VB Setting a label control per character in a word - vb.net

I am working on a VB project. The step says: Set the label control for each character in the word.
The "word" is from a dataset. Any suggestions on how I can go about this? It is a hangman game project.

something like this:
Public Sub CreateLabelForEachChar(ByVal aWord As String)
Dim charArr() As Char = aWord.ToCharArray
Dim labelCount As Integer
For Each character In charArr
Dim aLabel As New Label
aLabel.Name = "label" & labelCount.ToString
aLabel.Text = character
aLabel.Location = New Point(x, y) 'figure out where you wan to put your label
labelCount += 1
End Sub


Is there a way to use the graphics class methods (Graphics.DrawString or Graphics.DrawLine) for a PrintDocumet outside of the PrintPage event?

I'm rewriting a VB6 application in VB.net. Instead of using the VB6 printer namespace, I'm trying make the code natively VB.net compatible.
The VB6 application has a bunch of printer.print statements as well as a bunch of printer.line statements. (I believe the lines use TWIPs.) Here is an example of some of the lines.
Printer.DrawWidth = 1.5
Printer.Line (200, 12940)-(11275, 12940)
Printer.Line (200, 13680)-(6660, 13680)
Printer.Line (6712, 13680)-(11275, 13680)
Printer.FillStyle = vbFSTransparent
Printer.DrawWidth = 1
Printer.DrawStyle = vbDashDot
Printer.Circle (5700, 6000), draw_scale * BC_Diam / 2
media.FontItalic = True
Printer.Print "some text"
media.FontItalic = False
Printer.Print "additional, non italic text"
The only way I've been able to find how to do any of this in VB.net is by using the PrintDocument's PrintPage event. A problem with doing it this way is you have to pass all of the text to this subroutine all at once and deal with a "printArea" for word wrap. Another problem is it makes it very difficult to switch between italic and non italic text. In the same way for text, I think I would have to pass in all of the line/circle coordinates as well, then draw them from the event subroutine.
Private Sub document_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles document.PrintPage
Dim printFont As Font = New Font("Courier New", 8.5, FontStyle.Regular)
' Set print area size and margins
With document.DefaultPageSettings
Dim leftMargin As Integer = .Margins.Left 'X
Dim topMargin As Integer = .Margins.Top 'Y
Dim printHeight As Integer = .PaperSize.Height - topMargin * 2
Dim printWidth As Integer = .PaperSize.Width - leftMargin * 2
End With
' Check if the user selected to print in Landscape mode
' if they did then we need to swap height/width parameters
If document.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape Then
Dim tmp As Integer
tmp = printHeight
printHeight = printWidth
printWidth = tmp
End If
Dim lines As Int32
Dim chars As Int32
'Now we need to determine the total number of lines
'we're going to be printing
Dim numLines As Int32 = CInt(printHeight / printFont.Height)
' Create a rectangle printing are for our document
Dim printArea As New RectangleF(leftMargin, topMargin, printWidth, printHeight)
' Set format of string.
Dim format As New StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.LineLimit)
e.Graphics.MeasureString(txtText.Text.Substring(curChar), printFont, New SizeF(printWidth, printHeight), format, chars, lines)
e.Graphics.DrawString(txtText.Text.Substring(curChar), printFont, Brushes.Black, printArea, format)
'Increase current char count
curChar += chars
'Detemine if there is more text to print, if
'there is the tell the printer there is more coming
Debug.Print("curChar < txtText.Text.Length:" & (curChar < txtText.Text.Length))
If curChar < txtText.Text.Length Then
e.HasMorePages = True
e.HasMorePages = False
curChar = 0
End If
End Sub
There has to be a better way to do this, right? How I can call Graphics.DrawLine, Graphics.DrawEllipse, Graphics.DrawString, etc. for the PrintDocument from outside of the PrintPage event in VB.net like you could in VB6?

