Searching a column and evaluating adjacent cell in excel - vba

I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that can tell me when somebody is in doing two things at the same time. say column A contains names, column B has the sign in time, and C has Sign out time. I am trying to find a way to assess whether any other instances of the same name had overlap in the time in and time out. I considered Vlookup, but that only gets me to the first instance.
Essentially I'm looking for if(A from this row exists anywhere else in column A and the adjacent B cell >= this row's B cell and the adjacent C cell >= this row's C cell, then true, otherwise do something else)
I work in a machine shop, and it's very common for people to work two machines at the same time. I understand my example a moment ago was only one of several possible ways the times could overlap, but if I could get help getting that far I would be ecstatic. even pointing me in the broadest of directions like "not possible without learning to code" would be helpful.
My excel skills are limited essentially to what I can learn in the help file, and as of now I'm ok with ifs. Any help would be appreciated. Do I need to learn VBA for this?

I am not an Excel power user. I learnt VBA because of employers who provided me with Excel but would not allow me use of other programmable tools. I have never made serious use of the more advanced capabilities of Excel. There are a surprising number of questions that get the comment, "you could do this with a Pivot table" but never an explanation of how. To be fair questions about Pivot Table belong on the SuperUser site but I find it a really unhelpful comment.
I do not know and do not care if your requirement can be met with a Pivot Table. I wish to show how simple tasks can be solved with VBA even if they cannot be solved with advanced Excel functionality. The macro below did not take long to write and I believe it meets your requirement.
Yes you should learn VBA. It does not take long to learn the basics and it can be used to solve many simple problems. I cannot imagine not being able to create macros or programs to solve day-to-day problems.
Search the web for "Excel VBA tutorial". There are many to choose from. Try a few and complete one that matches your learning style. I prefer books to online tutorials. I visited a large library and checked out their Excel VBA Primers. I then bought the one that worked best for me.
I will admit there is a lot of practice behind the macro below but I believe the real skill is in breaking your requirement into steps that can be solved easily with Excel VBA.
I created a worksheet Log which I filled with data that matches my understanding of your data. Perhaps your people do not run so many machines at the same time but I wanted to test my macro thoroughly.
The macro creates a copy of this worksheet (in case you do not want it sorted) and names it Temp. It then sorts Temp by Name and Sign-on time to give:
The macro compares adjacent rows and copies overlaps to worksheet Overlap:
Finally it deletes worksheet Temp.
My objective was to fully explain what the code does but not how the macro does it. Once you know a statement exists, it is usually easy to look it up. Come back with questions if necessary but the more you can decipher for yourself the faster you will develop your skills.
Option Explicit
Sub FindOverlap()
Dim RowOverCrnt As Long
Dim RowTempCrnt As Long
Dim RowTempLast As Long
Dim WithinOverlap As Boolean
Dim WshtLog As Worksheet
Dim WshtOver As Worksheet
' My principle reason for using worksheet objects is so the names appear in a single place.
Set WshtLog = Worksheets("Log") ' Change Log to your name for the source worksheet
Set WshtOver = Worksheets("Overlap") ' Change Log to your name for the destination worksheet
' Create temporary copy of worksheet "Log" in case sequence must be preserved.
' This is not necessary if you do not care if worksheet Log is sorted.
WshtLog.Copy After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count)
Sheets(Worksheets.Count).Name = "Temp"
' Clear any existing data from destination worksheet and copy the headings from the
' source worksheet
With WshtOver
WshtLog.Rows(1).Copy Destination:=.Range("A1")
End With
RowOverCrnt = 2 ' First to which rows from worksheet Log will be copied
' Sort worksheet Temp by Name and Sign-in time
With Worksheets("Temp")
With .Cells
.Sort Key1:=.Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Key2:=.Range("B2"), Order2:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlYes, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortNormal
End With
' This is the VBA equivalent of selecting the cell at the bottom of column A
' and clicking Ctrl+Up. With the keyboard, this move the cursor up to the first
' cell with a value and selects that cell. That is, it selects the last cell from
' the top with a value. This statement sets RowTempLadst to the row number of that
' cell.
RowTempLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
WithinOverlap = False ' Not currently within a set of rows that overlap.
' I assume row 2 is the first data row. This loop checks a row for an overlap with
' the previous row. This is why the start row is 3.
For RowTempCrnt = 3 To RowTempLast
If .Cells(RowTempCrnt, "A").Value = .Cells(RowTempCrnt - 1, "A").Value And _
.Cells(RowTempCrnt, "B").Value < .Cells(RowTempCrnt - 1, "C").Value Then
' The current row and the previous row are for the same person and
' the start time of the current row is before the end time of the previous row
If WithinOverlap Then
' Previous rows have overlapped and have been copied to worksheet Overlap.
' Add current row to end of current set of overlaps
.Rows(RowTempCrnt).Copy Destination:=WshtOver.Cells(RowOverCrnt, "A")
RowOverCrnt = RowOverCrnt + 1 ' Advance to next free row
' The current and previous rows overlap. Copy both to worksheet Overlap.
.Rows(RowTempCrnt - 1 & ":" & RowTempCrnt).Copy _
Destination:=WshtOver.Cells(RowOverCrnt, "A")
RowOverCrnt = RowOverCrnt + 2 ' Advance to next free row
WithinOverlap = True ' Record within overlap set
End If
' Current row does not overlap with previous
If WithinOverlap Then
' An overlap set has ended
RowOverCrnt = RowOverCrnt + 1 ' Leave gap between overlap sets
WithinOverlap = False ' Record no longer within overlap set
End If
End If
Next RowTempCrnt
End With
' Delete worksheet Temp
' "Application.DisplayAlerts = False" suppresses the "Are you sure you want to delete
' this worksheet?" question.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub


