List all gradle dependencies with their licences - intellij-idea

I want to list all maven dependencies (including transitive ones) of my gradle build with their licenses. Is this possible with the IntelliJ gradle plugin? If yes, how? Alternatively a gradle command line instruction would be sufficient, too.

I would recommend the license-gradle-plugin. It can report on licenses from your dependencies via the downloadLicense task.

For anybody who ends up here and discovered the license-gradle-plugin appears to be unmaintained, Gradle-License-Report works for this need as well.

The only plugin that has worked for my Android project is Gradle License Plugin
The setup was quite simple - just one line in the project-level build.gradle and another line in the app-level build.gradle. My project is relatively complex, but doesn't have multiple modules btw.
P.S. I've also tried and with no success.

You can also try the
It covers the Kotlin Multiplatform as well.
Actually it covers any gradle type projects.


Gradle multi-project builds and IDEA, are modules not automated?

I was doing some experimenting with Gradle and created a multi-project build, with multiproject_test dependent on two projects ChildA and ChildB. I put this simple test project on GitHub.
Everything seems to be working great on the command line and Eclipse. Everything was compiling and the dependencies were being recognized and used. But when I imported the project into IDEA it did not create the dependencies. It seems like I had to manually create the modules although it did import the source code from the child projects.
My question is do I have to specify these module declarations separately in the build.gradle script for IDEA? Why would it not even compile the dependencies?
Solution proposed below worked great. IDEA handled the build.gradlescript much more gracefully than the idea plugin.
Loading a Gradle project to build an IDEA project by using the idea plugin does not always work well. The recommended way to load a Gradle project in IDEA is to import the build.gradle file from the root project.
More detailed instructions can be found in IDEA documentation here.

Intellij IDEA code completion does not suggest classes coming from maven dependencies

This may sound stupid but here I go (there's no silly question after all, right?): I'm working on a JAVA Maven module with IntelliJ IDEA and the code completion feature works fine suggesting classes from both my module and the JDK.
However, the code completion feature does not seem to be aware of classes coming from Maven dependencies my module depends on.
For instance, my module depends on Maven dependencies such as joda-time.
The code completion popup does not suggest classes such as LocalDate.
Here's my code completion configuration:
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
Found the solution:
Clicked on File > Invalide caches/restart
Chose Invalidate and Restart
After restarting IntelliJ rebuild indexes from scratch and code completion works like a charm.
If it is a Gradle or Maven Project As shown in the picture, you may need to import your project build.gradle file if Gradle or maven bom.xml file if Maven. It will sync your project and may download required files from gradle or maven server.
#SenzMate Iot Intelligence

Intellij Idea 12 gradle build

I am trying to build a project with gradle from within Intellij Idea 12 (commercial editon) but this keeps failing. I have the gradle plugin enabled and also the gradle gui plugin. The native project gradle import is working. (I'm not using gradle idea btw.)
When using the bash I only run gradle war to build my web application. Now I want to do the same from within Intellij.
The gradle gui plugin seems to be using the wrong JDK (I guess it's the one Idea uses, a 1.6 JDK) and therefor fails to compile because this is a JDK 1.7 project. And it doesn't integrate well into Idea because it seems like an external build process (like triggering external ant tasks).
What I have done so far is to configure my own artifact in a way that is equivalent to the one gradle war would have build. But that means a lot of configuration and simply feels wrong. There should be a better way?
So what do I have to do to make Idea compile a project in a way similar to the command line gradle task?
JetGradle plugin doesn't provide native tasks support at the moment. It's scheduled for v.12.1 - IDEA-95897. Feel free to track the plugin's news and update it manually as soon as corresponding support is provided.

