Query with multiple column conditions in single table - sql

My table consisting multiple columns data with combination of data and null values.Here i want to display only data not null value when i select for that i have write one query like below.
select Capability
, BusinessStrategyMessaging
from tb_MBUPSheetData
where (Capability is not null)
and (BusinessStrategyMessaging is not null)
But it showing empty table not displaying table data.I want to satisfy two columns and display data when i select.
Please give me suggestions please.

If I understand you right you want to show registries that is populated on your table based on the columns you put on your select. So there is NOTHING wrong with your query. The thing is that in your table there is NO registries that attend those two conditions:
(Capability is not null)
and (BusinessStrategyMessaging is not null)
At least not at the same time. So I think what you want is one OR another. To do so you have to put your conditions as this:
( (Capability is not null)
OR (BusinessStrategyMessaging is not null) )
Note that I put some extra parenthesis because if you have any other conditions it will not affect it.


Null values not being returned in Postgresql

I have two tables in Postgresql, which I need to perform the union taking the null values, to add other values in another column of the junction.
Table one:
I filtered by date, because this data is generated daily and I only need the current_date
Table two: All names.
In table two I have 9 names that are not found in table one.
When I try to perform the join, I only get the 9 names from table one as a result.
Trying with date from table one to current_date
But if I don't filter the date from table one, the null value is returned.
That is, the name that is in table two but not in table one.
What I need is to join the two tables and where there is no asset referring to the second table, fill it with 0 (zero).
In this part I understood that I must use COALESCE(vcm.ativo,0).
But first I need the names of the second table to appear as well.
The result should be like this:
If someone could help me, I'll be grateful.
As pointed out in a comment by the asker, the solution turned out to be
with todays_data as (
select vcm.cooperativa, vcm.ativo
from sga_bi.veiculos_coop_mensal as vcm
where data = current_date
select coop.nome, COALESCE(vcmm.ativo,0)
from sga.cooperativas as coop
left outer join todays_data as vcmm
on coop.nome = vcmm.cooperativa

Split the values in my sql table to individual records which have the same values for all the other columns except the column which will be split into

I have a table as given below:
I want to split the records in such a way that the multiple Apps for a single ID are displayed separately keeping the rest of the field information same. Like below.
I have tried a few ways but was unable to achieve the desired results, like below I used the following query
select t1.ID, t1.Apps
from ImpactedProjects t1
outer apply dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(t1.Apps,';') where ID=13
but it gave the following output.
Any help is appreciated.

Bigquery - remove duplicates of certain columns, but not all

I have two tables I am left joining together. The first tables has transnational level detail, causing the key I join to the second table to duplicate. When I left join the second table, the measure "company_spend" is highly inflated.
I need a way to keep only a single value of the duplicated data, and my thought was to run a distinct function on only those columns, but I am not seeing that Bigquery supports distinct functions on only a few columns, but not all.
SELECT UPPER(cwnextt.Current_Contract_Number) AS Current_Contract_Number,
UPPER(cwnextt.Replacement_Contract_Number) AS Replacement_Contract_Number,
UPPER(cwnextt.Current_Contract_Name) AS Current_Contract_Name,
UPPER(cwnextt.Supplier_Top_Parent_Entity_Code) AS Supplier_Top_Parent_Entity_Code,
UPPER(cwnextt.Supplier_Top_Parent_Name) AS Supplier_Top_Parent_Name,
UPPER(cwnextt.company_Entity_Code) AS company_Entity_Code,
UPPER(cwnextt.Facility_Name) AS Facility_Name,
smart.company_Spend AS companySpend
FROM `test_etl_field.contracts_with_member_entity_codes_test_view_2` cwnextt
--this table is what is causing the below table to duplicate,
--but I need all of this data AS well in its current format.
LEFT JOIN `test.trans_analysis` tsa
ON TRIM(UPPER(cwnextt.company_entity_code)) = TRIM(UPPER(tsa.company_entity_code))
AND TRIM(UPPER(cwnextt.Supplier_Top_Parent_Entity_Code)) = TRIM(UPPER(tsa.manufacturer_top_parent_entity_code))
AND TRIM(UPPER(cwnextt.Current_Contract_Name)) = TRIM(UPPER(tsa.contract_category))
AND cwnextt.spend_period_yyyyqmm = tsa.spend_period_yyyyqmm
--this table contains "company_spend" which is now duplicated
LEFT JOIN `test_etl_field.ecr_smart_data` smart
ON smart.company_entity_code = cwnextt.company_entity_code
AND (smart.contract_number = cwnextt.current_contract_number
OR smart.contract_number = cwnextt.replacement_contract_number)
AND smart.month_key = cwnextt.spend_period_yyyyqmm
If something can be created that will keep company_spend from duplicating on the second left join, that is what I am after.
Not sure to understand all the details of your problem but here's a fact from BigQuery doc :
A SELECT DISTINCT statement discards duplicate rows
and returns only the remaining rows.
You can't apply DISTINCT on specific columns because it doesn't make sense. Let's say you have 4 columns and call DISTINCT on 3 columns, what is SQL supposed to do with the last one ?
You must tell SQL which value to keep for the remaining column and GROUP BY is the right solution here.
So if you want to:
Remove a column that has been duplicated : Just adjust your SELECT to get only the columns you want
Remove lines that have the same value in specific columns : I would suggest a GROUP BY on the targeted column and taking the aggregation you want (first, avg, sum or whatever) for the remaining ones.
Remove the value from a row if another row has the same : You may not want to do that. A row has to keep its value and you won't get it back. Besides, same problem, which row do you want to keep ?
Hope this helps ! Feel free to give clarification on your problem if you want more specific answers.
While I couldn't resolve this issue in SQL, I used Tableau via a FIXED LOD to aggregate the data passed duplicates so the end user could visualize the output with accuracy. Not ideal, but the SQL route wasn't make sense.