Copying columns including blanks without skipping rows..leave "blanks" blank VBA

Aplication Defined error Copying a specified column and range including blanks with an embedded button running multiple Macros. I know that all rows will be filled in column A so if I could reference the rest of the Macros to A.end
I've looked Google youtube and here although there is a lot of info on copying and pasting, I cannot find one that works for this running multiple Macros.
Macros 5 & 6 is where I start having problems because these columns have multiple blanks throughout.
Raw data to Copy:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("a2", Range("a2").End(xlDown)).Copy _
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("a2") 'macro1
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("d2", Range("d2").End(xlDown)).Copy _
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("b2") 'Macro2
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("c2", Range("c2").End(xlDown)).Copy _
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("c2") 'macro3
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("g2", Range("g2").End(xlDown)).Copy _
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("d2") 'macro4
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("e2", Range("e2").End(xlDown)).Value = "<0" Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("i2").Copy 'macro5
If Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("e2", Range("e2").End(xlDown)).Value = ">0" Then
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("j2").Copy 'macro6
Worksheets("Sheet2").Activate 'macro7
Range.end(xldown) only gets you a contiguous range (effectively it will stop at the first blank cell).
Since you want to include blanks, you might want to instead work from the last row of your worksheet back up to the first non-blank cell encountered in that column (which is a way of getting the last row).
This would mean something like:
' If you are new to With statements (below), any objects within the With block that begin with a . relate to "Sheet1". Saves us typing Sheet1 repeatedly, and makes sense to use it since we access a lot of Sheet1's members like range/cells/rows
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
.Range("a2", .cells(.rows.count, "A").End(xlup)).Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("a2") 'macro1
End with
Untested, written on mobile -- but hope it works or gets you closer to a solution. You would need to copy-paste the above and change the A to B, C, D, E, etc. I wasn't too sure what you're trying to achieve with the "<0" condition in macro 5 and 6.
(It would better if you turned the code into a parameterised Sub and just provide the column letter/number as an argument to the sub, but just depends how new you are to VBA and programming in general -- and for the time being whatever is easier for you to understand/maintain.)
Edit regarding macro 5 and 6
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim cell as range
For each cell in .Range("E2", .Cells(.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value <= 0 Then 'Get rid of the equal sign if you don't want it in your logic/condition'
Cell.Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").cells(cell.row, "I") 'Macro5
ElseIf cell.value > 0 Then
Cell.Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").cells(cell.row, "J") 'Macro6
End If
Next cell
End With
Worksheets("Sheet2").Activate 'macro7

How to move to next blank cell?

