Is there an alternative way, aside from sleep(), to make an AutoIt script wait before executing the next function? - automation

#include <IE.au3>
Local $oIE = _IECreate("")
Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE)
Local $iNumLinks = #extended
_IELinkClickByIndex($oIE, Random(0, $iNumLinks))
In this script, after opening a random link, I want it to wait for the specified time, but it looks like sleep() is not working properly sometimes; it's waiting forever, and sometimes it's waiting longer than the sleep() time I set!
Is there any way to make that page wait for one minute before closing IE without using the sleep() command?

This will do the trick
Local $oIE = _IECreate("")
Local $oLinks = _IELinkGetCollection($oIE)
Local $iNumLinks = #extended
_IELinkClickByIndex($oIE, Random(0, $iNumLinks, 1), 0)
Wait times were different because the page load time(which is inconsistent) is added.
By setting the 3rd parameter to zero _IELinkClickByIndex will not wait for the link to load hence not adding the sleep time.


How do I wait for an element to disappear in Cypress?

I'd like to preface this by saying that I really tried looking here and anywhere else for an answer but without a succes.
Here is the problem:
I'm trying to automate a test for a web application that is loading a bigger amount of data and therefore has to be loading for a while. I have to wait for the page to load to do the next step and I'm trying to figure how to wait for the loading gif to be complete so that my tests can continue. The gif is a basic spinning thingy.
I would like to avoid using implicit wait time (cy.wait()) that is really only the last resort if noone is able to solve this.
What I found o far are these two functions:
cy.waitFor - this seems to be used mostly in situations, where you are waiting for an element to apper - I've tried this in different scenarios and works perfcetly but I havent been able to apply it here.
cy.waitUntil - this seems to be the thing I'm looking for but there is one huge problem. This function seems to have a timeout and I haven't been able to change it any other way than by changing timeouts globally for all the functions. If I set the global timeout to some longer period (minute +), then it works exactly how I would want it to work but obviously I dont really want to have such a long timeout for everything.
The way I see it, there are two possible solutions to this problem>
to change/turn off the timeout for the waitUntil function.
2)Or to somehow make it work with waitFor, because there seems to be no implicit timeout there and it just kind of waits forever for something to happen.
here is the code snippet of the situation:
cy.get('#load-data-button').click() // this clicks the button that stars the loading proces
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('body > div > my-app > billing > div > div > div.text-center > img').should('',) ) // this is the function that waits until the loading gif is invisible
I would be eternaly grateful for a solution, because unfortunatelly no one at my company is really a Cypress expert so they are not able to help.
Could you try something like:
cy.get([loading-spinner-identifier]).should("", { timeout: 60000 });
cy.get([an element that should now be visible]).should("be.visible");
It's a bit rough and ready, but I've used it when waiting for spinners to finish up. This waits a minute to see the spinner isn't there and then checks to see that something I'm expecting is there. I'd had varying success with this, but it has helped in some situations.
You can indeed use cy.waitUntil(). As you can see in the documentation of that package (, the timeout that the function has is just the default (5000 ms) of an argument you can change it. You can even change how often cypress checks the condition you want, so if you do something like:
cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('body > div > my-app > billing > div > div > div.text-center > img').should(''), {
errorMsg: 'The loading time was too long even for this crazy thing!',
timeout: 300000,
interval: 5000
}); will try for 300 seconds (5 minutes) each 5 seconds (just an example with very long timeout).
Also, maybe you can consider to wait until some element is visible after that loading spinner, instead of checking if it dissapeared. If you want to specifically test it, is fine, but if some element appears or becomes interactable after the loading, it could happen that is still not in the state you want, for a fraction of a second, after the spinner is not visible. If that is the case, I would avoid the checking of the spinner dissapearing in first place, unless it adds value to your test, and I would just wait for that element to be in the state you want (for example wait until some input is not disabled, element is visible, text appeared somewhere...).
Add positive and negative assertion to make sure loading spinner is visible.
Default Time is 4s for assert statement.
You can increase defaultTime to wait for assertion to validate by adding configuration in cypress.json
"defaultCommandTimeout": 4000,
const waitForSpinner = () => {
// First, make sure the loading indicator shows up (positive assertion)
// Then Assert it goes away (negative assertion)

How to batch files run together?

If I were to have multiple batch files run one after another in VB.NET, would they run at the same time or would they wait for the first ones to finish before moving on the next?
They will run concurrently unless you go out of your way to prevent that from happening. Process.Start() does not block once the process has been launched. However, you can block by using Process.WaitForExit().
For example, this will run 3 batch files at the same time:
This will run them one at a time:
You have more control over when the blocking takes place by saving the process to a variable and calling WaitForExit() later in the code:
Dim p1 = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("batch.bat")
' Do stuff that doesn't need to wait for process to finish
They will run together. If you want it to wait, create a ProcessStartInfo object, add it to the Process.Start call, and assign the Start method's response to a process. Then call the process's WaitForExit method.

