REST standards for posting data - api

I am using Ember.
The model being posted by ember is
"user": {
"firstName": "Vivek",
"lastName": "Muthal"
Ember had wrapped the data into "user" object.
But the service I have written accepts only {"firstName":"string","lastName":"string"}.
So my question is does REST standards specifies to send / receive data in wrapped Object only?
Any references please so I can change the service accordingly.
Or else I will modify the ember to use my current service as it is. Thanks.

I suppose that the resource is User, so the JSON should represent a User. Lets say you have this URI schema.
GET /host/users/{userId}
PUT /host/users/{userId}
POST /host/users
When we do GET we expect a JSON that represents A User
"firstName": "Vivek",
"lastName": "Muthal"
There is no need to specify the resource name because we already mentioned that in our GET request, The same for POST, there is no need to mention the resource name in the request body because it is specified in the request URI.So no there, is no need for user key.

No. There is no predefined format for the data you send in the body of your HTTP requests. Well ok, the HTTP RFCs do put technical limits on the data you send, but the formatting is entirely up to you.
As such, you can format your data however you want. You just need to represent the resource. You do need to consider if the JSON for a user should clearly mark the object as a 'user' or not, I would consider it mostly redundant to do so.

REST defines an uniform interface constraint. This constraint states that you have to use standards solutions to create an uniform interface between the service and the clients. This way the clients will be decoupled by the implementation details of the service, because the standards we use are not maintained by the server...
To make it short you can use any standard MIME type, or define a vendor specific MIME type. I strongly suggest you to use an existing hypermedia format like JSON-LD+Hydra or HAL. I guess this kind of serialization is an ember specific thing.


Why does Stripe use the Post method for updating resources

According to the RFC Put is used to update an existing resource.
But, the Stripe API uses Post to update objects. Why is this?
For example, in the Stripe Node Library
update: stripeMethod({
method: 'POST',
path: '{id}',
the update method calls POST
I understand that there is no Patch method since the entire resource must be sent on every call, by why is the Put HTTP Verb not used in that case?
(Unlike this example from an SO question about the Facebook API, the resource is identifiable by a single ID that is passed in the URL) eg the URL is simply /v1/customers/:id
Interesting question! From your link:
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to an already
existing resource, the enclosed entity SHOULD be considered as a
modified version of the one residing on the origin server. [emphasis mine]
This means you must PUT the entire resource (changes and and non-changes alike). Very few APIs are designed that way.
From the spec for POST:
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. POST is designed
to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions:
Annotation of existing resources;
Many/most APIs have adopted POST as the way to update objects.
Some additional thoughts here:

GET OR POST when calling an endpoint that inserts/updates but only relies on a value from the url (REST)

When calling an endpoint that is technically creating or updating in the back-end but only requires a single ID to do so
For example:
The backend technically only needs the ID from the URL and can do what it needs to do.
I am trying to determine whether I should be making this a GET request or a POST request where the client is responsible for sending a body such as to an endpoint such as: api/v1/members/1/checkin
"id": 1
I understand this is all preference, but I would like to follow REST standards if possible here.
GET is a 'safe' HTTP requests should not alter the server state, or have side effects.
POST. is more appropriate. If you are passing { "id": 1 } as a body, then PUT can also make sense.

Can we pass parameters to HTTP DELETE api

I have an API that will delete a resource (DELETE /resources/{resourceId})
THE above API can only tell us to delete the resource. Now I want to extend the API for other use cases like taking a backup of that resource before deleting or delete other dependant resources of this resource etc.
I want to extend the delete API to this (DELETE /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true...)
Is the above-mentioned extension API good/recommended?
According to the HTTP Specification, any HTTP message can bear an optional body and/or header part, which means, that you can control in your back-end - what to do (e.g. see what your server receives and conventionally perform your operation), in case of any HTTP Method; however, if you're talking about RESTful API design, DELETE, or any other operation should refer to REST API endpoint resource, which is mapped to controller's DELETE method, and server should then perform the operation, based on the logic in your method.
DELETE /resources/{resourceId} HTTP/1.1
should be OK.
Is the above-mentioned extension API good/recommended?
Probably not.
HTTP is (among other things) an agreement about message semantics: a uniform agreement about what the messages mean.
The basic goal is that, since everybody has the same understanding about what messages mean, we can use a lot of general purpose components (browsers, reverse proxies, etc).
When we start trying to finesse the messages in non standard ways, we lose the benefits of the common interface.
As far as DELETE is concerned, your use case runs into a problem, which is that HTTP does not define a parameterized DELETE.
The usual place to put parameters in an HTTP message is within the message body. Unfortunately...
A payload within a DELETE request message has no defined semantics; sending a payload body on a DELETE request might cause some existing implementations to reject the request
In other words, you can't count on general purpose components doing the right thing here, because the request body is out of bounds.
On the other hand
DELETE /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true
This has the problem that general purpose components will not recognize that /resources/{resourceId}?backupBeforeDelete=true is the same resource as /resources/{resourceId}. The identifiers for the two are different, and messages sent to one are not understood to affect the other.
The right answer, for your use case, is to change your method token; the correct standard method for what you are trying to do here is POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding, 2009
You should use the "real" URI for the resource (the same one that is used in a GET request), and stick any parameters that you need into the payload.
POST /resources/{resourceId}
Assuming you are using POST for other "not worth standardizing" actions, there will need to be enough context in the request that the server can distinguish the different use cases. On the web, we would normally collect the parameters via an HTML form, the usual answer is to include a request token in the body
POST /resources/{resourceId}
On the other hand, if you think you are working on an action that is worth standardizing, then the right thing to do is set to defining a new method token with the semantics that you want, and pushing for adoption
MAGIC_NEW_DELETE /resources/{resourceId}
This is, after all, where PATCH comes from; Dusseault et al recognized that patch semantics could be useful for all resources, created a document that described the semantics that they wanted, and shepherded that document through the standardization process.

