excel - find and highlight text from one sheet on second sheet - vba

I am getting killed by excel, I'm not 100% sure it can do exactly what I'm needing. I've tried various functions and can come close, but none are perfect. I've uploaded a spreadsheet as an example. I have a sheet of mailboxes, followed by a cell with the users who have access to the mailbox. The cell has anywhere from 0 to 5 users separated by commas. The second sheet has a list of users. What I need is a way to parse out the first sheet, either highlight on the first sheet, or copy to another sheet; all the mailboxes that all the associated users match in the second cell appear on the second sheet.
The real world sheet I have has over 2500 mailboxes with as many as 205 (as few as 0) associated users, so I desperately need a way to mechanically filter the sheet. I'm trying to filter the mailboxes that all the associated users are present on a second sheet.
I've tried using vlookup, index/match and a few others, and what seems to trip it up is having the comma separation. Using ""& cell_i'm_looking_for &"" returns nothing so I'm guessing I need to try something else. I also have the sheet with all the users in separate cells.

I downloaded your sheet and created a module with the following function inside of it:
Function mymailboxes(who As Range, lookup As Range)
Dim myRow As Range
For Each myRow In lookup
If InStr(myRow.Cells(1, 2).Value, who.Value) > 0 Then
myReturn = myReturn & "," & myRow.Cells(1, 1).Value
End If
'cut off the first ,
myReturn = Right(myReturn, Len(myReturn) - 1)
mymailboxes = myReturn
End Function
Then on Sheet 2, Cell E2 I gave the following formula: =mymailboxes(A2, Sheet1!A1:B50) which gave me the following results: mailbox1,mailbox2,mailbox4,mailbox8,mailbox12,mailbox17,mailbox21,mailbox25,mailbox28,mailbox34,mailbox39,mailbox41,mailbox42,mailbox44,mailbox49,mailbox50
I hope this helps.
To get a list of invalid users the following function will help.
Function get_invalid_users(users As Range, validusers As Range)
Dim myRow As Range
myusers = Split(users, ",")
myReturn = ""
For Each user In myusers
is_valid_user = False
'Guilty until proven innocent
For Each myRow In validusers
If myRow.Cells(1, 1).Value = user Then
is_valid_user = True
'Proven innocent, break out of the loop, no double jeopardy.
Exit For
End If
If is_valid_user = False Then
myReturn = myReturn & "," & user
End If
If Len(myReturn) > 0 Then
myReturn = Right(myReturn, Len(myReturn) - 1)
myReturn = ""
End If
get_invalid_users = myReturn
End Function
Sheet 1, Cell C2 with formula: =get_invalid_users(B2, Sheet2!$A$1:$A$3) returned zx1234


Extracting hyperlink from a range and writing them on another range

I'm new to this site, but I have already found some nice advice on how to solve problems in VBA. Now I'm here to ask help on a sub that gives me problems with Hyperlinks.
In particular, my problem is similar to the one described in this topic:
Excel VBA Get hyperlink address of specific cell
I have a worksheet full of hyperlink, but I need to extract only the addresses present in the "H" column, starting from "H6" and writing them into the "N" column, starting from "N6".
I put down this code:
Sub EstraiIndirizzoPut()
Dim IndirizzoInternet As Hyperlink
Dim ISINs As String
i = 6
For Each IndirizzoInternet In Sheets("XXX").Range("H" & i).Hyperlinks
IndirizzoInternet.Range.Offset(0, 6).Value = IndirizzoInternet.Address
ISINs = Mid(IndirizzoInternet.Address, 78, 12)
Range("N" & i).Value = ISINs
i = i + 1
End Sub
It works fine only for the first "H6" cell, but at the "Next" point, when it should read the "H7" cell, it goes instead to "End Sub", terminating the routine, altough the "H7" cell, as well many others down the column, are filled with hyperlinks (it gives me "Nothing" value).
Could you please suggest me where I get this wrong? Many thanks.
Your loop isnt set up correctly. Try it like this instead:
For i = 6 to 100
Set IndirizzoInternet = Sheets("XXX").Range("H" & i).Hyperlinks
IndirizzoInternet.Range.Offset(0, 6).Value = IndirizzoInternet.Address
ISINs = Mid(IndirizzoInternet.Address, 78, 12)
Range("N" & i).Value = ISINs
How do you know when to stop the loop? Is it a preset number of rows? If it not, you will want to have something determine the last row to process and replace the 100 with that variable.

Finding multiple criteria with VBA

i have a user form has 2 textboxes named "date" and "shift" and button to trigger a code. also a have a excel file named data.xlsx has "sheet1" have A column dates added as 07/02/2017, B column shift added as A/B/C.
date.value = "07/02/2017"
shift.value = "C"
so what i want to do is to find the row number of A column contains "07/02/2017" and B column contains "C" in data.xlsx.
Try the code below to find the Shift row in Column B (using the Match function).
You should be able to make the modifications to make it work also for finding the date from date TextBox.
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' this code goes inside the command button (inside the User_Form module)
Dim ValToSearch
Dim MatchRes As Variant
ValToSearch = Me.shift.Value '<-- get the value to look for
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
MatchRes = Application.Match(ValToSearch, .Range("B:B"), 0)
If IsError(MatchRes) Then '<-- match not found
MsgBox "Not found"
MsgBox "Found at row " & MatchRes
End If
End With
End Sub

