Select case statement- working with variables VB.NET -

Good day! I'm new to this control structure so what I'm trying to figure out are the ways to get values of input1 and input2 FROM EACH CASES( Case "String1" and Case "String2") and use it in Case "String3".
Dim input1 As String
Dim input2 As String
Select Case sampleVariable
Case "String1"
input1 = "Some value"
Case "String2"
input2 = "Some value"
Case "String3"
MsgBox(input1 & input 2)
End Select
Thank you.

Essentially, a select statements is like a shorthand for a significant amount of IF...THEN...ELSEIF...END If statements. All it really does is make the code easier to read if you have a significant amount of IF statements or conditions that need to be tested against a single instance. Mostly Select statemnts will be used to determine the outcome of some dialogue box, or other which predefined outcome was chosed by the user. if you were to write out your select statement, it would look like this:
If sampleVariable.Equals("String1") Then
input1 = "Some value"
ElseIf sampleVariable.Equals("String2") Then
input2 = "Some value"
ElseIf sampleVariable.Equals("String3") Then
MsgBox(input1 & input2)
End if
The reason you can't access the values that you are setting from the first two statements in the third case, is because the value assignment is hiding in an enclosed block. To see this more clearly, take a look at this:
Dim checkValue As Boolean
If checkValue Then
Dim hiddenVariable As String = "Hello World"
End If
Using the above example, my hiddenVarible is declared and instantiated within the If block. This would work out fine as long as checkValue were always true. However if checkValue were false then hiddenVariable would never declared and you would probably receive an exception about a NullReference exception. In fact, Visual Studio won't even compile that under default settings.
The same type of thing is happening to your code as well. while you have declared input1 and input2 in the beginning, you haven't instantiated them with any values. So if case #3 is the outcome of you select statement, then you are essentially calling out MsgBox(Nothing & Nothing). The settings of values from your first two case statements never happen because the case statement didn't evaluate to true.
Now looking at the code, I'm not sure why you're going through about it this way since you are assigning string literals to your variables. I'm going to put down a few alternative options for you to choose from.
Adding some checks to case #3 for Nothing values:
Dim input1 As String
Dim input2 As String
Select Case sampleVariable
Case "String1"
input1 = "Some value"
Case "String2"
input2 = "Some value"
Case "String3"
If IsNothing(input1) OrElse IsNothing(input2) Then
MsgBox("At least one of the input values has no value")
MsgBox(input1 & input2)
End If
End Select
Use the classic IF...THEN...END IF blocks:
Dim input1 As String = String.Empty
Dim input2 As String = String.Empty
If sampleVariable.Equals("String1") Then
input1 = "Some value"
ElseIf sampleVariable.Equals("String2") Then
input2 = "Some value"
ElseIf sampleVariable.Equals("String3") Then
MsgBox(input1 & input2)
End if
Assign the values upfront and forget the select statement because it really isn't doing anything:
Dim input1 As String = "Some value"
Dim input2 As String = "Some value"
If sampleVariable.Equals("String3") Then MsgBox(input1 & input2)
I hope this get you towards what ever answer you were looking for. H
owever if you were to give more background on what you are trying to do exactly and why you were trying to accomplish it this way, we may be able to help better.

I don't understand what you trying to do, but first what come in mind:
Dim input1 As String
Dim input2 As String
If sampleVariable.Equals("String1") = True Then
input1 = "Some value"
End if
If sampleVariable.Equals("String2") = True Then
input2 = "Some value"
End if
If sampleVariable.Equals("String3") = True Then
MsgBox(input1 & input2)
End if


VBA - Why IsNumeric is not evaluating correctly

I have following code in VBA to evaluate a variable lngPNumber to send the "correct" value to a WorksheetFunction.vLookup function:
Dim lngPNumber As Variant
lngPNumber = ActiveSheet.Cells(objInitialCell.Row, INT_ACCP_COL_PNUMBER).Value
If IsNumeric(lngPNumber) = False Or CDbl(lngPNumber) <> Round(CDbl(lngPNumber)) Then
lngPNumber = CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(objInitialCell.Row, INT_ACCP_COL_PNUMBER).Text)
End If
lngPNumbercan be:
an integer value (f.i. 4111)
a float value (41.111111)
or just a
string value (normally "xxxx" but can also be filled with strings
like "asdasd", "dasdsadasd", etc...)
In the last both cases, I want to send the Cell Text and not the Cell Value where lngPNumberis obtained.
However, I get a Type Missmatch error if the value is a string like in the last example in the list. Any help?
The If will try to resolve both sides of the Or regardless if the first is false or true, so CDbl(lngPNumber) will error if lngPNumber is text.
So split them into two.
Dim lngPNumber As Variant
lngPNumber = ActiveSheet.Cells(objInitialCell.Row, INT_ACCP_COL_PNUMBER).Value
If Not IsNumeric(lngPNumber) Then
lngPNumber = CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(objInitialCell.Row, INT_ACCP_COL_PNUMBER).Text)
ElseIF CDbl(lngPNumber) <> Round(CDbl(lngPNumber)) Then
lngPNumber = CStr(ActiveSheet.Cells(objInitialCell.Row, INT_ACCP_COL_PNUMBER).Text)
End If
Now the second will fire only if lngPNumber is a number.