I have data on multiple sheets in a workbook that I want copied all to one sheet in that same workbook. When I run the macro, I would like it to start by deleting the current data in the "iPage Data Export" sheet and then replacing it with data from the other sheets.
I want the process to occur one column at a time since I may not bring over everything. Right now I am trying to learn how to do just one column.
I was able to get it to copy all of the contents of a column from one sheet, but when it moves to the next sheet, it overwrites the existing data. In the end, I only get one sheets worth of data copied.
Here are my 4 problems:
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sheets("iPage Data Export").Select
End If
Next Sht
End Sub
How do I make it clear the data on this sheet before running the routine?
How can I make it start each copy function at the bottom of that row (i.e. after the last cell with a value)? I have tried many of the suggestions on this and other boards without success. I will admit I am not very experienced in this.
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
In detail:
Rows.Count will return the number of rows in the sheet, so in the legacy style *.xls workbooks this would return the number 65,536. Therefore "C" & Rows.Count is the same as C65536
Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) is the same as going to C65536 and pressing Ctrl + ↑ - The command End(xlDirection) tells the program to go the last cell in that range. In this case, we would end up at the last cell containing data in column C.
.Offset(1, 0) means that we want to return the range offset by an amount of rows and/or columns. VBA uses RC (Rows Columns) references, so whenever you see something like the Offset() function with two numbers being passed as the arguments, it usually relates to the row, and the column, in that order. In this case, we want the cell that is one row below the last cell we referenced.
All-in-all the phrase Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) means go to the last cell in column C, go up until we hit the last cell with data, and then return the cell below that - which will be the next empty cell.
How can I make it copy to a particular column (currently it just seems to default to A.
Range("C:C").Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
You can pass the Destination argument in the same line and actually bypass the clipboard (faster and cleaner)
How can I concatenate multiple columns during the paste function? I.e. what if I want it to insert: A2&", "B2 instead of just A2
Lets say you wanted to reference column A, B, and F - just use:
Range("A1, B1, F1").EntireColumn
To summarise, you could streamline your existing code to something like (untested):
Sub CombineData()
Dim Sht As Worksheet
For Each Sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
If Sht.Name <> "iPage Data Export" Then
Sht.Range("C1:C" & Cells(Sht.Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row).Copy Destination:=Sheets("iPage Data Export").Range("A:A")
End If
End Sub
This should do for the copying:
Sub CombineData()
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each sheet In Worksheets
If (sheet.Name <> "iPage Data Export") Then
Range("A1", ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select
Worksheets("iPage Data Export").Activate
Cells(1, ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column + 1).Select
End If
End Sub
For the concatenation you need to be more specific - but I guess you should open a new question with a clearer focus if you need specific help on that.

