Yodlee Rest APIs and all possible responses - yodlee

I am looking for a more detailed list of possible API responses when using Yodlee's REST API. Think of it as an XSD response but for a JSON string. I want to know if there are possible data elements that are not listed Yodlee's JSON response examples.
The only info I can really find so far is here.
When I review these examples, it appears that the example JSON responses do not fully describe every field.
Here is part of the getItemSummaryForItem1 JSON example for maturityDate element
It looks like there is an array, but the possible data elements for that maturityDate array are undeclared. Then later on maturityDate is shown to be:
And then in another example from getUserTransactionCategories
"categoryName":"Retirement Income",
"localizedCategoryName":"Retirement Income",
Based on that I would think all possible data elements are there.
But then there is another one which introduces the childCategory data element
"categoryName":"Automotive Expenses",
"localizedCategoryName":"Automotive Expenses",
"categoryDescription":"Subcategory desc1",

Yodlee team is working on to get this details documented, this is a time taking process and will be soon available over their portal. Meanwhile, is there any specific field or API response for which you are looking to get all the child elements which will help you out without blocking your integration?


How can I get and use the properties I need from this GraphQL API using Dart?

Before you start reading: I have looked at the GraphQL documentation, but my usecase is so specific and I only need the data once, and therefore I allow myself to ask the community for help on this one to save some time and frustration (not planning to learn GraphQL in the future)
I am a CS student developing an app for Flutter on the side, where I need information about the name and location of every bus stop in a specific county in Norway. Luckily, there's an open GraphQL API for this (API URL: https://api.entur.io/stop-places/v1/graphql). The thing is, I don't know how to query a GraphQL API, and I do not want to spend time learning it as I am only going to fetch the data once and be done with it.
Here's the IDE for the API: https://api.entur.io/stop-places/v1/ide
And this is the exact query I want to perform as I want to fetch bus stops located in the county of Trondheim:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, countyReference: "Trondheim") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
The problem with this query though, is that I don't get any data when passing "Trondheim" to the countyReference (without countyReference I get the data, but not for Trondheim). I've tried using the official municipal number for the county as well without any luck, and the documentation of the API is rather poor... Maybe this is something I'll have to contact the people responsible for the API to figure out, which shouldn't be a problem.
But now back to the real problem - how can I make this query using the GraphQL package for Dart? Here's the package I'm planning to use: (https://pub.dev/packages/graphql)
I want to create a bus stop object for each bus stop, and I want to put them all in a list. Here is my bus stop model:
class BusStop with ChangeNotifier {
final String id;
final String name;
final LatLng location;
When it comes to authentication, here's what the documentation says:
This API is open under NLOD licence, however, it is required that all consumers identify themselves by using the header ET-Client-Name. Entur will deploy strict rate-limiting policies on API-consumers who do not identify with a header and reserves the right to block unidentified consumers. The structure of ET-Client-Name should be: "company - application"
Header examples: "brakar - journeyplanner" "fosen_utvikling - departureboard" "norway_bussekspress - nwy-app"
Link to API documentation: https://developer.entur.org/pages-nsr-nsr
Would be great to know how I should go about this as well! I'm grateful for every answers to this, I know I am being lazy here as of learning GraphQL, but for my usecase I thought it would take less time and frustration by asking here!
Getting the query right
First of all you seem to have GraphQL quite figured out. There isn't really much more to it than what you are doing. What queries an API supports depends on the API. The problem you seem to have is more related to the specific API that you are using. I might have figured the right query out for you and if not I will quickly explain what I did and maybe you can improve the query yourself:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, municipalityReference: "KVE:TopographicPlace:5001") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
So to get to this I started finding out more about "Trondheim" bei using the topographicPlace query.
topographicPlace(query: "Trondheim") {
name {
parentTopographicPlace {
name {
If you do that you will see that "Trondheim" is not a county according to the API: "topographicPlaceType": "municipality". I have no idea what municipality is but the is a different filter for this type on the query that you provided. Then putting "Trondheim" there didn't yield any results so I tried the ID of Trondheim. This now gives me a bunch of results.
About the GraphQL client that you are using:
This seems to be an "Apollo Client" clone in Dart. Apollo Client is a heavy piece of software that comes with a lot of awesome features when used in a frontend application. You probably just want to make a single GraphQL request from a backend. I would recommend using a simple HTTP client to send a POST request to the GraphQL API and a JSON body (don't forget content type header) with the following properties: query containing the query string from above and variables a JSON object mapping variable names to values (only needed if you decide to add variables to your query.

