Photoshop image resize looks terrible for an unknown reason [closed] - photoshop

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Original image file
Resized with 3.5.11
Resized with photoshop cs 6 13.0 x64 and quality is terrible
Any idea why and any idea how to solve this very annoying problem ? I tried all re-sampling options nothing works
Thank you

I think it is probably because it is indexed colour, which gives is a limited palette.
Go to Image - Mode - RGB Color
When it is RGB, it should resize fine.


Testing JavaFx App For Different Screen Resolution [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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This might seem a bit off-topic but I have a JavaFX app that I need to test(scaling) for different screen resolution. My problem is I have a Windows 8.1 PC running at maximum resolution of 1366x768 but I need to test it for 1920x1080, 1440x900,1600x900 etc. Any idea on how to achieve this will be appreciable.
The obvious solution would be to buy a new graphics and/or monitor.
But if you want to avoid that, you can try testing your app in a virtual machine. I know in VirtualBox, if you set the virtual machine'e resolution higher than the native resolution you will just get scroll bars with the set resolution. So all the scaling should be the same as if you were running it on a higher native resolution.

How would I hightlight the changes in exel on macbook pro [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am using excel 15.37 on Macbook pro. I want to track changes in my excel. I tried the method mentioned in but I do not find the same options because of Macbook version of excel.
The options are available but it is different than the excel in Window. Go to Tools and then Track Changes. You can highlight changes if you want.

Window 8 content overflow [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I don't know why but this is how my windows displays after i installed a VGA.
It overflows at the top and leave a blank black line at the bottom.
I removed the VGA but its still like that
Check your monitor settings else you could undo that VGA installation

Starting Pharo with extra memory on OS X [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am running an expensive analysis and my Pharo image raises a Low Memory error.
I know there was a way of starting the Cog VM with extra memory but can't find it now. Does anybody know how to do that on a Mac?
Oki, seems that I've found the answer myself. For the version of VM that I have I can run:
croquet -m 2000M
to run the image with 2G of memory.

Is there a way to take a screenshot of an entire HTML page including content below the fold? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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For an app demo explanation, I'd like to take a screenshot and mark it up with explanations. For that reason, I'd like the screen image to be contiguous and not cut up into multiple screenshots to explain one page.
Is there a way to take a screenshot of an entire HTML page including content below the fold?
there is firefox plugin screengrab and also web page browsershots
we have solved this problem with! It's easy to install and you don't have to care about the technical details behind.