Generate 1 Letter in all Labels

Good Morning
I am creating an application that has 100 Labels from Label1 to Label100. My Target here is that all of that Labels must generate random letters in the alphabet no matter if it is repeated as long as its different.
Here is my code I tried.
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim rand As New Random()
For i As Integer = 1 To 1
Dim idx As Integer = rand.Next(0, validchars.Length)
Dim randomChar As Char = validchars(idx)
Next i
Label1.Text = sb.ToString()
Label2.Text = sb.ToString()
Label3.Text = sb.ToString()
Label4.Text = sb.ToString()
Label5.Text = sb.ToString()
Label6.Text = sb.ToString()
Label7.Text = sb.ToString()
Label8.Text = sb.ToString()
'and so on until i reached Label100
But my output is this :(
Please ignore the other letters because i tried to code until Label50
How can i achieve it? and is there other way to shorten up calling each label?
TYSM for future help
Is this what you're going for (c#)? Basically, creating the Labels on the fly, and adding them to a FlowLayoutPanel for stacking and positioning.
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = alphabet[random.Next(0, alphabet.Length)].ToString();
Dim random As New Random()
For i As Integer = 0 To 99
Dim label As New Label()
label.Text = alphabet(random.[Next](0, alphabet.Length)).ToString()
Option 1, with your existing form:
I would have created the labels in the code and not in the designer, but if you already have them, you can do this:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var labels = this.Controls.OfType<Label>();
var rnd = new Random();
foreach (var label in labels)
label.Text = ((char)(rnd.Next(26) + 'A')).ToString();
Simply loop through all the form's labels (you may filter them if necessary) and assign each one a random letter. And that's all. No need to use StringBuilders or an array with the letters.
I also used Convertor to turn it into VB, I hope it works:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim labels = Me.Controls.OfType(Of Label)()
Dim rnd = New Random()
For Each label As var In labels
label.Text = CChar(rnd.[Next](26) + "A"C).ToString()
End Sub
Option 2, starting from scratch:
Finally, based on mariocatch's answer, which uses a FlowLayoutPanel, I suggest you do this:
Start with an empty form.
Add a Panel.
Set its Dock property to Bottom.
Add a Button inside.
Go to its Anchor property and deselect Top and Left (nothing selected).
Set the panel's height and center the button horizontally.
Add a FlowLayoutPanel in the middle of the form.
Set its Dock property to Fill.
And nothing else there. Then use this code:
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim rnd = New Random()
For i As Integer = 0 To 49
Dim label = New Label()
label.Width = 20
label.Text = CChar(rnd.[Next](26) + "A"C).ToString()
End Sub
After this I think you can adjust all the details without any issue.
Here is the VB.NET version of the code provided by #mariocatch. I like it.
Dim random As New Random()
For i As Integer = 0 To 99
Dim label As New Label()
label.Text = alphabet(random.Next(0, alphabet.Length)).ToString()
This is the Convertor used online for converting C# code to VB.NET code for reference.
Assuming labels up to 50 are the ones with the "F"s:
You've determined the value of sb once you left the loop. You're then taking that value and setting that to the text of each label, which is why it wouldn't work. You've also created a loop starting at 1 and ending at 1, which is a pretty pointless loop as it only runs once. If you modify the loop to generate 100 characters in the stringbuilder and then set the nth label to the nth character of the stringbuilder, this should work.

