Where to find the 'views' settings from crm 2013 sql - sql

I am having troubles finding the views settings section using sql server. What filtered views would I query to find these settings. I was told briefly to try looking in FilteredUserQuery but did not find all of the columns I am looking for. I have attached a screenshot for more clarification on which settings I am looking for.
I am interested in these columns while using sql server. Please let me know if you have any questions or confusions with my questions.
Here is a link to all of the different filtered views I have access to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn531182.aspx
Thanks for the assitance!

You need to look into FilteredSavedQuery, the entity SavedQuery holds the system views.


query XML file in a sql script

In HANA, I need information on calculation view like cross client or not, commentary on node, cardinality...
Those information are in XML file of the calculation view. Is it possible to extract it with a procedure?
During my research I found this : https://archive.sap.com/discussions/thread/3600091
I hoped that now it would be possible.
If you have any idea, please share with me,
Thanks in advance
I'm replying to the question on getting the metadata or attributes from a view. You can probably find these in tables like _sys_bi.bimc_* (e.g. BIMC_PROPERTIES in the _SYS_BI schema), SYS.VIEWS, SYS.VIEW_COLUMNS, SYS.cs_view_parameters (has the client as a parameter) or sys.view_columns.
I think it's easier to extract this information from the automatic documentation file in PDF format from HANA Studio, though, but it depends on what you are trying to do.

Can Verity search a SQL database on a different server?

We have Verity running successfully on our small library website.
We have our Library catalog on a different server and it runs off an SQL database.
We would like to see if we can get Verity to search the catalog while also searching our site.
I have had trouble finding any documentation that could steer us in the right direction. Does anyone know if this is even possible and how we could go about doing it?
It is possible. CFINDEX supports a query attribute. You first need to create a new collection. Then, you'll have to query the SQL server you're trying to search against, and give the name of that query variable to CFINDEX along with the name of the new collection. Once you do this, you can then use CFSEARCH to search against data in your new collection. More information about CFINDEX can be found here.

Create a log for all SQL action in Access

I'm currently having a problem at work.
Someone in the is modifying the table directly.
For example in my database I have school names like ETS. Well, today it was named Polytechnique.
What I'm trying to tell who did this modification either by his/her IP address or any other way. I currently have no ideas on how to proceed.
What I would like is just the beginning of a solution as to let me figure a part of it . I sadly don't have any ideas for the moment.
Thank you (I'm sorry for any errors english is not my first language. Also I could be mistaken for the tags)
(Welcome to SO. Sorry no one answered your question yet. It almost never takes this long.)
The short answer is: No. There is no way to find out who was modifying your tables directly. Access does not have any kind of automatic change logging, and you cannot create any logging procedures in VBA that will monitor manual changes to the tables.
One of the requirements for Access as a front-end is that you trust your end-users to not open tables and edit the data directly.
To prevent this in the future, here are some options:
Right click on your table to hide it. However, the user can just unhide it if they know it is there.
In your Access db is an option called "Display Navigation Option". Disabling this will hide the side-bar so the user can't see the tables. However, pressing F11 will still display them again. This can be easily googled, so I don't recommend it if your users are motivated.
Store your data in a SQL server and use connection strings (not direct links) to retrieve and store information.
Distribute your Access db via Sharepoint. The user will only be able to access the forms you specify and will have no direct access to the tables.
Consider another software package for your problems.

SQL SSRS Report Builder - cannot see views only tables?

I am using SSRS Report Builder with SQL 2005 and I am trying to build some reports from my data sources.
However when I bring up the data source entities it is only showing tables not views which is what I want to use to make the coding neater and easy to use.
Am I missing something? Can anyone advise a way to get the views to be shown up in the Entities options?
Any help much appreciated.
Based on the note in the following posting, if you created your model using Report manager it does not show views. You need to use Development studio.
See this link

FluentNHibernate: Getting the Examples.FirstProject to work

Im trying to get the most basic of examples to run in FnH. I started with the Examples.FirstProject. However, I did not use the SQL lite configuration. Instead, I set the configuration to SQL2005 and created the tables as was diagramed in the example.
When stepping through the code, there appears to be no problems when creating the session factory. I do receive an error however when the code reaches the "transaction.commit" line. The error reads:
Could not insert collection: [Examples.FirstProject.Entities.Store.Products#5][SQL:SQL not available]
Im wondering if there was an issue with the way the tables were created in SQL Server. The IDs were "int" type and the names and such were "varchar(50)." I set the PK of Store, Product, and Employee to its respective ID field. I also made the ID increment automatically by 1 (IdentitySpecification column property in SQL Server). StoreProduct is the many-to-many and is also there per the diagram.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Have you modified the sample in any way other than changing the database provide? Have you been able to save any entities from the sample (ie if you remove the Products code and just save the Store)?
I developed this sample against SQLExpress, so I would imagine there wouldn't be any incompatibilities with SQL 2005.
Also, this question would probably be better be suited to the Fluent NHibernate mailing list, as Stack Overflow isn't great for these kind-of investigatory postings.
Thank you James. I'll look at using Fluent NHibernate mailing list. As a solution to my issue, I did simplify the example a bit and found that rebuilding the tables helped. In the previous attempt I built the tables in the Database diagram tool. That is where I think something was a little off. Just now I rebuilt them using the menus and still made the foreign key connections with the Database Diagram section. Worked like a charm. Thanks again and keep up the good work with FnH.
First thing to check: Are you sure that you have really created a correct table in SQL server, and that the schema is correct? You can verify this by using SQL Express management studio to view the sql database.