VBA - How to check if a String is a valid hex color code?

To prevent errors, I need to check if a String retrieved from a custom input box is not a valid hex color code. So far I found various solutions for other languages, but none for VBA.
Working on the following code, giving a not hex value input will cause a run time error. That's critical to my project, since I am working on a protected sheet.
Public Function HexWindow(MyCell As String, Description As String, Caption As String)
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim priorValue As Variant
priorValue = Range(MyCell).Value
myValue = InputBox(Description, Caption, Range(MyCell).Value)
Range(MyCell).Value = myValue
If myValue = Empty Then
Range(MyCell).Value = priorValue
End If
tHex = Mid(Range(MyCell).Text, 6, 2) & Mid(Range(MyCell).Text, 4, 2) & Mid(Range(MyCell).Text, 2, 2)
Range(MyCell).Interior.Color = WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(tHex)
End Function
How can I set a condition that recognizes a value not being in the format of "#" & 6 characters from 0-9 and A-F in any case?
Couple ways to do this. The easiest way is with a regular expression:
'Requires reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions x.x
Private Function IsHex(inValue As String) As Boolean
With New RegExp
.Pattern = "^#[0-9A-F]{1,6}$"
.IgnoreCase = True 'Optional depending on your requirement
IsHex = .Test(inValue)
End With
End Function
If for some reason that doesn't appeal to you, you could also take advantage of VBA's permissive casting of hex strings to numbers:
Private Function IsHex(ByVal inValue As String) As Boolean
If Left$(inValue, 1) <> "#" Then Exit Function
inValue = Replace$(inValue, "#", "&H")
On Error Resume Next
Dim hexValue As Long
hexValue = CLng(inValue) 'Type mismatch if not a number.
If Err.Number = 0 And hexValue < 16 ^ 6 Then
IsHex = True
End If
End Function
I would use regular expressions for this. First you must go to Tools-->Referencesin the VBA editor (alt-f11) and make sure this library is checked
Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5
Then you could modify this sample code to meet your needs
Sub RegEx_Tester()
Set objRegExp_1 = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
objRegExp_1.Global = True
objRegExp_1.IgnoreCase = True
objRegExp_1.Pattern = "#[a-z0-9]{6}"
strToSearch = "#AAFFDD"
Set regExp_Matches = objRegExp_1.Execute(strToSearch)
If regExp_Matches.Count = 1 Then
MsgBox ("This string is a valid hex code.")
End If
End Sub
The main feature of this code is this
objRegExp_1.Pattern = "#[a-z,A-Z,0-9]{6}"
It says that you will accept a string that has a # followed by any 6 characters that are a combination of upper case or lower case strings or numbers 0-9. strToSearch is just the string you are testing to see if it is a valid color hex string. I believe this should help you.
I should credit this site. You may want to check it out if you want a crash course on regular expressions. They're great once you learn how to use them.

