &MyFrame::OnPageChanged, this);
void MyFrame::OnPageChanged(wxBookCtrlEvent& event)
// do something in response to the page change here.
There is also a page changing event that is sent before the page is actually changed. The page changing event has an extra feature that if you want to disallow the page from being changed, you can call Veto() on the event object in the page changing handler.

how to see mouseReleased() event outside canvas using processing.js

I have an object I want to drag around the screen with the mouse in Processing. I set acquired to true on mouse down over the object, and to false on mouse up, thus:
void mousePressed() {
if (overThing()) {
acquired = true;
void mouseReleased() {
acquired = false;
I then query acquired in my update(), and drag the object if it is true.
void update() {
\\ other stuff...
if (acquired) {
\\ drag thing code ...
This all works fine in Processing. mouseReleased() gets called whether I release the mouse inside or outside the active window.
However, when I move the code to Chrome, using processing.js (v1.4.8), mouseReleased() is not called if I release the mouse outside the canvas (whether the mouse is still over the web page, or outside the browser window). So when I return the (now unclicked) mouse to the canvas, the object is still getting dragged around.
I tried including a test of mousePressed in update(), but that also returns true in these circumstances.
Any help on what I need to do to make mouse state changes outside the canvas visible with processing.js?
I don't know about Processing specifically, but releasing mouse buttons outside a widget is a common issue in GUI development.
I suspect that you have no way of knowing the precise time when the mouse is released outside the widget, but you do have two options:
Set acquired = false in mouseOut(), as #Kevin suggests.
I assume there is some type of mouseEntered() method in Processing, and also some way of knowing if the mouse button is currently pressed (either a global variable, or an event object passed to mouseEntered()). You can catch the mouse entered event, check if the mouse has been released, and set acquired = false then.
Like so:
void mouseEntered() {
if (mouse button is pressed) {
acquired = false;
Edit: From your comments, #Susan, it seems like there is a bug in processing.js, where mousePressed is not set to false if the mouse button is released outside the canvas. One thing pointing to this being a bug is that the mouse movement example on the processing website also shows this behaviour.
Depending upon how much control you have over the website this is going on, and how much effort you want to go to, you could fix the bug yourself by writing some javascript (separate from your processing code):
Define a mouseUp() event on the page <body>, to catch all mouse release events on the page.
In the mouseUp() event, check if the event comes from your Processing control. (There is probably an event object passed to the mouseUp() function, and you might have to give your Processing control an ID to identify it)
If the event doesn't come from your Processing control, then fire a mouseUp event yourself, on the Processing control. This should (hopefully!) trigger a mouse event inside your Processing code.
I'm not sure what Processing will make of the mouse (x,y) position being outside its control when it handles the event you send it. You might want to set a flag on the event object (assuming you can add extra data to the event object) to say "don't use the (x,y) position of this event - it's outside the control".
Edit2: It was easier than I thought! Here is the JavaScript code to detect the mouse being released outside of the Processing canvas and send the mouseReleased event to the canvas. I've tested it on the mouse movement example from the Processing website, and it fixes the bug.
It uses jQuery (although it could be re-written to not use jQuery), and it assumes your Processing canvas has the ID "processingCanvas":
To use this code, include it anywhere in your page (in a JavaScript file or in <script> tags) and make sure you have the jQuery library included before this code.
The Processing object allows JavaScript to call any functions defined in your Processing code. Here I've used it to call Processing's built in mouseReleased() function, but if you wanted to call a custom function to handle the mouse-released-outside state differently, then you could.
You should use the mouseOut() function to detect when the mouse leaves the sketch:
void mouseOut() {
acquired = false;
More info in the reference here.

Safari Extension: window.open(...) doesn't work sometimes?

I have an injected stylesheet that calls a popup with window...open() on two occasions. One when the user clicks an HTML button, and two, when a user clicks on a context menu item. To listen for the context menu item, I need to add a listener on the injected script like so
safari.self.addEventListener("message", messageCallBack, false); // Message comes from global.html when context menu item is clicked
And the following callback
function messageCallBack(msgEvent) {
For some reason, the popup works when the button calls window.open, but NOT when the message callback calls window.open. I'm assuming it maybe have something to do with the window object.
I suspect this is due to restrictions on window.open designed to combat pop-up ads. This means it will only work in response to a click event.
To get around this, I would recommend you open the new window from your global page using the safari.application API:
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.activeTab.url = '...';
You can also open new tabs with:
safari.application.activeBrowserWindow.openTab('foreground').url = '...';
To achieve this, you may need to send a message from your injected script to the global page.