RichTextBox find and color text visual basic

Hi i have a code for finding words from richtextbox and change font color, the code is working but i f i go back and edit the previous text to something that i don't want to color, the color doesn't go away. here is my code
Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
Dim S As Integer = RichTextBox1.SelectionStart
Dim html() As String = {"<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html>", "</html>", "<head>", "</head>", "<body>", "</body>", "pre>", "</pre>", "<!DOCTYPE>", "<title>", "</title>", "<a>",
"<abbr>", "<address>", "<area>", "<article>", "<aside>", "<audio>", "<acronym>", "<applet>", "<b>", "<base>", "<bdi>", "<bdo>", "<blockquote>", "<body>", "<br>", "<button>", "<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<big>", "<blink>"}
For i As Integer = 0 To html.Length - 1
Dim str As String = html(i)
Dim start As Integer = S - str.Length - 1
If (start >= 0) Then
If (RichTextBox1.Text.Substring(start, str.Length).ToLower.Equals(str)) Then
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = start
RichTextBox1.SelectionLength = str.Length
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Green
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = S
RichTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0
End If
End If
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = RichTextBox1.ForeColor
End Sub
When i run the code provided by Воля Або Смерть the half of text is colored in different colors.
EDITED: if you want to extend the code to allow properties, the modification is very simple. Just check if the regualr expression match contains a space or not. If so, then look in the allowed array for the match without any regards to the properties, values, etc. Code modified, and image added.
I know you asked for solution to your approach, but I am advising another approach for what you want to accomplish.
You could easily overcome this problem if you used Regular Expression.
The idea is simple..
At the RichTextBox_TextChanged event, a regular expression match maker iterates through all text and looks for any HTML tag (one that begins with < and ends with >) regardless of the text in-between.
Then instead of looping through all valid HTML tags in your array, one simple line can easily tell if the array Contains the element or not.
Here is my (Tested & Working) Code..
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1
Private Sub RichTextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles RichTextBox1.TextChanged
Dim current_cursor_position As Integer = Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionStart
'This is useful to get a hold of where is the current cursor at
'this will be needed once all coloring is done, and we need to return
Dim html() As String = {"<!DOCTYPE html>", "<html>", "</html>", "<head>", "</head>",
"<body>", "</body>", "pre>", "</pre>", "<!DOCTYPE>", "<title>",
"</title>", "<a>", "<abbr>", "<address>", "<area>", "<article>",
"<aside>", "<audio>", "<acronym>", "<applet>", "<b>", "<base>",
"<bdi>", "<bdo>", "<blockquote>", "<body>", "<br>", "<button>",
"<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<big>", "<blink>", "<img>","</img>",
Dim pattern As String = "<(.)*?>"
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(Me.RichTextBox1.Text, pattern)
For Each match In matches
Me.RichTextBox1.Select(match.index, match.length)
Dim lookFor As String = match.ToString
If match.ToString.Contains(" ") Then 'Checking if tag contains properties
lookFor = match.ToString.Substring(0, match.ToString.IndexOf(" ")) & ">"
'This line will strip away any extra properties, values, and will
' close up the tag to be able to look for it in the allowed array
End If
If html.Contains(lookFor.ToString.ToLower) Then
'The tag is part of the allowed tags, and can be colored green.
Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Green
'This tag is not recognized, and shall be colored black..
Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black
End If
Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = current_cursor_position
'Returning cursor to its original position
Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0
'De-Selecting text (if it was selected)
Me.RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black
'new text will be colored black, until
'recognized as HTML tag.
End Sub
End Class
PS: you could also avoid expanding your html array of allowed elements, by simply using a regular expression to look for valid HTML tags (with flexibility of spaces between tags, properties and values, etc.
If you wish, I could elaborate on this.
You are actually pretty close. Take the RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = RichTextBox1.ForeColor line out of the loop and you're golden.
For Each elem As String In html
Dim start As Integer = S - elem.Length - 1
If (start >= 0) Then
If (RichTextBox1.Text.Substring(start, elem.Length).ToLower.Equals(elem)) Then
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = start
RichTextBox1.SelectionLength = elem.Length
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Green
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = S
RichTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0
End If
End If
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = RichTextBox1.ForeColor

Change color of all instances of a Word(s) in RichTextBox

Im trying to make it so, I can Specify a word or words in the code, and When I compile/debug I want the Program to search a richtextbox for all instances of those words and change there color.
Dim GRAB as String = New WebClient().DownloadString("example.com")
RichTextBox1.Text = GRAB
` Color Word Code Here
Ive looked up alot of things on google, but Everything I've tried will only highlight the FIRST word.
Sorry if my typing is bad, im typing with a broken arm..
Can someone help me with this, or write a quick snippet?
Try this :
Dim wordslist As New List(Of String)
Dim len As Integer = RichTextBox1.TextLength
For Each word As String In wordslist
Dim lastindex = RichTextBox1.Text.LastIndexOf(word)
Dim index As Integer = 0
While index < lastindex
RichTextBox1.Find(word, index, len, RichTextBoxFinds.None)
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
index = RichTextBox1.Text.IndexOf(word, index) + 1
End While
Modified and translated from C# from Here
You need to select the text which will have a colour change.
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red
Would render the ".com" in red
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Red
Would do the same
Suppose u want to make 'Dim' to Blue color as VS:-
Paste this:
If RichTextBox1.Text.EndsWith("Dim") Then
RichTextBox1.Select(RichTextBox1.TextLength - 3, 3)
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Blue
RichTextBox1.Select(RichTextBox1.TextLength, RichTextBox1.TextLength)
RichTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black
End If
Add this code to RichTextBox to Text_Changed.

how to highlight a text or word in a pdf file using iTextsharp?