Take results from one sheet and move them into many other sheets

I have looked at similar answers to this question, but whatever I do I cannot get them to do what I need.
I have a daily email which has a CSV file giving call stats for our Sales team for the previous day. What I need is to put them into Excel to give trending and historical call activity for the year. Without VBA or Macros this is a very time consuming process.
The stats it gives are number of calls, and average call length (that are of any importance) I have already got VBA to calculate the total outgoing with this:
Dim Call_Number As Integer
Dim Call_Time As Date
Dim Call_Total As Date
Call_Number = .Cells(2, 6).Value
Call_Time = .Cells(2, 7).Value
Call_Total = Call_Number * Call_Time
.Cells(12, 7).Value = Call_Total
So what I need is to take the 3 cells for each sales member, and move them into the right place in their relative sheets, which are separated by name. I also need it to move into the next cell to the right if the destination cell is full, so I'm thinking I need to start the pasting process as Jan 1st and keep moving to the right until it finds blank cells. Is there a way this can be done either in a button or automatically?
I have the first sheet used as the data import sheet, where we just import the data into csv, and because its standard formatting, every day it will give it all in the right formatting.
Code I have so far. It doesn't error, but doesn't do anything:
Sub Move_Data()
Dim Dean As Worksheet
Dim Chris As Worksheet
Dim Paul As Worksheet
Dim Nigel As Worksheet
Dim Calc As Worksheet
Dim Lastrow As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim i As Long
Set Dean = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DEAN 822")
Set Chris = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("CHRIS 829")
Set Paul = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PAULP 830")
Set Nigel = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("NIGEL 833")
Set RUSSELL = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("RUSSELL 835")
Set Calc = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Calculation Sheet")
Lastrow = Range("C" & Dean.Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column
J = 2
For i = 0 To Lastrow
Set Rng = Dean.Range("C5").Offset(i, 0)
If Not (IsNull(Rng) Or IsEmpty(Rng)) Then
Calc.Cells(2, 4).Copy
Dean.Range("c" & J).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
J = J + 1
End If
Next i
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Instead of
Lastrow = Range("C" & Dean.Columns.Count).End(xlToRight).Column
I think you want
Lastrow = Range("C" & Dean.Columns.Count).End(xlUp).Row
"I also need ... in a button or automatically?"
LastCol = WshtName.Cells(CrntRow, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
will set LastCol to the last used column in row CrntRow.
J = 2
For i = 0 To Lastrow
Set Rng = Dean.Range("C5").Offset(i, 0)
If Not (IsNull(Rng) Or IsEmpty(Rng)) Then
Calc.Cells(2, 4).Copy
Dean.Range("c" & J).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
J = J + 1
End If
Next i
Application.CutCopyMode = False
I am not sure what this code is attempting.
It sets Rng to C5, C6, C7, C8, ... to Cn where n is Lastrow+5. If C5, for example, if empty it copies C2 to `Calc.Cells(2, 4).
Did you mean to copy column C from worksheet Dean to column B of worksheet Calc?
If the removal of empty cells is not important then this will be faster and clearer:
Set Rng = Dean.Range(.Cells(5 ,"C"), .Cells(Lastrow ,"C"))
Rng.Copy Destination:=Calc.Cells(2, 4)
New information in response to comment
I cannot visualise either your source data or your destination data from your description so cannot give any specific advice.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. I believe this is a good place to find previously posted information and a good place to post new questions but you must follow the site rules.
Right of centre in the top bar is the Help button. Click this and read how to use this site. Learn how to post a question that will be classified as a good question and will be answered quickly and helpfully.
I believe the biggest three problems with your question are:
You ask too much. You can ask as many good questions as you wish but there should only be one issue per question.
You ask for information that is already available.
You are too vague about your requirement to permit anyone to help. You say you want to move three values per staff member. But you do not show how either the worksheet “Calculation Sheet” or the staff member worksheets are arranged. You cannot post images until you have a higher reputation but you can use the code facility to create “drawings” of the worksheets.
To avoid asking too much, you must break your requirement into small steps. The following is my attempt to identify the necessary small steps based on my guess of what you seek.
The CSV files containing staff detail arrive as attachments to a daily email. Are you manually saving those attachment? An Outlook VBA macro to save an attachment would not be difficult to write. I suggest you leave this for later but if you search Stack Overflow for “[outlook-vba] Save attachment” you will find relevant code.
The above shows how I search Stack Overflow. I start with the tag for the language and follow it with some key words or a key phrase. Sometimes it takes me a few goes to get the right search term but I rarely fail to find something interesting
How are you importing the CSV to Excel? Are you doing this manually? There are many possible VBA approaches. Try searching for “[excel-vba] xxxx” where xxxx describes your preferred approach.
I assume the structure of the CSV file is pretty simple and there is no difficulty in find information in the individual rows. You appear to know the easiest technique for finding the last row so you should have no difficulty in creating a loop that works down the rows.
How do you relate the staff member’s name in the CSV file with the name of their worksheet? In your question you have worksheet names such as "DEAN 822", "CHRIS 829" and "PAULP 830". Are these the names used in the CSV file? What happens when a new staff member joins? I doubt this happens very often but you do not want to be amending your macro when it does happen.
I do not understand your requirement for the new data to be added to the right of any existing data. There will be three values per day so with around 200 working days per year that gives 600 columns. To me that sees an awkward arrangement. I would have thought one row per day would have been more convenient.
How will you run the macro? You mention a button or automatically. I do not like buttons since I find the tool bars cluttered enough already. I prefer to use shortcut keys such as Ctrl+q. I rarely have more than one macro per workbook of this type so that works well for me. By automatically, I assume you mean the macro will run automatically when the workbook is open. I would start with the shortcut key but when you are ready look up “Events” and “Event routines”. You will find an explanation of how you can have a macro start automatically when the workbook opens.
I hope the above is of some help.

How do I count the number of non-zeros in excel?