Zapier lazy load input fields choices

I'm building a Zapier app for a platform that have dynamic fields. I have an API that returns the list of fields for one of my resource (for example) :
{ name: "First Name", key: "first_name", type: "String" },
{ name: "Civility", key: "civility", type: "Multiple" }
I build my action's inputFields based on this API :
create: {
operation: {
inputFields: [
The API returns type that are list of values (i.e : Civility), but to get these values I have to make another API call.
For now, what I have done is in my fetchFields function, each time I encounter a type: "Multiple", I do another API call to get the possible values and set it as choices in my input field. However this is expensive and the page on Zapier takes too much time to display the fields.
I tried to use the z.dehydrate feature provided by Zapier but it doesn't work for input choices.
I can't use a dynamic dropdown here as I can't pass the key of the field possible value I'm looking for. For example, to get back the possible values for Civility, I'll need to pass the civility key to my API.
What are the options in this case?
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
Thanks for writing in! I think what you're doing is possible, but I'm also not 100% that I understand what you're asking.
You can have multiple API calls in the function (which it sounds like you are). In the end, the function should return an array of Field objects (as descried here).
The key thing you might not be aware of is that subsequent steps have access to a partially-filled bundle.inputData, so you can have a first function that gets field options and allows a user to select something, then a second function that runs and pulls in fields based on that choice.
Otherwise, I think a function that does 2 api calls (one to fetch the field types and one to turn them into Zapier field objects) is the best bet.
If this didn't answer your question, feel free to email partners#zapier.com or join the slack org (linked at the bottom of the readme) and we'll try to solve it there.

Backendless returns no paging data

According to API documentation here https://backendless.com/documentation/data/rest/data_search_and_query.htm , backendless shall provide paging info in response body like this
"created":"02/05/2014 18:13:40 GMT+0000",
"created":"02/04/2014 19:40:10 GMT+0000",
However, when I send request to get data from table like this:
it returns only collection of objects (which should be in "data") and now paging info.
Adding page requests:
returns correct data, but still without paging info.
What I'm doing wrong? How can I access paging info?
The docs link you mention is for Backendless version which is being deprecated (there's a warning on the top of the page). Here is a link to the docs for the current version: https://backendless.com/docs/rest/doc.html#data_basic_search
Indeed, in version 4 we got rid of that additional information in the response to simplify the response object in non-REST clients. But still you can easily determine current params since you're specifying them in the request (or they're zeros in case you're not).