HAL+JSON hypermedia type not a media type for REST?

Can the HAL+JSON hypermedia type be used in a way that creates a RESTful service?
From what I have read, the client of a RESTful API should not need to treat different resources with special cases. The media type should instead be used to describe what resources are expected to look like.
The HAL spec gives this example:
GET /orders
"shippedToday": 20,
As a client of this sample HAL+JSON-serving API, I seem to need to know that an "order" has an attribute of shippedToday. That seems to go against the constraint that the client should not need to understand the representation's syntax.
This is not a critique of HAL. The question is to help my (and others') understanding of RESTful API design.
Can the HAL+JSON hypermedia type be used in a way that creates a RESTful service?
Yes, definitely.
The API should have a billboard URL, which in your case could be /.
This is the entry point from which humans and ideally even machines can start to discover your API.
According to the HAL specification a resources representation contains an optional property called "_links" which is described here:
It is an object whose property names are link relation types (as
defined by RFC5988) and values are either a Link Object or an array
of Link Objects.
So these links represent the hypermedia part of your API. The relations can be IANA-registered relations or you can use your own extension relations.
Relations should not be ambiguous. Their names should be unique. That's why it is recommended to use URIs from your own domain as names for your own relations. These URIs identify a resource that represents the relation and contains an API documentation, a human or machine readable documentation of your relation.
In your case this would be a relation that describes the state transition to the /orders resource. This should also include a description and explanation of the response and therefore document that e.g. the /orders resource represents a list of orders and has a property called "shippedToday" with a value of type number.
Here is an example response for a GET / HTTP/1.1 request:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
"_links": {
"self": { "href": "/" },
"": { "href": "/orders" },
Under there should be the API docs.

Implementing versioning a RESTful API with WCF or ASP.Net Web Api

Assume i've read a lot about versioning a restful api, and I decided to not version the the service through the uri, but using mediatypes (format and schema in the request accept header):
What would be the best way to implement a wcf service or a web api service to serve requests defining the requested resource in the uri, the format (eg. application/json) and the schema/version (eg player-v2) in the accept header?
WCF allows me to route based on the uri, but not based on headers. So I cannot route properly.
Web Api allows me to define custom mediatypeformatters, routing for the requested format, but not the schema (eg. return type PlayerV1 or PlayerV2).
I would like to implement a service(either with WCF or Web Api) which, for this request (Pseudo code): Accept format=application/json; schema=player-v1
returns a PlayerV1 entity, in json format
and for this request: Accept format=application/json; schema=player-v2
returns a PlayerV2 entity, in json format.
Any tips on how to implement this?
EDIT: To clarify why I want to use content negotiation to deal with versions, see here: REST API Design: Put the “Type” in “Content-Type”.
What you are bringing here does not look to me as versioning but it is is more of content negotiation. Accept header expresses wishes of the client on the format of the resource. Server should grant the wishes or return 406. So if we need more of a concept of Contract (although Web API unline RPC does not define one) then using resource is more solid.
The best practices for versioning have yet to be discussed fully but most REST enthusiast believe using the version in the URL is the way to go (e.g. http://server/api/1.0.3/...). This also makes more sense to me since in your approach using content negotiation server has to keep backward compatibility and I can only imagine the code at the server will get more and more complex. With using URL approach, you can make a clean break: old clients can happily use previous while new clients can enjoy the benefits of new API.
OK, now the question has changed to "Implementing content-negotiation in a RESTful AP".
Type 1: Controller-oblivious
Basically, if content negotiation involves only the format of the resource, implementing or using the right media type formatter is enough. For example, if content negotiation involves returning JSON or XML. In these cases, controller is oblivious to content negotiations.
Type 2: Controller-aware
Controller needs to be aware of the request negotiation. In this case, parameters from the request needs to be extracted from the request and passed in as parameter. For example, let's imagine this action on a controller:
public Player Get(string schemaVersion)
In this case, I would use classic MVC style value providers (See Brad Wilson's post on ValueProviders - this is on MVC but Web API's value provider looks similar):
public Player Get([ValueProvider(typeof(RequestHeadersSchemaValueProviderFactory))]string schemaVersion)