Support for multiple domains/subdomains in OneDrive File Picker for Web Apps - onedrive

We have a CMS that powers over 2000 school websites. The admin sites for each of those websites are all under the same root domain, e.g. * We are working on integrating OneDrive File Picker on multiple pages in all of those admin sites.
We have an issue with the Redirect URLs in the API Settings. We tried to set the Root domain field to by setting Redirect URLs: to In JavaScript, we initialize the File Picker like this:
client_id: window.OneDrive.clientId,
redirect_uri: ''
mode: "open",
select: "single"
That results in a popup window saying:
We're unable to complete your request. Microsoft account is experiencing technical problems. Please try again later.
In the address bar of the popup window, there's a further error description(url decoded):
error_description=The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid. The expected value is '' or a URL which matches the redirect URI registered for this client application.
Putting a specific url, like, in the API Setting would make the Picker work on that specific page, but not on other pages. Looks like it's looking for an exact match. Obviously it's not practical for us to create a separate app for each page that uses OneDrive.
The problem can be solved by disabling Enhanced redirection security on the API Settings page. That option existed a few weeks ago when we created an app for development, but was marked as deprecated. Today when we created a new app for production, it wasn't there anymore, which I think is now enabled for all new apps.
We had a similar issue with Dropbox Drop-ins Chooser, but we were able to solve the problem by setting as the domain of the app.
Is there any work around for this problem?
Thanks for your help and suggestions.

The only way I could get this to work was
Make sure the exact single web page on a single domain is configured and working for one drive (the url running OneDrive needs to be correctly configured in Microsoft account Developer Center
Then use this page inside an iframe (even if it is a completely different domain)
then use postMessage to pass the data back to the parent iframe to utilise
a working copy (link may be removed at any time )
Testing OneDrive in an iframe
Other pertinent urls
browser support for postMessage
Browser support for postMessage on stackoverflow
postMessage documentation
Some example usage of postMessage
example usage of postMessage
another example of use of postMessage

You can add multiple Redirect URLs as long as all of them are in the same subdomain. Each redirection URL needs to be specified explicitly:

The bug with the Microsoft developer console mention is resolved if you put the root domain you want first, then the 2 sub domains.
Add 3 entires:


Anonymous access to web site default doc

We have a web site in IIS 7, that has a default document (index.asp) set. The entire site uses basic authentication except the index.asp page. This is working correctly if I enter the domain with the actual page name ( However, without the page name ( I am prompted for credentials, even though it is the same page.
I've tried various web config changes and tried it with anonymous user set to the app pool and the IUSR account and it doesn't work either way. I'm thinking maybe I need to enable and then configure URL rewriting for this site but I'm not positive.
If you need any other info let me know.

Vue + Flask Gmail API

I am attempting to build a webapp using Vue for the frontend and Flask for the backend that reads in the users Gmail emails.
Desired functionality:
User clicks a button to "Link Gmail Account" on the frontend
User is authenticated with gmail Oauth2 and confirms. Once confirmed, they redirect back to the page they were on
Once the user confirms, the backend queries gmail to get all of the users emails and returns the data to the frontend
I have been trying to use as a starting point, but I cannot authenticate the user -- I keep getting a redirect uri mistmatch error with a random port (I am doing this locally so have set the redirect uri to be the localhost port where I access my project).
I think I am doing something fundamentally wrong or not using the Gmail API in the correct way, but have searched all over google and youtube to no avail.
Specific things that I think could be causing an issue:
What is the best overall strategy to implement this? Should I use the Gmail API in Python or Javascript? Right now, the use clicks the "Link Account" button which calls an API in my backend which then runs the code in the Python Quickstart guide.
What kind of google project should I set up? I currently have my credentials configured for a "web application"
What should I put as the redirect uri? I am using localhost but am unsure exactly what to put here (I have tried http://localhost, http://localhost:5000, http://localhost:5000/, http://localhost:5000/emails [this is the url I want them to return to]). No matter what I put, I keep getting a redirect uri mismatch and it says the uri it is looking for is http://localhost:[random port]/
I would appreciate any help on how to approach achieving this. Thank you!
Depending on what you are going to use Gmail API for, you must select the device or category. In your case, as it is a website it should be set to "Web Application".
Also, you should be using the following redirect URI: http://localhost/emails/. You should not include the port number and you should be using trailing slashes (adding the last / at the end). Note that the redirect URI you set up in your backend must be an exact match of the one you have set up in your Credentials Page. Also please note that it might take some minutes to update this URI.
Moreover, this is a guide on how to create a Sign In button that will authorise your users that I believe will be useful for you.