SQL Query for filtering columns returned

I want to return columns based on some meta data in an other table. i.e. i have my table which contains 10 columns, and another table which contains those columns denormalise with metadata to do with them.
Table - Car:
columns - Make,Model,Colour
and another table called "Flags" which has a row for each of the above columns and each row has a column for "IsSearchable" and "ShowOnGrid" - that sort of thing.
The query i want is one which will return all columns from the cars table that are flagged in the "Flags" table as "ShowInGrid"
Apologise, I should have stated that this is on SQL Server 2008.
Also, I dont want to have to physically state the columns which i would like to return, i.e. If i add a column to the car table, then add it into the Flags table and declare it to be searchable, I don't want to have to physically state in the SQL Query that i want to return that column, i want it to automatically pull through.
You need to use dynamic SQL; this can easily be done with a stored procedure.
Something like this might work:
Case D.ShowMake When True Then D.Make Else NULL END AS Make
C.CarID, C.Make, C.Model, C.Colour, F.IsSearchable, F.ShowOnGrid, F.ShowMake
Cars C
Inner Join
Flags F
On C.CarID = F.CarID) D
I didn't write in all the case statements and don't know how many flags you're working, but you can give it a try. It would require to filter on null values in your application. If you actually want the columns omitted on the basis of the Flag column value the other answer and comment are both right on. Either Dynamic SQL or build your query outside in another language first.

How not to display columns which are NULL in a view

I've set up a view which combines all the data across several tables. Is there a way to write this so that only columns which contain non-null data are displayed, and those columns which contain all NULL values are not included?
Sorry, still studying and working on my first big project so every day seems to be a new experience at the minute. I haven't been very clear, and that's partly because I'm not sure I'm going about things the right way! The client is an academic library, and the database records details of specific collections. The view I mentioned is to display all the data held about an item, so it is bringing together tables on publication, copy, author, publisher, language and so on. A small number of items in the collection are papers, so have additional details over and above the standard bibliographic details. What I didn't want was a user to get all the empty fields relating to papers if what was returned only consisted of books, therefore the paper table fields were all null. So I thought perhaps there would be a way to not show these. Someone has commented that this is the job of the client application rather than the database itself, so I can leave this until I get to that phase of the project.
There is no way to do this in sql.
CREATE VIEW dbo.YourView
SELECT (list of fields)
FROM dbo.Table1 t1
INNER JOIN dbo.Table2 t2 ON t1.ID = t2.FK_ID
AND t2.SomeOtherColumn IS NOT NULL
In your view definition, you can include WHERE conditions which can exclude rows that have certain columns that are NULL.
Update: you cannot really filter out columns - you define the list of columns that are part of your view in your view definition, and this list is fixed and cannot be dynamically changed......
What you might be able to do is us a ISNULL(column, '') construct to replace those NULLs with an empty string. Or then you need to handle excluding those columns in your display front end - not in the SQL view definition...
The only thing I see you could do is make sure to select only those columns from the view that you know aren't NULL:
SELECT (list of non-null fields) FROM dbo.YourView
and so forth - but there's no simple or magic way to select all columns that aren't NULL in one SELECT statement...
You cannot do this in a view, but you can do it fairly easily using dynamic SQL in a stored procedure.
Of course, having a schema which shifts is not necessarily good for clients who consume the data, but it can be efficient if you have very sparse data AND the consuming client understands the varying schema.
If you have to have a view, you can put a "header" row in your view which you can inspect client-side on the first row in your loop to see if you want to not bother with the column in your grid or whatever, you can do something like this:
-- This is the view code
SELECT 'data' as typ
SELECT 'hdr' as typ
-- note that different types have to be handled differently
) AS X
-- have to get header row first
ORDER BY typ DESC -- add other sort criteria here
If we're reading your question right, there won't be a way to do this in SQL. The output of a view must be a relation - in (over-)simplified terms, it must be rectangular. That is, each row must have the same number of columns.
If you can tell us more about your data and give us some idea of what you want to do with the output, we can perhaps offer more positive suggestions.
In general, add a WHERE clause to your query, e.g.
Here, a b c are your column names.
If you are joining tables together on potentially NULL columns, then use an INNER JOIN, and NULL values will not be included.
EDIT: I may have misunderstood - the above filters out rows, but you may be asking to filter out columns, e.g. you have several columns and you only want to display columns that contain at least one null value across all the rows you are returning. Using dynamic SQL offers a solution, since the set columns varies depending upon your data.
Here's a SQL query that builds another SQL query containing the appropriate columns. You could run this query, and then submit it's result as another query. It assumes 'pk' is some column that is always non-null, e.g. a primary key - this means we can prefix additional row names with a comma.
CASE (count(columnA)) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ',columnA' END,
CASE (count(columnB)) WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ',columnB' END,
// etc..
' FROM (YourQuery) base')
(YourQuery) As base
The query works using Count(column) - the aggregate function ignores NULL values, and so returns 0 for a column consisting entirely of NULLs. The query builder assumes that YourQuery uses aliases to ensure there no duplicate column names.
While you cant put this into a view, you could wrap it up as a stored procedure that copies the data to another table - the result table. You may also set up a trigger so that the result table is updated whenever the base tables change.
I suspect what's going on is that an end user is running CrystalReports and complaining about all the empty columns that have to be removed manually.
It would actually be possible to create a stored procedure that would create a view on the fly, leaving out dataless columns. But then you would have to run this proc before using the view.
Is that acceptable?