VBA Dialogs.Show doesn't display warning message - vba

Have Excel (2010 in my case but I think it will be the same also in other versions) with two workbooks. Save first one with name "1.xlx" (example) via Save As dialog. Save second one with the same name "1.xlx" to different location. Excel will not allow it with following warning message:
"You cannot save this workbook with the same name as another open workbook or add-in. Choose a different name, or close the other workbook or add-in before saving."
So far so good. But my problem is that I need to invoke dialog via VBA. I am using following code:
Sub test()
End Sub
Now I am trying to save second workbook (with the same name to different location) but when I click to 'Save' button nothing happen, no warning message. If I wouldn't know what is wrong it would be very difficult to tell. I didn't change any setting (there is nothing as DisplayAlerts set to true or so). Any idea how make SaveAs dialog invoked via VBA to display similar warnings?

I'm not sure why that doesn't give you an error, but it doesn't me either. If you use Application.FileDialog, you can get that error.
Sub testts()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
End With
End Sub
Or you could use GetSaveAsFileName and check the names of all the open workbooks and generate the error yourself.

Can you try with the below code on starting on your code.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True


Is it possible to run a VBA macro in a READ-ONLY protected PowerPoint?

My colleague and I have been on a six month quest for a VBA macro that can run in a Read-Only, password protected PowerPoint.
Is it possible or will PowerPoint always block the VBA macro from running in the presentation, because of the read-only status?
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
Dim ppShp As Shape
Dim eff1 As Effect
Dim ani1 As AnimationBehavior
With ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
Set ppShp = .Shapes("Oval 4")
Set eff1 = .TimeLine.MainSequence.AddEffect(Shape:=ppShp, effectId:=msoAnimEffectAppear)
End With
End Sub
I tried using If ReadOnly = True Then conditions.
I want the user to use the macros and save, but not edit beyond that, or to open and 'look under the hood'.
(It's all for an educational program)
We get
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)'
Presentation (unknown member) : Invalid request. Presentation cannot be modified.
Perhaps as a work around you could save a copy of the original read only presentation, run your macro on the new version and then save the new version as read only?
Hello this might be too late but if I understand you correctly, you want that other users can read, execute macros but not able to read the code behind it. Saving should be okay.
The macro that you used should be password protected. First go to the editor, select the macro and view the properties/protection and set up a password
Then after you are done, close the file. Right Click on the file/properties and check readonly. Users will then have access to the macro, not being able to see what code is behind it and can save it.

How to keep unrelated workbooks open in excel when running a macro

I am writing a macro in VB in excel 2013. The only remaining bug left is when the macro runs, all of the other workbooks i have open close, even ones unrelated to the macro. I do not want users of my macro to lose other tabs of excel they may have open if they run my program. I have tried using "Application.Visible = true" but it is not giving me the desired behavior. Is there a way to run a macro without affecting any other currently open workbooks? Or is it possible that something else I have written is overriding the Application.Visible method? If someone could provide a recommendation it would be much appreciated.
Application.Visible = false
Simply does what it says, set the application "Excel in your case" to invisible.
If you want to hide something specific you have to call this:
e.g Sheet
Sheets("Whatever").Visible = False
e.g Workbook
ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False
//ActiveWorkbook needs to have an reference to the specified Workbook which you get as an example if you store the opening of the workbook (ActiveWorkbook = Workbooks.Open )
It sounds like you have a line
(which will close all workbooks) when what you wanted to do was close the specific workbook with the macro. That should be

Run vba module with specify of username

is it possible to run excel module when workbook opened by certain user?
The idea is very simple - refreshing all data source when excel workbook opened by certain user, save and close. Another way it just opens.
I'm not sure how "secure" this is, but it worked for me. Note that you need to put this in the "ThisWorkbook" Object (not a Module):
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Environ$("Username") = "bWayne" Then
MsgBox ("Hi Bruce")
' Do whatever
End If
End Sub
Save as .xlsm and when you open it, if the username is bWayne, the message box will show...otherwise, nothing happens.
Also it is possible to check Excel user's name by using
If Application.UserName = “bWayne” Then
End If
in Workbook_Open() procedure.

A private subroutine in VBA is being activated by other workbooks -- Why?