Migration from Maven 2/3 to Gradle

I have been looking into Gradle and looks pretty interesting. I think being able to write your scripts in any other language than XML is pretty cool, and it is not clear to me whether polyglot Maven POM files are still a feasible option.
I am working on a project that uses Maven 2.2.1 as build tool. This project:
is multi-module
uses (also our own) plugins
relies on an Artifactory proxy repository
Are there any experiences out there on migrations from Maven to Gradle? Gotchas, pain points, corner cases? Any sort of experience is very welcome.
The migration from Maven to Gradle isn't as easy as from Ant to Maven (at the least at the moment). You can easily reuse Ant scripts and make them first class citizens in your Gradle build. There's a task on the Gradle roadmap for deep import of Maven builds as well.
So far I migrated two enterprise Maven builds to Gradle. Both of them were multi-module projects using standard Maven plugins. I basically rewrote the builds the Gradle way which requires at least some knowledge about Gradle. Based on my experience you can easily get the same build running in Gradle as well. Gradle doesn't really box you in here and is fairly flexible. Along the way you might find yourself having to write a custom plugin that doesn't exist yet depending on what Maven plugins you are using. However, there's already a wide breath of plugins out there. So far I haven't run into a real roadblock yet. Even though the Gradle documentation is pretty good you might find yourself reading a lot of Gradle forum posts to find the solution to one of your problems. Some of the standard Maven features are not supported out-of-the-box e.g. a provided scope or WAR inplace. However, there're easy ways around it. I haven't used Artifactory repositories. The ones I dealt with were Nexus repositories. As far as I know the Gradle guys have good support for Artifactory though. Edit: JFrog provides a Artifactory Gradle plugin.
A good way to start is to use the migration tool Maven2Gradle which let's you generate a Gradle script from your Maven build. Personally, I didn't use it yet. I developed the Gradle build side-by-side with the Maven build which didn't cause any trouble. Maven put its
output under target, Gradle under build. Make sure you prepare your team for the change. Let them try out the Gradle build and get familiar with the tool.
Once you are fully migrated you'll be very happy about the maintainability and extensibility of your build. It's very easy to add custom build logic and you're going to be grateful that you left XML-land. In terms of performance you are not going to make a step back as well. The incremental build feature does its job very well.
You may also want to read through this write-up of my experience porting a maven project to gradle.
In the directory where you have pom.xml just run the below command:
gradle init --type pom
This should convert your maven pom.xml to build.gradle
You can always change the buildDir to be 'target' under gradle if you want the build output to go under 'target' instead of 'build' like maven:
buildDir = 'target'
maven2Gradle seems to have been replaced with being able to run gradle init from the command line (though it's a rather experimental feature). It seems to work ok for doing some basic Gradle setup from a Maven project.

How well does m2eclipse deal with maven plugins?

In general, how well does m2eclipse deal with Maven plugins that modify or amend lifecycle phases?
In particular, I have a project that has a maven-clean-plugin extension to remove an extra generated directory (not in target/) using the configuration filesets tag. This works when running mvn at the command line but not when doing a clean in Eclipse. Is there any way to get m2eclipse to process that plugin?
Another example is flexmojos; there's a lot that can be configured with the flexmojo plugin but those parameters don't seem to get imported by m2eclipse.
Is the integration solely ad-hoc? If m2eclipse embeds Maven, why can't the plugins be executed directly using the underlying pom.xml configuration?
In general, how well does m2eclipse deal with Maven plugins that modify or amend lifecycle phases?
Decently, to my experience. At least for plugin bound to phases from the default lifecycle.
In particular, I have a project that has a maven-clean-plugin extension (...). This works when running mvn at the command line but not when doing a clean in Eclipse. Is there any way to get m2eclipse to process that plugin?
What the clean plugin "extension" is doing and what you're doing (calling mvn clean from Eclipse? calling Project > Clean?) is unclear - at least for me. But maybe have a look at MNGECLIPSE-823 or MNGECLIPSE-156. And don't hesitate to clarify :)
Another example is flexmojos; there's a lot that can be configured with the flexmojo plugin but those parameters don't seem to get imported by m2eclipse.
I don't do flex so the above is too vague for me. But providing a more concrete example might help.