Instagram API error

I using Instagram API to get user info
api = InstagramAPI(access_token=access_token)
profile = api.user(user_id="kallaucyahoocojp") # I try to put output data to profile variable here
And I get the below error:
DownloadError: Unable to fetch URL: https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/kallaucyahoocojp.json?access_token=(u'1191812153.f78cd79.d2d99595c79d4c23a7994d85ea0d412c', {u'username': u'kallaucyahoocojp', u'bio': u'\u30c4\u30a4\u30c3\u30bf\u30d5\u30a9\u30ed\u30ef\u30fc\u5897\u52a0\u30b5\u30fc\u30d3\u30b9', u'website': u'http://twitter\u30d5\u30a9\u30ed\u30ef\u30fc.jp', u'profile_picture': u'http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/anonymousUser.jpg', u'full_name': u'Kallauc', u'id': u'1191812153'})
Can anybody help me to fix it?
You need to pass the numeric-based user id, rather than the username. For example, instead of passing kallaucyahoocojp, you might pass 1234 if t
Here's how to get the ID if you don't have it:
Search for the instagram user id using this endpoint. In the python api:
api.user_search(q="kallaucyahoocojp", count=100)
Check the results for an exact string match on each user name while iterating through the results (calling .lower() to be sure to ignore potential case issues).
If you don't find the user in the first page of results, call to the next page using the max id returned.
Get the user id object from the returned from the matching users search result, then call your original function again with the numeric id.
A couple of very important notes:
Notice that I called the search function for users with a count of 100. You can pick any number, but contrary to other SO posts, the first user is not always the user you want in a search. The search can and will match partials, and not always according to an exact match first. How do I know? I have production instagram apps. I will qualify and say that usually the results are in the first 2-3 matches. Decide what is cheaper; repeated API calls that bring you closer to the limit, or 1 large bulk call where you are certain to get all the results.
The python Instagram API last I checked does a terrible job returning paging information. You actually get the paging URL which defeats the purpose of the python API itself to get additional pages. Your options are extract the next id parameter from the URL using urlparse or something similar, or fix the API to return the paging data as an object per the json (I've done both). What happens is the API itself is discarding part of the json and only giving you the URL which normally you don't want/need.
In your example, here's the search response:
"meta": {
"code": 200
"data": [
"username": "kallaucyahoocojp",
"bio": "ツイッタフォロワー増加サービス",
"website": "http://twitterフォロワー.jp",
"profile_picture": "http://images.ak.instagram.com/profiles/anonymousUser.jpg",
"full_name": "Kallauc",
"id": "1191812153"
Revising your call:
api = InstagramAPI(access_token=access_token)
profile = api.user(user_id="1191812153")
I should note that you may not need to call the user call if you did a search because you may simply have all the info you need. It will depend on what you are doing of course, so I am giving you the general method to use the rest of the user api.
For extracting profile info using Instagram API, userid is required.
The endpoint for extracting userID:
The endpoint for extracting profile info:
Note that before extracting information, check the login permissions for your access token.

RESTful API - Correct behaviour when spurious/not requested parameters are passed in the request