For Loop: changing the loop condition while it is looping

What I want to do is replace all 'A' in a string with "Bb". but it will only loop with the original string not on the new string.
for example:
and it stops there because the original string only has a length of 3. it reads only up to the 3rd index and not the rest.
Dim txt As String
txt = output_text.Text
Dim a As String = a_equi.Text
Dim index As Integer = txt.Length - 1
Dim output As String = ""
For i = 0 To index
If (txt(i) = TextBox1.Text) Then
output = txt.Remove(i, 1).Insert(i, a)
txt = output
TextBox2.Text += txt + Environment.NewLine
End If
End Sub
I think this leaves us looking for a String.ReplaceFirst function. Since there isn't one, we can just write that function. Then the code that calls it becomes much more readable because it's quickly apparent what it's doing (from the name of the function.)
Public Function ReplaceFirst(searched As String, target As String, replacement As String) As String
'This input validation is just for completeness.
'It's not strictly necessary.
'If the searched string is "null", throw an exception.
If (searched Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("searched")
'If the target string is "null", throw an exception.
If (target Is Nothing) Then Throw New ArgumentNullException("target")
'If the searched string doesn't contain the target string at all
'then just return it - were done.
Dim foundIndex As Integer = searched.IndexOf(target)
If (foundIndex = -1) Then Return searched
'Build a new string that replaces the target with the replacement.
Return String.Concat(searched.Substring(0, foundIndex), replacement, _
searched.Substring(foundIndex + target.Length, searched.Length - (foundIndex + target.Length)))
End Function
Notice how when you read the code below, you don't even have to spend a moment trying to figure out what it's doing. It's readable. While the input string contains "A", replace the first "A" with "Bb".
Dim input as string = "AAA"
While input.IndexOf("A") > -1
input = input.ReplaceFirst(input,"A","Bb")
'If you need to capture individual values of "input" as it changes
'add them to a list.
End While
You could optimize or completely replace the function. What matters is that your code is readable, someone can tell what it's doing, and the ReplaceFirst function is testable.
Then, let's say you wanted another function that gave you all of the "versions" of your input string as the target string is replaced:
Public Function GetIterativeReplacements(searched As String, target As String, replacement As String) As List(of string)
Dim output As New List(Of String)
While searched.IndexOf(target) > -1
searched = ReplaceFirst(searched, target, replacement)
End While
Return output
End Function
If you call
dim output as List(of string) = GetIterativeReplacments("AAAA","A","Bb")
It's going to return a list of strings containing
BbAAA, BbBbAA, BbBbBbA, BbBbBbBb
It's almost always good to keep methods short. If they start to get too long, just break them into smaller methods with clear names. That way you're not trying to read and follow and test one big, long function. That's difficult whether or not you're a new programmer. The trick isn't being able to create long, complex functions that we understand because we wrote them - it's creating small, simpler functions that anyone can understand.
Check your comments for a better solution, but for future reference you should use a while loop instead of a for loop if your condition will be changing and you're wanting to take that change into account.
I've made a simple example below to help you understand. If you tried the same with a for loop, you'd only get "one" "two" and "three" printed because the for loop doesn't 'see' that vals was changed
Dim vals As New List(Of String)
Dim i As Integer = 0
While i < vals.Count
If vals(i) = "two" Then
End If
i += 1
End While
If you do want to replace one by one instead of using the Replace function, you could use a while loop to look for the index of your search character/string, and then replace/insert at that index.
Sub Main()
Dim a As String = String.Empty
Dim b As String = String.Empty
Dim c As String = String.Empty
Dim d As Int32 = -1
Console.Write("Whole string: ")
a = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Replace: ")
b = Console.ReadLine()
Console.Write("Replace with: ")
c = Console.ReadLine()
d = a.IndexOf(b)
While d > -1
a = a.Remove(d, b.Length)
a = a.Insert(d, c)
d = a.LastIndexOf(b)
End While
Console.WriteLine("Finished string: " & a)
End Sub
Output would look like this:
Whole string: This is A string for replAcing chArActers.
Replace: A
Replace with: Bb
Finished string: This is Bb string for replBbcing chBbrBbcters.
I was going to write a while loop to answer your question, but realized (with assistance from others) that you could just .replace(x,y)
Output.Text = Input.Text.Replace("A", "Bb")
'Input = N A T O
'Output = N Bb T O
Edit: There is probably a better alternative, but i quickly jotted this loop down, hope it helps.
You've said your new and don't fully understand while loops. So if you don't understand functions either or how to pass arguments to them, I'd suggest looking that up too.
This is your Event, It can be a Button click or Textbox text change.
'Cut & Paste into an Event (Change textboxes to whatever you have input/output)
Dim Input As String = textbox1.Text
Do While Input.Contains("A")
Input = ChangeString(Input, "A", "Bb")
' Do whatever you like with each return of ChangeString() here
textbox2.Text = Input
This is your Function, with 3 Arguments and a Return Value that can be called in your code
' Cut & Paste into Code somewhere (not inside another sub/Function)
Private Function ChangeString(Input As String, LookFor As Char, ReplaceWith As String)
Dim Output As String = Nothing
Dim cFlag As Boolean = False
For i As Integer = 0 To Input.Length - 1
Dim c As Char = Input(i)
If (c = LookFor) AndAlso (cFlag = False) Then
Output += ReplaceWith
cFlag = True
Output += c
End If
Console.WriteLine("Output: " & Output)
Return Output
End Function

Search cell for text and copy text to another cell in VBA?