I am trying to make a macro that will go through a whole workbook and count the number of days a employee worked. The sheets have the work broken out in days so all T have to find is the days that are not zero. I have tried to use COUNTIF(A11:A12,">0") and I get the error Expected : list separator or ). I am using a For Each loop to work through the sheets. I would like to put all the information on a new sheet at the end of the workbook with the name of the employee and the days worked. I am very new to visual basic but am quite good with c#.
I now have gotten this far
Option Explicit
Sub WorksheetLoop2()
' Declare Current as a worksheet object variable.
Dim Current As Worksheet
Dim LastColumn As Integer
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
' Search for any entry, by searching backwards by Columns.
LastColumn = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1], _
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
End If
' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.
For Each Current In Worksheets
Current.Range("A27") = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Current.Range(Cells(11, LastColumn), Cells(16, LastColumn)), ">0")
Current.Range("A28") = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Current.Range("Al17:Al22"), ">0")
End Sub
When I run this I get an error saying method range of object'_worksheet' failed. I also haven't been able to find a way to get the information all on the summary sheet.
VBA Solution, in light of your last comment above.
Good VBA programming practice entails always using Option Explicit with your code, that way you know when you don't have variables declared correctly, or, sometimes, if code is bad! In this case you would have picked up that just writing A27 does not mean you are returning the value to cell A27, but rather just setting the value you get to variable A27. Or maybe you wouldn't know that exactly, but you would find out where your problem is real quick!
This code should fix it for you:
Option Explicit
Sub WorksheetLoop2()
'Declare Current as a worksheet object variable.
Dim Current As Worksheet
' Loop through all of the worksheets in the active workbook.
For Each Current In Worksheets
Current.Range("A27") = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Current.Range("A11:A12"), ">0")
End Sub
In case it helps, Non-VBA solution:
Assuming you have a Summary sheet and each employee on a separate sheet, with days in column A and hours worked in column B, enter formula in formula bar in B1 of Summary and run down the list of names in column A.