Reloading a page in WinJS fails to attach event handlers

I have a WinJS application (a Windows 8.1 app using HTML/JS, not C#/XAML).
I've implemented a custom navbar in my default.html, with some buttons that have click event listeners attached to them. Each handler calls nav.navigate() with the url of the page corresponding to the nav button.
One of my pages (call it /pages/myPage/myPage.html) has several buttons on it. Each button has a click event listener bound to it in the page's ready function. This works fine when navigating between several pages.
However, if I'm on myPage (with working button click handlers) and click the navbar button for myPage again, the page looks like it reloads. The ready function seems to be called (i.e. it console.log statements in it are executed), but the buttons on the page seem to completely lose their click handlers!
If I navigate to another page, then navigate back, the buttons work fine again. But no matter what I do, "reloading" the page by navigating to itself (nav.navigate("/pages/myPage/myPage.html") while on myPage) causes my click handlers to be lost.
Why does this happen? My ready function is called, but somehow the click handlers are never re-attached.
Here's what the ready function for myPage looks like:
ready: function (element, options) {
document.getElementById("myButton").addEventListener("click", this.myButtonClicked);
Here's what the click event listener for the myPage nav button looks like (this code is in default.js):
myPageNavButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
Page nav in WinJS is just a matter of DOM replacement. When you do a nav, the target “page” contents are loaded into the DOM and then the previous “page’s” contents are unloaded. You can see this in navigator.js in the _navigating method. It creates a new element for the page being loaded, renders that fragment therein, and then unloads the old page.
The ready method for the new page, however, is called before the old page is unloaded (this was a change in WinJS 2.0, as WinJS 1.0 unloaded the old page before calling ready). The upshot of this is that when you navigate to the same page that’s already loaded, myPage.html(A) is in the DOM when you load myPage.html(B). When you execute the code in your ready method, then, getElementById will find the buttons in myPage.html(A) and so you're attaching handlers to that element. But then after you return from ready, myPage.html(A) is unloaded, so you lose the handlers. And because you never attached handlers to the buttons in myPage.html(B), they're just inert.
So what can you do about it? The best solution, in my mind, is to avoid navigating to the same page in the first place, because it's just fraught with other peril in the long run. To do this, wrap your call to nav.navigate with a check for whether you're already on the target page. Here's an implementation of a function that does that:
function navigateIfDifferent(target) {
var page = document.getElementById("contenthost").winControl.pageControl;
var fullTarget = "ms-appx://" + Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.current.id.name + target;
if (fullTarget !== page.uri) {
This assumes that the PageControlNavigator control that you're using is in a div called "contenthost" in default.html (which is what the VS template gives you). What I'm then doing is building the full in-package URI for the target page and comparing that to the uri of the current page control, which is also a full in-package URI. You could also strip off the ms-appx:// part from the current page URI and compare to the target URI. Either way.
Anyway, with this function, replace your calls to nav.navigate with navigateIfDifferent, and you should be good.

Durandal view no more displayed if user click quickly on menus

I use Durandal 2.0 & Breeze in my SPA.
I have a sidebar menu for my drivers (Chauffeurs) where user can click on submenus (Récents, Disponibles, Indisponibles) for calling my view with different parameters. This will fill a koGrid with data. The data is fetched in the activate call and the binding of the koGrid is done in the compositionComplete.
Everything goes well most of the time. Things goes wrong when I click very quickly on submenus (calling the same view). Example: I click on 'Récents' and immediately (without waiting for the view to display) I click on 'Disponibles'.
I have the following for the activate:
var activate = function (filterParam) {
pagedDataSource.getDataFunction = getData;
pagedDataSource.getPredicatesFunction = getPredicates;
return pagedDataSource.reload();
And I have the following code for the compositionComplete:
var compositionComplete = function (view) {
bindEventToList(view, '.kgCellText', gotoDetails);
$('#mySearchGrid').attr('data-bind', 'koGrid: gridOptions');
ko.applyBindings(vm, document.getElementById('mySearchGrid'));
When I trace the activity, I noted that if user click quickly on submenus, the activate does not have the time to finish and is called again (for the second click of the user) and the compositionComplete does not execute. Then after that, nothing more happened visually. It seems blocked.
Any idea how can I prevent this problem?
The migration to the latest Durandal version 2.0.1 fixed the problem.