Monitor a mule process from another mule flow - mule

I have a process which reads a file and uploads it to a database. The flow goes as below.
File connector
Processing within a for-each loop (Update to database)
The problem with the above approach was that at any time when an exception occurs, the processing stops at that record and the rest of the records are not processed. As a work around, I have changed the flow as below:
File connector
For each - Within the for-each a flow-ref is placed to call a separate flow which does the processing.
The thing that I noticed is that, at the point of calling the new flow, separate threads are used for processing, due to which an exception does not cause all the records to fail. Now I am facing another difficulty, which is that after the processing completes, I need to initiate a report with the complete processing details (no of records processed, rejected, etc). Since all the records are processed asynchronously in different threads, I am not able to figure out when the processing is completed. Is there a way to monitor whether the processing is complete from another mule flow, so that I can generate the report when it is complete?

at the point of calling the new flow, separate threads are used for processing
A flow-ref doesn't necessarily imply a new thread: you can tune the processing-strategy of the ref-ed flow to force synchronous processing.
With this, you'll be able to remain synchronous, have a custom expression strategy in the ref-ed flow and achieve your goal of not breaking processing when an error occurs.


Call Flow from Batch sequentially Mule ESB

I create one batch flow. From one batch flow i am calling another batch and from 2nd batch i am calling simple 3rd flow.
I am getting problem in this scenario All are not working sequentially
I need all flows should work sequentially manner
For example I have 5 records are comming in batch and in 2nd batch 10 records are comming and from 2nd batch i am calling 3rd flow which is simple flow
Problem is 2nd batch is not waiting to finish 3rd flow execution,it continuously executed till 10 records,
I need first 3rd flow exection should be complete then and only then 2 records should be come
How can I solve this scenario
Please help me
According to Mulesoft Documentation
Batch Processing at a Glance
A batch job is a top-level element in Mule which exists outside all
Mule flows. Batch jobs split large messages into records which Mule
processes asynchronously in a batch job; just as flows process
messages, batch jobs process records.
So the answer is that you are not able to run batch synchronously. After the input stage, mule will do a load&dispatch and transform the collection into a queue of individuals recordes that are processed asynchronously.
Any reason why you are using batch instead of normal Flow ???

ExecuteSQL Processor in Apache Nifi

I am facing a problem while working with Apache Nifi. Is there a way to stop ExecuteSQL processor once it is completed fetching all the data in the table, instead of fetching repeatedly until I stop it manually?
Generally processors are meant to be scheduled on some frequency through their scheduling tab. Processors in the middle of the graph with incoming relationships usually leave their scheduling at 0 seconds, which means run as fast as possible when data is queue. Source processors typically run on some interval based on Timer Driver or Cron Driven scheduling.
That being said... ExecuteSQL supports being triggered by incoming flow files, so you might be able to do something like put a ListenHTTP processor in front of ExecuteSQL and whenever you want to trigger it you would invoke the http end-point for ListenHTTP. This way you can leave it running, but it will only be triggered when you want it to be.

Synchronous processing works with Batch Processing?

I do have bunch of xml files say hundreds in my source directory. I have made my flow processing strategy to be synchronous to execute only 1 xml file at a time as performance
is not much priority to me. But i do have batch processing in my flow. So what i under stand is flow thread is creating a child thread to execute my Batch processing and control moves forward. My whole transformation code lies in batch processing which takes 30secs to execute a xml. So nothing much logic in my main flow except file inbound EP and batch execute component(to trigger batch job). So file inbound endpoint is keep on pollingfiles and whole bunch xmls getting picked in very less time make my mule memory out and unexpected behavior occurs.
Came to know fork-join pattern very late and it may or not fit into my req.
So is there any configuration to make my batch process completely and
execute and pick the next files. Help me out. I already made processing strategy synchronous!!
Shouldn't you in this case just adjust the polling frequency at the file inbound endpoint?
Polling Frequency
(Applies to inbound File endpoints only.)
Specify how often the endpoint should check for incoming messages. The default value is 1000 ms.
Set maxThreadsActive and maxBufferSize

Using NServiceBus how can I process multiple messages as a batch?

We currently have an process that involves sending a third-party an xml file containing changes that have occurred within our system.
We are moving to use NServiceBus and the changes are modelled as individual commands sent to an endpoint.
We do not want to send these changes as individual files; instead we want to batch receive a number of commands, concatenating this information into a single file.
How might one go about batching multiple commands into a single export file?
Have you looked at Sagas? Sagas allow you to model long-running business processes. So if a file has multiple parts, the Saga could begin when it gets the first part, and complete when it has all the parts it needs.
You can send the commands in using Bus.Send(IMessage[]messages). Note it takes an array and the messages will be packed into one queue message over the wire. On the receiving side, the handler will be invoked once per message. In your handler you should be able to just keep appending to your file. In the handler you could place logic to determine when to "roll" the file if necessary.

Service Broker Design

I’m looking to introduce SS Service Broker,
I have a remote orders database and a local processing database, all activity on the processing database has to happen in sequence, this seems a perfect job for Service Broker!
I’ve set up the infrastructure, I can send and receive messages and now I’m looking at the design of the processing. As I said all processes for one order need to be completed in sequence so I’ll put them in one conversation.
One of these processes is a request for external flat file data, we then wait (could be several days) and then import and process this file when it returns. How can I process half the tasks, then wait for the flat file to return before processing the other half.
I’ve had some ideas but I’m sure I’m missing a trick somewhere
1) Write all queue items to a status table and use status values – seems to remove some of the flexibility of SSSB and add another layer of tasks
2) Keep the transaction open until we get the data back – not ideal
3) Have the flat file import task continually polling for the file to appear – this seems inefficient
What is the most efficient way of managing this workflow?
thanks in advance
In my opinion it is like chain of responsibility. As far as i can understand we have the following workflow.
1.) Process for message.
2.) Wait for external file, now this can be a busy wait or if external data provides you a notification then we can actually do it in non-polling manner.
3.) Once data is received then process the data.
So my suggestion would be to use 3 different Queues one for each part, when one is done it will forward or put a new message in chained queue.
I am assuming, one order processing will not disrupt another order processing.
I am thinking MSMQ with Windows Sequential Work flow, might also be a candidate for this task.