It's a an Order Processing related query. There is a sales order which will have different products with some specific quantity. Each qty will have schedule for delivery. In this case, for 55 nos it has the schedule as 10, 15, 30. same way it has once more set of schedule. In Sales details table you get detail of the material sold against each item. You will get details like sale order no and item line no. We need to take schedule qty in FIFO basis and allocate the required qty. I need to get a result set as shown and have to update the sales order detail table. Please help me Screenshot
Resolved Myself. Need to make use of Loops and allocate the quantities to the Delivery schedules.
I'm not sure this can be done in Bigquery or not. Anyhow, I've been trying to solve this.
In this Total Inventory, the inventory arrives on that date, demand predicts sales, and the final inventory is the inventory remaining on that day.
I want to subtract the rolling sum of demand to the total inventory to get the final inventory until the value is positive; afterwards, it will start again taking the rolling sum of demand.
Code that I've written:
SUM(Total_Inventory) OVER (PARTITION BY SKU ORDER BY Date)),0)
Basically, this code breaks down as there is no condition on a rolling sum of demand which instructed it to stop.
After that, I had populate values 1,2..,n when the new inventory gets added. It helped me to partition based on arrival inventory; however, when the final inventory is positive from previous results and new inventory gets added, it didn't consider the last rolling sum of demand and start summing from that row.
The column where I impute 1,2...n: sort
SUM(Total_Inventory) OVER (PARTITION BY SKU, sort ORDER BY Date)),0)
For better understanding, I'm attaching the screenshots Raw Data, Desire Results_1, Desire Resuls_2, Desire Results_3.
Any help would be great. Thanks in advance!!
We have set up GST application where I am getting difference between reports like monthly item wise sales report against monthly total sales report.
Please suggest me any changes I need to make for following rules:
We have 3 tables
A. Order master - single line for every order is stored with summarized values
B. Order product details - Each line item stored with respective qty, price etc.
C. Order tax details - line item wise tax details having separate row for CGST, SGST etc.
Here is how I am storing the data:
Tax is applicable on every line item [To generate final invoice all items in order group, we create some of all line items and storing value in Order Master.]
We are rounding 2 decimal value for 3 precision [eg. 4.657 = 4.66, 4.643 = 4.64] as per GST council
Rounding value is stored in Order Master table
For discount there are 2 cases
Percent based discount - Let's say if discount is 10% then from every individual line item 10% discount gets deducted than tax will be applicable for each line item
Flat discount - Let's say for 1000/- Rs order somebody wants to give 80/- Rs. discount than from each line item 8% is deducted and than tax will be applied, off course customer may not pay exact 920/- Rs. amount due to reversal of tax amount.
Now when I am generating following reports:
Monthly item wise sales report [Product wise sales report]
Monthly total sales report [Total sales]
Monthly payment type wise report [Bank, Cheque, Cash]
I am getting difference due to rounding of values. Can anyone suggest me which is the best way to set up rounding formula and up to which decimal point should I go to round the values.
I am using SQL server as backend and .net as front end technology.
I have been struggling on this problem on Tableau for a while and would really appreciate some help.
For a given company A that has product_id's 1,2,3....,N
How do I calculate their share of revenue for a given product id against other companies B,C,...., N with the same product id?
My current idea has been to duplicate the data source and then do a simple table calculation:
I can then add this calculated measure to the sheet and filter to show the SUM of revenue for company A against all other companies in the duplicate data source. However, this does not aggregate by product id as I would like it to.
Thanks in advance.
NOTE: I am not making changes to a database. I am creating a report.
The purpose of the report is to show pending orders that need to be assembled for shipment, but not until there is enough stock to fill the order. An order includes multiple inventory items, but the inventory on hand must be >= the ordered amount per each inventory item and in order by oldest date first before the order can be added to the report.
I've written this to where it pulls the orders, but I need it to loop through to the next order and carry over the quantity of inventory On Hand from the calculation prior to this order. When the calculation is < 0, I don't need to see the order.
Order Date | Order No | Item No | Quantity Ordered | On Hand | Available Qty
2015-01-01 123456 555555 50 60 10
2015-01-02 555544 555555 10 10 00
Notice On Hand says 60 for Item No 555555 in the first row. This is the actual QOH, but the report needs to subtract the amount that was ordered in the previous line from my On Hand stock, and give me the remainder, or show the new available total under On Hand. When my On Hand amount can't fulfill an order, I don't want the order to appear on my report. My current report shows On Hand to be 60 in both rows, and instead of zero, like above, it just subtracts 10 from 60, as if it's my only order.
I don't know what approach to take to do this type of incremental change in a field, but I am assuming it involves a loop and a variable (If I need to add a variable, then it needs to begin with the actual Quantity on hand), ???? Could someone please assist me with a direction? My search to answer this has only left me more unsure of how to do this. I can provide the SQL, but it is rather complicated, so I am trying to keep this on a more general level.
"Looping" should be used as a last resort in SQL. You can do so using a CURSOR but they tend to run slower and require more work than standard SQL commands.
I would recommend trying to break this problem down into smaller tables using sub-queries / CTEs (Common Table Expressions). Can you create a query that shows the total on hand amounts for each item number? Now put that into a sub-query and start building on top of it.
I have a problem and was wondering if anyone could help or if it is even possible to have an algorithm for something like this.
I need to create a predictive ordering wizard. So based on previous sales, we will determine that that a certain amount of an item is required. E.g 31 apples. Now i need to work out the number of cases that needs to be ordered. If the cases come in say 60, 30, 15, 10 apples, the order should be a case of 30 and a case of 10 apples.
The number of items that need to be ordered change in each row of the result set. The case sizes could also change for each item. So some items may have an option of 5 different cases and some items may land up with an option of only one case.
Other examples would be i need 39 cans of coke and the cases come in only 24 per case. Therefore needing 2 cases. I need 2 shots of baileys and the bottle of baileys come in 50cl or 70cl. Therefore i need the 50cl.
The results sets columns are ItemName, ItemSize, QuantityRequired, PackSize and PackSizeMultiple.
The ItemName is the item to be ordered. ItemSize is the size the item is used in eg. can of coke. QuantityRequired how man of the item, in this case cans of coke, need to be ordered. PackSize is the size of the case. PackSizeMultiple is the number to multiply the item with to work out how many of the items are in the case.
ps. this will be a query in SQL Server 2008
Sounds like you need a UOM (Unit of Measure) table and a function to calc co-pack measure count and and unit count measure qty. with UOM type based on time between orders. You would also need to create a cron cycle and freeze table managed by week/time interval in order to create a freeze view of the current qty sold each week and the number of units since last order. Based on the 2 previous orders to your prior order you would set the current prediction based on min time between the last 2 freeze cycles containing an order and the duration of days between them. based on the average time between orders and the unit qty in each order, you can create a unit decay ratio percentage based on days and store it in each slice forward. Based on a reference to this data you will be able to create a prediction that will allow you to trigger a notice to sales or a message to the client to reorder. In addition, if you engage response data from sales based on unit count feedback from the client, you can reference an actual and tune your decay rate against your prediction. You should also consider managing and rolling up these freezes by month, so that you can view historical trending and forecast revenue based on velocity of reorder and same period last year. Basically this is similar to sales forcasting and we are switching out your opportunity percentage of close with Predicted Remaining Qty. percentage remaining.