find out cell address having = sheet name

I'm just a beginner for VBA but advance in MS excel. that's why I am very much interested to learn VBA.
ok this is my first question here
Actully i need to format excel sheet where file name is = sheet1 name and it is somewhere in column "A" so I want to select & delete all the rows above this cell & below untill there is a blank cell/row.
I have tried much with InStr & find function but no succeed. Also try to find cell address like B5 but could no do that.
Welcome to StackOverflow. As you have already been informed by newguy, when posting a question you should also show what you have tried so far... some piece of code, printscreens, etc.
Your explanation was not that clear (at least to me), but based on what I have understood, I have made a small code sample for you to get you started. I have broken down the code into the function blocks, so that you can better understand what they are trying to achieve.
Here is the code:
'the following function will find cell with the specific text
Private Function FindCell(ws As Worksheet, strToSearch As String, Optional sColumn As String = "A") As Integer
Dim iCounter As Integer
'as you do not know where exactly it exists, we loop from first cell in the particular row
'to the very last celll
With ws
For iCounter = 1 To .Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row ' or .UsedRange.Rows.Count, or any other method
If .Range(sColumn & iCounter).Value = strToSearch Then
'yay, we have found the cell!
'pass out the reference
FindCell = iCounter
'now call exit function as we no longer need to continue searching for the cell (we have already found it!)
Exit Function
End If
Next iCounter
End With
'in case the cell does not exist, we can return -1
FindCell = -1
End Function
'the following cell will search the very first cell to the top (starting from specific row), which is blank / empty
Private Function FindEmptyCell(ws As Worksheet, iStartRow As Integer, Optional sColumn As String = "A") As Integer
'This function does the same, as if you have selected specific cell
'and then pressed left Ctrl + Up arrow at the same time
'Try it!
'You can do the same with Right + Left + Bottom arrow as well
FindEmptyCell = ws.Range(sColumn & iStartRow).End(xlUp).Row + 1
End Function
Private Sub EraseRows()
Dim iStartCell As Integer
Dim iEndCell As Integer
On Error GoTo 0
'First let's find the "bottom" cell which is the cell with the specific text you are looking for
iEndCell = FindCell(ActiveSheet, "TextIAmLookingFor")
'now let's see find the top blank cell (so that we get the range of from - to that you want to erase)
iStartCell = FindEmptyCell(ActiveSheet, iEndCell)
'now we can delete the rows!
'iEndCell-1 because you don't want to erase the cell with your search string, right?
ActiveSheet.Rows(CStr(iStartCell) & ":" & CStr(iEndCell - 1)).EntireRow.Delete (xlUp)
End Sub

vba Excel do while user input

I'm working on some VBA scripting for Excel and having some trouble. What I'm trying to do let the user select a set of columns to concatonate. So, i would use Application.InputBox in a loop to store the column headers as a range, then take that range to format a concatonate() formula.
E.g.: the user wants to concatonate the contents of colum d, e, a (in that order). The InputBox would continue to appear until the user clicked cancel, storing the range (the column header such as d1, e1, a1) in an array from which I can build the concatonate statement.
I've spent some time with this and am stumped. My first hurdle is that I can't seem to get a while loop that ends when the InputBox returns false (user presses "cancel").
Any help would be really appreciated. Having a C based background, I'm really struggling with VBA...
even though you did not provide any code try doing this...
Dim concatCells()
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
msgselect = MsgBox("Please select the cell you wish to concatenate.", vbOKCancel)
Do While msgselect = vbOK
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve concatCells(i)
concatCells(i - 1) = Application.InputBox("select cell", Type:=8)
msgselect = MsgBox("Please select the cell you wish to concatenate.", vbOKCancel)
Dim rangeToConcat As String
For i = 0 To UBound(concatCells)
rangeToConcat = rangeToConcat & concatCells(i)
Next i
Range("A1").Formula = rangeToConcat

How to collect data from multiple sheets by using sheet names

Thanks for the response!
however the code which you sent started from the beginning of the workbook. but it should not be.
For example, a workbook contains sheets (only user knows the sheet name, so we can't give the sheet name on the code) as following
If beginsheet=AA then the code should start collecting data from AA and if endsheet = DD then the code should stop collecting data at Final. Only till DD is valid.
So how can we achieve this.
You can do a FOR - EACH: For each theSheets in ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
For each theSheets in ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
I put the MSGBOX just to show the name of the sheet. Also the Select is not necessary I put it there just to show how it changes from sheet to sheet.
If you don't want to search all sheets (each sheet) but a specified number of sheets, you can assign the sheets names to a collection and the iterate that collection; in that case you have to know the names of the sheets.
sorry I did not get your first question...
Well, I don't know how practical this solution will be for you purpose but you could do the following:
When you open the workbook create CheckBoxes with the names of the Sheets:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim row As Integer
row = 14
For Each mysheets In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(20, row, 50, 20).Select
With Selection
.Caption = mysheets.Name
.Value = xlOff
.LinkedCell = "C" & ToRow
.Display3DShading = False
End With
row = row + 50
End Sub
Have the users select the Sheets that apply.
Fill a collection with the "Text" of the selected CheckBoxes (which will be the names of the sheets)
Iterate through the sheets in the collection
Dim allSelectedSheets As New Collection
Public Sub FindSelectedCkBox()
For Each ckbox In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
If ckbox.Value > 0 Then
allSelectedSheets.Add ckbox.Text
End If
End Sub
Sub iterateThroughSheets()
For Each theSheets In allSelectedSheets
End Sub
Make sure to remove the CheckBoxes when opening the Book so you don't end up with duplicates.