I've got a column which contains rows that have parameters in them. For example
W2 = [PROD][FO][2.0][Customer]
W3 = [PROD][GD][1.0][P3]
W4 = Issues in production for customer
I have a function that is copying other columns into another sheet, however for this column, I need to do the following
Search the cell and look for [P*]
The asterisk represents a number between 1 and 5
If it finds [P*] then copy P* to the sheet "Calculations" in column 4
Basically, remove everything from the cell except where there is a square bracket, followed by P, a number and a square bracket
Does anyone know how I can do this? Alternatively, it might be easier to copy the column across and then remove everything that doesn't meet the above criteria.
Second Edit:
I edited here to use a regular expression instead of a loop. This may be the most efficient method to achieve your goal. See below and let us know if it works for you:
Function MatchWithRegex(sInput As String) As String
Dim oReg As Object
Dim sOutput As String
Set oReg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With oReg
.Pattern = "[[](P[1-5])[]]"
End With
If oReg.test(sInput) Then
sOutput = oReg.Execute(sInput)(0).Submatches(0)
sOutput = ""
End If
MatchWithRegex = sOutput
End Function
Sub test2()
Dim a As String
a = MatchWithRegex(Range("A1").Value)
If a = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "None"
MsgBox MatchWithRegex(Range("A1").Value)
End If
End Sub
First EDIT:
My solution would be something as follows. I'd write a function that first tests if the Pattern exists in the string, then if it does, I'd split it based on brackets, and choose the bracket that matches the pattern. Let me know if that works for you.
Function ExtractPNumber(sInput As String) As String
Dim aValues
Dim sOutput As String
sOutput = ""
If sInput Like "*[[]P[1-5][]]*" Then
aValues = Split(sInput, "[")
For Each aVal In aValues
If aVal Like "P[1-5][]]*" Then
sOutput = aVal
End If
Next aVal
End If
ExtractPNumber = Left(sOutput, 2)
End Function
Sub TestFunction()
Dim sPValue As String
sPValue = ExtractPNumber(Range("A2").Value)
If sPValue = vbNullString Then
'Do nothing or input whatever business logic you want
Sheet2.Range("A1").Value = sPValue
End If
End Sub
In VBA, you can use the Like Operator with a Pattern to represent an Open Bracket, the letter P, any number from 1-5, then a Closed Bracket using the below syntax:
Range("A1").Value LIke "*[[]P[1-5][]]*"
EDIT: Fixed faulty solution
If you're ok with blanks and don't care if *>5, I would do this and copy down column 4:
=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("[P?]",FirstSheet!$W2)), FirstSheet!$W2, "")
Important things to note:
? is the wildcard symbol for a single character; you can use * if you're ok with multiple characters at that location
will display cell's original value if found, leave blank otherwise
Afterwards, you can highlight the column and remove blanks if needed. Alternatively, you can replace the blank with a placeholder string.
If * must be 1-5, use two columns, E and D, respectively:
=IF(AND(ISNUMBER($E2),$E2>0,$E2<=5,MID($W2,SEARCH("[P",FirstSheet!$W2)+3,1))), FirstSheet!$W2, "")
where FirstSheet is the name of your initial sheet. string contains only 4 digit numbers(or a year)

how can i check if a string only contains 4 digit numbers ( or a year )
i tried this
Dim rgx As New Regex("^/d{4}")
Dim number As String = "0000"
Console.WriteLine(rgx.IsMatch(number)) // true
number = "000a"
Console.WriteLine(rgx.IsMatch(number)) // false
number = "000"
Console.WriteLine(rgx.IsMatch(number)) //false
number = "00000"
Console.WriteLine(rgx.IsMatch(number)) // true <<< :(
this returns false when its less than 4 or at characters but not at more than 4
I actually wouldn't use a regex for this. The expression is deceptively simple (^\d{4}$), until you realize that you also need to evaluate that numeric value to determine a valid year range... unless you want years like 0013 or 9015. You're most likely going to want the value as an integer in the end, anyway. Given that, the best validation is probably just to actually try to convert it to an integer right off the bat:
Dim numbers() As String = {"0000", "000a", "000", "00000"}
For Each number As String In numbers
Dim n As Integer
If Integer.TryParse(number, n) AndAlso number.Length = 4 Then
'It's a number. Now look at other criteria
End If
Use LINQ to check if All characters IsDigit:
Dim result As Boolean = ((Not number Is Nothing) AndAlso ((number.Length = 4) AndAlso number.All(Function(c) Char.IsDigit(c))))
You should use the .NET string manipulation functions.
Firstly the requirements, the string must:
Contain exactly four characters, no more, no less;
Must consist of a numeric value
However your aim is to validate a Date:
Function isKnownGoodDate(ByVal input As String) As Boolean 'Define the function and its return value.
Try 'Try..Catch statement (error handling). Means an input with a space (for example ` ` won't cause a crash)
If (IsNumeric(input)) Then 'Checks if the input is a number
If (input.Length = 4) Then
Dim MyDate As String = "#01/01/" + input + "#"
If (IsDate(MyDate)) Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
Return False
End Try
End Function
You may experience a warning:
Function isKnownGoodDate does not return a value on all code
paths. Are you missing a Return statement?
this can be safely ignored.