Can't update app registered in Microsoft Application Registration Portal

I have an already registered app in the site I want to add another redirect URL but when I tried saving I get this error:
There's a temporary problem
There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you continue to get this message, try again later.
I have also tried using a different browser and clearing my cache but I still get the error.
I also tried registering a new app and I still get the same error. I have been getting the error for several days now and I was wondering if anybody knows a solution.
There are several restrictions on the format of the redirect URI that is allowed
Currently, apps that are registered in the Application Registration Portal are restricted to a limited set of redirect URI values. The redirect URI for web apps and services must begin with the scheme https, and all redirect URI values must share a single DNS domain. For example, you cannot register a web app that has one of these redirect URIs:
The scenarios that are accepted are when the DNS name matches exactly. Examples:
See all the v2.0 limitations

Google AppEngine API Explorer redirects and lists no URLs

I'm having an unending issue trying to use the AppEngine API explorer with the stupidly simple helloworld example.
When trying to navigate to the url to explore the API my Chrome browser redirects to HTTPS from the default HTTP and no API's are listed. I have gone through every possible fix I can find (Like this, and all of these) and none are working reliably.
What's the most infuriating is I have gotten the API listed TWICE but now no longer displays with any of the methods below.
The setup I had when it worked the first time:
Chrome launched with "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe" --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 (As per the tutorial)
The url being: (http://)
The second time it worked was using also using the above URL but lasted only a second before being redirected to HTTPS and not listing anything.
Some specifics:
Windows 10 OS.
Every time the page loads I get the "The API you are exploring is hosted over HTTP, which can cause problems. Learn how to use Explorer with a local HTTP API." message, even the times the API displayed correctly.
Every time I now load any of the API Explorer URLs I get redirected to HTTPS, and nothing is listed. Also the URL is escaped (%3A instead of ':'). Not sure if it's important but the first time it worked the URL was HTTP and NOT escaped.
I have tried the shield in the search bar and enabling Load unsafe scripts ( from here).
Tried launching Chrome as usual and with the flags --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=http://localhost:8080 and/or --allow-running-insecure-content (from this answer).
Tried http://localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer
http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin works correctly and shows the Admin console every time.
Since the API's being listed once I haven't touched the project code, but restarted the server, Chrome, and tried different URLs on more occasions than I care to count.
I also tried accessing the API URL directly as explained in this answer but cannot find the correct URL to access the helloworld /sayHi endpoint. Maybe someone can help me work out what I need to prefix it with as all of the variations I try give me a 404.
Any help would be a very very appreciated.

default Twitter button doesn't load image

I went to Twitter's resource page here ( and got the following code:
Tweet<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
When I put this in my Wordpress template, I don't get the Twitter button -- I just get the text "Tweet". However, when I change the src for widgets.js to include https:// or http:// at the beginning it works.
Could it be that it's just an error that they forgot the protocol? Also, do you think it is better to use https (for consistency with the share link) versus http, or does it not matter?
Thanks for your suggestions.
The URL "//" tells the browser to open the URL using the protocol of the current page, which is likely to be "file://" if your browser opened an html file on your own machine. Of course, you don't have a file called "file://" on your computer.
In the past, urls for embedded widgets used to include the protocol (http or https), but a site visitor would receive warnings whenever a secure page loaded a script from an insecure page, and sometimes even vice versa. Now, widgets from Twitter, Google Analytics, and other sites no longer specify the protocol so that the same embed code can work on any page on the internet. The downside is that this does not work when you embed such a widget into a file and view it on your own browser by double-clicking it!