Clicking other cell's child element in Selenium WebDriver Java - selenium

What is the code to be used to click the "a" element by looking first for the "td" that contains certain texts?
<td><a class="link">link</a></td>
<td><a class="link">link</a></td>
I used this code but it doesn't work.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[contains(text(), '1st')]/following-sibling::a[#class='link']")).click();

Try this xPath //td[contains(text(), '1st')]/../td/a[#class='link'].
Your mistake comes from the axis "following-sibling". The tag a is not a sibling of the td tag. I use .. to go up, then select td again and then a.
I tested the xPath using It works. Beware that every browser comes with their own xPath implementation, therefore it could behave a bit differently.
However, as there is nothing exotic in the xPath expression, I don't expect any problem.


Trouble generating the right Xpath

My requirement is when I click on Facebook it should open the Facebook homepage. The xpath which I generated is //*[#class='sub2']/tbody/tr[2]/td/a
but still it is giving me NoSuchElementException. Please help me out in generating the correct xPath.
<table width="100%" class="sub2" style="float: none" border='8'
cellspacing="8" cellpadding="8">
<center>Sample Program</center>
<a href="">
<center> Facebook </center>
<tr> </tr>
You can use XPath's normalize-space() as in //a[normalize-space()="Facebook"]
You can fetch the element by using the xpath:
To locate the element with text as Facebook you can use either of the following Locator Strategies:
Using CssSelector:
"table td>a[href*='facebook']>center"
Using Xpath:
You can find a couple of detailed discussions on NoSuchElementException in:
Selenium “selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException” when using Chrome
NoSuchElementException, Selenium unable to locate element
It seems that you have messed up absolute xpath with relative xpath. if you start by using // it means you are using relative xpath. // means it can search the element anywhere at the webpage. Since you are trying to find a tag with the text 'Facebook' you can try //a[contains(text(),"Facebook")] which means select an anchor tag within the whole DOM which contains the text "Facebook".
Or you can try //*[contains(text(),"Facebook")] if you are quite sure there are no other elements containing the text 'Facebook', since the above xpath means "select all elemnts in the DOM where it contains the text 'Facebook' ".

Selenium XPath - Ignore element amongst table

I have an issue with selecting a table to be read in Selenium.
I have a table in which there is two 'tr' elements inside the 'thead', and I need to find a way to ignore the first of these.
Here is the code:
<table class="noselect">
<th> </th>
<th class="number IOL">Interest Rates</th>
<th class="number IO">
<th class="number">Value</th>
<th class="number">Percentage</th>
<tr class="">
<tr class="">
<tr class="">
Using Selenium I will ask it to record the value of a certain row and column . This will then look at the Table element I will give it (hopefully using an XPath I can get working in this case), look at the thead and record the headers of each column. In this case that I am struggling with, the fact there is an extra 'tr' at the top of this table gets in the way of this process.
This is how the element is currently used:
[TableAlias("Detailed table")]
protected virtual IWebElement DetailedTable()
return Driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//table[#class='noselect']"));
I have tried many different ways which I can't get to work, but the gist of what I've been going for is:
//table[#class='noselect movements']/thead/tr/th[not(text()='Interest Rates')]/../../..
Here I'm stuck on going to the 'tr' element, telling it not to use it then backing out, but that selects it back again - and even that doesn't unselect the whole 'tr' element. It doesn't seem to help (to me) that the 'tr' element I'm trying to remove is blank with no class or defining features.
Is there a way of selecting the entire table except for the first 'tr' element in 'thead' as one element?
combine two xpathes. The 1st xpath take thead without the 1st tr and the 2nd tbody
//table/thead/tr[not(position()=1)] | //table/tbody
In your function that processes the THEAD tag, get the collection of TRs and start with [1] (skipping [0]) and process the rest.

storeAttribute or storeElementPresent?

I am hoping I can get some help, I need to know how to accomplish something but not sure how as I am new to selenium commands.
I tried the following:
${myResult} == false
This does not give me what I want as I always have the div in my page, even if the style = display : none.
What I need is to get the display property of the style of the div and check that value to see if none to then jump to the lblWhereToGoIfStyleDisplayIsNotVisible label
I was thinking I need to use storeAttribute or storeElementPresent but not sure how to implement properly to get result needed.
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
I finally got my script working on my own as I was getting no quick responses, I tried many other type of searches about the gotoIf, css attributes, etc... and found one link at
which helped alot...
here is the final code if someone is interested in knowing how to get a div, display property value, store it, compare it to == NONE (if div is hidden) and go to the next label (test location in the script) in order to continue testing (setting dropdown values)....
this allows me to set values only if the div exists and is visible meaning the dropdown will have selections
This allowed me also to define 1 script for multiple possible test cases, just by changing the url based on the test I want to have.
<td>storedVars['myResult'] == "none"</td>

How to get xpath from "Page Should Contain" in a web page using RobotFramework and Selenium

I'm writing test cases for a webpage that has a table as the main focus of the page. I'm checking that the page contains a new entry via the Page Should Contain fucntion, I then want to find the xpath for this element. I am doing this because each entry is added to the end of the table so I cannot set a static xpath for it because I don't know how many entries will be added between each run of this particular test.
Thanks in advance.
<table class="fw-table">
<tr class="affix-header">
<th class="columnwidth-description">Email</th>
<th>Signed up</th>
<th>Number of invalid attempts</th>
search for: xpath=//body/div[2]/div/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/table/tbody/tr[1]/td[1]
If you need to verify that last table row contains certain text you can use the Page Should Contain Element keyword and provide an xpath locator which will find the last table row containing your text:
Page Should Contain Element xpath=//table[#class="fw-table"]//tr[last()]//td[contains(text(),'bottomline')]

XPath Text Search/Sibling Selection

This question might be a little specific but the test program im writing uses XPath to find the data i need in HTML. This piece of HTML(found here) is what im trying to parse.
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="textSm" align="right">1. </td> <!-- Location of the number is here -->
<td align="left" nowrap>
P Sandoval <!-- Player location is here of the number is here -->
My goal is to find the name of the person by using the number that corresponds to him to find him. This requires me to find a node by the specific text contained in "td class="textSm" align="right">1. </td>" and then find the sibling of that node "<td align="left" nowrap>" then find the child of that sibling "P Sandoval" to get the desired result. I was wondering what kind of query I could use to find this. Any help is very much appreciated.
table/tr/td[starts-with(., '1.')]/following-sibling::td/a
This assumes that the context (current node) against which the XPath expression above is evaluated, is the parent of table.
//tr[td = "1"]/td[2]/a
For all TRs which have a TD equal to '1', give from the second child TD the A element.