I need to search a word in a existing pdf file and i want to highlight the text or word
and save the pdf file
I have an idea using PdfAnnotation.CreateMarkup we could find the position of the text and we can add bgcolor to it...but i dont know how to implement it :(
Please help me out
This is one of those "sounds easy but is actually really complicated" things. See Mark's posts here and here. Ultimately you'll probably be pointed to LocationTextExtractionStrategy. Good luck! If you actually find out how to do it post it here, there several people wondering exactly what you are wondering!
I've found how to do this, just in case someone needs to get words or sentences with locations (coordinates) from a PDF document you'll find this example Project
, I used VB.NET 2010 for this. Remember to add a reference to your iTextSharp DLL in this Project.
I added my own TextExtraction Strategy Class, based on Class LocationTextExtractionStrategy. I focused on TextChunks, because they already have these coordinates.
There are some known limitations like:
No multiple line searches (phrases), just char/s or word's or a one line sentence are allowed.
It Won't work with rotated text.
I didn't test on PDFs with landscape page orientation but i assume some modifications may be required for this.
In case you need to draw this HighLight/rectangles over a watermark you'll need to add/modify some code, but just code in the Form, this is not related to the text/locations extraction proccess.
#Jcis, I actually managed a workaround for handling multiple searches using your example as a starting point. I use your project as a reference in a c# project, and altered what it does. Instead of just highlighting I actually have it drawing a white rectangle around the search term, and then using the rectangle coordinates, place a form field. I also had to swap the contentbyte writing mode to getovercontent so that I block out the searched text entirely. What I actually did was to create a string array of search terms, and then using a for loop, I create as many different text fields as I need.
Test.Form1 formBuilder = new Test.Form1();
string[] fields = new string[] { "%AccountNumber%", "%MeterNumber%", "%EmailFieldHolder%", "%AddressFieldHolder%", "%EmptyFieldHolder%", "%CityStateZipFieldHolder%", "%emptyFieldHolder1%", "%emptyFieldHolder2%", "%emptyFieldHolder3%", "%emptyFieldHolder4%", "%emptyFieldHolder5%", "%emptyFieldHolder6%", "%emptyFieldHolder7%", "%emptyFieldHolder8%", "%SiteNameFieldHolder%", "%SiteNameFieldHolderWithExtraSpace%" };
//int a = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < fields.Length; )
string[] fieldNames = fields[a].Split('%');
string[] fieldName = Regex.Split(fieldNames[1], "Field");
formBuilder.PDFTextGetter(fields[a], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, htmlToPdf, finalhtmlToPdf, fieldName[0]);
System.Array.Clear(fieldNames, 0, 2);
System.Array.Clear(fieldName, 0, 1);
if (a == fields.Length)
string[] fieldNames1 = fields[a].Split('%');
string[] fieldName1 = Regex.Split(fieldNames1[1], "Field");
formBuilder.PDFTextGetter(fields[a], StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase, finalhtmlToPdf, htmlToPdf, fieldName1[0]);
System.Array.Clear(fieldNames1, 0, 2);
System.Array.Clear(fieldName1, 0, 1);
It bounces the PDFTextGetter function in your example back and forth between two files until I achieve the finished product. It works really well, and it would not have been possible without your initial project, so thank you for that. I also altered your VB to do the text field mapping like so;
For Each rect As iTextSharp.text.Rectangle In MatchesFound
cb.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom + 1, rect.Width, rect.Height + 4)
Dim field As New TextField(stamper.Writer, rect, FieldName & Fields)
Dim form = stamper.AcroFields
Dim fieldKeys = form.Fields.Keys
stamper.AddAnnotation(field.GetTextField(), page)
Fields += 1
Just figured I would share what I managed to do with your project as a backbone. It even increments the field names as I need them to. I also had to add a new parameter to your function, but that's not worth listing here. Thank you again for this great head start.
Thanks Jcis!
After a couple of hours of research and thinking, i found your solution, which helped me to solve my Problems.
there were 2 little bugs.
first: the stamper needs to be closed before the reader, otherwise it throws an exception.
Public Sub PDFTextGetter(ByVal pSearch As String, ByVal SC As StringComparison, ByVal SourceFile As String, ByVal DestinationFile As String)
Dim stamper As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfStamper = Nothing
Dim cb As iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfContentByte = Nothing
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor
If File.Exists(SourceFile) Then