Find Worksheet Name and Row Number for an Excel Workbook

I am working with a workbook that contains three worksheets of data. Each worksheet has a Contract Number column. Certain contracts must be excluded and noted in a separate worksheet.
I would like to create Excel VBA macro that:
Prompts the user to enter specific contract numbers to be excluded
Stores contract numbers
Searches all three worksheets' contract column for the contract numbers
Notes the unwanted contract details in a "summary" worksheet, which has already been created
Deletes the unwanted contract row entirely
The macro should loop through this process below for 'n' number of contracts entered by the user.
Public contString As String
Public x As Variant
Public xCount As Variant
Sub find()
contString = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter contract numbers to exclude(Comma Delimited). Cancel to include all contracts.", _
Title:="Exclude Contracts", Default:="1715478")
x = Split(contString, ",")
xCount = UBound(x) 'Number of contracts entered by user
End Sub
Sub SearchWS1()
Columns("I:I").Select 'Contract Number Column
Selection.find(What:=x(i), After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
BKWS = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name
BKRow = ActiveCell.Row
If BKRow > 0 Then
Cname = Range("G" & BKRow)
Cnumber = Range("I" & BKRow)
Cvalue = Range("K" & BKRow)
'Summarize Excluded Contract Info on Summary WS
Range("Summary!B25").Value = "Exclusions:"
Range("Summary!B26").Value = Cnumber
Range("Summary!C26").Value = Cname
Range("Summary!D26").Value = Cvalue
'Select and Delete Contract
Call SearchWS2 'SearchWS2 is essentially the same as SearchWS1 and Calls SearchWS3 if contract isn't found.
End If
End Sub
If the contract number doesn't exist in the first WS, I get an error like 'Object variable or With block not set'. Once I can fix this error, I will need to run this process through a loop for each contract number entered by the user. Any help with debugging the error or setting up a loop for this would be greatly appreciated.
Use the InputBox for inputting contract numbers (let's say, comma delimited). Split the result using Split function.
Store contract numbers on a separate worksheet that you hide (wks.visible=xlVeryHidden, where wks is a worksheet object).
Find values using a multidimensional array to store the values.
Print 2D array to found worksheet using rFound=saArray (where rFound is a range object and saArray is the 2D array.
Make heavy use of recording macros to learn syntax.
See this example on fast ways to retrieve and print to cells.
Sorry, this is pretty sloppy but I just threw it together and, obviously, it hasn't been tested. Hope this helps. Sorry, I also shouldn't be having you use advanced techniques like this, but it's hard for me to go back.
dim j as integer, k as integer, m as long, iContractColumn as integer
Dim x() as string, saResults() as string
dim vData as variant
dim wks(0 to 2) as worksheet
set wks(0) = Worksheets("First")
set wks(1) = Worksheets("Second")
set wks(2) = Worksheets("Third")
redim saresults(1 to 100, 1 to 2)
'Loop thru worksheets
for j=0 to 2
'Get data from worksheet
vdata=wks(j).range(wks(j) _
'Loop through data
for k=1 to ubound(vdata)
'Loop through user criteria
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
'Compare user criteria to data
if x(i)=cstr(vdata(k,1)) then
'Capture the row and worksheet name
'If array is too small increase size
if m>ubound(saresults) then
redim preserve saresults(1 to ubound(saresults)*2, 1 to 2)
end if
'Get name and row.
saresults(m, 2)=k
exit for
end if
next i
next k
next j
'Resize array to correct size
redim preserve saresults(1 to m, 1 to 2)
'Print results to a result page (you could also create hyperlinks here
'that would make it so the person can click and go to the respective page.
'You would have to do a loop for each result on the range.
with worksheets("Result Page")
end with
I have little to add Jon49's answer which does seem to cover the basics. But I wish I had discovered Forms earlier in my VBA programming career. They can be a little confusing at first but, once mastered, they add enormously to the usability of a macro for very little effort.
Forms can be used to get values from the user (instead of InputBox) or can be used to give progress information to the user. I will only talk about the second usage. Your macro might take some time; has the user time to get a cup of coffee or will it finish in 5 seconds? I HATE programs that sit there saying "please wait - this may take from a few minutes to a few hours".
The following code loads a form into memory, shows it to the user and removes it from memory at the end. If you do not unload the form, it remains on the screen after the macro has ended which may be useful if you want to leave a message for the user. This form is show "modeless" which means the macro displays it and carries on. If shown "modal", the macro stops until the user has entered whatever information the form requires.
Load frmProgress
Progress.Show vbModeless
' Main code of macro
Unload frmProgress
There are no end to the web sites offering tutorials on Forms so I will mainly describe the what rather than how.
Within the VB Editor, Insert a UserForm. Drags the bottom and right edges if you want it bigger. Use the Properties Window to change the Name to frmProgress.
Drag four labels from the Tool Box and arrange them in a line. Set the caption of label 1 to "Worksheet " and the caption of label 3 to "of". Name label 2 "lblWSNumCrnt" and name label 4 "lblWSNumTotal".
Add the following around "for j = 0 to 2"
frmProgress.lblWSNumTotal.Caption = 3
for j = 0 to 2
frmProgress.lblWSNumCrnt.Caption = j + 1
This means the user will see the following with n stepping from 1 to 3 as the macro progesses:
Worksheet n of 3
Add another four labels for row number, and the following code around the k loop:
frmProgress.lblRowNumTotal.Caption = ubound(vdata, 1)
for k = 1 to ubound(vdata, 1)
frmProgress.lblRowNumCrnt.Caption = k
Now the user will see something like:
Worksheet 2 of 3
Row 1456 or 2450
The above technique is simple and does not involve any change to Jon49's code. The following technique, borrowed from Wrox's excellent Excel VBA Programmer's Reference, is a little more complicated but gives your macro a more professional appearance.
Create a label that runs across the entire form. Name it "lblToDo" and colour it white. Create another label of the same size over the top. Name it "lblDone" and colour it black.
Create a copy of the code to count the rows in each sheet at the top so you can calculate the total number of rows, "TotalRowsTotal", before you do anything else.
Create a new variable "TotalRowsCrnt", initialise it to zero and add one to it for every row in every worksheet.
Within the inner loop, add:
frmProgress.lblToDo.Width = _
frmProgress.lblDone.Width * TotalRowsCrnt / TotalRowsTotal
For Excel 2003, which all the organisations I work with still use, this gives a progress bar with the black Done label steadily covering the white ToDo label. Later version of Excel may offer a progress bar control as standard.
I hope this gives you some ideas for making your macros more attractive to your users.