We are developing a RESTful api that accepts query parameters in the request in the form of JSON encoded data.
We were wondering what is the correct behaviour when non requested/not expected parameters are passed along with the required ones.
For example, we may require that a PUT request on a given endpoint have to provide exactly two values respectively for the keys name and surname:
"name": "Jeff",
"surname": "Atwood"
What if a spurious key is passed too, like color in the example below?
"name": "Jeff",
"surname": "Atwood",
"color": "red"
The value for color is not expected, neither documented.
Should we ignore it or reject the request with a BAD_REQUEST 400 status error?
We can assert that the request is bad because it doesn't conform to the documentation. And probably the API user should be warned about it (She passed the value, she'll expects something for that.)
But we can assert too that the request can be accepted because, as the required parameters are all provided, it can be fulfilled.
Having used RESTful APIs from numerous vendors over the years, let me give you a "users" perspective.
A lot of times documentation is simply bad or out of date. Maybe a parameter name changed, maybe you enforce exact casing on the property names, maybe you have used the wrong font in your documentation and have an I which looks exactly like an l - yes, those are different letters.
Do not ignore it. Instead, send an error message back stating the property name with an easy to understand message. For example "Unknown property name: color".
This one little thing will go a long ways towards limiting support requests around consumption of your API.
If you simply ignore the parameters then a dev might think that valid values are being passed in while cussing your API because obviously the API is not working right.
If you throw a generic error message then you'll have dev's pulling their hair out trying to figure out what's going on and flooding your forum, this site or your phone will calls asking why your servers don't work. (I recently went through this problem with a vendor that just didn't understand that a 404 message was not a valid response to an incorrect parameter and that the documentation should reflect the actual parameter names used...)
Now, by the same token I would expect you to also give a good error message when a required parameter is missing. For example "Required property: Name is missing".
Essentially you want to be as helpful as possible so the consumers of your API can be as self sufficient as possible. As you can tell I wholeheartedly disagree with a "gracious" vs "stern" breakdown. The more "gracious" you are, the more likely the consumers of your API are going to run into issues where they think they are doing the right thing but are getting unexpected behaviors out of your API. You can't think of all possible ways people are going to screw up so enforcing a strict adherence with relevant error messages will help out tremendously.
If you do an API design you can follow two path: "stern" or "gracious".
Stern means: If you do anything I didn't expect I will be mad at you.
Gracious means: If I know what you want and can fulfil it I will do it.
REST allows for a wonderful gracious API design and I would try to follow this path as long as possible and expect the same of my clients. If my API evolves I might have to add additional parameters in my responses that are only relevant for specific clients. If my clients are gracious to me they will be able to handle this.
Having said that I want to add that there is a place for stern API design. If you are designing in an sensitive domain (e.g. cash transactions) and you don't want to leave room for any misunderstanding between the client and server. Imagine the following POST request (valid for your /account/{no}/transaction/ API):
{ amount: "-100", currency : "USD" }
What would you do with the following (invalid API request)?
{ amount: "100", currency : "USD", type : "withdrawal" }
If you just ignore the "type" attribute, you will deposit 100 USD instead of withdrawing them. In such a domain I would follow a stern approach and show no grace whatsoever.
Be gracious if you can, be stern if you must.
I totally agree with #Chris Lively's answer that the user should be informed. I disagree that it should always be an error case even the message is non-ambiguous for the referenced resource. Doing it otherwise will hinder reuse of resource representations and require repackaging of semantically identical information.
It depends on your documentation.. how strict you want to be .. But commonly speaking, Just ignore it. Most other servers also ignore request parameters it didn't understand.
Example taken from my previous post
Extra Query parameters in the REST API Url
"""Google ignore my two extra parameters here https://www.google.com/#q=search+for+something&invalid=param&more=stuff"""
Imagine I have the following JSON schema:
"frequency": "YEARLY",
"date": 23,
"month": "MAY",
The frequency attribute accepts "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" and "YEARLY" value.
The expected payload for "WEEKLY" frequency value is:
"frequency": "WEEKLY",
"day": "MONDAY",
And the expected payload for "MONTHLY" frequency value is:
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"date": 23,
Give the above JSON schema, typically I will have need a POJO containing frequency, day, date, and month fields for deserialization.
If the received payload is:
"frequency": "MONTHLY",
"day": "MONDAY",
"date": 23,
"year": 2018
I will throw an error on "day" attribute because I will never know the intention of the sender:
frequency: "WEEKLY" and day: "MONDAY" (incorrect frequency value entered), or
frequency: "MONTHLY" and date: 23
For the "year" attribute, I don't really have choice.
Even if I wish to throw an error for that attribute, I may not be able to.
It's ignored by the JSON serialization/deserialization library as my POJO has no such attribute. And this is the behavior of GSON and it makes sense given the design decision.
Navigating the Json tree or the target Type Tree while deserializing
When you are deserializing a Json string into an object of desired type, you can either navigate the tree of the input, or the type tree of the desired type. Gson uses the latter approach of navigating the type of the target object. This keeps you in tight control of instantiating only the type of objects that you are expecting (essentially validating the input against the expected "schema"). By doing this, you also ignore any extra fields that the Json input has but were not expected.
As part of Gson, we wrote a general purpose ObjectNavigator that can take any object and navigate through its fields calling a visitor of your choice.
Extracted from GSON Design Document
Just ignore them.
Do not give the user any chance to reverse engineer your RESTful API through your error messages.
Give the developers the neatest, clearest, most comprehensive documentation and parse only parameters your API need and support.
I will suggest that you ignore the extra parameters. Reusing API is a game changer in the integration world. What if the same API can be used by other integration but with slightly extra parameters?
Application A expecting:
"name": "Jeff",
"surname": "Atwood"
Application B expecting:
"name": "Jeff",
"surname": "Atwood",
"color": "red"
Simple get application application A to ignore "color" will do the job rather to have 2 different API to handle that.