I have a private subroutine in Workbook A that is running any time I open or close and save other unrelated workbooks. I'm trying to understand why that occurs so I can capture all potential errors that may occur.
The subroutine is an ActiveX ComboBox named TabProg that is supposed to run when the value is changed. I have currently added in a check to see if the active sheet trying to run the code is the "Program Loading" sheet to try and divert any potential errors. See snippet below.
Private Sub TabProg_Change()
MsgBox "Whomp!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "Program Loading" Then 'do nothing
'Run desired actions on "Program Loading" sheet
End If
End Sub
Any known reasons why this is occurring or other ways to catch it would be helpful. Thanks!
Edit 1: I do not see this problem occur when I open other workbooks in new instances of Excel.
Edit 2: I have modified the code to include a message box whenever the code tries to run, now shown above. It is occurring every time I open or close and save any Excel file, including the file itself. The drop down list in the ActiveX ComboBox is a list of names that correspond to 10 sheets within Workbook A. If I delete the sheet that ComboBox is currently set to, the error will disappear. If I change the ComboBox to a different sheet, the error will reappear.
From what you've wrote in your question, I don't think that your problem can be replicated. I think that your Excel file got corrupted. I had an experience like this: had a file for experimenting with macros, one of the macros used Excel Speech object to say "This is a test file" on opening that particular file. The macro was (as all other macros from this file) not part of my PERSONAL workbook, it was assigned to ThisWorkbook in the bespoke file. At some point a funny thing happened: this "This is a test file" private subroutine got activated every time I opened any Excel file. I did not find any solutions, I just deleted the file where the subroutine was stored. This resolved the problem, but I have no explanation for this. I am afraid the same thing may apply to your file, but maybe other folks have a better idea... maybe it's something in the system registry??? I don't know. Can you manually copy elements / code from this file to a newly created file and just delete the original?

Catching FileFormat property of .XLAM without confusion with .XLSM

I have developed a .xlam add-in that contains user-data inside. In other words, the user can decide to show the add-in file through a ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False to edit the content, which is functional to the add-in itself.
However, the user should not be able to perform some operations when he's/she's working on the add-in's spreadsheets rather than on the normal workbook where the Add-In is running.
Need to check for file extension
From here, it comes my need of checking for the file extension and validate it when some specific "forbidden" procedures might get called. I have made the following tests:
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = True, then ThisWorkbook.FileFormat = 55;
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False, then ThisWorkbook.FileFormat = 52;
The source of confusion
This is not what I was expecting. By simply executing a FullName request when the Add-In is set visible:
ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.FullName
I can read that my file is still named C:\myFile.xlam, even if in that moment is visible to the user. So, I would expect ThisWorkbook.FileFormat to raise a 55 even if visible at run-time. But it doesn't do that, apparently.
The question
I need to make sure to distinguish between modifications on the Add-In (.xlam) and modifications on a possible .xlsm file that the user created, from which is using my Add-In.
Why is the FileFormat of my add-in being equal to the one of an xlsm, if the file is clearly xlam to which is associated a 55 instead of a 52? Where am I being wrong?
EDIT - Example of the action to forbid
On the ribbon there's a button created and added from the add-in, which is connected to a macro that cannot be run into the Add-In. So the check I had in mind was something like this:
If ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat = 55 Then
Exit Sub
End If
However, as said above, this check will not be performed because the Add-In has FileFormat = 52 in the moment in which is set to .IsAddIn = False; hence, even if the ActiveWorkbook is the add-in where I do not want to run the macro, the check will fail and the macro will run anyway.
The .IsAddIn workbook property simply indicates whether the file is being run as an Add-in. It does not change the file format. From the documentation:
When you set this property to True, the workbook has the following characteristics:
You won’t be prompted to save the workbook if changes are made while the workbook is open.
The workbook window won’t be visible.
Any macros in the workbook won’t be visible in the Macro dialog box (displayed by pointing to Macro on the Tools menu and clicking Macros).
Macros in the workbook can still be run from the Macro dialog box even though they’re not visible. In addition, macro names don’t need to be qualified with the workbook name.
Holding down the SHIFT key when you open the workbook has no effect.
I sense that this is the real problem you're trying to tackle:
However, the user should not be able to perform some operations when he's/she's working on the add-in's spreadsheets rather than on the normal workbook where the Add-In is running.
Perhaps it will be best if you can specify what actions you're trying to restrict? There may be a better way to solve this.
For the moment I have found four possible solutions, that I'm going to post here just in case someone would have my same issue:
Comparing the full names - credit to Tim Williams
The "special code" cannot run if the full names are different:
If ActiveWorkbook.FullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Comparing the isAddIn property - credit to David Zemens
The "special code" cannot run if this workbook is not currently an add-in:
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Comparing the two objects
The "special code" cannot run if the active workbook is the add-in workbook:
If ActiveWorkbook Is ThisWorkbook Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Checking for "xlam" extension
The "special" code will not be run if the extension of the file is xlam:
If Right(ActiveWorkbook.FullName,4) = "xlam" Then
Exit Sub
End If
The four solutions above work fine for the purpose, but the question is still opened : why the FileFormat property changes over the same file depending on ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn being False rather than True?