Dim pReader As New PdfReader(SourceFile)
stamper = New iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfStamper(pReader, New System.IO.FileStream(DestinationFile, FileMode.Create))
PB.Value = 0 : PB.Maximum = pReader.NumberOfPages
For page As Integer = 1 To pReader.NumberOfPages
Dim strategy As myLocationTextExtractionStrategy = New myLocationTextExtractionStrategy
'cb = stamper.GetUnderContent(page)
cb = stamper.GetOverContent(page)
Dim state As New PdfGState()
state.FillOpacity = 0.3F
'Send some data contained in PdfContentByte, looks like the first is always cero for me and the second 100, but i'm not sure if this could change in some cases
strategy.UndercontentCharacterSpacing = cb.CharacterSpacing
strategy.UndercontentHorizontalScaling = cb.HorizontalScaling
'It's not really needed to get the text back, but we have to call this line ALWAYS,
'because it triggers the process that will get all chunks from PDF into our strategy Object
Dim currentText As String = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pReader, page, strategy)
'The real getter process starts in the following line
Dim MatchesFound As List(Of iTextSharp.text.Rectangle) = strategy.GetTextLocations(pSearch, SC)
'Set the fill color of the shapes, I don't use a border because it would make the rect bigger
'but maybe using a thin border could be a solution if you see the currect rect is not big enough to cover all the text it should cover
'MatchesFound contains all text with locations, so do whatever you want with it, this highlights them using PINK color:
For Each rect As iTextSharp.text.Rectangle In MatchesFound
' cb.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Width, rect.Height)
cb.Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Width, rect.Height)
PB.Value = PB.Value + 1
End If
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
End Sub
second: your solution dont work, when the searched text is in the last line of the extraced text.
Public Function GetTextLocations(ByVal pSearchString As String, ByVal pStrComp As System.StringComparison) As List(Of iTextSharp.text.Rectangle)
Dim FoundMatches As New List(Of iTextSharp.text.Rectangle)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
Dim ThisLineChunks As List(Of TextChunk) = New List(Of TextChunk)
Dim bStart As Boolean, bEnd As Boolean
Dim FirstChunk As TextChunk = Nothing, LastChunk As TextChunk = Nothing
Dim sTextInUsedChunks As String = vbNullString
' For Each chunk As TextChunk In locationalResult
For j As Integer = 0 To locationalResult.Count - 1
Dim chunk As TextChunk = locationalResult(j)
If chunk.text.Contains(pSearchString) Then
End If
If ThisLineChunks.Count > 0 AndAlso (Not chunk.SameLine(ThisLineChunks.Last) Or j = locationalResult.Count - 1) Then
If sb.ToString.IndexOf(pSearchString, pStrComp) > -1 Then
Dim sLine As String = sb.ToString
'Check how many times the Search String is present in this line:
Dim iCount As Integer = 0
Dim lPos As Integer
lPos = sLine.IndexOf(pSearchString, 0, pStrComp)
Do While lPos > -1
iCount += 1
If lPos + pSearchString.Length > sLine.Length Then Exit Do Else lPos = lPos + pSearchString.Length
lPos = sLine.IndexOf(pSearchString, lPos, pStrComp)
'Process each match found in this Text line:
Dim curPos As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To iCount
Dim sCurrentText As String, iFromChar As Integer, iToChar As Integer
iFromChar = sLine.IndexOf(pSearchString, curPos, pStrComp)
curPos = iFromChar
iToChar = iFromChar + pSearchString.Length - 1
sCurrentText = vbNullString
sTextInUsedChunks = vbNullString
FirstChunk = Nothing
LastChunk = Nothing
'Get first and last Chunks corresponding to this match found, from all Chunks in this line
For Each chk As TextChunk In ThisLineChunks
sCurrentText = sCurrentText & chk.text
'Check if we entered the part where we had found a matching String then get this Chunk (First Chunk)
If Not bStart AndAlso sCurrentText.Length - 1 >= iFromChar Then
FirstChunk = chk
bStart = True
End If
'Keep getting Text from Chunks while we are in the part where the matching String had been found
If bStart And Not bEnd Then
sTextInUsedChunks = sTextInUsedChunks & chk.text
End If
'If we get out the matching String part then get this Chunk (last Chunk)
If Not bEnd AndAlso sCurrentText.Length - 1 >= iToChar Then
LastChunk = chk
bEnd = True
End If
'If we already have first and last Chunks enclosing the Text where our String pSearchString has been found
'then it's time to get the rectangle, GetRectangleFromText Function below this Function, there we extract the pSearchString locations
If bStart And bEnd Then
FoundMatches.Add(GetRectangleFromText(FirstChunk, LastChunk, pSearchString, sTextInUsedChunks, iFromChar, iToChar, pStrComp))
curPos = curPos + pSearchString.Length
bStart = False : bEnd = False
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
Return FoundMatches
End Function