cocoa-applescript: running handler or command every few seconds

In normal applescript, the script is executed down the page, and so any code in loops for every 5 seconds will only run while the loop is running - there is no way to have a single function run every few second regardless of what the script is currently doing or where it is in the script (that I know of). In cocoa-applescript, however, is there a way to run a handler every 5 seconds, at all times, no matter what it is currently doing? Here is what it should be doing in my cocoa-applescript app:
on checkInternetStrength()
do shell script "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport -I | grep 'agrCtlRSSI:'" -- this being the script which returns the line containing the signal strength
set SignalStrength to result
set RSSIcount to (count of characters in SignalStrength)
set SignalStrength to ((characters 18 thru RSSIcount of SignalStrength) as string) as integer -- this to turn SignalStrength into just the number and not the whole output line
set SignalStrength to (100 + SignalStrength) as integer
set SignalBar's setIntValue_(SignalStrength) -- SignalBar being the Level Indicator described below
end checkInternetStrength
Summed up, it runs the airport command to check internet connection, turns this into a number from 1 to 100 and uses this on an NSLevelIndicator (100 maximum) to show current signal strength graphically. Now, there is no point having this run once or when you hit a button - that is an option, but it would be nice if it updated itself every, say, 5 seconds with the realtime value. So is there any way to have a process which runs every 5 seconds to do this, while still enabling full functionality of the rest of the script and interface - i.e. as a background process? Comment if you need more extracts from the script.
In Unity-C# scripting, the 'void Update() {code}' will run the code within it every frame while doing everything else simultaneously, so a cocoa-applescript version of this might be an answer, if anyone knows.
I Dont believe this is possible but what I had a similar problem before, what i do, I have an external applescript applicaion that is hidden the repeats the commands, the only problem is, it wont send it back to the app, you'll have to make the external applescript app do it, like
display notification, etc..., in the applescript apps "Info.plist" you can add this:
To make the app run invisibly, but sorry i dont think you can run a handler in the app its self

Is it possible to set dynamic download delay in scrapy?

I know that a constant delay can be set in
however, if I set the delay to 2s it is not efficient enough. If I set the DOWNLOAD_DELAY = 0.
The crawler is able to crawl about 10 pages. after that, the target page will return something like " you are requesting too frequently ".
What I want to do is the keep the download_delay to 0. once the "requesting too frequently" msg is found in the html. it change the delay to 2s. After a while it switch back to zero.
is there any module can do this? or any other better idea to handle such case?
I found that is a extension call AutoThrottle
but is it able to customize some logic like this??
if (requesting too frequently) is found
increase the DOWNLOAD_DELAY
If right after you get anti-spider page, then in 2 seconds you can get data page, then what you are asking probably requires writing a downloader middleware
that checks for anti-spider page, reset all scheduled requests to a renew-queue, start a looping call when spider is idle to get request from the renew-queue, (the looping interval is your hack for a new download delay), and try to decide when the download delay is not necessary again (requires some tests), then stop the looping and reschedule all the requests in renew-queue to scrapy scheduler. You will need to use redis queue in case of distributed crawl.
With download delay set to 0, in my experience throughput can go easily above 1000 items/min. If anti-spider page pops up after 10 responses, then it is not worth the effort.
Instead maybe you can try to find out how fast does your target server allow, may be 1.5s, 1s, 0.7s, 0.5s etc. Then maybe redesign your product takes into consideration the throughput your crawler can achieve.
You can use Auto Throttle extension now. It is turned off by default. You can add these parameters in your project's file to enable it.
# The initial download delay
# The maximum download delay to be set in case of high latencies
# The average number of requests Scrapy should be sending in parallel to
# each remote server
# Enable showing throttling stats for every response received:
Yes, You can use the time module to set the dynamic delay.
import time
for i in range(10):
*** Operations 1****
time.sleep( i )
*** Operations 2****
Now you can see the delay between Operations 1 and Operations 2.
the variable 'i' is in the form of seconds.

jmeter stop current iteration

I am facing the following problem:
I have multiple HTTP Requests in my testplan.
I want every request to be repeated 4 times if they fail.
I realized that with a BeanShell Assertion, and its already working fine.
My problem is, that I don't want requests to be executed if a previous Request failed 5 times,
BUT I also dont want the thread to end.
I just want the current thread iteration to end,
so that the next iteration of the thread can start again with the 1st request (if the thread is meant to be repeated).
How do I realize that within the BeanShell Assertion?
Here is just a short extract of my code where i want the solution to have
badResponseCounter is being increased for every failed try of the request, this seems to work so far. Afterwards, the variable gets resetted.
if (badResponseCounter = 5) {
badResponseCounter = 0;
// Stop current iteration
I already checked the API, methods like setStopTest() or setStopThread() are given, but nothing for quitting the current iteration. I also need the preference "continue" in the thread group, as otherwise the entire test will stop after 1 single request failed.
Any ideas of how to do this?
In my opinion the easiest way is using following combination:
If Controller to check ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} and badResponseCounter variables
Test Action Sampler as a child of If Controller configured to "Go to next loop iteration"
Try this.
if the thread number is 2, i tried to skip. I get the below result as i expected (it does not call b-2). It does not kill the thread either.